Source code for mlrun.runtimes.kubejob

# Copyright 2018 Iguazio
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import time
import typing

from kubernetes import client
from import ApiException

import mlrun.api.schemas
import mlrun.errors
from mlrun.runtimes.base import BaseRuntimeHandler

from ..builder import build_runtime
from ..db import RunDBError
from ..kfpops import build_op
from ..model import RunObject
from ..utils import get_in, logger
from .base import RunError
from .pod import KubeResource, kube_resource_spec_to_pod_spec
from .utils import AsyncLogWriter

[docs]class KubejobRuntime(KubeResource): kind = "job" _is_nested = True _is_remote = True
[docs] def is_deployed(self): """check if the function is deployed (have a valid container)""" if self.spec.image: return True if self._is_remote_api(): db = self._get_db() try: db.get_builder_status(self, logs=False) except Exception: pass if self.spec.image: return True if self.status.state and self.status.state == "ready": return True return False
[docs] def with_source_archive( self, source, workdir=None, handler=None, pull_at_runtime=True ): """load the code from git/tar/zip archive at runtime or build :param source: valid path to git, zip, or tar file, e.g. git:// http://some/url/ :param handler: default function handler :param workdir: working dir relative to the archive root or absolute (e.g. './subdir') :param pull_at_runtime: load the archive into the container at job runtime vs on build/deploy """ = source if handler: self.spec.default_handler = handler if workdir: self.spec.workdir = workdir = pull_at_runtime if ( and not and pull_at_runtime and not self.spec.image ): # if we load source from repo and dont need a full build use the base_image as the image self.spec.image = elif not pull_at_runtime: # clear the image so build will not be skipped = or self.spec.image self.spec.image = ""
[docs] def build_config( self, image="", base_image=None, commands: list = None, secret=None, source=None, extra=None, load_source_on_run=None, with_mlrun=None, auto_build=None, ): """specify builder configuration for the deploy operation :param image: target image name/path :param base_image: base image name/path :param commands: list of docker build (RUN) commands e.g. ['pip install pandas'] :param secret: k8s secret for accessing the docker registry :param source: source git/tar archive to load code from in to the context/workdir e.g. git:// :param extra: extra Dockerfile lines :param load_source_on_run: load the archive code into the container at runtime vs at build time :param with_mlrun: add the current mlrun package to the container build :param auto_build: when set to True and the function require build it will be built on the first function run, use only if you dont plan on changing the build config between runs """ if image: = image if commands: if not isinstance(commands, list): raise ValueError("commands must be a string list") = or [] += commands # using list(set(x)) won't retain order, solution inspired from = list(dict.fromkeys( if extra: = extra if secret: = secret if base_image: = base_image if source: = source if load_source_on_run: = load_source_on_run if with_mlrun is not None: = with_mlrun if auto_build: = auto_build
[docs] def deploy( self, watch=True, with_mlrun=None, skip_deployed=False, is_kfp=False, mlrun_version_specifier=None, builder_env: dict = None, show_on_failure: bool = False, ) -> bool: """deploy function, build container with dependencies :param watch: wait for the deploy to complete (and print build logs) :param with_mlrun: add the current mlrun package to the container build :param skip_deployed: skip the build if we already have an image for the function :param mlrun_version_specifier: which mlrun package version to include (if not current) :param builder_env: Kaniko builder pod env vars dict (for config/credentials) e.g. builder_env={"GIT_TOKEN": token} :param show_on_failure: show logs only in case of build failure :return True if the function is ready (deployed) """ build = # make sure we disable load_on_run mode if the source code is in the image if build.source: build.load_source_on_run = False if with_mlrun is None: if build.with_mlrun is not None: with_mlrun = build.with_mlrun else: with_mlrun = build.base_image and not ( build.base_image.startswith("mlrun/") or "/mlrun/" in build.base_image ) if not build.source and not build.commands and not build.extra and with_mlrun: "running build to add mlrun package, set " "with_mlrun=False to skip if its already in the image" ) self.status.state = "" if build.base_image: # clear the image so build will not be skipped self.spec.image = "" # When we're in pipelines context we must watch otherwise the pipelines pod will exit before the operation # is actually done. (when a pipelines pod exits, the pipeline step marked as done) if is_kfp: watch = True if self._is_remote_api(): db = self._get_db() data = db.remote_builder( self, with_mlrun, mlrun_version_specifier, skip_deployed, builder_env=builder_env, ) self.status = data["data"].get("status", None) self.spec.image = get_in(data, "data.spec.image") ready = data.get("ready", False) if not ready: f"Started building image: {data.get('data', {}).get('spec', {}).get('build', {}).get('image')}" ) if watch and not ready: state = self._build_watch(watch, show_on_failure=show_on_failure) ready = state == "ready" self.status.state = state else: ready = build_runtime( mlrun.api.schemas.AuthInfo(), self, with_mlrun, mlrun_version_specifier, skip_deployed, watch, ) if watch and not ready: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunRuntimeError("Deploy failed") return ready
def _build_watch(self, watch=True, logs=True, show_on_failure=False): db = self._get_db() offset = 0 try: text, _ = db.get_builder_status(self, 0, logs=logs) except RunDBError: raise ValueError("function or build process not found") def print_log(text): if text and (not show_on_failure or self.status.state == "error"): print(text, end="") print_log(text) offset += len(text) if watch: while self.status.state in ["pending", "running"]: time.sleep(2) if show_on_failure: text = "" db.get_builder_status(self, 0, logs=False) if self.status.state == "error": # re-read the full log on failure text, _ = db.get_builder_status(self, offset, logs=logs) else: text, _ = db.get_builder_status(self, offset, logs=logs) print_log(text) offset += len(text) print() return self.status.state
[docs] def builder_status(self, watch=True, logs=True): if self._is_remote_api(): return self._build_watch(watch, logs) else: pod = self.status.build_pod if not self.status.state == "ready" and pod: k8s = self._get_k8s() status = k8s.get_pod_status(pod) if logs: if watch: status = else: resp = k8s.logs(pod) if resp: print(resp.encode()) if status == "succeeded": self.status.build_pod = None self.status.state = "ready""build completed successfully") return "ready" if status in ["failed", "error"]: self.status.state = status logger.error(f" build {status}, watch the build pod logs: {pod}") return status"builder status is: {status}, wait for it to complete") return None
[docs] def deploy_step( self, image=None, base_image=None, commands: list = None, secret_name="", with_mlrun=True, skip_deployed=False, ): function_name = or "function" name = f"deploy_{function_name}" # mark that the function/image is built as part of the pipeline so other places # which use the function will grab the updated image/status self._build_in_pipeline = True return build_op( name, self, image=image, base_image=base_image, commands=commands, secret_name=secret_name, with_mlrun=with_mlrun, skip_deployed=skip_deployed, )
def _run(self, runobj: RunObject, execution): command, args, extra_env = self._get_cmd_args(runobj) if runobj.metadata.iteration: self.store_run(runobj) k8s = self._get_k8s() new_meta = self._get_meta(runobj) self._add_secrets_to_spec_before_running(runobj) workdir = self.spec.workdir if workdir: if and # workdir will be set AFTER the clone workdir = None elif not workdir.startswith("/"): # relative path mapped to real path in the job pod workdir = os.path.join("/mlrun", workdir) pod_spec = func_to_pod( self.full_image_path( client_version=runobj.metadata.labels.get("mlrun/client_version") ), self, extra_env, command, args, workdir, ) pod = client.V1Pod(metadata=new_meta, spec=pod_spec) try: pod_name, namespace = k8s.create_pod(pod) except ApiException as exc: raise RunError(str(exc)) if pod_name and self.kfp: writer = AsyncLogWriter(self._db_conn, runobj) status =, namespace, writer=writer) if status in ["failed", "error"]: raise RunError(f"pod exited with {status}, check logs") else: txt = f"Job is running in the background, pod: {pod_name}" runobj.status.status_text = txt return None
def func_to_pod(image, runtime, extra_env, command, args, workdir): container = client.V1Container( name="base", image=image, env=extra_env + runtime.spec.env, command=[command], args=args, working_dir=workdir, image_pull_policy=runtime.spec.image_pull_policy, volume_mounts=runtime.spec.volume_mounts, resources=runtime.spec.resources, ) pod_spec = kube_resource_spec_to_pod_spec(runtime.spec, container) if runtime.spec.image_pull_secret: pod_spec.image_pull_secrets = [ client.V1LocalObjectReference(name=runtime.spec.image_pull_secret) ] return pod_spec class KubeRuntimeHandler(BaseRuntimeHandler): kind = "job" @staticmethod def _expect_pods_without_uid() -> bool: """ builder pods are handled as part of this runtime handler - they are not coupled to run object, therefore they don't have the uid in their labels """ return True @staticmethod def _are_resources_coupled_to_run_object() -> bool: return True @staticmethod def _get_object_label_selector(object_id: str) -> str: return f"mlrun/uid={object_id}" @staticmethod def _get_possible_mlrun_class_label_values() -> typing.List[str]: return ["build", "job"]