Model monitoring user flow#

This page gives an overview of the model monitoring user flow. See complete examples in the tutorials:

In this section:


The model monitoring APIs are configured per project. The APIs are:

Enable model monitoring#

Enable model monitoring for a project with enable_model_monitoring(). The controller runs, by default, every 10 minutes, which is also the minimum interval. You can modify the frequency with the parameter base_period. To change the base_period, call update_model_monitoring_controller.


Log the model with training data#

See the parameter descriptions in log_model(). {Download the pickle file}pickle file <../tutorials/src/model.pkl> used in this example.

model_name = "RandomForestClassifier"

Import, enable monitoring, and deploy the serving function#

Use the v2_model_server serving function from the MLRun function hub.

Add the model to the serving function's routing spec (add_model()), enable monitoring on the serving function (set_tracking()), and then deploy the function (deploy_function()).

The result of this step is that the model-monitoring stream pod writes data to Parquet, by model endpoint. Every base period, the controller checks for new data and if it finds, sends it to the relevant app.

# Import the serving function
serving_fn = import_function(
    "hub://v2_model_server", project=project_name, new_name="serving"

    model_name, model_path=f"store://models/{project_name}/{model_name}:latest"

# enable monitoring on this serving function
serving_fn.set_tracking() = ["scikit-learn"]

# Deploy the serving function

Invoke the model#

Invoke the model function with invoke().

model_name = "RandomForestClassifier"
serving_1 = project.get_function("serving")
for i in range(150):
    # data_point = choice(iris_data)
    data_point = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
        f"v2/models/{model_name}/infer", json.dumps({"inputs": [data_point]})
    sleep(choice([0.01, 0.04]))

After invoking the model, you can see the model endpoints and minimal meta data (for example, last prediction and average latency) in the Models | Model Endpoints page.


You can also see the basic statistics in Grafana.

Register and deploy the model-monitoring app#

The next step is to deploy the model-monitoring job to generate the full meta data. Add the monitoring function to the project using set_model_monitoring_function(). Then, deploy the function using deploy_function().

First download the demo_app.

my_app = project.set_model_monitoring_function(


You can use the MLRun built-in class, EvidentlyModelMonitoringApplicationBase, to integrate Evidently as an MLRun function and create MLRun artifacts. See the Model monitoring and drift detection tutorial.

Invoke the model again#

The controller checks for new datasets every base_period to send to the app. Invoking the model a second time ensures that the previous window closed and therefore the data contains the full monitoring window. The controller checks the Parquet DB every 10 minutes (or higher number, user-configurable), and streams any new data to the app.

model_name = "RandomForestClassifier"
serving_1 = project.get_function("serving")

for i in range(150):
    data_point = choice(iris_data)
    # data_point = [0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5]
        f"v2/models/{model_name}/infer", json.dumps({"inputs": [data_point]})
    sleep(choice([0.01, 0.04]))

Now you can view the application results.


View model monitoring artifacts and drift in Grafana#

Monitoring details:


And drift and operational metrics over time:


All of the Grafana dashboards are described in View model monitoring results in the platform UI and in Grafana.

Batch infer model-monitoring#

You can use the batch function (stored in the function hub) to evaluate data against your logged model without disturbing the model, for example a one-time evaluation of new data.

See more in the model monitoring tutorial.

See also#