Source code for mlrun.runtimes.base

# Copyright 2018 Iguazio
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import getpass
import http
import os
import traceback
import typing
import uuid
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from ast import literal_eval
from base64 import b64encode
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from os import environ
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import IPython
import requests.exceptions
from import ApiException
from import mlrun_footer
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

import mlrun.errors
import mlrun.utils.helpers
import mlrun.utils.regex
from mlrun.api import schemas
from mlrun.api.constants import LogSources
from mlrun.api.db.base import DBInterface
from mlrun.utils.helpers import generate_object_uri, verify_field_regex

from ..config import config, is_running_as_api
from ..datastore import store_manager
from ..db import RunDBError, get_or_set_dburl, get_run_db
from ..execution import MLClientCtx
from ..k8s_utils import get_k8s_helper
from ..kfpops import mlrun_op, write_kfpmeta
from ..lists import RunList
from ..model import (
from ..secrets import SecretsStore
from ..utils import (
from .constants import PodPhases, RunStates
from .funcdoc import update_function_entry_points
from .generators import get_generator
from .utils import RunError, calc_hash, results_to_iter

run_modes = ["pass"]
spec_fields = [

class FunctionStatus(ModelObj):
    def __init__(self, state=None, build_pod=None):
        self.state = state
        self.build_pod = build_pod

class FunctionSpec(ModelObj):
    _dict_fields = spec_fields

    def __init__(

        self.command = command or ""
        self.image = image or ""
        self.mode = mode
        self.args = args or []
        self.rundb = None
        self.description = description or ""
        self.workdir = workdir
        self.pythonpath = pythonpath

        self._build = None = build
        self.default_handler = default_handler
        # TODO: type verification (FunctionEntrypoint dict)
        self.entry_points = entry_points or {}
        self.disable_auto_mount = disable_auto_mount
        self.allow_empty_resources = None

    def build(self) -> ImageBuilder:
        return self._build

    def build(self, build):
        self._build = self._verify_dict(build, "build", ImageBuilder)

    def enrich_function_preemption_spec(self):

    def validate_service_account(self, allowed_service_accounts):

[docs]class BaseRuntime(ModelObj): kind = "base" _is_nested = False _is_remote = False _dict_fields = ["kind", "metadata", "spec", "status", "verbose"] def __init__(self, metadata=None, spec=None): self._metadata = None self.metadata = metadata self.kfp = None self._spec = None self.spec = spec self._db_conn = None self._secrets = None self._k8s = None self._is_built = False self.is_child = False self._status = None self.status = None self._is_api_server = False self.verbose = False
[docs] def set_db_connection(self, conn, is_api=False): if not self._db_conn: self._db_conn = conn self._is_api_server = is_api
@property def metadata(self) -> BaseMetadata: return self._metadata @metadata.setter def metadata(self, metadata): self._metadata = self._verify_dict(metadata, "metadata", BaseMetadata) @property def spec(self) -> FunctionSpec: return self._spec @spec.setter def spec(self, spec): self._spec = self._verify_dict(spec, "spec", FunctionSpec) @property def status(self) -> FunctionStatus: return self._status @status.setter def status(self, status): self._status = self._verify_dict(status, "status", FunctionStatus) def _get_k8s(self): return get_k8s_helper()
[docs] def set_label(self, key, value): self.metadata.labels[key] = str(value) return self
@property def uri(self): return self._function_uri()
[docs] def is_deployed(self): return True
def _is_remote_api(self): db = self._get_db() if db and db.kind == "http": return True return False def _use_remote_api(self): if ( self._is_remote and not self._is_api_server and self._get_db() and self._get_db().kind == "http" ): return True return False def _enrich_on_client_side(self): self.try_auto_mount_based_on_config() self.fill_credentials() def _enrich_on_server_side(self): pass def _enrich_on_server_and_client_sides(self): """ enrich function also in client side and also on server side """ pass def _enrich_function(self): """ enriches the function based on the flow state we run in (sdk or server) """ if self._use_remote_api(): self._enrich_on_client_side() else: self._enrich_on_server_side() self._enrich_on_server_and_client_sides() def _function_uri(self, tag=None, hash_key=None): return generate_object_uri( self.metadata.project,, tag=tag or self.metadata.tag, hash_key=hash_key, ) def _ensure_run_db(self): self.spec.rundb = self.spec.rundb or get_or_set_dburl() def _get_db(self): self._ensure_run_db() if not self._db_conn: if self.spec.rundb: self._db_conn = get_run_db(self.spec.rundb, secrets=self._secrets) return self._db_conn # This function is different than the auto_mount function, as it mounts to runtimes based on the configuration. # That's why it's named differently.
[docs] def try_auto_mount_based_on_config(self): pass
[docs] def validate_and_enrich_service_account( self, allowed_service_account, default_service_account ): pass
[docs] def fill_credentials(self): auth_session_env_var = ( mlrun.runtimes.constants.FunctionEnvironmentVariables.auth_session ) if auth_session_env_var in os.environ or "V3IO_ACCESS_KEY" in os.environ: self.metadata.credentials.access_key = os.environ.get( auth_session_env_var ) or os.environ.get("V3IO_ACCESS_KEY")
[docs] def run( self, runspec: RunObject = None, handler=None, name: str = "", project: str = "", params: dict = None, inputs: Dict[str, str] = None, out_path: str = "", workdir: str = "", artifact_path: str = "", watch: bool = True, schedule: Union[str, schemas.ScheduleCronTrigger] = None, hyperparams: Dict[str, list] = None, hyper_param_options: HyperParamOptions = None, verbose=None, scrape_metrics: bool = None, local=False, local_code_path=None, auto_build=None, param_file_secrets: Dict[str, str] = None, ) -> RunObject: """Run a local or remote task. :param runspec: run template object or dict (see RunTemplate) :param handler: pointer or name of a function handler :param name: execution name :param project: project name :param params: input parameters (dict) :param inputs: input objects (dict of key: path) :param out_path: default artifact output path :param artifact_path: default artifact output path (will replace out_path) :param workdir: default input artifacts path :param watch: watch/follow run log :param schedule: ScheduleCronTrigger class instance or a standard crontab expression string (which will be converted to the class using its `from_crontab` constructor), see this link for help: :param hyperparams: dict of param name and list of values to be enumerated e.g. {"p1": [1,2,3]} the default strategy is grid search, can specify strategy (grid, list, random) and other options in the hyper_param_options parameter :param hyper_param_options: dict or :py:class:`~mlrun.model.HyperParamOptions` struct of hyper parameter options :param verbose: add verbose prints/logs :param scrape_metrics: whether to add the `mlrun/scrape-metrics` label to this run's resources :param local: run the function locally vs on the runtime/cluster :param local_code_path: path of the code for local runs & debug :param auto_build: when set to True and the function require build it will be built on the first function run, use only if you dont plan on changing the build config between runs :param param_file_secrets: dictionary of secrets to be used only for accessing the hyper-param parameter file. These secrets are only used locally and will not be stored anywhere :return: run context object (RunObject) with run metadata, results and status """ mlrun.utils.helpers.verify_dict_items_type("Inputs", inputs, [str], [str]) if self.spec.mode and self.spec.mode not in run_modes: raise ValueError(f'run mode can only be {",".join(run_modes)}') self._enrich_function() run = self._create_run_object(runspec) if local: return self._run_local( run, schedule, local_code_path, project, name, workdir, handler, params, inputs, artifact_path, ) run = self._enrich_run( run, handler, project, name, params, inputs, hyperparams, hyper_param_options, verbose, scrape_metrics, out_path, artifact_path, workdir, ) if is_local(run.spec.output_path): logger.warning( "artifact path is not defined or is local," " artifacts will not be visible in the UI" ) if self.kind not in ["", "local", "handler", "dask"]: raise ValueError( "absolute artifact_path must be specified" " when running remote tasks" ) db = self._get_db() if not self.is_deployed(): if or auto_build: "Function is not deployed and auto_build flag is set, starting deploy..." ) self.deploy(skip_deployed=True, show_on_failure=True) else: raise RunError( "function image is not built/ready, set auto_build=True or use .deploy() method first" ) if self.verbose:"runspec:\n{run.to_yaml()}") if "V3IO_USERNAME" in environ and "v3io_user" not in run.metadata.labels: run.metadata.labels["v3io_user"] = environ.get("V3IO_USERNAME") if not self.is_child: self._store_function(run, run.metadata, db) # execute the job remotely (to a k8s cluster via the API service) if self._use_remote_api(): return self._submit_job(run, schedule, db, watch) elif self._is_remote and not self._is_api_server and not self.kfp: logger.warning( "warning!, Api url not set, " "trying to exec remote runtime locally" ) execution = MLClientCtx.from_dict( run.to_dict(), db, autocommit=False, is_api=self._is_api_server, update_db=False, ) self._verify_run_params(run.spec.parameters) # create task generator (for child runs) from spec task_generator = get_generator( run.spec, execution, param_file_secrets=param_file_secrets ) if task_generator: # verify valid task parameters tasks = task_generator.generate(run) for task in tasks: self._verify_run_params(task.spec.parameters) # post verifications, update execution in db and run pre run hooks execution.commit(completed=False) self._pre_run(run, execution) # hook for runtime specific prep last_err = None # If the runtime is nested, it means the hyper-run will run within a single instance of the run. # So while in the API, we consider the hyper-run as a single run, and then in the runtime itself when the # runtime is now a local runtime and therefore `self._is_nested == False`, we run each task as a separate run by # using the task generator if task_generator and not self._is_nested: # multiple runs (based on hyper params or params file) runner = self._run_many if hasattr(self, "_parallel_run_many") and task_generator.use_parallel(): runner = self._parallel_run_many results = runner(task_generator, execution, run) results_to_iter(results, run, execution) result = execution.to_dict() else: # single run try: resp = self._run(run, execution) if watch and self.kind not in ["", "handler", "local"]: state = run.logs(True, self._get_db()) if state != "succeeded": logger.warning(f"run ended with state {state}") result = self._update_run_state(resp, task=run) except RunError as err: last_err = err result = self._update_run_state(task=run, err=err) self._post_run(result, execution) # hook for runtime specific cleanup return self._wrap_run_result(result, run, schedule=schedule, err=last_err)
def _wrap_run_result( self, result: dict, runspec: RunObject, schedule=None, err=None ): # if the purpose was to schedule (and not to run) nothing to wrap if schedule: return if result and self.kfp and err is None: write_kfpmeta(result) # show ipython/jupyter result table widget results_tbl = RunList() if result: results_tbl.append(result) else:"no returned result (job may still be in progress)") results_tbl.append(runspec.to_dict()) uid = runspec.metadata.uid project = runspec.metadata.project if is_ipython and config.ipython_widget: print() ui_url = get_ui_url(project, uid) if ui_url: ui_url = f' or <a href="{ui_url}" target="_blank">click here</a> to open in UI' IPython.display.display( IPython.display.HTML( f"<b> > to track results use the .show() or .logs() methods {ui_url}</b>" ) ) elif not (self.is_child and is_running_as_api()): project_flag = f"-p {project}" if project else "" info_cmd = f"mlrun get run {uid} {project_flag}" logs_cmd = f"mlrun logs {uid} {project_flag}" "To track results use the CLI", info_cmd=info_cmd, logs_cmd=logs_cmd ) ui_url = get_ui_url(project, uid) if ui_url:"Or click for UI", ui_url=ui_url) if result: run = RunObject.from_dict(result)"run executed, status={run.status.state}") if run.status.state == "error": if self._is_remote and not self.is_child: logger.error(f"runtime error: {run.status.error}") raise RunError(run.status.error) return run return None def _get_db_run(self, task: RunObject = None): if self._get_db() and task: project = task.metadata.project uid = task.metadata.uid iter = task.metadata.iteration try: return self._get_db().read_run(uid, project, iter=iter) except RunDBError: return None if task: return task.to_dict() def _generate_runtime_env(self, runobj: RunObject): runtime_env = { "MLRUN_EXEC_CONFIG": runobj.to_json(), "MLRUN_DEFAULT_PROJECT": runobj.metadata.project or self.metadata.project or config.default_project, } if runobj.spec.verbose: runtime_env["MLRUN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "DEBUG" if config.httpdb.api_url: runtime_env["MLRUN_DBPATH"] = config.httpdb.api_url if self.metadata.namespace or config.namespace: runtime_env["MLRUN_NAMESPACE"] = self.metadata.namespace or config.namespace return runtime_env def _run_local( self, runspec, schedule, local_code_path, project, name, workdir, handler, params, inputs, artifact_path, ): if schedule is not None: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "local and schedule cannot be used together" ) # allow local run simulation with a flip of a flag command = self if local_code_path: project = project or self.metadata.project name = name or command = local_code_path return mlrun.run_local( runspec, command, name, self.spec.args, workdir=workdir, project=project, handler=handler, params=params, inputs=inputs, artifact_path=artifact_path, mode=self.spec.mode, allow_empty_resources=self.spec.allow_empty_resources, ) def _create_run_object(self, runspec): if runspec: runspec = deepcopy(runspec) if isinstance(runspec, str): runspec = literal_eval(runspec) if not isinstance(runspec, (dict, RunTemplate, RunObject)): raise ValueError( "task/runspec is not a valid task object," f" type={type(runspec)}" ) if isinstance(runspec, RunTemplate): runspec = RunObject.from_template(runspec) if isinstance(runspec, dict) or runspec is None: runspec = RunObject.from_dict(runspec) return runspec def _enrich_run( self, runspec, handler, project_name, name, params, inputs, hyperparams, hyper_param_options, verbose, scrape_metrics, out_path, artifact_path, workdir, ): runspec.spec.handler = ( handler or runspec.spec.handler or self.spec.default_handler or "" ) if runspec.spec.handler and self.kind not in ["handler", "dask"]: runspec.spec.handler = runspec.spec.handler_name def_name = if runspec.spec.handler_name: short_name = runspec.spec.handler_name for separator in ["#", "::", "."]: # drop paths, module or class name from short name if separator in short_name: short_name = short_name.split(separator)[-1] def_name += "-" + short_name = name or or def_name verify_field_regex( "",, mlrun.utils.regex.run_name ) runspec.metadata.project = ( project_name or runspec.metadata.project or self.metadata.project or config.default_project ) runspec.spec.parameters = params or runspec.spec.parameters runspec.spec.inputs = inputs or runspec.spec.inputs runspec.spec.hyperparams = hyperparams or runspec.spec.hyperparams runspec.spec.hyper_param_options = ( hyper_param_options or runspec.spec.hyper_param_options ) runspec.spec.verbose = verbose or runspec.spec.verbose if scrape_metrics is None: if runspec.spec.scrape_metrics is None: scrape_metrics = config.scrape_metrics else: scrape_metrics = runspec.spec.scrape_metrics runspec.spec.scrape_metrics = scrape_metrics runspec.spec.input_path = ( workdir or runspec.spec.input_path or self.spec.workdir ) if self.spec.allow_empty_resources: runspec.spec.allow_empty_resources = self.spec.allow_empty_resources spec = runspec.spec if spec.secret_sources: self._secrets = SecretsStore.from_list(spec.secret_sources) # update run metadata (uid, labels) and store in DB meta = runspec.metadata meta.uid = meta.uid or uuid.uuid4().hex runspec.spec.output_path = out_path or artifact_path or runspec.spec.output_path if not runspec.spec.output_path: if runspec.metadata.project: if ( mlrun.pipeline_context.project and runspec.metadata.project == ): runspec.spec.output_path = ( mlrun.pipeline_context.project.spec.artifact_path or mlrun.pipeline_context.workflow_artifact_path ) if not runspec.spec.output_path and self._get_db(): try: # not passing or loading the DB before the enrichment on purpose, because we want to enrich the # spec first as get_db() depends on it project = self._get_db().get_project(runspec.metadata.project) # this is mainly for tests, so we won't need to mock get_project for so many tests # in normal use cases if no project is found we will get an error if project: runspec.spec.output_path = project.spec.artifact_path except mlrun.errors.MLRunNotFoundError: logger.warning( f"project {project_name} is not saved in DB yet, " f"enriching output path with default artifact path: {config.artifact_path}" ) if not runspec.spec.output_path: runspec.spec.output_path = config.artifact_path if runspec.spec.output_path: runspec.spec.output_path = runspec.spec.output_path.replace( "{{run.uid}}", meta.uid ) runspec.spec.output_path = mlrun.utils.helpers.fill_artifact_path_template( runspec.spec.output_path, runspec.metadata.project ) return runspec def _submit_job(self, runspec, schedule, db, watch): if self._secrets: runspec.spec.secret_sources = self._secrets.to_serial() try: resp = db.submit_job(runspec, schedule=schedule) if schedule:"task scheduled, {resp}") return except (requests.HTTPError, Exception) as err: logger.error(f"got remote run err, {err}") if isinstance(err, requests.HTTPError): self._handle_submit_job_http_error(err) result = None # if we got a schedule no reason to do post_run stuff (it purposed to update the run status with error, # but there's no run in case of schedule) if not schedule: result = self._update_run_state(task=runspec, err=err) return self._wrap_run_result(result, runspec, schedule=schedule, err=err) if resp: txt = get_in(resp, "status.status_text") if txt: # watch is None only in scenario where we run from pipeline step, in this case we don't want to watch the run # logs too frequently but rather just pull the state of the run from the DB and pull the logs every x seconds # which ideally greater than the pull state interval, this reduces unnecessary load on the API server, as # running a pipeline is mostly not an interactive process which means the logs pulling doesn't need to be pulled # in real time if ( watch is None and self.kfp and config.httpdb.logs.pipelines.pull_state.mode == "enabled" ): state_interval = int( config.httpdb.logs.pipelines.pull_state.pull_state_interval ) logs_interval = int( config.httpdb.logs.pipelines.pull_state.pull_logs_interval ) runspec.wait_for_completion( show_logs=True, sleep=state_interval, logs_interval=logs_interval, raise_on_failure=False, ) resp = self._get_db_run(runspec) elif watch or self.kfp: runspec.logs(True, self._get_db()) resp = self._get_db_run(runspec) return self._wrap_run_result(resp, runspec, schedule=schedule) @staticmethod def _handle_submit_job_http_error(error: requests.HTTPError): # if we receive a 400 status code, this means the request was invalid and the run wasn't created in the DB. # so we don't need to update the run state and we can just raise the error. # more status code handling can be added here if needed if error.response.status_code == http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunBadRequestError( f"Bad request to mlrun api: {error.response.text}" ) def _store_function(self, runspec, meta, db): db_str = "self" if self._is_api_server else self.spec.rundb"starting run {} uid={meta.uid} DB={db_str}") meta.labels["kind"] = self.kind if "owner" not in meta.labels: meta.labels["owner"] = environ.get("V3IO_USERNAME") or getpass.getuser() if runspec.spec.output_path: runspec.spec.output_path = runspec.spec.output_path.replace( "{{run.user}}", meta.labels["owner"] ) if db and self.kind != "handler": struct = self.to_dict() hash_key = db.store_function( struct,, self.metadata.project, versioned=True ) runspec.spec.function = self._function_uri(hash_key=hash_key) def _get_cmd_args(self, runobj: RunObject): extra_env = self._generate_runtime_env(runobj) if self.spec.pythonpath: extra_env["PYTHONPATH"] = self.spec.pythonpath args = [] command = self.spec.command code = ( if hasattr(self.spec, "build") else None ) if runobj.spec.handler and self.spec.mode == "pass": raise ValueError('cannot use "pass" mode with handler') if code: extra_env["MLRUN_EXEC_CODE"] = code load_archive = and need_mlrun = code or load_archive or self.spec.mode != "pass" if need_mlrun: args = ["run", "--name",, "--from-env"] if runobj.spec.handler: args += ["--handler", runobj.spec.handler] if self.spec.mode: args += ["--mode", self.spec.mode] if args += ["--origin-file",] if load_archive: if code: raise ValueError("cannot specify both code and source archive") args += ["--source",] if self.spec.workdir: # set the absolute/relative path to the cloned code args += ["--workdir", self.spec.workdir] if command: args += [command] if self.spec.args: if not command: # * is a placeholder for the url argument in the run CLI command, # where the code is passed in the `MLRUN_EXEC_CODE` meaning there is no "actual" file to execute # until the run command will create that file from the env param. args += ["*"] args = args + self.spec.args command = "mlrun" else: command = command.format(**runobj.spec.parameters) if self.spec.args: args = [arg.format(**runobj.spec.parameters) for arg in self.spec.args] extra_env = [{"name": k, "value": v} for k, v in extra_env.items()] return command, args, extra_env def _pre_run(self, runspec: RunObject, execution): pass def _post_run(self, results, execution): pass def _run(self, runobj: RunObject, execution) -> dict: pass def _run_many(self, generator, execution, runobj: RunObject) -> RunList: results = RunList() num_errors = 0 tasks = generator.generate(runobj) for task in tasks: try: self.store_run(task) resp = self._run(task, execution) resp = self._update_run_state(resp, task=task) run_results = resp["status"].get("results", {}) if generator.eval_stop_condition(run_results): f"reached early stop condition ({generator.options.stop_condition}), stopping iterations!" ) results.append(resp) break except RunError as err: task.status.state = "error" task.status.error = str(err) resp = self._update_run_state(task=task, err=err) num_errors += 1 if num_errors > generator.max_errors: logger.error("too many errors, stopping iterations!") results.append(resp) break results.append(resp) return results
[docs] def store_run(self, runobj: RunObject): if self._get_db() and runobj: project = runobj.metadata.project uid = runobj.metadata.uid iter = runobj.metadata.iteration self._get_db().store_run(runobj.to_dict(), uid, project, iter=iter)
def _store_run_dict(self, rundict: dict): if self._get_db() and rundict: project = get_in(rundict, "metadata.project", "") uid = get_in(rundict, "metadata.uid") iter = get_in(rundict, "metadata.iteration", 0) self._get_db().store_run(rundict, uid, project, iter=iter) def _update_run_state( self, resp: dict = None, task: RunObject = None, err=None, ) -> dict: """update the task state in the DB""" was_none = False if resp is None and task: was_none = True resp = self._get_db_run(task) if not resp: self.store_run(task) return task.to_dict() if task.status.status_text: update_in(resp, "status.status_text", task.status.status_text) if resp is None: return None if not isinstance(resp, dict): raise ValueError(f"post_run called with type {type(resp)}") updates = None last_state = get_in(resp, "status.state", "") if last_state == "error" or err: updates = {"status.last_update": now_date().isoformat()} updates["status.state"] = "error" update_in(resp, "status.state", "error") if err: update_in(resp, "status.error", str(err)) err = get_in(resp, "status.error") if err: updates["status.error"] = str(err) elif not was_none and last_state != "completed": updates = {"status.last_update": now_date().isoformat()} updates["status.state"] = "completed" update_in(resp, "status.state", "completed") if self._get_db() and updates: project = get_in(resp, "metadata.project") uid = get_in(resp, "metadata.uid") iter = get_in(resp, "metadata.iteration", 0) self._get_db().update_run(updates, uid, project, iter=iter) return resp def _force_handler(self, handler): if not handler: raise RunError(f"handler must be provided for {self.kind} runtime")
[docs] def full_image_path(self, image=None, client_version: str = None): image = image or self.spec.image or "" image = enrich_image_url(image, client_version) if not image.startswith("."): return image registry, repository = get_parsed_docker_registry() if registry: if repository and repository not in image: return f"{registry}/{repository}/{image[1:]}" return f"{registry}/{image[1:]}" namespace_domain = environ.get("IGZ_NAMESPACE_DOMAIN", None) if namespace_domain is not None: return f"docker-registry.{namespace_domain}:80/{image[1:]}" raise RunError("local container registry is not defined")
[docs] def as_step( self, runspec: RunObject = None, handler=None, name: str = "", project: str = "", params: dict = None, hyperparams=None, selector="", hyper_param_options: HyperParamOptions = None, inputs: dict = None, outputs: dict = None, workdir: str = "", artifact_path: str = "", image: str = "", labels: dict = None, use_db=True, verbose=None, scrape_metrics=False, ): """Run a local or remote task. :param runspec: run template object or dict (see RunTemplate) :param handler: name of the function handler :param name: execution name :param project: project name :param params: input parameters (dict) :param hyperparams: hyper parameters :param selector: selection criteria for hyper params :param hyper_param_options: hyper param options (selector, early stop, strategy, ..) see: :py:class:`~mlrun.model.HyperParamOptions` :param inputs: input objects (dict of key: path) :param outputs: list of outputs which can pass in the workflow :param artifact_path: default artifact output path (replace out_path) :param workdir: default input artifacts path :param image: container image to use :param labels: labels to tag the job/run with ({key:val, ..}) :param use_db: save function spec in the db (vs the workflow file) :param verbose: add verbose prints/logs :param scrape_metrics: whether to add the `mlrun/scrape-metrics` label to this run's resources :return: KubeFlow containerOp """ # if self.spec.image and not image: # image = self.full_image_path() if use_db: # if the same function is built as part of the pipeline we do not use the versioned function # rather the latest function w the same tag so we can pick up the updated image/status versioned = False if hasattr(self, "_build_in_pipeline") else True url =, refresh=True) else: url = None if runspec is not None: verify_field_regex( "",, mlrun.utils.regex.run_name ) return mlrun_op( name, project, function=self, func_url=url, runobj=runspec, handler=handler, params=params, hyperparams=hyperparams, selector=selector, hyper_param_options=hyper_param_options, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, job_image=image, labels=labels, out_path=artifact_path, in_path=workdir, verbose=verbose, scrape_metrics=scrape_metrics, )
[docs] def with_code(self, from_file="", body=None, with_doc=True): """Update the function code This function eliminates the need to build container images every time we edit the code :param from_file: blank for current notebook, or path to .py/.ipynb file :param body: will use the body as the function code :param with_doc: update the document of the function parameters :return: function object """ if body and from_file: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "must provide either body or from_file argument. not both" ) if (not body and not from_file) or (from_file and from_file.endswith(".ipynb")): from nuclio import build_file _, _, body = build_file(from_file, else: if from_file: with open(from_file) as fp: body = if self.kind == mlrun.runtimes.RuntimeKinds.serving: body = body + mlrun_footer.format( mlrun.runtimes.serving.serving_subkind ) = b64encode(body.encode("utf-8")).decode( "utf-8" ) if with_doc: update_function_entry_points(self, body) return self
[docs] def with_requirements( self, requirements: Union[str, List[str]], overwrite: bool = False, verify_base_image: bool = True, ): """add package requirements from file or list to build spec. :param requirements: python requirements file path or list of packages :param overwrite: overwrite existing requirements :param verify_base_image: verify that the base image is configured :return: function object """ if isinstance(requirements, str): with open(requirements, "r") as fp: requirements = commands = or [] if not overwrite else [] new_command = "python -m pip install " + " ".join(requirements) # make sure we dont append the same line twice if new_command not in commands: commands.append(new_command) = commands if verify_base_image: self.verify_base_image() return self
[docs] def with_commands( self, commands: List[str], overwrite: bool = False, verify_base_image: bool = True, ): """add commands to build spec. :param commands: list of commands to run during build :return: function object """ if not isinstance(commands, list): raise ValueError("commands must be a string list") if not or overwrite: = commands else: # add commands to existing build commands for command in commands: if command not in # using list(set(x)) won't retain order, # solution inspired from = list(dict.fromkeys( if verify_base_image: self.verify_base_image() return self
[docs] def clean_build_params(self): # when using `with_requirements` we also execute `verify_base_image` which adds the base image and cleans the # spec.image, so we need to restore the image back if and not self.spec.image: self.spec.image = = {} return self
[docs] def verify_base_image(self): build = require_build = build.commands or ( build.source and not build.load_source_on_run ) image = self.spec.image # we allow users to not set an image, in that case we'll use the default if ( not image and self.kind in mlrun.mlconf.function_defaults.image_by_kind.to_dict() ): image = mlrun.mlconf.function_defaults.image_by_kind.to_dict()[self.kind] if ( self.kind not in mlrun.runtimes.RuntimeKinds.nuclio_runtimes() # TODO: need a better way to decide whether a function requires a build and require_build and image and not # when submitting a run we are loading the function from the db, and using new_function for it, # this results reaching here, but we are already after deploy of the image, meaning we don't need to prepare # the base image for deployment and self._is_remote_api() ): # when the function require build use the image as the base_image for the build = image self.spec.image = ""
def _verify_run_params(self, parameters: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]): for param_name, param_value in parameters.items(): if isinstance(param_value, dict): # if the parameter is a dict, we might have some nested parameters, # in this case we need to verify them as well recursively self._verify_run_params(param_value) # verify that integer parameters don't exceed a int64 if isinstance(param_value, int) and abs(param_value) >= 2**63: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( f"parameter {param_name} value {param_value} exceeds int64" )
[docs] def export(self, target="", format=".yaml", secrets=None, strip=True): """save function spec to a local/remote path (default to./function.yaml) :param target: target path/url :param format: `.yaml` (default) or `.json` :param secrets: optional secrets dict/object for target path (e.g. s3) :param strip: strip status data :returns: self """ if self.kind == "handler": raise ValueError( "cannot export local handler function, use " + "code_to_function() to serialize your function" ) calc_hash(self) struct = self.to_dict(strip=strip) if format == ".yaml": data = dict_to_yaml(struct) else: data = dict_to_json(struct) stores = store_manager.set(secrets) target = target or "function.yaml" datastore, subpath = stores.get_or_create_store(target) datastore.put(subpath, data)"function spec saved to path: {target}") return self
[docs] def save(self, tag="", versioned=False, refresh=False) -> str: db = self._get_db() if not db: logger.error("database connection is not configured") return "" if refresh and self._is_remote_api(): try: meta = self.metadata db_func = db.get_function(, meta.project, meta.tag) if db_func and "status" in db_func: self.status = db_func["status"] if ( self.status.state and self.status.state == "ready" and not hasattr(self.status, "nuclio_name") ): self.spec.image = get_in(db_func, "spec.image", self.spec.image) except mlrun.errors.MLRunNotFoundError: pass tag = tag or self.metadata.tag obj = self.to_dict() logger.debug(f"saving function: {}, tag: {tag}") hash_key = db.store_function( obj,, self.metadata.project, tag, versioned ) hash_key = hash_key if versioned else None return "db://" + self._function_uri(hash_key=hash_key, tag=tag)
[docs] def to_dict(self, fields=None, exclude=None, strip=False): struct = super().to_dict(fields, exclude=exclude) if strip: if "status" in struct: del struct["status"] return struct
[docs] def doc(self): print("function:", print(self.spec.description) if self.spec.default_handler: print("default handler:", self.spec.default_handler) if self.spec.entry_points: print("entry points:") for name, entry in self.spec.entry_points.items(): print(f" {name}: {entry.get('doc', '')}") params = entry.get("parameters") if params: for p in params: line = p["name"] if "type" in p: line += f"({p['type']})" line += " - " + p.get("doc", "") if "default" in p: line += f", default={p['default']}" print(" " + line)
def is_local(url): if not url: return True return "://" not in url and not url.startswith("/") class BaseRuntimeHandler(ABC): # setting here to allow tests to override kind = "base" wait_for_deletion_interval = 10 @staticmethod @abstractmethod def _get_object_label_selector(object_id: str) -> str: """ Should return the label selector should be used to get only resources of a specific object (with id object_id) """ pass @staticmethod @abstractmethod def _get_possible_mlrun_class_label_values() -> List[str]: """ Should return the possible values of the mlrun/class label for runtime resources that are of this runtime handler kind """ pass def list_resources( self, project: str, object_id: typing.Optional[str] = None, label_selector: str = None, group_by: Optional[mlrun.api.schemas.ListRuntimeResourcesGroupByField] = None, ) -> Union[ mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResources, mlrun.api.schemas.GroupedByJobRuntimeResourcesOutput, mlrun.api.schemas.GroupedByProjectRuntimeResourcesOutput, ]: # We currently don't support removing runtime resources in non k8s env if not mlrun.k8s_utils.get_k8s_helper( silent=True ).is_running_inside_kubernetes_cluster(): return {} k8s_helper = get_k8s_helper() namespace = k8s_helper.resolve_namespace() label_selector = self._resolve_label_selector( project, object_id, label_selector ) pods = self._list_pods(namespace, label_selector) pod_resources = self._build_pod_resources(pods) crd_objects = self._list_crd_objects(namespace, label_selector) crd_resources = self._build_crd_resources(crd_objects) response = self._build_list_resources_response( pod_resources, crd_resources, group_by ) response = self._enrich_list_resources_response( response, namespace, label_selector, group_by ) return response def build_output_from_runtime_resources( self, runtime_resources_list: List[mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResources], group_by: Optional[mlrun.api.schemas.ListRuntimeResourcesGroupByField] = None, ): pod_resources = [] crd_resources = [] for runtime_resources in runtime_resources_list: pod_resources += runtime_resources.pod_resources crd_resources += runtime_resources.crd_resources response = self._build_list_resources_response( pod_resources, crd_resources, group_by ) response = self._build_output_from_runtime_resources( response, runtime_resources_list, group_by ) return response def delete_resources( self, db: DBInterface, db_session: Session, label_selector: str = None, force: bool = False, grace_period: int = None, ): if grace_period is None: grace_period = config.runtime_resources_deletion_grace_period # We currently don't support removing runtime resources in non k8s env if not mlrun.k8s_utils.get_k8s_helper( silent=True ).is_running_inside_kubernetes_cluster(): return k8s_helper = get_k8s_helper() namespace = k8s_helper.resolve_namespace() label_selector = self._resolve_label_selector( "*", label_selector=label_selector ) crd_group, crd_version, crd_plural = self._get_crd_info() if crd_group and crd_version and crd_plural: deleted_resources = self._delete_crd_resources( db, db_session, namespace, label_selector, force, grace_period, ) else: deleted_resources = self._delete_pod_resources( db, db_session, namespace, label_selector, force, grace_period, ) self._delete_resources( db, db_session, namespace, deleted_resources, label_selector, force, grace_period, ) def delete_runtime_object_resources( self, db: DBInterface, db_session: Session, object_id: str, label_selector: str = None, force: bool = False, grace_period: int = None, ): if grace_period is None: grace_period = config.runtime_resources_deletion_grace_period label_selector = self._add_object_label_selector_if_needed( object_id, label_selector ) self.delete_resources(db, db_session, label_selector, force, grace_period) def monitor_runs(self, db: DBInterface, db_session: Session): k8s_helper = get_k8s_helper() namespace = k8s_helper.resolve_namespace() label_selector = self._get_default_label_selector() crd_group, crd_version, crd_plural = self._get_crd_info() runtime_resource_is_crd = False if crd_group and crd_version and crd_plural: runtime_resource_is_crd = True runtime_resources = self._list_crd_objects(namespace, label_selector) else: runtime_resources = self._list_pods(namespace, label_selector) project_run_uid_map = self._list_runs_for_monitoring(db, db_session) # project -> uid -> {"name": <runtime-resource-name>} run_runtime_resources_map = {} for runtime_resource in runtime_resources: project, uid, name = self._resolve_runtime_resource_run(runtime_resource) run_runtime_resources_map.setdefault(project, {}) run_runtime_resources_map.get(project).update({uid: {"name": name}}) try: self._monitor_runtime_resource( db, db_session, project_run_uid_map, runtime_resource, runtime_resource_is_crd, namespace, project, uid, name, ) except Exception as exc: logger.warning( "Failed monitoring runtime resource. Continuing", runtime_resource_name=runtime_resource["metadata"]["name"], namespace=namespace, exc=str(exc), traceback=traceback.format_exc(), ) for project, runs in project_run_uid_map.items(): if runs: for run_uid, run in runs.items(): try: if not run: run = db.read_run(db_session, run_uid, project) if self.kind == run.get("metadata", {}).get("labels", {}).get( "kind", "" ): self._ensure_run_not_stuck_on_non_terminal_state( db, db_session, project, run_uid, run, run_runtime_resources_map, ) except Exception as exc: logger.warning( "Failed ensuring run not stuck. Continuing", run_uid=run_uid, run=run, project=project, exc=str(exc), traceback=traceback.format_exc(), ) def _ensure_run_not_stuck_on_non_terminal_state( self, db: DBInterface, db_session: Session, project: str, run_uid: str, run: dict = None, run_runtime_resources_map: dict = None, ): """ Ensuring that a run does not become trapped in a non-terminal state as a result of not finding corresponding k8s resource. This can occur when a node is evicted or preempted, causing the resources to be removed from the resource listing when the final state recorded in the database is non-terminal. This will have a significant impact on scheduled jobs, since they will not be created until the previous run reaches a terminal state (because of concurrency limit) """ now = now_date() db_run_state = run.get("status", {}).get("state") if not db_run_state: # we are setting the run state to a terminal state to avoid log spamming, this is mainly sanity as we are # setting state to runs when storing new runs. "Runs monitoring found a run without state, updating to a terminal state", project=project, uid=run_uid, db_run_state=db_run_state, now=now, ) run.setdefault("status", {})["state"] = RunStates.error run.setdefault("status", {})["last_update"] = now.isoformat() db.store_run(db_session, run, run_uid, project) return if db_run_state in RunStates.non_terminal_states(): if run_runtime_resources_map and run_uid in run_runtime_resources_map.get( project, {} ): # if found resource there is no need to continue return last_update_str = run.get("status", {}).get("last_update") debounce_period = ( config.resolve_runs_monitoring_missing_runtime_resources_debouncing_interval() ) if last_update_str is None: "Runs monitoring found run in non-terminal state without last update time set, " "updating last update time to now, to be able to evaluate next time if something changed", project=project, uid=run_uid, db_run_state=db_run_state, now=now, debounce_period=debounce_period, ) run.setdefault("status", {})["last_update"] = now.isoformat() db.store_run(db_session, run, run_uid, project) return if datetime.fromisoformat(last_update_str) > now - timedelta( seconds=debounce_period ): # we are setting non-terminal states to runs before the run is actually applied to k8s, meaning there is # a timeframe where the run exists and no runtime resources exist and it's ok, therefore we're applying # a debounce period before setting the state to error logger.warning( "Monitoring did not discover a runtime resource that corresponded to a run in a " "non-terminal state. but record has recently updated. Debouncing", project=project, uid=run_uid, db_run_state=db_run_state, last_update=datetime.fromisoformat(last_update_str), now=now, debounce_period=debounce_period, ) else: "Updating run state", run_uid=run_uid, run_state=RunStates.error ) run.setdefault("status", {})["state"] = RunStates.error run.setdefault("status", {})["last_update"] = now.isoformat() db.store_run(db_session, run, run_uid, project) def _add_object_label_selector_if_needed( self, object_id: typing.Optional[str] = None, label_selector: typing.Optional[str] = None, ): if object_id: object_label_selector = self._get_object_label_selector(object_id) if label_selector: label_selector = ",".join([object_label_selector, label_selector]) else: label_selector = object_label_selector return label_selector def _enrich_list_resources_response( self, response: Union[ mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResources, mlrun.api.schemas.GroupedByJobRuntimeResourcesOutput, mlrun.api.schemas.GroupedByProjectRuntimeResourcesOutput, ], namespace: str, label_selector: str = None, group_by: Optional[mlrun.api.schemas.ListRuntimeResourcesGroupByField] = None, ) -> Union[ mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResources, mlrun.api.schemas.GroupedByJobRuntimeResourcesOutput, mlrun.api.schemas.GroupedByProjectRuntimeResourcesOutput, ]: """ Override this to list resources other then pods or CRDs (which are handled by the base class) """ return response def _build_output_from_runtime_resources( self, response: Union[ mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResources, mlrun.api.schemas.GroupedByJobRuntimeResourcesOutput, mlrun.api.schemas.GroupedByProjectRuntimeResourcesOutput, ], runtime_resources_list: List[mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResources], group_by: Optional[mlrun.api.schemas.ListRuntimeResourcesGroupByField] = None, ): """ Override this to add runtime resources other then pods or CRDs (which are handled by the base class) to the output """ return response def _delete_resources( self, db: DBInterface, db_session: Session, namespace: str, deleted_resources: List[Dict], label_selector: str = None, force: bool = False, grace_period: int = None, ): """ Override this to handle deletion of resources other then pods or CRDs (which are handled by the base class) Note that this is happening before the deletion of the CRDs or the pods Note to add this at the beginning: if grace_period is None: grace_period = config.runtime_resources_deletion_grace_period """ pass def _resolve_crd_object_status_info( self, db: DBInterface, db_session: Session, crd_object ) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[datetime], Optional[str]]: """ Override this if the runtime has CRD resources. :return: Tuple with: 1. bool determining whether the crd object is in terminal state 2. datetime of when the crd object got into terminal state (only when the crd object in terminal state) 3. the desired run state matching the crd object state """ return False, None, None def _update_ui_url( self, db: DBInterface, db_session: Session, project: str, uid: str, crd_object, run: Dict = None, ): """ Update the UI URL for relevant jobs. """ pass def _resolve_pod_status_info( self, db: DBInterface, db_session: Session, pod: Dict ) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[datetime], Optional[str]]: """ :return: Tuple with: 1. bool determining whether the pod is in terminal state 2. datetime of when the pod got into terminal state (only when the pod in terminal state) 3. the run state matching the pod state """ in_terminal_state = pod["status"]["phase"] in PodPhases.terminal_phases() run_state = PodPhases.pod_phase_to_run_state(pod["status"]["phase"]) last_container_completion_time = None if in_terminal_state: for container_status in pod["status"].get("container_statuses", []): if container_status.get("state", {}).get("terminated"): container_completion_time = container_status["state"][ "terminated" ].get("finished_at") # take latest completion time if ( not last_container_completion_time or last_container_completion_time < container_completion_time ): last_container_completion_time = container_completion_time return in_terminal_state, last_container_completion_time, run_state def _get_default_label_selector(self) -> str: """ Override this to add a default label selector """ class_values = self._get_possible_mlrun_class_label_values() if not class_values: return "" if len(class_values) == 1: return f"mlrun/class={class_values[0]}" return f"mlrun/class in ({', '.join(class_values)})" @staticmethod def _get_crd_info() -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """ Override this if the runtime has CRD resources. this should return the CRD info: crd group, crd version, crd plural """ return "", "", "" @staticmethod def _are_resources_coupled_to_run_object() -> bool: """ Some resources are tightly coupled to mlrun Run object, for example, for each Run of a Function of the job kind a kubernetes job is being generated, on the opposite a Function of the daskjob kind generates a dask cluster, and every Run is being executed using this cluster, i.e. no resources are created for the Run. This function should return true for runtimes in which Run are coupled to the underlying resources and therefore aspects of the Run (like its state) should be taken into consideration on resources deletion """ return False @staticmethod def _expect_pods_without_uid() -> bool: return False def _list_pods(self, namespace: str, label_selector: str = None) -> List: k8s_helper = get_k8s_helper() pods = k8s_helper.list_pods(namespace, selector=label_selector) # when we work with custom objects (list_namespaced_custom_object) it's always a dict, to be able to generalize # code working on runtime resource (either a custom object or a pod) we're transforming to dicts pods = [pod.to_dict() for pod in pods] return pods def _list_crd_objects(self, namespace: str, label_selector: str = None) -> List: k8s_helper = get_k8s_helper() crd_group, crd_version, crd_plural = self._get_crd_info() crd_objects = [] if crd_group and crd_version and crd_plural: try: crd_objects = k8s_helper.crdapi.list_namespaced_custom_object( crd_group, crd_version, namespace, crd_plural, label_selector=label_selector, ) except ApiException as exc: # ignore error if crd is not defined if exc.status != 404: raise else: crd_objects = crd_objects["items"] return crd_objects def _resolve_label_selector( self, project: str, object_id: typing.Optional[str] = None, label_selector: typing.Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: default_label_selector = self._get_default_label_selector() if label_selector: label_selector = ",".join([default_label_selector, label_selector]) else: label_selector = default_label_selector if project and project != "*": label_selector = ",".join([label_selector, f"mlrun/project={project}"]) label_selector = self._add_object_label_selector_if_needed( object_id, label_selector ) return label_selector def _wait_for_pods_deletion( self, namespace: str, deleted_pods: List[Dict], label_selector: str = None, ): k8s_helper = get_k8s_helper() deleted_pod_names = [pod_dict["metadata"]["name"] for pod_dict in deleted_pods] def _verify_pods_removed(): pods = k8s_helper.v1api.list_namespaced_pod( namespace, label_selector=label_selector ) existing_pod_names = [ for pod in pods.items] still_in_deletion_pods = set(existing_pod_names).intersection( deleted_pod_names ) if still_in_deletion_pods: raise RuntimeError( f"Pods are still in deletion process: {still_in_deletion_pods}" ) if deleted_pod_names: timeout = 180 logger.debug( "Waiting for pods deletion", timeout=timeout, interval=self.wait_for_deletion_interval, ) mlrun.utils.retry_until_successful( self.wait_for_deletion_interval, timeout, logger, True, _verify_pods_removed, ) def _wait_for_crds_underlying_pods_deletion( self, deleted_crds: List[Dict], label_selector: str = None, ): # we're using here the run identifier as the common ground to identify which pods are relevant to which CRD, so # if they are not coupled we are not able to wait - simply return # NOTE - there are surely smarter ways to do this, without depending on the run object, but as of writing this # none of the runtimes using CRDs are like that, so not handling it now if not self._are_resources_coupled_to_run_object(): return def _verify_crds_underlying_pods_removed(): project_uid_crd_map = {} for crd in deleted_crds: project, uid, _ = self._resolve_runtime_resource_run(crd) if not uid or not project: logger.warning( "Could not resolve run uid from crd. Skipping waiting for pods deletion", crd=crd, ) continue project_uid_crd_map.setdefault(project, {})[uid] = crd["metadata"][ "name" ] still_in_deletion_crds_to_pod_names = {} jobs_runtime_resources: mlrun.api.schemas.GroupedByJobRuntimeResourcesOutput = self.list_resources( "*", label_selector=label_selector, group_by=mlrun.api.schemas.ListRuntimeResourcesGroupByField.job, ) for project, project_jobs in jobs_runtime_resources.items(): if project not in project_uid_crd_map: continue for job_uid, job_runtime_resources in jobs_runtime_resources[ project ].items(): if job_uid not in project_uid_crd_map[project]: continue if job_runtime_resources.pod_resources: still_in_deletion_crds_to_pod_names[ project_uid_crd_map[project][job_uid] ] = [ for pod_resource in job_runtime_resources.pod_resources ] if still_in_deletion_crds_to_pod_names: raise RuntimeError( f"CRD underlying pods are still in deletion process: {still_in_deletion_crds_to_pod_names}" ) if deleted_crds: timeout = 180 logger.debug( "Waiting for CRDs underlying pods deletion", timeout=timeout, interval=self.wait_for_deletion_interval, ) mlrun.utils.retry_until_successful( self.wait_for_deletion_interval, timeout, logger, True, _verify_crds_underlying_pods_removed, ) def _delete_pod_resources( self, db: DBInterface, db_session: Session, namespace: str, label_selector: str = None, force: bool = False, grace_period: int = None, ) -> List[Dict]: if grace_period is None: grace_period = config.runtime_resources_deletion_grace_period k8s_helper = get_k8s_helper() pods = k8s_helper.v1api.list_namespaced_pod( namespace, label_selector=label_selector ) deleted_pods = [] for pod in pods.items: pod_dict = pod.to_dict() # best effort - don't let one failure in pod deletion to cut the whole operation try: ( in_terminal_state, last_update, run_state, ) = self._resolve_pod_status_info(db, db_session, pod_dict) if not force: if not in_terminal_state: continue # give some grace period if we have last update time now = if ( last_update is not None and last_update + timedelta(seconds=float(grace_period)) > now ): continue # if resources are tightly coupled to the run object - we want to perform some actions on the run object # before deleting them if self._are_resources_coupled_to_run_object(): try: self._pre_deletion_runtime_resource_run_actions( db, db_session, pod_dict, run_state ) except Exception as exc: # Don't prevent the deletion for failure in the pre deletion run actions logger.warning( "Failure in pod run pre-deletion actions. Continuing", exc=repr(exc),, ) self._delete_pod(namespace, pod) deleted_pods.append(pod_dict) except Exception as exc: logger.warning( f"Cleanup failed processing pod {}: {repr(exc)}. Continuing" ) self._wait_for_pods_deletion(namespace, deleted_pods, label_selector) return deleted_pods def _delete_crd_resources( self, db: DBInterface, db_session: Session, namespace: str, label_selector: str = None, force: bool = False, grace_period: int = None, ) -> List[Dict]: if grace_period is None: grace_period = config.runtime_resources_deletion_grace_period k8s_helper = get_k8s_helper() crd_group, crd_version, crd_plural = self._get_crd_info() deleted_crds = [] try: crd_objects = k8s_helper.crdapi.list_namespaced_custom_object( crd_group, crd_version, namespace, crd_plural, label_selector=label_selector, ) except ApiException as exc: # ignore error if crd is not defined if exc.status != 404: raise else: for crd_object in crd_objects["items"]: # best effort - don't let one failure in pod deletion to cut the whole operation try: ( in_terminal_state, last_update, desired_run_state, ) = self._resolve_crd_object_status_info(db, db_session, crd_object) if not force: if not in_terminal_state: continue # give some grace period if we have last update time now = if ( last_update is not None and last_update + timedelta(seconds=float(grace_period)) > now ): continue # if resources are tightly coupled to the run object - we want to perform some actions on the run # object before deleting them if self._are_resources_coupled_to_run_object(): try: self._pre_deletion_runtime_resource_run_actions( db, db_session, crd_object, desired_run_state, ) except Exception as exc: # Don't prevent the deletion for failure in the pre deletion run actions logger.warning( "Failure in crd object run pre-deletion actions. Continuing", exc=str(exc), crd_object_name=crd_object["metadata"]["name"], ) self._delete_crd( namespace, crd_group, crd_version, crd_plural, crd_object ) deleted_crds.append(crd_object) except Exception: exc = traceback.format_exc() crd_object_name = crd_object["metadata"]["name"] logger.warning( f"Cleanup failed processing CRD object {crd_object_name}: {exc}. Continuing" ) self._wait_for_crds_underlying_pods_deletion(deleted_crds, label_selector) return deleted_crds def _pre_deletion_runtime_resource_run_actions( self, db: DBInterface, db_session: Session, runtime_resource: Dict, run_state: str, ): project, uid, name = self._resolve_runtime_resource_run(runtime_resource) # if cannot resolve related run nothing to do if not uid: if not self._expect_pods_without_uid(): logger.warning( "Could not resolve run uid from runtime resource. Skipping pre-deletion actions", runtime_resource=runtime_resource, ) raise ValueError("Could not resolve run uid from runtime resource") else: return "Performing pre-deletion actions before cleaning up runtime resources", project=project, uid=uid, ) self._ensure_run_state(db, db_session, project, uid, name, run_state) self._ensure_run_logs_collected(db, db_session, project, uid) def _is_runtime_resource_run_in_terminal_state( self, db: DBInterface, db_session: Session, runtime_resource: Dict, ) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[datetime]]: """ A runtime can have different underlying resources (like pods or CRDs) - to generalize we call it runtime resource. This function will verify whether the Run object related to this runtime resource is in transient state. This is useful in order to determine whether an object can be removed. for example, a kubejob's pod might be in completed state, but we would like to verify that the run is completed as well to verify the logs were collected before we're removing the pod. :returns: bool determining whether the run in terminal state, and the last update time if it exists """ project, uid, _ = self._resolve_runtime_resource_run(runtime_resource) # if no uid, assume in terminal state if not uid: return True, None run = db.read_run(db_session, uid, project) last_update = None last_update_str = run.get("status", {}).get("last_update") if last_update_str is not None: last_update = datetime.fromisoformat(last_update_str) if run.get("status", {}).get("state") not in RunStates.terminal_states(): return False, last_update return True, last_update def _list_runs_for_monitoring( self, db: DBInterface, db_session: Session, states: list = None ): runs = db.list_runs(db_session, project="*", states=states) project_run_uid_map = {} run_with_missing_data = [] duplicated_runs = [] for run in runs: project = run.get("metadata", {}).get("project") uid = run.get("metadata", {}).get("uid") if not uid or not project: run_with_missing_data.append(run.get("metadata", {})) continue current_run = project_run_uid_map.setdefault(project, {}).get(uid) # sanity if current_run: duplicated_runs = { "monitored_run": current_run.get(["metadata"]), "duplicated_run": run.get(["metadata"]), } continue project_run_uid_map[project][uid] = run # If there are duplications or runs with missing data it probably won't be fixed # Monitoring is running periodically and we don't want to log on every problem we found which will spam the log # so we're aggregating the problems and logging only once per aggregation if duplicated_runs: logger.warning( "Found duplicated runs (same uid). Heuristically monitoring the first one found", duplicated_runs=duplicated_runs, ) if run_with_missing_data: logger.warning( "Found runs with missing data. They will not be monitored", run_with_missing_data=run_with_missing_data, ) return project_run_uid_map def _monitor_runtime_resource( self, db: DBInterface, db_session: Session, project_run_uid_map: Dict, runtime_resource: Dict, runtime_resource_is_crd: bool, namespace: str, project: str = None, uid: str = None, name: str = None, ): if not project and not uid and not name: project, uid, name = self._resolve_runtime_resource_run(runtime_resource) if not project or not uid: # Currently any build pod won't have UID and therefore will cause this log message to be printed which # spams the log # TODO: uncomment the log message when builder become a kind / starts having a UID # logger.warning( # "Could not resolve run project or uid from runtime resource, can not monitor run. Continuing", # project=project, # uid=uid, # runtime_resource_name=runtime_resource["metadata"]["name"], # namespace=namespace, # ) return run = project_run_uid_map.get(project, {}).get(uid) if runtime_resource_is_crd: ( _, _, run_state, ) = self._resolve_crd_object_status_info(db, db_session, runtime_resource) else: ( _, _, run_state, ) = self._resolve_pod_status_info(db, db_session, runtime_resource) self._update_ui_url(db, db_session, project, uid, runtime_resource, run) _, updated_run_state = self._ensure_run_state( db, db_session, project, uid, name, run_state, run, search_run=False, ) if updated_run_state in RunStates.terminal_states(): self._ensure_run_logs_collected(db, db_session, project, uid) def _build_list_resources_response( self, pod_resources: List[mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResource] = None, crd_resources: List[mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResource] = None, group_by: Optional[mlrun.api.schemas.ListRuntimeResourcesGroupByField] = None, ) -> Union[ mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResources, mlrun.api.schemas.GroupedByJobRuntimeResourcesOutput, mlrun.api.schemas.GroupedByProjectRuntimeResourcesOutput, ]: if crd_resources is None: crd_resources = [] if pod_resources is None: pod_resources = [] if group_by is None: return mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResources( crd_resources=crd_resources, pod_resources=pod_resources ) else: if group_by == mlrun.api.schemas.ListRuntimeResourcesGroupByField.job: return self._build_grouped_by_job_list_resources_response( pod_resources, crd_resources ) elif group_by == mlrun.api.schemas.ListRuntimeResourcesGroupByField.project: return self._build_grouped_by_project_list_resources_response( pod_resources, crd_resources ) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Provided group by field is not supported. group_by={group_by}" ) def _build_grouped_by_project_list_resources_response( self, pod_resources: List[mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResource] = None, crd_resources: List[mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResource] = None, ) -> mlrun.api.schemas.GroupedByProjectRuntimeResourcesOutput: resources = {} for pod_resource in pod_resources: self._add_resource_to_grouped_by_project_resources_response( resources, "pod_resources", pod_resource ) for crd_resource in crd_resources: self._add_resource_to_grouped_by_project_resources_response( resources, "crd_resources", crd_resource ) return resources def _build_grouped_by_job_list_resources_response( self, pod_resources: List[mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResource] = None, crd_resources: List[mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResource] = None, ) -> mlrun.api.schemas.GroupedByJobRuntimeResourcesOutput: resources = {} for pod_resource in pod_resources: self._add_resource_to_grouped_by_job_resources_response( resources, "pod_resources", pod_resource ) for crd_resource in crd_resources: self._add_resource_to_grouped_by_job_resources_response( resources, "crd_resources", crd_resource ) return resources def _add_resource_to_grouped_by_project_resources_response( self, resources: mlrun.api.schemas.GroupedByJobRuntimeResourcesOutput, resource_field_name: str, resource: mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResource, ): if "mlrun/class" in resource.labels: project = resource.labels.get("mlrun/project", "") mlrun_class = resource.labels["mlrun/class"] kind = self._resolve_kind_from_class(mlrun_class) self._add_resource_to_grouped_by_field_resources_response( project, kind, resources, resource_field_name, resource ) def _add_resource_to_grouped_by_job_resources_response( self, resources: mlrun.api.schemas.GroupedByJobRuntimeResourcesOutput, resource_field_name: str, resource: mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResource, ): if "mlrun/uid" in resource.labels: project = resource.labels.get("mlrun/project", config.default_project) uid = resource.labels["mlrun/uid"] self._add_resource_to_grouped_by_field_resources_response( project, uid, resources, resource_field_name, resource ) @staticmethod def _add_resource_to_grouped_by_field_resources_response( first_field_value: str, second_field_value: str, resources: mlrun.api.schemas.GroupedByJobRuntimeResourcesOutput, resource_field_name: str, resource: mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResource, ): if first_field_value not in resources: resources[first_field_value] = {} if second_field_value not in resources[first_field_value]: resources[first_field_value][ second_field_value ] = mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResources(pod_resources=[], crd_resources=[]) if not getattr( resources[first_field_value][second_field_value], resource_field_name ): setattr( resources[first_field_value][second_field_value], resource_field_name, [], ) getattr( resources[first_field_value][second_field_value], resource_field_name ).append(resource) @staticmethod def _resolve_kind_from_class(mlrun_class: str) -> str: class_to_kind_map = {} for kind in mlrun.runtimes.RuntimeKinds.runtime_with_handlers(): runtime_handler = mlrun.runtimes.get_runtime_handler(kind) class_values = runtime_handler._get_possible_mlrun_class_label_values() for value in class_values: class_to_kind_map[value] = kind return class_to_kind_map[mlrun_class] @staticmethod def _get_run_label_selector(project: str, run_uid: str): return f"mlrun/project={project},mlrun/uid={run_uid}" @staticmethod def _ensure_run_logs_collected( db: DBInterface, db_session: Session, project: str, uid: str ): # import here to avoid circular imports import mlrun.api.crud as crud log_file_exists = crud.Logs().log_file_exists(project, uid) if not log_file_exists: _, logs_from_k8s = crud.Logs().get_logs( db_session, project, uid, source=LogSources.K8S ) if logs_from_k8s:"Storing run logs", project=project, uid=uid) crud.Logs().store_log(logs_from_k8s, project, uid, append=False) @staticmethod def _ensure_run_state( db: DBInterface, db_session: Session, project: str, uid: str, name: str, run_state: str, run: Dict = None, search_run: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[bool, str]: if run is None: run = {} if search_run: try: run = db.read_run(db_session, uid, project) except mlrun.errors.MLRunNotFoundError: run = {} if not run: logger.warning( "Run not found. A new run will be created", project=project, uid=uid, desired_run_state=run_state, search_run=search_run, ) run = {"metadata": {"project": project, "name": name, "uid": uid}} db_run_state = run.get("status", {}).get("state") if db_run_state: if db_run_state == run_state: return False, run_state # if the current run state is terminal and different than the desired - log if db_run_state in RunStates.terminal_states(): # This can happen when the SDK running in the user's Run updates the Run's state to terminal, but # before it exits, when the runtime resource is still running, the API monitoring (here) is executed if run_state not in RunStates.terminal_states(): now = last_update_str = run.get("status", {}).get("last_update") if last_update_str is not None: last_update = datetime.fromisoformat(last_update_str) debounce_period = config.runs_monitoring_interval if last_update > now - timedelta( seconds=float(debounce_period) ): logger.warning( "Monitoring found non-terminal state on runtime resource but record has recently " "updated to terminal state. Debouncing", project=project, uid=uid, db_run_state=db_run_state, run_state=run_state, last_update=last_update, now=now, debounce_period=debounce_period, ) return False, run_state logger.warning( "Run record has terminal state but monitoring found different state on runtime resource. Changing", project=project, uid=uid, db_run_state=db_run_state, run_state=run_state, )"Updating run state", run_state=run_state) run.setdefault("status", {})["state"] = run_state run.setdefault("status", {})["last_update"] = now_date().isoformat() db.store_run(db_session, run, uid, project) return True, run_state @staticmethod def _resolve_runtime_resource_run(runtime_resource: Dict) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: project = ( runtime_resource.get("metadata", {}).get("labels", {}).get("mlrun/project") ) if not project: project = config.default_project uid = runtime_resource.get("metadata", {}).get("labels", {}).get("mlrun/uid") name = ( runtime_resource.get("metadata", {}) .get("labels", {}) .get("mlrun/name", "no-name") ) return project, uid, name @staticmethod def _delete_crd(namespace, crd_group, crd_version, crd_plural, crd_object): k8s_helper = get_k8s_helper() name = crd_object["metadata"]["name"] try: k8s_helper.crdapi.delete_namespaced_custom_object( crd_group, crd_version, namespace, crd_plural, name, ) "Deleted crd object", name=name, namespace=namespace, crd_plural=crd_plural, ) except ApiException as exc: # ignore error if crd object is already removed if exc.status != 404: raise @staticmethod def _delete_pod(namespace, pod): k8s_helper = get_k8s_helper() try: k8s_helper.v1api.delete_namespaced_pod(, namespace)"Deleted pod", except ApiException as exc: # ignore error if pod is already removed if exc.status != 404: raise @staticmethod def _build_pod_resources(pods) -> List[mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResource]: pod_resources = [] for pod in pods: pod_resources.append( mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResource( name=pod["metadata"]["name"], labels=pod["metadata"]["labels"], status=pod["status"], ) ) return pod_resources @staticmethod def _build_crd_resources(custom_objects) -> List[mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResource]: crd_resources = [] for custom_object in custom_objects: crd_resources.append( mlrun.api.schemas.RuntimeResource( name=custom_object["metadata"]["name"], labels=custom_object["metadata"]["labels"], status=custom_object.get("status", {}), ) ) return crd_resources