CI/CD, rolling upgrades, git#

MLRun workflows can run inside the CI system. The most common method is to use the CLI command mlrun project to load the project and run a workflow as part of a code update (e.g. pull request, etc.). The pipeline tasks are executed on the Kubernetes cluster, which is orchestrated by MLRun.

When MLRun is executed inside a GitHub Action or GitLab CI/CD pipeline it detects the environment attributes automatically (e.g. repo, commit id, etc.). In addition, a few environment variables and credentials must be set:

  • MLRUN_DBPATH — url of the MLRun cluster.

  • V3IO_USERNAME — username in the remote Iguazio cluster.

  • V3IO_ACCESS_KEY — access key to the remote Iguazio cluster.

  • GIT_TOKEN or GITHUB_TOKEN — Github/Gitlab API token (set automatically in Github Actions).

  • SLACK_WEBHOOK — optional. Slack API key when using slack notifications.

When the workflow runs inside the Git CI system it reports the pipeline progress and results back into the Git tracking system, similar to:



Using GitHub Actions#

When running using GitHub Actions you need to set the credentials/secrets and add a script under the .github/workflows/ directory, which is executed when the code is commited/pushed.

Example script that is invoked when you add the comment “/run” to your pull request:

name: mlrun-project-workflow
on: [issue_comment]

    if: github.event.issue.pull_request != null && startsWith(github.event.comment.body, '/run')
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Set up Python 3.7
      uses: actions/setup-python@v1
        python-version: '3.7'
        architecture: 'x64'
    - name: Install mlrun
      run: python -m pip install pip install mlrun
    - name: Submit project
      run: python -m mlrun project ./ -w -r main ${CMD:5}
        V3IO_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.V3IO_USERNAME }}
        V3IO_API: ${{ secrets.V3IO_API }}
        V3IO_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ secrets.V3IO_ACCESS_KEY }}
        MLRUN_DBPATH: ${{ secrets.MLRUN_DBPATH }}
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} 
        SLACK_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK }}
        CMD: ${{ github.event.comment.body}}

See the full example in

Using GitLab CI/CD#

When running using GitLab CI/CD you need to set the credentials/secrets and update the script .gitlab-ci.yml directory, which is executed when code is commited/pushed.

Example script that is invoked when you create a pull request (merge requests):

image: mlrun/mlrun

    - python -m mlrun project ./ -w -r ci
    - merge_requests

See the full example in

Using Jenkins Pipeline#

When using Jenkins Pipeline you need to set up the credentials/secrets in Jenkins and and update the script Jenkinsfile in your codebase. You can trigger the Jenkins pipeline either through Jenkins triggers or through the GitHub webhooks.

Example Jenkinesfile that is invoked when you start a Jenkins pipeline (via triggers or GitHub webhooks):

pipeline {
   agent any
    environment {
   stages {
      stage('Audit tools') {
      stage('Build') {
            environment {
            agent {
                docker {
                    image 'mlrun/mlrun:1.1.1'
            steps {
               echo "Building release ${RELEASE} for project ${PROJECT_NAME}..."
               sh 'chmod +x'
               withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'an-api-key', variable: 'API_KEY')]) {
                  sh '''
        stage('Test') {
            steps {
               echo "Testing release ${RELEASE}"
   post {
      success {
         slackSend channel: '#builds',
                   color: 'good',
                   message: "Project ${env.PROJECT_NAME}, success: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}."
      failure {
         slackSend channel: '#builds',
                   color: 'danger',
                   message: "Project ${env.PROJECT_NAME}, FAILED: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}."

void auditTools() {
   sh '''
      git version
      docker version

After the Jenkins pipeline is complete, you can see the MLRun job in the MLRun UI.

See the full example in