Create a project using a Git source#

This example shows how to create a project in MLRun for CI/CD automation based on a remote source, in this case Git. The process is equivalent to using tar.gz, zip archive files. This example assumes you have functions that are ready to run, and that you already cloned the files to your local file system.

The flow covers these steps to create a CI/CD project in MLRun:

  1. Before you start

  2. Creating a project

  3. Setting a project source: remote or archive

  4. Setting and running functions using Git source code

  5. Setting a workflow

  6. Running a workflow using a Git source

  7. Setting and registering the project artifacts

  8. Creating and saving the project YAML

  9. Creating and pushing changes to your Git repo or archive file

Before you start#

Install MLRun. If MLRun is not installed use pip install mlrun==<mlrun server version> or
sh (the default MLRun installer that automatically installs the server version).

import mlrun

Before running this notebook, clone the Git repo to your local machine.

# delete the clone folder if exists
!rm -rf ./clone
# clone the repo to your local machine
!git clone ./clone
Cloning into './clone'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 209, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (209/209), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (150/150), done.
remote: Total 209 (delta 118), reused 129 (delta 53), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (209/209), 162.20 KiB | 1.65 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (118/118), done.

Creating a project#

# Create a new project or load it from DB
project = mlrun.get_or_create_project(name="new-ci-cd-proj", context="./clone")
> 2023-05-17 09:04:46,772 [info] loaded project new-ci-cd-proj from MLRun DB

or for loading from a private repo:

# project = mlrun.get_or_create_project(name='new-ci-cd-proj',context='./',init_git=True,secrets={"GIT_TOKEN":<github-token>})

See more details in get_or_create_project and Working with secrets.

When you create a new project, MLRun creates a light project YAML, for example:

kind: project
  name: new-ci-cd-proj
  created: '2022-06-30T09:41:05.612000'
  functions: []
  workflows: []
  artifacts: []
  desired_state: online
  state: online

As you proceed, more information (project metadata) is added to the project YAML.

Setting a project source, either remote or archive#

Define the project source, and optionally pull_at_runtime flag value, and the project working dir, and add them to the project.yaml by using the set_source method.
To copy these values also to the functions spec, set with_repo=True in the project.set_function method.

  • If pull_at_runtime=True MLRun loads the git/archive repo into the function container at run time and does not require a build. (This is simpler when developing, for production it’s preferable to build the image with the code.)

  • If pull_at_runtime is not set to True, you need to deploy the functions (with function.deploy()) to build a container.

See more about pull_at_runtime in Loading the code from container vs. loading the code at runtime.
See also KubejobRuntime.with_source_archive and RemoteRuntime.with_source_archive.

# Add the git branch or references to the source e.g.: 'git://url/org/repo.git#<branch-name or refs/heads/.. or refs/tags/..>`.
source = "git://"
# Set the project source
project.set_source(source=source, pull_at_runtime=True)

Setting and running functions using Git source code#

This section describes: fetching the data; running the function; training the model using the fetched data; and serving the function.

The code source files are usually stored under a folder named ./src in the project context,
for example: ./project-context/src/

Setting the project’s functions#

To set the function’s definitions, use the set_function method. This sets the function’s metadata in the project YAML, for example: function source (YAML, py, ipynb, function object), name of the function, function handler, function image, function kind, and function requirements.

See more details in set_function.

Fetching the function’s data#

Tip: Using tags

This example includes a tag value that is used as the Git tag for the release after completing the development. The tag must be added manually to the function. (This tag is internal to MLRun and is not taken from Git.)

# Set data_fetch function to the project.yaml file
<mlrun.runtimes.kubejob.KubejobRuntime at 0x7f08d7a1ae50>

Running the function#

After you set the function in the project, get the function object with the get_function method.

Tip: Change the function spec with get_function

You can use the get_function method to change the function spec. For example, if you
change the function resources and then run the function, it runs with those changes and the changes are stored in the project object cache:

  data_fetch_func = mlrun.get_function('data-fetch')
  data_fetch_run = project.run_function('data-fetch')

Run the function using the run_function method both to run jobs locally and remotely on the runtime/cluster. If there are any requirements, you need to build a new image before you run a function. See more details in Build function image.

Running the function locally#

First, run the function using the code files from your project context folder on your local file system, for debugging the function. Once you are satisfied, continue with Running the function remotely on your cluster.

To run the code locally, use local=True.

data_fetch_run = project.run_function(
    function="data-fetch", returns=["train-dataset", "test-dataset"], local=True
> 2023-05-17 09:04:46,993 [info] Storing function: {'name': 'data-fetch-data-fetch', 'uid': 'a6e5cc8f573e41f6ae6ef1c049b6e50a', 'db': 'http://mlrun-api:8080'}
project uid iter start state name labels inputs parameters results artifacts
new-ci-cd-proj-shapira 0 May 17 09:04:47 completed data-fetch-data-fetch

> to track results use the .show() or .logs() methods or click here to open in UI
> 2023-05-17 09:04:50,355 [info] run executed, status=completed: {'name': 'data-fetch-data-fetch'}

Running the function remotely on your cluster#

Tip: Using a relative handler

If your code is saved to your remote source, you can run the function from a remote source by adding with_repo=True. You can also specify a relative handler (folder_name.file_name.function_handler) to point to the python code file. (This paradigm does not support running functions in local.)

      image=\"mlrun/mlrun\", kind=\"job\",with_repo=True

Use the code files from the remote project source (local=False).

data_fetch_run = project.run_function(
    function="data-fetch", returns=["train-dataset", "test-dataset"], local=False
> 2023-05-17 09:04:50,395 [info] Storing function: {'name': 'data-fetch-data-fetch', 'uid': '860b9700cd3f4724a0669cb7c9732beb', 'db': 'http://mlrun-api:8080'}
> 2023-05-17 09:04:50,649 [info] Job is running in the background, pod: data-fetch-data-fetch-qd874
final state: completed
project uid iter start state name labels inputs parameters results artifacts
new-ci-cd-proj-shapira 0 May 17 09:04:54 completed data-fetch-data-fetch

> to track results use the .show() or .logs() methods or click here to open in UI
> 2023-05-17 09:05:03,834 [info] run executed, status=completed: {'name': 'data-fetch-data-fetch'}
{'train-dataset': 'store://artifacts/new-ci-cd-proj-shapira/data-fetch-data-fetch_train-dataset:860b9700cd3f4724a0669cb7c9732beb',
 'test-dataset': 'store://artifacts/new-ci-cd-proj-shapira/data-fetch-data-fetch_test-dataset:860b9700cd3f4724a0669cb7c9732beb'}
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 label
14 0.655400 1.357176 -0.380252 2.236612 0.102893 -0.038678 0.101061 1.555770 1.116734 0.146883 ... -2.132336 0.739735 0.452615 0.299427 0.683967 -0.089078 0.609046 -0.895865 -0.578405 1
27 0.834107 0.572216 -0.872751 0.519342 -1.101798 0.259935 0.398852 -0.299485 0.821154 0.018271 ... -1.634293 -0.618584 1.354337 -1.136238 1.248243 -0.593805 0.266741 1.180665 1.212383 1
79 -2.040370 3.446461 -0.269668 -0.875862 1.347329 1.412033 0.764714 2.161531 0.390874 -0.900138 ... -0.904111 2.640541 -2.483898 -1.619484 -3.676358 0.704040 -3.192003 1.669527 0.782062 1

3 rows × 21 columns

Training the model#

<mlrun.runtimes.kubejob.KubejobRuntime at 0x7f089febf8d0>
train_run = project.run_function(
        "train_data": data_fetch_run.outputs["train-dataset"],
        "test_data": data_fetch_run.outputs["test-dataset"],
> 2023-05-17 09:05:04,113 [info] Storing function: {'name': 'train-train', 'uid': '423d664e6e684b1fb9acc9e62189d5b4', 'db': 'http://mlrun-api:8080'}
> 2023-05-17 09:05:04,362 [info] Job is running in the background, pod: train-train-7z8z8
final state: completed
project uid iter start state name labels inputs parameters results artifacts
new-ci-cd-proj-shapira 0 May 17 09:05:08 completed train-train

> to track results use the .show() or .logs() methods or click here to open in UI
> 2023-05-17 09:05:25,610 [info] run executed, status=completed: {'name': 'train-train'}

Serving the function#

# Create a serving function object
serving = mlrun.new_function(
    name="serving", kind="serving", image="mlrun/mlrun", tag="v4"

# Add a model to the model serving function object

# Plot the serving graph
# Save the function spec into a .yaml file and register it in the project
project.set_function(func="./function_spec/serving.yaml", name="serving")
> 2023-05-17 09:05:25,815 [info] function spec saved to path: ././clone/function_spec/serving.yaml
<mlrun.runtimes.serving.ServingRuntime at 0x7f08a0056150>

CI/CD configuration considerations

  • When creating a serving function, the function spec contains metadata of the function steps or the serving function models. Therefore, you need to create a function.yaml file by using the export method that exports the function object to a yaml file (that is saved in the function_spec folder). Then set the function with this yaml file. This approach saves all of the function spec for future deployments. (If you don’t set the function yaml, you’ll need to set the function steps or models to the function when loading the project.) For example:

     <function object>.export('./function_spec/model_training.yaml')
  • Additionally, if you want to change the default function spec values, e.g. resources, node-selector and more, and want to make this change constant, you need to create a yaml function file and use the yaml function in the set_function method.

  • When setting a nuclio function, the function handler is a combination of the file_name::function_handler, for example:     project.set_function(name='nuclio',handler='multi:multi_3',kind='nuclio',image='mlrun/mlrun',with_repo=True)   

To deploy a remote function, e.g. serving and nuclio kinds, use the deploy_function method.

# Serve the function
serving_func = project.deploy_function(
            "key": "model",
            "model_path": train_run.outputs["model"],
            "class_name": "mlrun.frameworks.sklearn.SklearnModelServer",
> 2023-05-17 09:05:25,839 [info] Starting remote function deploy
2023-05-17 09:05:26  (info) Deploying function
2023-05-17 09:05:26  (info) Building
2023-05-17 09:05:26  (info) Staging files and preparing base images
2023-05-17 09:05:26  (info) Building processor image
2023-05-17 09:06:26  (info) Build complete
2023-05-17 09:06:34  (info) Function deploy complete
> 2023-05-17 09:06:37,264 [info] successfully deployed function: {'internal_invocation_urls': ['nuclio-new-ci-cd-proj-shapira-serving-v3.default-tenant.svc.cluster.local:8080'], 'external_invocation_urls': ['']}
my_data = """{"inputs":[[-0.60150011,  0.51150308,  0.25701239, -1.51777297, -1.82961288,
         0.22983693, -0.40761625,  0.82325082,  1.1779216 ,  1.08424275,
        -0.7031145 , -0.40608979, -0.36305977,  1.28075006,  0.94445967,
         1.19105828,  1.93498414,  0.69911167,  0.50759757,  0.91565635]]}"""
serving_func.function.invoke("/", my_data)
> 2023-05-17 09:06:37,342 [info] invoking function: {'method': 'POST', 'path': 'http://nuclio-new-ci-cd-proj-shapira-serving-v3.default-tenant.svc.cluster.local:8080/'}
{'id': '8ca4f4ef-7765-4d50-8a43-1e77a15e433f',
 'model_name': 'model',
 'outputs': [1]}

Setting a workflow#

After you completed developing your functions (in this example: data_fetch, training, and serving), continue with creating a workflow that runs those functions serially. For more information about workflows and an example of a file, see Build and run workflows/pipelines.

To set a workflow to a project, use the set_workflow method. This method adds or updates a workflow, and specifies a name and the code path in the project.yaml file

This example adds a workflow named main that points to a file located in
./< project-context >/src/

project.set_workflow("main", "./src/")

Running a workflow using a Git source#

To run the workflow, use the run method. With run you can run a workflow or schedule a workflow using kubeflow pipelines by specifying the workflow name or the workflow file path.

To specify running remote, use remote:local or remote:kfp.

# Run the workflow named main and wait for pipeline completion (watch=True)"main", watch=True, engine="remote:kfp")
Pipeline running (id=626a345a-b67f-4eb0-9a3b-4850185ada10), click here to view the details in MLRun UI

Run Results

[info] Workflow 626a345a-b67f-4eb0-9a3b-4850185ada10 finished, state=Succeeded

click the hyper links below to see detailed results
uid start state name parameters results
May 17 09:07:23 completed train
May 17 09:06:53 completed data-fetch

Running a scheduled workflow#

For more information about scheduling workflows, see Scheduled jobs and workflows."main", schedule="0 * * * *")
> 2023-05-17 09:09:34,482 [warning] WARNING!, you seem to have uncommitted git changes, use .push()
> 2023-05-17 09:09:34,485 [info] executing workflow scheduling 'workflow-runner-main' remotely with kfp engine
> 2023-05-17 09:09:34,489 [info] Storing function: {'name': 'main', 'uid': '88a2eecd5cd14c339529f2c7ced3a011', 'db': 'http://mlrun-api:8080'}
> 2023-05-17 09:09:34,854 [info] task schedule modified: {'schedule': '0 * * * *', 'project': 'new-ci-cd-proj-shapira', 'name': 'main'}

Setting and registering the project artifacts#

To register artifacts to a project, use the set_artifact method. By adding/setting an artifact in the project spec, they are registered upon loading the project. In general, use this method when you want to register an artifact when loading a project, for example:

  • You developed a model artifact in the development system and you want to use this model file in production.

  • There are artifacts you want to register by default when you load or create a project.

Registering artifacts in multiple environments

To register artifacts in multiple environments, for example dev and production, you must upload your artifacts to a remote storage e.g. S3. You can change your project artifact path using the MLRun UI or MLRun, for example:

# get the model object to register
model_obj = project.get_artifact("model")
# print a target path
# print model file
# register the model artifact to the project

Artifact types

By default, the artifact type is equal to mlrun.artifacts.Artifact(). To specify different types, use the relevant artifact object. Then you can specify specific parameters to the artifact object type. See more details in Artifacts.

Registering the runtime values together with their artifacts#

When MLRun creates an artifact there are values that are processed in runtime e.g. dataset preview or model metrics. These values are stored in the artifact spec. If you want to store the artifact spec for registering the artifact with those values, export the artifact object to a folder named ./artifacts and set the artifact using the artifact.yaml file. For example:

model_obj = project.get_artifact('model')

Creating and saving the project YAML#

The project YAML contains metadata about the project, for example, all the functions set to the project, the artifacts, and the workflow. When you load the project, it loads with all of these functions, artifacts, and workflow.

In general, MLRun uses this metadata to create objects, for example, function objects, and then uses those objects to run the functions.

kind: project
  name: new-ci-cd-proj-shapira
  created: '2023-05-17T08:51:02.127000'
  - url: ./src/
    name: data-fetch
    kind: job
    image: mlrun/mlrun
    handler: data_fetch
    with_repo: true
    tag: v3
  - url: ./src/
    name: train
    kind: job
    image: mlrun/mlrun
    handler: train
    with_repo: true
    tag: v3
  - url: ./function_spec/serving.yaml
    name: serving
  - path: ./src/
    name: main
  - kind: model
      project: new-ci-cd-proj-shapira
      key: model-test
      target_path: v3io:///projects/new-ci-cd-proj-shapira/artifacts/626a345a-b67f-4eb0-9a3b-4850185ada10/train/0/model/
      model_file: model.pkl
      state: created
  conda: ''
  source: git://
  origin_url: git://
  load_source_on_run: true
  desired_state: online
  owner: shapira
  state: online

To export the project content to the yaml file (saved in the project context) and save the project in the database, use the save method.

# Export the yaml file and save the project
<mlrun.projects.project.MlrunProject at 0x7f08cf86d3d0>

Creating and pushing changes to your Git repo or archive file#

Creating a Git remote#

If you do not clone any files and you do not have any git remotes configured in your local folder you can use create_remote. This method creates a git remote and adds the remote to the project as the project source.

For example:


Pushing changes to the Git repo#

After you made changes in your code, push your project context to GitHub repo using push.
