Installing MLRun on a Kubernetes Cluster

In this section


  • Access to a Kubernetes cluster. You must have administrator permissions in order to install MLRun on your cluster. For local installation on Windows or Mac, Docker Desktop is recommended. MLRun fully supports k8s releases up to, and including, 1.21.

  • The Kubernetes command-line tool (kubectl) compatible with your Kubernetes cluster is installed. Refer to the kubectl installation instructions for more information.

  • Helm CLI is installed. Refer to the Helm installation instructions for more information.

  • An accessible docker-registry (such as Docker Hub). The registry’s URL and credentials are consumed by the applications via a pre-created secret.


These instructions use mlrun as the namespace (-n parameter). You can choose a different namespace in your kubernetes cluster.

Installing on Docker Desktop

Docker Desktop is available for Mac and Windows. For download information, system requirements, and installation instructions, see:

Configuring Docker Desktop

Docker Desktop includes a standalone Kubernetes server and client, as well as Docker CLI integration that runs on your machine. The Kubernetes server runs locally within your Docker instance. To enable Kubernetes support and install a standalone instance of Kubernetes running as a Docker container, go to Preferences > Kubernetes and then click Enable Kubernetes. Click Apply & Restart to save the settings and then click Install to confirm. This instantiates the images that are required to run the Kubernetes server as containers, and installs the /usr/local/bin/kubectl command on your machine. For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation.

It’s recommended to limit the amount of memory allocated to Kubernetes. If you’re using Windows and WSL 2, you can configure global WSL options by placing a .wslconfig file into the root directory of your users folder: C:\Users\<yourUserName>\.wslconfig. Keep in mind that you might need to run wsl --shutdown to shut down the WSL 2 VM and then restart your WSL instance for these changes to take effect.

memory=8GB # Limits VM memory in WSL 2 to 8 GB

To learn about the various UI options and their usage, see:

Installing the chart

Create a namespace for the deployed components:

kubectl create namespace mlrun

Add the v3io-stable helm chart repo:

helm repo add v3io-stable

Update the repo to make sure you’re getting the latest chart:

helm repo update

Create a secret with your docker-registry named registry-credentials:

kubectl --namespace mlrun create secret docker-registry registry-credentials \
    --docker-server <your-registry-server> \
    --docker-username <your-username> \
    --docker-password <your-password> \
    --docker-email <your-email>


  • <your-registry-server> is your Private Docker Registry FQDN. ( for Docker Hub).

  • <your-username> is your Docker username.

  • <your-password> is your Docker password.

  • <your-email> is your Docker email.


First-time MLRun users will experience a relatively longer installation time because all required images are being pulled locally for the first time (it will take an average of 10-15 minutes mostly depends on your internet speed).

To install the chart with the release name mlrun-kit use the following command. Note the reference to the pre-created registry-credentials secret in global.registry.secretName:

helm --namespace mlrun \
    install mlrun-kit \
    --wait \
    --timeout 960 \
    --set global.registry.url=<registry-url> \
    --set global.registry.secretName=registry-credentials \

Where <registry-url> is the registry URL which can be authenticated by the registry-credentials secret (e.g.,<your-username> for Docker Hub).

Installing on Minikube/VM**

The Open source MLRun kit uses node ports for simplicity. If your Kubernetes cluster is running inside a VM, as is usually the case when using minikube, the Kubernetes services exposed over node ports are not available on your local host interface, but instead, on the virtual machine’s interface. To accommodate for this, use the global.externalHostAddress value on the chart. For example, if you’re using the kit inside a minikube cluster (with some non-empty vm-driver), pass the VM address in the chart installation command as follows:

helm --namespace mlrun \
    install my-mlrun \
    --wait \
    --timeout 960 \
    --set global.registry.url=<registry URL e.g. > \
    --set global.registry.secretName=registry-credentials \
    --set global.externalHostAddress=$(minikube ip) \

Where $(minikube ip) shell command resolving the external node address of the k8s node VM.

Installing Kubeflow

You can run your functions while saving outputs and artifacts in a way that is visible to Kubeflow Pipelines. To use this capability you need to install Kubeflow on your cluster. Refer to the Kubeflow documentation for more information.


Your applications are now available in your local browser:

  • Jupyter-notebook - http://localhost:30040

  • Nuclio - http://localhost:30050

  • MLRun UI - http://localhost:30060

  • MLRun API (external) - http://localhost:30070 (health check via http://localhost:30070/api/healthz)

Check state

You can check current state of installation via command kubectl -n mlrun get pods, where the main information is in columns Ready and State. If all images have already been pulled locally, typically it will take a minute for all services to start.


The above links assume your Kubernetes cluster is exposed on localhost. If that’s not the case, the different components are available on the provided externalHostAddress

  • You can change the ports by providing values to the helm install command.

  • You can add and configure a k8s ingress-controller for better security and control over external access.

Start working

Open Jupyter Lab on jupyter-lab UI and run the code in quick-start.ipynb notebook.


Make sure to save your changes in the data folder within the Jupyter Lab. The root folder and any other folder do not retain the changes when you restart the Jupyter Lab.

Configuring the remote environment

You can use your code on a local machine while running your functions on a remote cluster.


Before you begin, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • The MLRun version installed with the MLRun Kit is the same as the MLRun version on your remote cluster. If needed, upgrade MLRun either in your local installation or on the remote cluster so that they match.

  • You have remote access to your MLRun service (i.e. to the service URL on the remote Kubernetes cluster).

Setting environment variables

Define your MLRun configuration.

  • As a minimum requirement: Set MLRUN_DBPATH to the URL of the remote MLRun database/API service; replace the <...> placeholders to identify your remote target:

    MLRUN_DBPATH=<API endpoint of the MLRun APIs service endpoint; e.g., "">
  • To store the artifacts on the remote server, you need to set the MLRUN_ARTIFACT_PATH to the desired root folder of your artifact. You can use template values in the artifact path. The supported values are:

    • {{project}} to include the project name in the path.

    • {{run.uid}} to include the specific run uid in the artifact path.

    For example:



  • If the remote service is on an instance of the Iguazio MLOps Platform (“the platform”), set the following environment variables as well. Replace the <...> placeholders with the details for your specific platform cluster:

    V3IO_USERNAME=<username of a platform user with access to the MLRun service>
    V3IO_API=<API endpoint of the webapi service endpoint; e.g., "">
    V3IO_ACCESS_KEY=<platform access key>

    You can get the platform access key from the platform dashboard: select the user-profile picture or icon from the top right corner of any page, and select Access Keys from the menu. In the Access Keys dialog, either copy an existing access key or create a new key and copy it. Alternatively, you can get the access key by checking the value of the V3IO_ACCESS_KEY environment variable in a web- shell or Jupyter Notebook service.

Advanced chart configuration

Configurable values are documented in the values.yaml, and the values.yaml of all sub charts. Override those in the normal methods.

Uninstalling the chart

helm --namespace mlrun uninstall mlrun-kit

Terminating pods and hanging resources

This chart generates several persistent volume claims and also provisions an NFS provisioning server, giving persistency (via PVC) out of the box. Because of the persistency of PV/PVC resources, after installing this chart, PVs and PVCs are created. Upon uninstallation, any hanging / terminating pods hold the PVs and PVCs respectively, since those prevent their safe removal. Since pods that are stuck in terminating state seem to be a never-ending plague in k8s, note this, and remember to clean the remaining PVs and PVCs.

Handing stuck-at-terminating pods:

kubectl --namespace mlrun delete pod --force --grace-period=0 <pod-name>

Reclaim dangling persistency resources:


This will result in data loss!

# To list PVCs
kubectl --namespace mlrun get pvc

# To remove a PVC
kubectl --namespace mlrun delete pvc <pvc-name>

# To list PVs
kubectl --namespace mlrun get pv

# To remove a PV
kubectl --namespace mlrun delete pv <pv-name>

# Remove hostpath(s) used for mlrun (and possibly nfs). Those will be created by default under /tmp, and will contain
# your release name, e.g.:
rm -rf /tmp/mlrun-kit-mlrun-kit-mlrun