Source code for mlrun.feature_store.steps

# Copyright 2018 Iguazio
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
import uuid
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from storey import MapClass

import mlrun.errors
from mlrun.serving.server import get_event_time
from mlrun.serving.utils import StepToDict
from mlrun.utils import get_in

def get_engine(first_event):
    if hasattr(first_event, "body"):
        first_event = first_event.body
    if isinstance(first_event, pd.DataFrame):
        return "pandas"
    return "storey"

[docs]class MLRunStep(MapClass):
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Abstract class for mlrun step. Can be used in pandas/storey feature set ingestion""" super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def do(self, event): """ This method defines the do method of this class according to the first event type. """ engine = get_engine(event) if engine == "pandas": = self._do_pandas else: = self._do_storey return
def _do_pandas(self, event): raise NotImplementedError def _do_storey(self, event): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class FeaturesetValidator(StepToDict, MLRunStep): """Validate feature values according to the feature set validation policy"""
[docs] def __init__(self, featureset=None, columns=None, name=None, **kwargs): """Validate feature values according to the feature set validation policy :param featureset: feature set uri (or "." for current feature set pipeline) :param columns: names of the columns/fields to validate :param name: step name :param kwargs: optional kwargs (for storey) """ kwargs["full_event"] = True super().__init__(**kwargs) self._validators = {} self.featureset = featureset or "." self.columns = columns = name if not self.context: return self._featureset = self.context.get_store_resource(featureset) for key, feature in self._featureset.spec.features.items(): if feature.validator and (not columns or key in columns): feature.validator.set_feature(feature) self._validators[key] = feature.validator
def _do_storey(self, event): body = event.body for name, validator in self._validators.items(): if name in body: ok, args = validator.check(body[name]) if not ok: message = args.pop("message") key_text = f" key={event.key}" if event.key else "" if event.time: key_text += f" time={event.time}" print( f"{validator.severity}! {name} {message},{key_text} args={args}" ) return event def _do_pandas(self, event): body = event.body for column in body: validator = self._validators.get(column, None) if validator: violations = 0 all_args = [] for i in body.index: # check each body entry if there is validator for it ok, args = validator.check([i, column]) if not ok: violations += 1 all_args.append(args) message = args.pop("message") if violations != 0: text = f" column={column}, has {violations} violations" if event.time: text += f" time={event.time}" print( f"{validator.severity}! {column} {message},{text} args={all_args}" ) return event
[docs]class MapValues(StepToDict, MLRunStep): """Map column values to new values"""
[docs] def __init__( self, mapping: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], with_original_features: bool = False, suffix: str = "mapped", **kwargs, ): """Map column values to new values example:: # replace the value "U" with '0' in the age column{'age': {'U': '0'}}, with_original_features=True)) # replace integers, example{'not': {0: 1, 1: 0}})) # replace by range, use -inf and inf for extended range{'numbers': {'ranges': {'negative': [-inf, 0], 'positive': [0, inf]}}})) :param mapping: a dict with entry per column and the associated old/new values map :param with_original_features: set to True to keep the original features :param suffix: the suffix added to the column name <column>_<suffix> (default is "mapped") :param kwargs: optional kwargs (for storey) """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.mapping = mapping self.with_original_features = with_original_features self.suffix = suffix
def _map_value(self, feature: str, value): feature_map = self.mapping.get(feature, {}) # Is this a range replacement? if "ranges" in feature_map: for val, val_range in feature_map.get("ranges", {}).items(): min_val = val_range[0] if val_range[0] != "-inf" else -np.inf max_val = val_range[1] if val_range[1] != "inf" else np.inf if value >= min_val and value < max_val: return val # Is it a regular replacement return feature_map.get(value, value) def _get_feature_name(self, feature) -> str: return f"{feature}_{self.suffix}" if self.with_original_features else feature def _do_storey(self, event): mapped_values = { self._get_feature_name(feature): self._map_value(feature, val) for feature, val in event.items() if feature in self.mapping } if self.with_original_features: mapped_values.update(event) return mapped_values def _do_pandas(self, event): df = pd.DataFrame(index=event.index) for feature in event.columns: feature_map = self.mapping.get(feature, {}) if "ranges" in feature_map: # create and apply range map for val, val_range in feature_map.get("ranges", {}).items(): min_val = val_range[0] if val_range[0] != "-inf" else -np.inf max_val = val_range[1] if val_range[1] != "inf" else np.inf feature_map["ranges"][val] = [min_val, max_val] matchdf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( feature_map["ranges"], "index" ).reset_index() matchdf.index = pd.IntervalIndex.from_arrays( left=matchdf[0], right=matchdf[1], closed="both" ) df[self._get_feature_name(feature)] = matchdf.loc[event[feature]][ "index" ].values elif feature_map: # create and apply simple map df[self._get_feature_name(feature)] = event[feature].map( lambda x: feature_map[x] ) if self.with_original_features: df = pd.concat([event, df], axis=1) return df
[docs]class Imputer(StepToDict, MLRunStep):
[docs] def __init__( self, method: str = "avg", default_value=None, mapping: Dict[str, Any] = None, **kwargs, ): """Replace None values with default values :param method: for future use :param default_value: default value if not specified per column :param mapping: a dict of per column default value :param kwargs: optional kwargs (for storey) """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.mapping = mapping self.method = method self.default_value = default_value
def _impute(self, feature: str, value): if value is None: return self.mapping.get(feature, self.default_value) return value def _do_storey(self, event): imputed_values = { feature: self._impute(feature, val) for feature, val in event.items() } return imputed_values def _do_pandas(self, event): for feature in event.columns: val = self.mapping.get(feature, self.default_value) if val is not None: event[feature].fillna(val, inplace=True) return event
[docs]class OneHotEncoder(StepToDict, MLRunStep):
[docs] def __init__(self, mapping: Dict[str, List[Union[int, str]]], **kwargs): """Create new binary fields, one per category (one hot encoded) example:: mapping = {'category': ['food', 'health', 'transportation'], 'gender': ['male', 'female']} :param mapping: a dict of per column categories (to map to binary fields) :param kwargs: optional kwargs (for storey) """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.mapping = mapping for key, values in mapping.items(): for val in values: if not (isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, (int, np.integer))): raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "For OneHotEncoder you must provide int or string mapping list" ) mapping[key] = list(set(values))
def _encode(self, feature: str, value): encoding = self.mapping.get(feature, []) if encoding: one_hot_encoding = { f"{feature}_{OneHotEncoder._sanitized_category(category)}": 0 for category in encoding } if value in encoding: one_hot_encoding[ f"{feature}_{OneHotEncoder._sanitized_category(value)}" ] = 1 else: print(f"Warning, {value} is not a known value by the encoding") return one_hot_encoding return {feature: value} def _do_storey(self, event): encoded_values = {} for feature, val in event.items(): encoded_values.update(self._encode(feature, val)) return encoded_values def _do_pandas(self, event): for key, values in self.mapping.items(): event[key] = pd.Categorical(event[key], categories=list(values)) encoded = pd.get_dummies(event[key], prefix=key, dtype=np.int64) event = pd.concat([event.loc[:, :key], encoded, event.loc[:, key:]], axis=1) event.drop(columns=list(self.mapping.keys()), inplace=True) return event @staticmethod def _sanitized_category(category): # replace(" " and "-") -> "_" if isinstance(category, str): return re.sub("[ -]", "_", category) return category
[docs]class DateExtractor(StepToDict, MLRunStep): """Date Extractor allows you to extract a date-time component"""
[docs] def __init__( self, parts: Union[Dict[str, str], List[str]], timestamp_col: str = None, **kwargs, ): """Date Extractor extract a date-time component into new columns The extracted date part will appear as `<timestamp_col>_<date_part>` feature. Supports part values: * asm8: Return numpy datetime64 format in nanoseconds. * day_of_week: Return day of the week. * day_of_year: Return the day of the year. * dayofweek: Return day of the week. * dayofyear: Return the day of the year. * days_in_month: Return the number of days in the month. * daysinmonth: Return the number of days in the month. * freqstr: Return the total number of days in the month. * is_leap_year: Return True if year is a leap year. * is_month_end: Return True if date is last day of month. * is_month_start: Return True if date is first day of month. * is_quarter_end: Return True if date is last day of the quarter. * is_quarter_start: Return True if date is first day of the quarter. * is_year_end: Return True if date is last day of the year. * is_year_start: Return True if date is first day of the year. * quarter: Return the quarter of the year. * tz: Alias for tzinfo. * week: Return the week number of the year. * weekofyear: Return the week number of the year. example:: # (taken from the fraud-detection end-to-end feature store demo) # Define the Transactions FeatureSet transaction_set = fs.FeatureSet("transactions", entities=[fs.Entity("source")], timestamp_key='timestamp', description="transactions feature set") # Get FeatureSet computation graph transaction_graph = transaction_set.graph # Add the custom `DateExtractor` step # to the computation graph class_name='DateExtractor', name='Extract Dates', parts = ['hour', 'day_of_week'], timestamp_col = 'timestamp', ) :param parts: list of pandas style date-time parts you want to extract. :param timestamp_col: The name of the column containing the timestamps to extract from, by default "timestamp" """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.timestamp_col = timestamp_col = parts
def _get_key_name(self, part: str, timestamp_col: str): timestamp_col = timestamp_col if timestamp_col else "timestamp" return f"{timestamp_col}_{part}" def _extract_timestamp(self, event): # Extract timestamp if self.timestamp_col is None: timestamp = event["timestamp"] else: try: timestamp = event[self.timestamp_col] except KeyError: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( f"{self.timestamp_col} does not exist in the event" ) return timestamp def _do_storey(self, event): timestamp = self._extract_timestamp(event) # Extract specified parts timestamp = pd.Timestamp(timestamp) for part in # Extract part extracted_part = getattr(timestamp, part) # Add to event event[self._get_key_name(part, self.timestamp_col)] = extracted_part return event def _do_pandas(self, event): timestamp = self._extract_timestamp(event) # Extract specified parts for part in # Extract part and add it to event event[self._get_key_name(part, self.timestamp_col)] = lambda x: getattr(pd.Timestamp(x), part) ) return event
[docs]class SetEventMetadata(MapClass): """Set the event metadata (id, key, timestamp) from the event body"""
[docs] def __init__( self, id_path: str = None, key_path: str = None, time_path: str = None, random_id: bool = None, **kwargs, ): """Set the event metadata (id, key, timestamp) from the event body set the event metadata fields (id, key, and time) from the event body data structure the xx_path attribute defines the key or path to the value in the body dict, "." in the path string indicate the value is in a nested dict e.g. `"x.y"` means `{"x": {"y": value}}` example:: flow = function.set_topology("flow") # build a graph and use the SetEventMetadata step to extract the id, key and path from the event body # ("myid", "mykey" and "mytime" fields), the metadata will be used for following data processing steps # (e.g. feature store ops, time/key aggregations, write to databases/streams, etc.)"myid", key_path="mykey", time_path="mytime")) .to(...) # additional steps server = function.to_mock_server() event = {"myid": "34", "mykey": "123", "mytime": "2022-01-18 15:01"} resp = server.test(body=event) :param id_path: path to the id value :param key_path: path to the key value :param time_path: path to the time value (value should be of type str or datetime) :param random_id: if True will set the to a random value """ kwargs["full_event"] = True super().__init__(**kwargs) self.id_path = id_path self.key_path = key_path self.time_path = time_path self.random_id = random_id self._tagging_funcs = []
def post_init(self, mode="sync"): def add_metadata(name, path, operator=str): def _add_meta(event): value = get_in(event.body, path) setattr(event, name, operator(value)) return _add_meta def set_random_id(event): = uuid.uuid4().hex self._tagging_funcs = [] if self.id_path: self._tagging_funcs.append(add_metadata("id", self.id_path)) if self.key_path: self._tagging_funcs.append(add_metadata("key", self.key_path)) if self.time_path: self._tagging_funcs.append( add_metadata("time", self.time_path, get_event_time) ) if self.random_id: self._tagging_funcs.append(set_random_id) def do(self, event): for func in self._tagging_funcs: func(event) return event
[docs]class DropFeatures(StepToDict, MLRunStep):
[docs] def __init__(self, features: List[str], **kwargs): """Drop all the features from feature list :param features: string list of the features names to drop example:: feature_set = fs.FeatureSet("fs-new", entities=[fs.Entity("id")], description="feature set", engine="pandas", ) # Pre-processing grpah steps["age"])) df_pandas = fs.ingest(feature_set, data) """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.features = features
def _do_storey(self, event): for feature in self.features: try: del event[feature] except KeyError: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( f"The ingesting data doesn't contain a feature named '{feature}'" ) return event def _do_pandas(self, event): return event.drop(columns=self.features)