Source code for mlrun.serving.remote

# Copyright 2018 Iguazio
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import asyncio
import json

import aiohttp
import requests
import storey
from storey.flow import _ConcurrentJobExecution

import mlrun
from mlrun.errors import err_to_str
from mlrun.utils import logger

from .utils import (

default_retries = 6
default_backoff_factor = 1

[docs]class RemoteStep(storey.SendToHttp): """class for calling remote endpoints"""
[docs] def __init__( self, url: str, subpath: str = None, method: str = None, headers: dict = None, url_expression: str = None, body_expression: str = None, return_json: bool = True, input_path: str = None, result_path: str = None, max_in_flight=None, retries=None, backoff_factor=None, timeout=None, **kwargs, ): """class for calling remote endpoints sync and async graph step implementation for request/resp to remote service (class shortcut = "$remote") url can be an http(s) url (e.g. "https://myservice/path") or an mlrun function uri ([project/]name). alternatively the url_expression can be specified to build the url from the event (e.g. "event['url']"). example pipeline:: flow = function.set_topology("flow", engine="async")"step1", handler="func1") .to(RemoteStep(name="remote_echo", url="https://myservice/path", method="POST")) .to(name="laststep", handler="func2").respond() :param url: http(s) url or function [project/]name to call :param subpath: path (which follows the url), use `$path` to use the event.path :param method: HTTP method (GET, POST, ..), default to POST :param headers: dictionary with http header values :param url_expression: an expression for getting the url from the event, e.g. "event['url']" :param body_expression: an expression for getting the request body from the event, e.g. "event['data']" :param return_json: indicate the returned value is json, and convert it to a py object :param input_path: when specified selects the key/path in the event to use as body this require that the event body will behave like a dict, example: event: {"data": {"a": 5, "b": 7}}, input_path="data.b" means request body will be 7 :param result_path: selects the key/path in the event to write the results to this require that the event body will behave like a dict, example: event: {"x": 5} , result_path="resp" means the returned response will be written to event["y"] resulting in {"x": 5, "resp": <result>} :param retries: number of retries (in exponential backoff) :param backoff_factor: A backoff factor in seconds to apply between attempts after the second try :param timeout: How long to wait for the server to send data before giving up, float in seconds """ # init retry args for storey retries = default_retries if retries is None else retries super().__init__( None, None, input_path=input_path, result_path=result_path, max_in_flight=max_in_flight, retries=retries, backoff_factor=backoff_factor, **kwargs, ) self.url = url self.url_expression = url_expression self.body_expression = body_expression self.headers = headers self.method = method self.return_json = return_json self.subpath = subpath self.timeout = timeout self._append_event_path = False self._endpoint = "" self._session = None self._url_function_handler = None self._body_function_handler = None
def post_init(self, mode="sync"): self._endpoint = self.url if self.url and self.context: self._endpoint = self.context.get_remote_endpoint(self.url).strip("/") if self.body_expression: # init lambda function for calculating url from event self._body_function_handler = eval( "lambda event: " + self.body_expression, {"context": self.context}, {} ) if self.url_expression: # init lambda function for calculating url from event self._url_function_handler = eval( "lambda event: " + self.url_expression, {"endpoint": self._endpoint, "context": self.context}, {}, ) elif self.subpath: self._append_event_path = self.subpath == "$path" if not self._append_event_path: self._endpoint = self._endpoint + "/" + self.subpath.lstrip("/") async def _process_event(self, event): # async implementation (with storey) body = self._get_event_or_body(event) method, url, headers, body = self._generate_request(event, body) kwargs = {} if self.timeout: kwargs["timeout"] = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=self.timeout) try: resp = await self._client_session.request( method, url, headers=headers, data=body, ssl=False, **kwargs ) if resp.status >= 500: text = await resp.text() raise RuntimeError(f"bad http response {resp.status}: {text}") return resp except asyncio.TimeoutError as exc: logger.error(f"http request to {url} timed out in RemoteStep {}") raise exc async def _handle_completed(self, event, response): response_body = await if response.status >= 400: raise ValueError( f"For event {event}, RemoteStep {} got an unexpected response " f"status {response.status}: {response_body}" ) body = self._get_data(response_body, response.headers) new_event = self._user_fn_output_to_event(event, body) await self._do_downstream(new_event) def do_event(self, event): # sync implementation (without storey) if not self._session: self._session = mlrun.utils.HTTPSessionWithRetry( self.retries, self.backoff_factor or mlrun.mlconf.http_retry_defaults.backoff_factor, retry_on_exception=False, retry_on_status=self.retries > 0, retry_on_post=True, ) body = _extract_input_data(self._input_path, event.body) method, url, headers, body = self._generate_request(event, body) try: resp = self._session.request( method, url, verify=False, headers=headers, data=body, timeout=self.timeout, ) except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout as err: raise requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout( f"http request to {url} timed out in RemoteStep {}, {err_to_str(err)}" ) except OSError as err: raise OSError(f"cannot invoke url: {url}, {err_to_str(err)}") if not resp.ok: raise RuntimeError(f"bad http response {resp.status_code}: {resp.text}") result = self._get_data(resp.content, resp.headers) event.body = _update_result_body(self._result_path, event.body, result) return event def _generate_request(self, event, body): method = self.method or event.method or "POST" headers = self.headers or {} if self._url_function_handler: url = self._url_function_handler(body) else: url = self._endpoint striped_path = event.path.lstrip("/") if self._append_event_path: url = url + "/" + striped_path if striped_path: headers[event_path_key] = event.path if headers[event_id_key] = if method == "GET": body = None elif body is not None and not isinstance(body, (str, bytes)): if self._body_function_handler: body = self._body_function_handler(body) body = json.dumps(body) headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" return method, url, headers, body def _get_data(self, data, headers): if ( self.return_json or headers.get("content-type", "").lower() == "application/json" ) and isinstance(data, (str, bytes)): data = json.loads(data) return data
[docs]class BatchHttpRequests(_ConcurrentJobExecution): """class for calling remote endpoints in parallel"""
[docs] def __init__( self, url: str = None, subpath: str = None, method: str = None, headers: dict = None, url_expression: str = None, body_expression: str = None, return_json: bool = True, input_path: str = None, result_path: str = None, retries=None, backoff_factor=None, timeout=None, **kwargs, ): """class for calling remote endpoints in parallel sync and async graph step implementation for request/resp to remote service (class shortcut = "$remote") url can be an http(s) url (e.g. "https://myservice/path") or an mlrun function uri ([project/]name). alternatively the url_expression can be specified to build the url from the event (e.g. "event['url']"). example pipeline:: function = mlrun.new_function("myfunc", kind="serving") flow = function.set_topology("flow", engine="async") BatchHttpRequests( url_expression="event['url']", body_expression="event['data']", method="POST", input_path="req", result_path="resp", ) ).respond() server = function.to_mock_server() # request contains a list of elements, each with url and data request = [{"url": f"{base_url}/{i}", "data": i} for i in range(2)] resp = server.test(body={"req": request}) :param url: http(s) url or function [project/]name to call :param subpath: path (which follows the url) :param method: HTTP method (GET, POST, ..), default to POST :param headers: dictionary with http header values :param url_expression: an expression for getting the url from the event, e.g. "event['url']" :param body_expression: an expression for getting the request body from the event, e.g. "event['data']" :param return_json: indicate the returned value is json, and convert it to a py object :param input_path: when specified selects the key/path in the event to use as body this require that the event body will behave like a dict, example: event: {"data": {"a": 5, "b": 7}}, input_path="data.b" means request body will be 7 :param result_path: selects the key/path in the event to write the results to this require that the event body will behave like a dict, example: event: {"x": 5} , result_path="resp" means the returned response will be written to event["y"] resulting in {"x": 5, "resp": <result>} :param retries: number of retries (in exponential backoff) :param backoff_factor: A backoff factor in seconds to apply between attempts after the second try :param timeout: How long to wait for the server to send data before giving up, float in seconds """ if url and url_expression: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "cannot set both url and url_expression" ) self.url = url self.url_expression = url_expression self.body_expression = body_expression self.headers = headers self.method = method self.return_json = return_json self.subpath = subpath super().__init__(input_path=input_path, result_path=result_path, **kwargs) self.timeout = timeout self.retries = retries self.backoff_factor = backoff_factor self._append_event_path = False self._endpoint = "" self._session = None self._url_function_handler = None self._body_function_handler = None self._request_args = {}
def _init(self): super()._init() self._client_session = None async def _lazy_init(self): connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector() self._client_session = aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector) async def _cleanup(self): await self._client_session.close() def post_init(self, mode="sync"): self._endpoint = self.url if self.url and self.context: self._endpoint = self.context.get_remote_endpoint(self.url).strip("/") if self.body_expression: # init lambda function for calculating url from event self._body_function_handler = eval( "lambda event: " + self.body_expression, {}, {} ) if self.url_expression: # init lambda function for calculating url from event self._url_function_handler = eval( "lambda event: " + self.url_expression, {}, {"endpoint": self._endpoint} ) elif self.subpath: self._endpoint = self._endpoint + "/" + self.subpath.lstrip("/") if self.timeout: self._request_args["timeout"] = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=self.timeout) async def _process_event(self, event): # async implementation (with storey) method = self.method or event.method or "POST" headers = self.headers or {} input_list = self._get_event_or_body(event) is_get = method == "GET" is_json = False body_list = [] url_list = [] for body in input_list: if self._url_function_handler: url_list.append(self._url_function_handler(body)) else: url_list.append(self._endpoint) if is_get: body = None elif body is not None and not isinstance(body, (str, bytes)): if self._body_function_handler: body = self._body_function_handler(body) body = json.dumps(body) is_json = True body_list.append(body) if is_json: headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" responses = [] for url, body in zip(url_list, body_list): responses.append( asyncio.ensure_future( self._submit_with_retries(method, url, headers, body) ) ) return await asyncio.gather(*responses) async def _process_event_with_retries(self, event): return await self._process_event(event) async def _submit(self, method, url, headers, body): async with self._client_session.request( method, url, headers=headers, data=body, ssl=False, **self._request_args ) as future: if future.status >= 500: text = await future.text() raise RuntimeError(f"bad http response {future.status}: {text}") return await, future.headers async def _submit_with_retries(self, method, url, headers, body): times_attempted = 0 max_attempts = (self.retries or default_retries) + 1 while True: try: return await self._submit(method, url, headers, body) except Exception as ex: times_attempted += 1 attempts_left = max_attempts - times_attempted if self.logger: self.logger.warn( f"{} failed to process event ({attempts_left} retries left): {ex}" ) if attempts_left <= 0: raise ex backoff_factor = ( default_backoff_factor if self.backoff_factor is None else self.backoff_factor ) backoff_value = (backoff_factor) * (2 ** (times_attempted - 1)) backoff_value = min(self._BACKOFF_MAX, backoff_value) if backoff_value >= 0: await asyncio.sleep(backoff_value) async def _handle_completed(self, event, response): data = [] for body, headers in response: data.append(self._get_data(body, headers)) new_event = self._user_fn_output_to_event(event, data) await self._do_downstream(new_event) def _get_data(self, data, headers): if ( self.return_json or headers.get("content-type", "").lower() == "application/json" ) and isinstance(data, (str, bytes)): data = json.loads(data) return data