Source code for mlrun.runtimes.local

# Copyright 2018 Iguazio
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import importlib.util as imputil
import inspect
import json
import os
import socket
import sys
import tempfile
import traceback
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
from copy import copy
from io import StringIO
from os import environ, remove
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
from sys import executable

from distributed import Client, as_completed
from nuclio import Event

import mlrun
from mlrun.lists import RunList

from ..execution import MLClientCtx
from ..model import RunObject
from ..utils import get_handler_extended, get_in, logger, set_paths
from ..utils.clones import extract_source
from .base import BaseRuntime, FunctionSpec, spec_fields
from .kubejob import KubejobRuntime
from .remotesparkjob import RemoteSparkRuntime
from .utils import RunError, global_context, log_std

class ParallelRunner:
    def _get_handler(self, handler, context):
        return handler

    def _get_dask_client(self, options):
        if options.dask_cluster_uri:
            function = mlrun.import_function(options.dask_cluster_uri)
            return function.client,
        return Client(), None

    def _parallel_run_many(
        self, generator, execution: MLClientCtx, runobj: RunObject
    ) -> RunList:
        if and generator.options.dask_cluster_uri:
            # the attached dask cluster will not have the source code when we clone the git on run
            raise mlrun.errors.MLRunRuntimeError(
                "Cannot load source code into remote Dask at runtime use, "
                "function.deploy() to add the code into the image instead"
        results = RunList()
        tasks = generator.generate(runobj)
        handler = runobj.spec.handler
        handler = self._get_handler(handler, execution)

        client, function_name = self._get_dask_client(generator.options)
        parallel_runs = generator.options.parallel_runs or 4
        queued_runs = 0
        num_errors = 0

        def process_result(future):
            nonlocal num_errors
            resp, sout, serr = future.result()
            runobj = RunObject.from_dict(resp)
                log_std(self._db_conn, runobj, sout, serr, skip=self.is_child)
                resp = self._update_run_state(resp)
            except RunError as err:
                resp = self._update_run_state(resp, err=str(err))
                num_errors += 1
            if num_errors > generator.max_errors:
                logger.error("max errors reached, stopping iterations!")
                return True
            run_results = resp["status"].get("results", {})
            stop = generator.eval_stop_condition(run_results)
            if stop:
                    f"reached early stop condition ({generator.options.stop_condition}), stopping iterations!"
            return stop

        completed_iter = as_completed([])
        for task in tasks:
            task_struct = task.to_dict()
            project = get_in(task_struct, "metadata.project")
            uid = get_in(task_struct, "metadata.uid")
            iter = get_in(task_struct, "metadata.iteration", 0)
                task_struct, uid=uid, project=project, iter=iter
            resp = client.submit(
                remote_handler_wrapper, task.to_json(), handler, self.spec.workdir
            queued_runs += 1
            if queued_runs >= parallel_runs:
                future = next(completed_iter)
                early_stop = process_result(future)
                queued_runs -= 1
                if early_stop:

        for future in completed_iter:

        if function_name and generator.options.teardown_dask:
  "tearing down the dask cluster..")
                kind="dask", object_id=function_name, force=True

        return results

def remote_handler_wrapper(task, handler, workdir=None):
    if task and not isinstance(task, dict):
        task = json.loads(task)

    context = MLClientCtx.from_dict(
    runobj = RunObject.from_dict(task)

    sout, serr = exec_from_params(handler, runobj, context, workdir)
    return context.to_dict(), sout, serr

[docs]class HandlerRuntime(BaseRuntime, ParallelRunner): kind = "handler" def _run(self, runobj: RunObject, execution: MLClientCtx): handler = runobj.spec.handler self._force_handler(handler) tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".json", delete=False).name environ["MLRUN_META_TMPFILE"] = tmp set_paths(self.spec.pythonpath) context = MLClientCtx.from_dict( runobj.to_dict(), rundb=self.spec.rundb, autocommit=False, tmp=tmp, host=socket.gethostname(), ) global_context.set(context) sout, serr = exec_from_params(handler, runobj, context, self.spec.workdir) log_std(self._db_conn, runobj, sout, serr, show=False) return context.to_dict()
class LocalFunctionSpec(FunctionSpec): _dict_fields = spec_fields + ["clone_target_dir"] def __init__( self, command=None, args=None, mode=None, default_handler=None, pythonpath=None, entry_points=None, description=None, workdir=None, build=None, clone_target_dir=None, ): super().__init__( command=command, args=args, mode=mode, build=build, entry_points=entry_points, description=description, workdir=workdir, default_handler=default_handler, pythonpath=pythonpath, ) self.clone_target_dir = clone_target_dir
[docs]class LocalRuntime(BaseRuntime, ParallelRunner): kind = "local" _is_remote = False @property def spec(self) -> LocalFunctionSpec: return self._spec @spec.setter def spec(self, spec): self._spec = self._verify_dict(spec, "spec", LocalFunctionSpec)
[docs] def to_job(self, image=""): struct = self.to_dict() obj = KubejobRuntime.from_dict(struct) if image: obj.spec.image = image return obj
[docs] def with_source_archive(self, source, workdir=None, handler=None, target_dir=None): """load the code from git/tar/zip archive at runtime or build :param source: valid path to git, zip, or tar file, e.g. git:// http://some/url/ :param handler: default function handler :param workdir: working dir relative to the archive root or absolute (e.g. './subdir') :param target_dir: local target dir for repo clone (by default its <current-dir>/code) """ = source = True if handler: self.spec.default_handler = handler if workdir: self.spec.workdir = workdir if target_dir: self.spec.clone_target_dir = target_dir
[docs] def is_deployed(self): return True
def _get_handler(self, handler, context): command = self.spec.command if not command and # if the code is embedded in the function object extract or find it command, _ = return load_module(command, handler, context) def _pre_run(self, runobj: RunObject, execution: MLClientCtx): workdir = self.spec.workdir execution._current_workdir = workdir execution._old_workdir = None if and not hasattr(self, "_is_run_local"): target_dir = extract_source(, self.spec.clone_target_dir, secrets=execution._secrets_manager, ) if workdir and not workdir.startswith("/"): execution._current_workdir = os.path.join(target_dir, workdir) else: execution._current_workdir = workdir or target_dir if execution._current_workdir: execution._old_workdir = os.getcwd() workdir = os.path.realpath(execution._current_workdir) set_paths(workdir) os.chdir(workdir) else: set_paths(os.path.realpath(".")) if ( runobj.metadata.labels.get("kind") == RemoteSparkRuntime.kind and environ["MLRUN_SPARK_CLIENT_IGZ_SPARK"] == "true" ): from mlrun.runtimes.remotesparkjob import igz_spark_pre_hook igz_spark_pre_hook() def _post_run(self, results, execution: MLClientCtx): if execution._old_workdir: os.chdir(execution._old_workdir) def _run(self, runobj: RunObject, execution: MLClientCtx): environ["MLRUN_EXEC_CONFIG"] = runobj.to_json() tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".json", delete=False).name environ["MLRUN_META_TMPFILE"] = tmp if self.spec.rundb: environ["MLRUN_DBPATH"] = self.spec.rundb handler = runobj.spec.handler handler_str = handler or "main" logger.debug(f"starting local run: {self.spec.command} # {handler_str}") pythonpath = self.spec.pythonpath if handler: set_paths(pythonpath) context = MLClientCtx.from_dict( runobj.to_dict(), rundb=self.spec.rundb, autocommit=False, tmp=tmp, host=socket.gethostname(), ) try: fn = self._get_handler(handler, context) global_context.set(context) sout, serr = exec_from_params(fn, runobj, context) log_std( self._db_conn, runobj, sout, serr, skip=self.is_child, show=False ) return context.to_dict() # if RunError was raised it means that the error was raised as part of running the function # ( meaning the state was already updated to error ) therefore we just re-raise the error except RunError as err: raise err # this exception handling is for the case where we fail on pre-loading or post-running the function # and the state was not updated to error yet, therefore we update the state to error and raise as RunError except Exception as exc: # set_state here is mainly for sanity, as we will raise RunError which is expected to be handled # by the caller and will set the state to error ( in `update_run_state` ) context.set_state(error=str(exc), commit=True) raise RunError( "failed on pre-loading / post-running of the function" ) from exc else: command = self.spec.command command = command.format(**runobj.spec.parameters)"handler was not provided running main ({command})") arg_list = command.split() if self.spec.mode == "pass": cmd = arg_list else: cmd = [executable, "-u"] + arg_list env = None if pythonpath: if "PYTHONPATH" in environ: pythonpath = f"{environ['PYTHONPATH']}:{pythonpath}" env = {"PYTHONPATH": pythonpath} if runobj.spec.verbose: if not env: env = {} env["MLRUN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "DEBUG" args = self.spec.args if args: new_args = [] for arg in args: arg = arg.format(**runobj.spec.parameters) new_args.append(arg) args = new_args sout, serr = run_exec(cmd, args, env=env, cwd=execution._current_workdir) log_std(self._db_conn, runobj, sout, serr, skip=self.is_child, show=False) try: with open(tmp) as fp: resp = remove(tmp) if resp: return json.loads(resp) logger.error("empty context tmp file") except FileNotFoundError:"no context file found") return runobj.to_dict()
def load_module(file_name, handler, context): """Load module from file name""" module = None if file_name: path = Path(file_name) mod_name = if path.suffix: mod_name = mod_name[: -len(path.suffix)] spec = imputil.spec_from_file_location(mod_name, file_name) if spec is None: raise RunError(f"cannot import from {file_name!r}") module = imputil.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) class_args = {} if context: class_args = copy(context._parameters.get("_init_args", {})) return get_handler_extended(handler, context, class_args, namespaces=module) def run_exec(cmd, args, env=None, cwd=None): if args: cmd += args out = "" if env and "SYSTEMROOT" in os.environ: env["SYSTEMROOT"] = os.environ["SYSTEMROOT"] print("running:", cmd) process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=os.environ, cwd=cwd) while True: nextline = process.stdout.readline() if not nextline and process.poll() is not None: break print(nextline.decode("utf-8"), end="") sys.stdout.flush() out += nextline.decode("utf-8") code = process.poll() err ="utf-8") if code != 0 else "" return out, err class _DupStdout(object): def __init__(self): self.terminal = sys.stdout self.buf = StringIO() def write(self, message): self.terminal.write(message) self.buf.write(message) def flush(self): self.terminal.flush() def exec_from_params(handler, runobj: RunObject, context: MLClientCtx, cwd=None): old_level = logger.level if runobj.spec.verbose: logger.set_logger_level("DEBUG") kwargs = get_func_arg(handler, runobj, context) stdout = _DupStdout() err = "" val = None old_dir = os.getcwd() with redirect_stdout(stdout): context.set_logger_stream(stdout) try: if cwd: os.chdir(cwd) val = handler(**kwargs) context.set_state("completed", commit=False) except Exception as exc: err = str(exc) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) context.set_state(error=err, commit=False) logger.set_logger_level(old_level) stdout.flush() if cwd: os.chdir(old_dir) context.set_logger_stream(sys.stdout) if val: context.log_result("return", val) context.commit() logger.set_logger_level(old_level) return stdout.buf.getvalue(), err def get_func_arg(handler, runobj: RunObject, context: MLClientCtx, is_nuclio=False): params = runobj.spec.parameters or {} inputs = runobj.spec.inputs or {} kwargs = {} args = inspect.signature(handler).parameters for key in args.keys(): if key == "context": kwargs[key] = context elif is_nuclio and key == "event": kwargs[key] = Event(runobj.to_dict()) elif key in params: kwargs[key] = copy(params[key]) elif key in inputs: obj = context.get_input(key, inputs[key]) if type(args[key].default) is str or args[key].annotation == str: kwargs[key] = obj.local() else: kwargs[key] = context.get_input(key, inputs[key]) return kwargs