Model serving#

MLRun model serving allows composition of multi-stage, real-time pipelines, that include data manipulation and execution of models. The architecture allows high scalability while maintaining low latency performance.

For more information see Real-time deployment, Using built-in model serving classes, and Build your own model serving class.

Basic model serving#

The most basic model serving capability is deployment of a single model. To do that, you:

  1. Create an MLRun function of type serving that implements a serving class with the load and predict methods. The MLRun Function Hub comes with a range of such functions that support the most common frameworks.

  2. Add the model to the function, using the add_model() method.

  3. Test and deploy a model server, using the deploy() method.

This results in a single model endpoint that can execute the model and return the model prediction.

Optionally, you can create a mock server, which runs the model as an in-memory object within your development environment. This allows testing the model without deploying it.

Routers and ensembles#

A single serving function can host more than a single model. You can call add_model multiple times and specify a different model per each model key. Each add_model creates another model endpoint.

You can also create an ensemble of models, where a call to one model endpoint combines the results of other models together.

model ensemble

Model serving pipeline#

Model execution is usually part of a greater pipeline, and the model serving is just a single step in that pipeline. Usually, there is a range of data processing that occurs before and after the model is executed. The process may even involve more than a single model in the pipeline, and/or filters and rules, related to the execution of the models.

MLRun implements model serving pipeline using its graph capabilities. This gives the capability to define steps, such as data processing, data enrichment, and data manipulation, prior to calling the model as well as perform steps after the model is executed, by performing additional steps on the model output.

model serving graph