Source code for mlrun.datastore.sources

# Copyright 2018 Iguazio
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import os
from base64 import b64encode
from copy import copy
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import v3io
from nuclio import KafkaTrigger
from nuclio.config import split_path

import mlrun
from mlrun.secrets import SecretsStore

from ..config import config
from ..model import DataSource
from ..platforms.iguazio import parse_v3io_path
from ..utils import get_class
from .utils import store_path_to_spark

def get_source_from_dict(source):
    kind = source.get("kind", "")
    if not kind:
        return None
    return source_kind_to_driver[kind].from_dict(source)

def get_source_step(source, key_fields=None, time_field=None, context=None):
    """initialize the source driver"""
    if hasattr(source, "to_csv"):
        source = DataFrameSource(source, context=context)
    if not key_fields and not source.key_field:
        raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError("key column is not defined")
    return source.to_step(key_fields, time_field, context)

class BaseSourceDriver(DataSource):
    support_spark = False
    support_storey = False

    def _get_store(self):
        store, _ = mlrun.store_manager.get_or_create_store(self.path)
        return store

    def to_step(self, key_field=None, time_field=None, context=None):
        import storey

        return storey.SyncEmitSource(context=context)

    def get_table_object(self):
        """get storey Table object"""
        return None

    def to_dataframe(self):
        return mlrun.store_manager.object(url=self.path).as_df()

    def filter_df_start_end_time(self, df):
        if self.start_time or self.end_time:
            self.start_time = (
                datetime.min if self.start_time is None else self.start_time
            self.end_time = datetime.max if self.end_time is None else self.end_time
            df = df.filter(
                (df[self.time_field] > self.start_time)
                & (df[self.time_field] <= self.end_time)
        return df

    def to_spark_df(self, session, named_view=False):
        if self.support_spark:
            df =**self.get_spark_options())
            if named_view:
            return df
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_spark_options(self):
        # options used in**options)
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def is_iterator(self):
        return False

[docs]class CSVSource(BaseSourceDriver): """ Reads CSV file as input source for a flow. :parameter name: name of the source :parameter path: path to CSV file :parameter key_field: the CSV field to be used as the key for events. May be an int (field index) or string (field name) if with_header is True. Defaults to None (no key). Can be a list of keys. :parameter time_field: the CSV field to be parsed as the timestamp for events. May be an int (field index) or string (field name) if with_header is True. Defaults to None (no timestamp field). The field will be parsed from isoformat (ISO-8601 as defined in datetime.fromisoformat()). In case the format is not isoformat, timestamp_format (as defined in datetime.strptime()) should be passed in attributes. :parameter schedule: string to configure scheduling of the ingestion job. :parameter attributes: additional parameters to pass to storey. For example: attributes={"timestamp_format": '%Y%m%d%H'} :parameter parse_dates: Optional. List of columns (names or integers, other than time_field) that will be attempted to parse as date column. """ kind = "csv" support_storey = True support_spark = True def __init__( self, name: str = "", path: str = None, attributes: Dict[str, str] = None, key_field: str = None, time_field: str = None, schedule: str = None, parse_dates: Optional[Union[List[int], List[str]]] = None, ): super().__init__(name, path, attributes, key_field, time_field, schedule) self._parse_dates = parse_dates
[docs] def to_step(self, key_field=None, time_field=None, context=None): import storey attributes = self.attributes or {} if context: attributes["context"] = context return storey.CSVSource( paths=self.path, header=True, build_dict=True, key_field=self.key_field or key_field, time_field=self.time_field or time_field, storage_options=self._get_store().get_storage_options(), parse_dates=self._parse_dates, **attributes, )
[docs] def get_spark_options(self): return { "path": store_path_to_spark(self.path), "format": "csv", "header": "true", "inferSchema": "true", }
[docs] def to_spark_df(self, session, named_view=False): import pyspark.sql.functions as funcs df =**self.get_spark_options()) for col_name, col_type in df.dtypes: if ( col_name == self.time_field or self._parse_dates and col_name in self._parse_dates ): df = df.withColumn(col_name, funcs.col(col_name).cast("timestamp")) if named_view: df.createOrReplaceTempView( return df
[docs] def to_dataframe(self): kwargs = self.attributes.get("reader_args", {}) chunksize = self.attributes.get("chunksize") if chunksize: kwargs["chunksize"] = chunksize return mlrun.store_manager.object(url=self.path).as_df( parse_dates=self._parse_dates, **kwargs )
[docs] def is_iterator(self): return True if self.attributes.get("chunksize") else False
[docs]class ParquetSource(BaseSourceDriver): """ Reads Parquet file/dir as input source for a flow. :parameter name: name of the source :parameter path: path to Parquet file or directory :parameter key_field: the column to be used as the key for events. Can be a list of keys. :parameter time_field: the column to be parsed as the timestamp for events. Defaults to None :parameter start_filter: datetime. If not None, the results will be filtered by partitions and 'filter_column' > start_filter. Default is None :parameter end_filter: datetime. If not None, the results will be filtered by partitions 'filter_column' <= end_filter. Default is None :parameter filter_column: Optional. if not None, the results will be filtered by this column and start_filter & end_filter :parameter schedule: string to configure scheduling of the ingestion job. For example '*/30 * * * *' will cause the job to run every 30 minutes :parameter attributes: additional parameters to pass to storey. """ kind = "parquet" support_storey = True support_spark = True def __init__( self, name: str = "", path: str = None, attributes: Dict[str, str] = None, key_field: str = None, time_field: str = None, schedule: str = None, start_time: Optional[Union[datetime, str]] = None, end_time: Optional[Union[datetime, str]] = None, ): if isinstance(start_time, str): start_time = datetime.fromisoformat(start_time) if isinstance(end_time, str): end_time = datetime.fromisoformat(end_time) super().__init__( name, path, attributes, key_field, time_field, schedule, start_time, end_time, )
[docs] def to_step( self, key_field=None, time_field=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, context=None, ): import storey attributes = self.attributes or {} if context: attributes["context"] = context return storey.ParquetSource( paths=self.path, key_field=self.key_field or key_field, time_field=self.time_field or time_field, storage_options=self._get_store().get_storage_options(), end_filter=self.end_time, start_filter=self.start_time, filter_column=self.time_field or time_field, **attributes, )
[docs] def get_spark_options(self): return { "path": store_path_to_spark(self.path), "format": "parquet", }
[docs] def to_dataframe(self): kwargs = self.attributes.get("reader_args", {}) return mlrun.store_manager.object(url=self.path).as_df( format="parquet", **kwargs )
[docs]class BigQuerySource(BaseSourceDriver): """ Reads Google BigQuery query results as input source for a flow. example:: # use sql query query_string = "SELECT * FROM `the-psf.pypi.downloads20210328` LIMIT 5000" source = BigQuerySource("bq1", query=query_string, gcp_project="my_project", materialization_dataset="dataviews") # read a table source = BigQuerySource("bq2", table="the-psf.pypi.downloads20210328", gcp_project="my_project") :parameter name: source name :parameter table: table name/path, cannot be used together with query :parameter query: sql query string :parameter materialization_dataset: for query with spark, The target dataset for the materialized view. This dataset should be in same location as the view or the queried tables. must be set to a dataset where the GCP user has table creation permission :parameter chunksize: number of rows per chunk (default large single chunk) :parameter key_field: the column to be used as the key for events. Can be a list of keys. :parameter time_field: the column to be parsed as the timestamp for events. Defaults to None :parameter schedule: string to configure scheduling of the ingestion job. For example '*/30 * * * *' will cause the job to run every 30 minutes :parameter gcp_project: google cloud project name :parameter spark_options: additional spart read options """ kind = "bigquery" support_storey = False support_spark = True def __init__( self, name: str = "", table: str = None, max_results_for_table: int = None, query: str = None, materialization_dataset: str = None, chunksize: int = None, key_field: str = None, time_field: str = None, schedule: str = None, start_time=None, end_time=None, gcp_project: str = None, spark_options: dict = None, ): if query and table: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "cannot specify both table and query args" ) if not query and not table: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "must specify at least one of table or query args" ) attrs = { "query": query, "table": table, "max_results": max_results_for_table, "chunksize": chunksize, "gcp_project": gcp_project, "spark_options": spark_options, "materialization_dataset": materialization_dataset, } attrs = {key: value for key, value in attrs.items() if value is not None} super().__init__( name, attributes=attrs, key_field=key_field, time_field=time_field, schedule=schedule, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, ) self._rows_iterator = None def _get_credentials_string(self): gcp_project = self.attributes.get("gcp_project", None) key = "GCP_CREDENTIALS" gcp_cred_string = os.getenv(key) or os.getenv( SecretsStore.k8s_env_variable_name_for_secret(key) ) return gcp_cred_string, gcp_project def _get_credentials(self): from google.oauth2 import service_account gcp_cred_string, gcp_project = self._get_credentials_string() if gcp_cred_string and not os.getenv("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"): gcp_cred_dict = json.loads(gcp_cred_string, strict=False) credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info( gcp_cred_dict ) return credentials, gcp_project or gcp_cred_dict["project_id"] return None, gcp_project
[docs] def to_dataframe(self): from import bigquery def schema_to_dtypes(schema): from mlrun.data_types.data_types import gbq_to_pandas_dtype dtypes = {} for field in schema: dtypes[] = gbq_to_pandas_dtype(field.field_type) return dtypes credentials, gcp_project = self._get_credentials() bqclient = bigquery.Client(project=gcp_project, credentials=credentials) query = self.attributes.get("query") chunksize = self.attributes.get("chunksize") if query: query_job = bqclient.query(query) self._rows_iterator = query_job.result(page_size=chunksize) dtypes = schema_to_dtypes(self._rows_iterator.schema) if chunksize: return self._rows_iterator.to_dataframe_iterable(dtypes=dtypes) else: return self._rows_iterator.to_dataframe(dtypes=dtypes) else: table = self.attributes.get("table") max_results = self.attributes.get("max_results") rows = bqclient.list_rows( table, page_size=chunksize, max_results=max_results ) dtypes = schema_to_dtypes(rows.schema) if chunksize: return rows.to_dataframe_iterable(dtypes=dtypes) else: return rows.to_dataframe(dtypes=dtypes)
[docs] def is_iterator(self): return True if self.attributes.get("chunksize") else False
[docs] def to_spark_df(self, session, named_view=False): options = copy(self.attributes.get("spark_options", {})) credentials, gcp_project = self._get_credentials_string() if credentials: options["credentials"] = b64encode(credentials.encode("utf-8")).decode( "utf-8" ) if gcp_project: options["parentProject"] = gcp_project query = self.attributes.get("query") table = self.attributes.get("table") materialization_dataset = self.attributes.get("materialization_dataset") if not query and not table: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "table or query args must be specified" ) if query and not materialization_dataset: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "materialization_dataset must be specified when running a query" ) if query: options["viewsEnabled"] = True options["materializationDataset"] = materialization_dataset options["query"] = query if table: options["path"] = table df ="bigquery").load(**options) if named_view: df.createOrReplaceTempView( return df
class SnowflakeSource(BaseSourceDriver): kind = "snowflake" support_spark = True support_storey = False def __init__( self, name: str = "", key_field: str = None, time_field: str = None, schedule: str = None, start_time=None, end_time=None, query: str = None, url: str = None, user: str = None, password: str = None, database: str = None, schema: str = None, warehouse: str = None, ): attrs = { "query": query, "url": url, "user": user, "password": password, "database": database, "schema": schema, "warehouse": warehouse, } super().__init__( name, attributes=attrs, key_field=key_field, time_field=time_field, schedule=schedule, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, ) def get_spark_options(self): return { "format": "net.snowflake.spark.snowflake", "query": self.attributes.get("query"), "sfURL": self.attributes.get("url"), "sfUser": self.attributes.get("user"), "sfPassword": self.attributes.get("password"), "sfDatabase": self.attributes.get("database"), "sfSchema": self.attributes.get("schema"), "sfWarehouse": self.attributes.get("warehouse"), "application": "Iguazio", } class CustomSource(BaseSourceDriver): kind = "custom" support_storey = True support_spark = False def __init__( self, class_name: str = None, name: str = "", schedule: str = None, **attributes, ): attributes = attributes or {} attributes["class_name"] = class_name super().__init__(name, "", attributes, schedule=schedule) def to_step(self, key_field=None, time_field=None, context=None): attributes = copy(self.attributes) class_name = attributes.pop("class_name") class_object = get_class(class_name) return class_object(context=context, **attributes) class DataFrameSource: """ Reads data frame as input source for a flow. :parameter key_field: the column to be used as the key for events. Can be a list of keys. Defaults to None :parameter time_field: the column to be parsed as the timestamp for events. Defaults to None :parameter context: MLRun context. Defaults to None """ support_storey = True def __init__( self, df, key_field=None, time_field=None, context=None, iterator=False ): self._df = df if isinstance(key_field, str): self.key_field = [key_field] else: self.key_field = key_field self.time_field = time_field self.context = context self.iterator = iterator def to_step(self, key_field=None, time_field=None, context=None): import storey return storey.DataframeSource( dfs=self._df, key_field=self.key_field or key_field, time_field=self.time_field or time_field, context=self.context or context, ) def to_dataframe(self): return self._df def is_iterator(self): return self.iterator class OnlineSource(BaseSourceDriver): """online data source spec""" _dict_fields = [ "kind", "name", "path", "attributes", "key_field", "time_field", "online", "workers", ] kind = "" def __init__( self, name: str = None, path: str = None, attributes: Dict[str, str] = None, key_field: str = None, time_field: str = None, workers: int = None, ): super().__init__(name, path, attributes, key_field, time_field) = True self.workers = workers def to_step(self, key_field=None, time_field=None, context=None): import storey source_class = ( storey.AsyncEmitSource if config.datastore.async_source_mode == "enabled" else storey.SyncEmitSource ) source_args = self.attributes.get("source_args", {}) src_class = source_class( context=context, key_field=self.key_field, time_field=self.time_field, full_event=True, **source_args, ) return src_class def add_nuclio_trigger(self, function): raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "This source type is not supported with ingestion service yet" )
[docs]class HttpSource(OnlineSource): kind = "http"
[docs] def add_nuclio_trigger(self, function): trigger_args = self.attributes.get("trigger_args") if trigger_args: function.with_http(**trigger_args) return function
[docs]class StreamSource(OnlineSource): """Sets stream source for the flow. If stream doesn't exist it will create it""" kind = "v3ioStream" def __init__( self, name="stream", group="serving", seek_to="earliest", shards=1, retention_in_hours=24, extra_attributes: dict = None, **kwargs, ): """ Sets stream source for the flow. If stream doesn't exist it will create it :param name: stream name. Default "stream" :param group: consumer group. Default "serving" :param seek_to: from where to consume the stream. Default earliest :param shards: number of shards in the stream. Default 1 :param retention_in_hours: if stream doesn't exist and it will be created set retention time. Default 24h :param extra_attributes: additional nuclio trigger attributes (key/value dict) """ attrs = { "group": group, "seek_to": seek_to, "shards": shards, "retention_in_hours": retention_in_hours, "extra_attributes": extra_attributes or {}, } super().__init__(name, attributes=attrs, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_nuclio_trigger(self, function): endpoint, stream_path = parse_v3io_path(self.path) v3io_client = v3io.dataplane.Client(endpoint=endpoint) container, stream_path = split_path(stream_path) res = v3io_client.create_stream( container=container, path=stream_path, shard_count=self.attributes["shards"], retention_period_hours=self.attributes["retention_in_hours"], raise_for_status=v3io.dataplane.RaiseForStatus.never, ) res.raise_for_status([409, 204]) function.add_v3io_stream_trigger( self.path,, self.attributes["group"], self.attributes["seek_to"], self.attributes["shards"], extra_attributes=self.attributes.get("extra_attributes", {}), ) return function
[docs]class KafkaSource(OnlineSource): """Sets kafka source for the flow""" kind = "kafka" def __init__( self, brokers="localhost:9092", topics="topic", group="serving", initial_offset="earliest", partitions=None, sasl_user=None, sasl_pass=None, **kwargs, ): """Sets kafka source for the flow :param brokers: list of broker IP addresses :param topics: list of topic names on which to listen. :param group: consumer group. Default "serving" :param initial_offset: from where to consume the stream. Default earliest :param partitions: Optional, A list of partitions numbers for which the function receives events. :param sasl_user: Optional, user name to use for sasl authentications :param sasl_pass: Optional, password to use for sasl authentications """ if isinstance(topics, str): topics = [topics] if isinstance(brokers, str): brokers = [brokers] attrs = { "brokers": brokers, "topics": topics, "partitions": partitions, "group": group, "initial_offset": initial_offset, } if sasl_user and sasl_pass: attrs["sasl_user"] = sasl_user attrs["sasl_user"] = sasl_user super().__init__(attributes=attrs, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_nuclio_trigger(self, function): partitions = self.attributes.get("partitions") trigger = KafkaTrigger( brokers=self.attributes["brokers"], topics=self.attributes["topics"], partitions=partitions, consumer_group=self.attributes["group"], initial_offset=self.attributes["initial_offset"], ) func = function.add_trigger("kafka", trigger) sasl_user = self.attributes.get("sasl_user") sasl_pass = self.attributes.get("sasl_pass") if sasl_user and sasl_pass: trigger.sasl(sasl_user, sasl_pass) replicas = 1 if not partitions else len(partitions) func.spec.min_replicas = replicas func.spec.max_replicas = replicas return func
# map of sources (exclude DF source which is not serializable) source_kind_to_driver = { "": BaseSourceDriver, CSVSource.kind: CSVSource, ParquetSource.kind: ParquetSource, HttpSource.kind: HttpSource, StreamSource.kind: StreamSource, KafkaSource.kind: KafkaSource, CustomSource.kind: CustomSource, BigQuerySource.kind: BigQuerySource, SnowflakeSource.kind: SnowflakeSource, }