Part 3: Serving#

In this part you use MLRun’s serving runtime to deploy your trained models from the previous stage, a Voting Ensemble using max vote logic. You also use MLRun’s Feature store to receive the latest tag of the online Feature Vector you defined in the previous stage.

By the end of this tutorial you’ll learn how to:

  • Define a model class to load your models, run preprocessing, and predict on the data

  • Define a Voting Ensemble function on top of your models

  • Test the serving function locally using your mock server

  • Deploy the function to the cluster and test it live

Environment setup#

First, make sure SciKit-Learn is installed in the correct version:

!pip install -U scikit-learn
Requirement already satisfied: scikit-learn in /conda/envs/mlrun-extended/lib/python3.9/site-packages (1.2.1)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.17.3 in /conda/envs/mlrun-extended/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from scikit-learn) (1.22.4)
Requirement already satisfied: joblib>=1.1.1 in /conda/envs/mlrun-extended/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from scikit-learn) (1.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: threadpoolctl>=2.0.0 in /conda/envs/mlrun-extended/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from scikit-learn) (3.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=1.3.2 in /conda/envs/mlrun-extended/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from scikit-learn) (1.10.0)

Restart your kernel post installing. Since your work is done in this project scope, you should define the project itself for all your MLRun work in this notebook.

project_name = "fraud-demo"
import mlrun

# Initialize the MLRun project object
project = mlrun.get_or_create_project(project_name, context="./", user_project=True)
> 2023-02-15 14:48:31,777 [info] loaded project fraud-demo from MLRun DB

Define model class#

  • Load models

  • Predict from the feature store online service via the source key

# mlrun: start-code
import numpy as np
from cloudpickle import load
from mlrun.serving.v2_serving import V2ModelServer

class ClassifierModel(V2ModelServer):
    def load(self):
        """load and initialize the model and/or other elements"""
        model_file, extra_data = self.get_model(".pkl")
        self.model = load(open(model_file, "rb"))

    def predict(self, body: dict) -> list:
        """Generate model predictions from sample"""
        print(f"Input -> {body['inputs']}")
        feats = np.asarray(body["inputs"])
        result: np.ndarray = self.model.predict(feats)
        return result.tolist()
# mlrun: end-code

Define a serving function#

MLRun serving can produce managed real-time serverless pipelines from various tasks, including MLRun models or standard model files. The pipelines use the Nuclio real-time serverless engine, which can be deployed anywhere. Nuclio is a high-performance open-source serverless framework that’s focused on data, I/O, and compute-intensive workloads.

The EnrichmentVotingEnsemble and the EnrichmentModelRouter router classes auto-enrich the request with data from the feature store. The router input accepts a list of inference requests (each request can be a dict or list of incoming features/keys). It enriches the request with data from the specified feature vector (feature_vector_uri).

In many cases the features can have null values (None, NaN, Inf, …). The Enrichment routers can substitute the null value with fixed or statistical value per feature. This is done through the impute_policy parameter, which accepts the impute policy per feature (where * is used to specify the default). The value can be a fixed number for constants or $mean, $max, $min, $std, $count for statistical values, to substitute the value with the equivalent feature stats (taken from the feature store).

The following code achieves:

  • Gather ClassifierModel code from this notebook

  • Define EnrichmentVotingEnsemble - Max-Vote based ensemble with feature enrichment and imputing

  • Add the previously trained models to the ensemble

# Create the serving function from your code above
serving_fn = mlrun.code_to_function(
    "transaction-fraud", kind="serving", image="mlrun/mlrun"

    impute_policy={"*": "$mean"},

model_names = [

for i, name in enumerate(model_names, start=1):

# Plot the ensemble configuration

Test the server locally#

Before deploying the serving function, you can test it in the current notebook and check the model output.

# Create a mock server from the serving function
local_server = serving_fn.to_mock_server()
> 2023-02-15 14:48:36,438 [info] model transaction_fraud_rf was loaded
> 2023-02-15 14:48:36,482 [info] model transaction_fraud_xgboost was loaded
> 2023-02-15 14:48:36,520 [info] model transaction_fraud_adaboost was loaded
# Choose an id for your test
sample_id = "C1000148617"

model_inference_path = "/v2/models/infer"

# Send your sample ID for prediction
local_server.test(path=model_inference_path, body={"inputs": [[sample_id]]})

# notice the input vector is printed 3 times (once per child model) and is enriched with data from the feature store
Input -> [[60.98, 73.78999999999999, 2.0, 36.894999999999996, 134.16, 1037.48, 32.0, 32.42125, 143.87, 1861.8400000000001, 59.0, 31.556610169491528, 90.0, 1.0, 2.0]]
Input -> [[60.98, 73.78999999999999, 2.0, 36.894999999999996, 134.16, 1037.48, 32.0, 32.42125, 143.87, 1861.8400000000001, 59.0, 31.556610169491528, 90.0, 1.0, 2.0]]Input -> [[60.98, 73.78999999999999, 2.0, 36.894999999999996, 134.16, 1037.48, 32.0, 32.42125, 143.87, 1861.8400000000001, 59.0, 31.556610169491528, 90.0, 1.0, 2.0]]
X does not have valid feature names, but RandomForestClassifier was fitted with feature names
X does not have valid feature names, but AdaBoostClassifier was fitted with feature names
X does not have valid feature names, but GradientBoostingClassifier was fitted with feature names
{'id': '5237524f362a47b78828d9d7f7f87d9a',
 'model_name': 'VotingEnsemble',
 'outputs': [0],
 'model_version': 'v1'}

Accessing the real-time feature vector directly#

You can also directly query the feature store values using the get_online_feature_service method. This method is used internally in the EnrichmentVotingEnsemble router class.

import mlrun.feature_store as fstore

# Create the online feature service
svc = fstore.get_online_feature_service(
    "transactions-fraud-short:latest", impute_policy={"*": "$mean"}

# Get sample feature vector
sample_fv = svc.get([{"source": sample_id}])
[{'amount_max_2h': 60.98,
  'amount_max_12h': 134.16,
  'amount_max_24h': 143.87,
  'amount_sum_2h': 73.78999999999999,
  'amount_sum_12h': 1037.48,
  'amount_sum_24h': 1861.8400000000001,
  'amount_count_2h': 2.0,
  'amount_count_12h': 32.0,
  'amount_count_24h': 59.0,
  'es_transportation_sum_14d': 90.0,
  'es_health_sum_14d': 1.0,
  'es_otherservices_sum_14d': 2.0,
  'amount_avg_2h': 36.894999999999996,
  'amount_avg_12h': 32.42125,
  'amount_avg_24h': 31.556610169491528}]

Deploying the function on the Kubernetes cluster#

You can now deploy the function. Once deployed, you get a function with http trigger that can be called from other locations.

import os

# Enable model monitoring

# Deploy the serving function
> 2023-02-15 14:48:36,931 [info] Starting remote function deploy
2023-02-15 14:48:39  (info) Deploying function
2023-02-15 14:48:39  (info) Building
2023-02-15 14:48:39  (info) Staging files and preparing base images
2023-02-15 14:48:39  (info) Building processor image
2023-02-15 14:50:15  (info) Build complete
2023-02-15 14:51:05  (info) Function deploy complete
> 2023-02-15 14:51:05,648 [info] successfully deployed function: {'internal_invocation_urls': ['nuclio-fraud-demo-dani-transaction-fraud.default-tenant.svc.cluster.local:8080'], 'external_invocation_urls': ['']}

Test the server#

You can test the serving function and examine the model output.

# Choose an id for your test
sample_id = "C1000148617"

model_inference_path = "/v2/models/infer"

# Send your sample ID for prediction
serving_fn.invoke(path=model_inference_path, body={"inputs": [[sample_id]]})
> 2023-02-15 14:51:05,714 [info] invoking function: {'method': 'POST', 'path': 'http://nuclio-fraud-demo-dani-transaction-fraud.default-tenant.svc.cluster.local:8080/v2/models/infer'}
{'id': 'c34706e4-f1c8-4aff-b226-020c2cad7e4a',
 'model_name': 'VotingEnsemble',
 'outputs': [0],
 'model_version': 'v1'}

You can also directly query the feature store values, which are used in the enrichment.

Simulate incoming data#

# Load the dataset
data = mlrun.get_dataitem(

# use only first 10k
data = data.sort_values(by="source", axis=0)[:10000]

# keys
sample_ids = data["source"].to_list()
from random import choice, uniform
from time import sleep

# Sending random requests
for _ in range(10):
    data_point = choice(sample_ids)
        resp = serving_fn.invoke(
            path=model_inference_path, body={"inputs": [[data_point]]}
        sleep(uniform(0.2, 1.7))
    except OSError:
> 2023-02-15 14:51:47,845 [info] invoking function: {'method': 'POST', 'path': 'http://nuclio-fraud-demo-dani-transaction-fraud.default-tenant.svc.cluster.local:8080/v2/models/infer'}
{'id': 'f09841c5-4427-4ea1-95a9-723bb09349bb', 'model_name': 'VotingEnsemble', 'outputs': [0], 'model_version': 'v1'}
> 2023-02-15 14:51:49,373 [info] invoking function: {'method': 'POST', 'path': 'http://nuclio-fraud-demo-dani-transaction-fraud.default-tenant.svc.cluster.local:8080/v2/models/infer'}
{'id': 'd8dd6ca2-d448-4953-aa84-1414f6274f91', 'model_name': 'VotingEnsemble', 'outputs': [0], 'model_version': 'v1'}
> 2023-02-15 14:51:49,725 [info] invoking function: {'method': 'POST', 'path': 'http://nuclio-fraud-demo-dani-transaction-fraud.default-tenant.svc.cluster.local:8080/v2/models/infer'}
{'id': '8aa2c1cb-5fdf-49e7-9b30-15c4b606bbe2', 'model_name': 'VotingEnsemble', 'outputs': [0], 'model_version': 'v1'}
> 2023-02-15 14:51:50,581 [info] invoking function: {'method': 'POST', 'path': 'http://nuclio-fraud-demo-dani-transaction-fraud.default-tenant.svc.cluster.local:8080/v2/models/infer'}
{'id': '4357ee2a-c0ca-476d-a04c-add47487391a', 'model_name': 'VotingEnsemble', 'outputs': [0], 'model_version': 'v1'}
> 2023-02-15 14:51:51,542 [info] invoking function: {'method': 'POST', 'path': 'http://nuclio-fraud-demo-dani-transaction-fraud.default-tenant.svc.cluster.local:8080/v2/models/infer'}
{'id': '324c5938-82b5-4a68-b61b-204530e4b8c9', 'model_name': 'VotingEnsemble', 'outputs': [0], 'model_version': 'v1'}
> 2023-02-15 14:51:52,476 [info] invoking function: {'method': 'POST', 'path': 'http://nuclio-fraud-demo-dani-transaction-fraud.default-tenant.svc.cluster.local:8080/v2/models/infer'}
{'id': '523c8e5c-ab91-4c8b-83d1-3d57cfa7a5cd', 'model_name': 'VotingEnsemble', 'outputs': [0], 'model_version': 'v1'}
> 2023-02-15 14:51:53,067 [info] invoking function: {'method': 'POST', 'path': 'http://nuclio-fraud-demo-dani-transaction-fraud.default-tenant.svc.cluster.local:8080/v2/models/infer'}
{'id': '3a03000a-9223-4304-948b-66b3651a38de', 'model_name': 'VotingEnsemble', 'outputs': [0], 'model_version': 'v1'}
> 2023-02-15 14:51:53,662 [info] invoking function: {'method': 'POST', 'path': 'http://nuclio-fraud-demo-dani-transaction-fraud.default-tenant.svc.cluster.local:8080/v2/models/infer'}
{'id': 'b65943ac-ffbe-4ab9-b209-36611ca2c6cb', 'model_name': 'VotingEnsemble', 'outputs': [0], 'model_version': 'v1'}
> 2023-02-15 14:51:54,543 [info] invoking function: {'method': 'POST', 'path': 'http://nuclio-fraud-demo-dani-transaction-fraud.default-tenant.svc.cluster.local:8080/v2/models/infer'}
{'id': '85791d18-e959-46e6-ae5f-cdc901c2dce3', 'model_name': 'VotingEnsemble', 'outputs': [0], 'model_version': 'v1'}
> 2023-02-15 14:51:54,972 [info] invoking function: {'method': 'POST', 'path': 'http://nuclio-fraud-demo-dani-transaction-fraud.default-tenant.svc.cluster.local:8080/v2/models/infer'}
{'id': '73d49f78-0f0d-4a4f-a905-61d4fed44cba', 'model_name': 'VotingEnsemble', 'outputs': [0], 'model_version': 'v1'}


You’ve completed Part 3 of the deploying the serving function. Proceed to Part 4 to learn how to automate ML Pipeline.