Source code for mlrun.model

# Copyright 2018 Iguazio
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import inspect
import re
import time
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from os import environ
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import mlrun

from .utils import dict_to_json, dict_to_yaml, get_artifact_target

# Changing {run_id} will break and will not be backward compatible.
RUN_ID_PLACE_HOLDER = "{run_id}"  # IMPORTANT: shouldn't be changed.

class ModelObj:
    _dict_fields = []

    def _verify_list(param, name):
        if not isinstance(param, list):
            raise ValueError(f"parameter {name} must be a list")

    def _verify_dict(param, name, new_type=None):
        if (
            param is not None
            and not isinstance(param, dict)
            and not hasattr(param, "to_dict")
            raise ValueError(f"parameter {name} must be a dict or object")
        if new_type and (isinstance(param, dict) or param is None):
            return new_type.from_dict(param)
        return param

    def to_dict(self, fields=None, exclude=None):
        """convert the object to a python dictionary"""
        struct = {}
        fields = fields or self._dict_fields
        if not fields:
            fields = list(inspect.signature(self.__init__).parameters.keys())
        for t in fields:
            if not exclude or t not in exclude:
                val = getattr(self, t, None)
                if val is not None and not (isinstance(val, dict) and not val):
                    if hasattr(val, "to_dict"):
                        val = val.to_dict()
                        if val:
                            struct[t] = val
                        struct[t] = val
        return struct

    def from_dict(cls, struct=None, fields=None, deprecated_fields: dict = None):
        """create an object from a python dictionary"""
        struct = {} if struct is None else struct
        deprecated_fields = deprecated_fields or {}
        fields = fields or cls._dict_fields
        if not fields:
            fields = list(inspect.signature(cls.__init__).parameters.keys())
        new_obj = cls()
        if struct:
            # we are looping over the fields to save the same order and behavior in which the class
            # initialize the attributes
            for field in fields:
                # we want to set the field only if the field exists in struct
                if field in struct:
                    field_val = struct.get(field, None)
                    if field not in deprecated_fields:
                        setattr(new_obj, field, field_val)

            for deprecated_field, new_field in deprecated_fields.items():
                field_value = struct.get(new_field) or struct.get(deprecated_field)
                if field_value:
                    setattr(new_obj, new_field, field_value)

        return new_obj

    def to_yaml(self):
        """convert the object to yaml"""
        return dict_to_yaml(self.to_dict())

    def to_json(self):
        """convert the object to json"""
        return dict_to_json(self.to_dict())

    def to_str(self):
        """convert the object to string (with dict layout)"""
        return self.__str__()

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.to_dict())

    def copy(self):
        """create a copy of the object"""
        return deepcopy(self)

# model class for building ModelObj dictionaries
class ObjectDict:
    def __init__(self, classes_map, default_kind=""):
        self._children = OrderedDict()
        self._default_kind = default_kind
        self._classes_map = classes_map

    def values(self):
        return self._children.values()

    def keys(self):
        return self._children.keys()

    def items(self):
        return self._children.items()

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._children)

    def __iter__(self):
        yield from self._children.keys()

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        return self._children[name]

    def __setitem__(self, key, item):
        self._children[key] = self._get_child_object(item, key)

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self._children[key]

    def update(self, key, item):
        child = self._get_child_object(item, key)
        self._children[key] = child
        return child

    def to_dict(self):
        return {k: v.to_dict() for k, v in self._children.items()}

    def from_dict(cls, classes_map: dict, children=None, default_kind=""):
        if children is None:
            return cls(classes_map, default_kind)
        if not isinstance(children, dict):
            raise ValueError("children must be a dict")

        new_obj = cls(classes_map, default_kind)
        for name, child in children.items():
            child_obj = new_obj._get_child_object(child, name)
            new_obj._children[name] = child_obj

        return new_obj

    def _get_child_object(self, child, name):
        if hasattr(child, "kind") and child.kind in self._classes_map.keys():
   = name
            return child
        elif isinstance(child, dict):
            kind = child.get("kind", self._default_kind)
            if kind not in self._classes_map.keys():
                raise ValueError(f"illegal object kind {kind}")
            child_obj = self._classes_map[kind].from_dict(child)
   = name
            return child_obj
            raise ValueError(f"illegal child (should be dict or child kind), {child}")

    def to_yaml(self):
        return dict_to_yaml(self.to_dict())

    def to_json(self):
        return dict_to_json(self.to_dict())

    def to_str(self):
        return self.__str__()

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.to_dict())

    def copy(self):
        return deepcopy(self)

class ObjectList:
    def __init__(self, child_class):
        self._children = OrderedDict()
        self._child_class = child_class

    def values(self):
        return self._children.values()

    def keys(self):
        return self._children.keys()

    def items(self):
        return self._children.items()

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._children)

    def __iter__(self):
        yield from self._children.values()

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        if isinstance(name, int):
            return list(self._children.values())[name]
        return self._children[name]

    def __setitem__(self, key, item):
        self.update(item, key)

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self._children[key]

    def to_dict(self):
        # method used by ModelObj class to serialize the object to nested dict
        return [t.to_dict() for t in self._children.values()]

    def from_list(cls, child_class, children=None):
        if children is None:
            return cls(child_class)
        if not isinstance(children, list):
            raise ValueError("states must be a list")

        new_obj = cls(child_class)
        for child in children:
            name, child_obj = new_obj._get_child_object(child)
            new_obj._children[name] = child_obj
        return new_obj

    def _get_child_object(self, child):
        if isinstance(child, self._child_class):
            return, child
        elif isinstance(child, dict):
            if "name" not in child.keys():
                raise ValueError("illegal object no 'name' field")
            child_obj = self._child_class.from_dict(child)
            return, child_obj
            raise ValueError(f"illegal child (should be dict or child kind), {child}")

    def update(self, child, name=None):
        object_name, child_obj = self._get_child_object(child) = name or object_name
        self._children[] = child_obj
        return child_obj

class Credentials(ModelObj):
    generate_access_key = "$generate"
    secret_reference_prefix = "$ref:"

    def __init__(
        self.access_key = access_key

class BaseMetadata(ModelObj):
    def __init__(
    ): = name
        self.tag = tag
        self.hash = hash
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.project = project or ""
        self.labels = labels or {}
        self.categories = categories or []
        self.annotations = annotations or {}
        self.updated = updated
        self._credentials = None
        self.credentials = credentials

    def credentials(self) -> Credentials:
        return self._credentials

    def credentials(self, credentials):
        self._credentials = self._verify_dict(credentials, "credentials", Credentials)

class ImageBuilder(ModelObj):
    """An Image builder"""

    def __init__(
        self.functionSourceCode = functionSourceCode  #: functionSourceCode
        self.codeEntryType = ""  #: codeEntryType
        self.codeEntryAttributes = ""  #: codeEntryAttributes
        self.source = source  #: source
        self.code_origin = code_origin  #: code_origin
        self.origin_filename = origin_filename
        self.image = image  #: image
        self.base_image = base_image  #: base_image
        self.commands = commands or []  #: commands
        self.extra = extra  #: extra
        self.secret = secret  #: secret
        self.registry = registry  #: registry
        self.load_source_on_run = load_source_on_run  #: load_source_on_run
        self.with_mlrun = with_mlrun  #: with_mlrun
        self.auto_build = auto_build  #: auto_build
        self.build_pod = None

[docs]class RunMetadata(ModelObj): """Run metadata""" def __init__( self, uid=None, name=None, project=None, labels=None, annotations=None, iteration=None, ): self.uid = uid self._iteration = iteration = name self.project = project self.labels = labels or {} self.annotations = annotations or {} @property def iteration(self): return self._iteration or 0 @iteration.setter def iteration(self, iteration): self._iteration = iteration
class HyperParamStrategies: grid = "grid" list = "list" random = "random" custom = "custom" @staticmethod def all(): return [ HyperParamStrategies.grid, HyperParamStrategies.list, HyperParamStrategies.random, HyperParamStrategies.custom, ]
[docs]class HyperParamOptions(ModelObj): """Hyper Parameter Options Parameters: param_file (str): hyper params input file path/url, instead of inline strategy (str): hyper param strategy - grid, list or random selector (str): selection criteria for best result ([min|max.]<result>), e.g. max.accuracy stop_condition (str): early stop condition e.g. "accuracy > 0.9" parallel_runs (int): number of param combinations to run in parallel (over Dask) dask_cluster_uri (str): db uri for a deployed dask cluster function, e.g. db://myproject/dask max_iterations (int): max number of runs (in random strategy) max_errors (int): max number of child runs errors for the overall job to fail teardown_dask (bool): kill the dask cluster pods after the runs """ def __init__( self, param_file=None, strategy=None, selector: HyperParamStrategies = None, stop_condition=None, parallel_runs=None, dask_cluster_uri=None, max_iterations=None, max_errors=None, teardown_dask=None, ): self.param_file = param_file self.strategy = strategy self.selector = selector self.stop_condition = stop_condition self.max_iterations = max_iterations self.max_errors = max_errors self.parallel_runs = parallel_runs self.dask_cluster_uri = dask_cluster_uri self.teardown_dask = teardown_dask def validate(self): if self.strategy and self.strategy not in HyperParamStrategies.all(): raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( f"illegal hyper param strategy, use {','.join(HyperParamStrategies.all())}" ) if self.max_iterations and self.strategy != HyperParamStrategies.random: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "max_iterations is only valid in random strategy" )
[docs]class RunSpec(ModelObj): """Run specification""" def __init__( self, parameters=None, hyperparams=None, param_file=None, selector=None, handler=None, inputs=None, outputs=None, input_path=None, output_path=None, function=None, secret_sources=None, data_stores=None, strategy=None, verbose=None, scrape_metrics=None, hyper_param_options=None, allow_empty_resources=None, ): self._hyper_param_options = None self._inputs = inputs self._outputs = outputs self.hyper_param_options = hyper_param_options self.parameters = parameters or {} self.hyperparams = hyperparams or {} self.param_file = param_file self.strategy = strategy self.selector = selector self.handler = handler self.input_path = input_path self.output_path = output_path self.function = function self._secret_sources = secret_sources or [] self._data_stores = data_stores self.verbose = verbose self.scrape_metrics = scrape_metrics self.allow_empty_resources = allow_empty_resources
[docs] def to_dict(self, fields=None, exclude=None): struct = super().to_dict(fields, exclude=["handler"]) if self.handler and isinstance(self.handler, str): struct["handler"] = self.handler return struct
def is_hyper_job(self): param_file = self.param_file or self.hyper_param_options.param_file return param_file or self.hyperparams @property def inputs(self): return self._inputs @inputs.setter def inputs(self, inputs): self._inputs = self._verify_dict(inputs, "inputs") @property def hyper_param_options(self) -> HyperParamOptions: return self._hyper_param_options @hyper_param_options.setter def hyper_param_options(self, hyper_param_options): self._hyper_param_options = self._verify_dict( hyper_param_options, "hyper_param_options", HyperParamOptions ) @property def outputs(self): return self._outputs @outputs.setter def outputs(self, outputs): self._verify_list(outputs, "outputs") self._outputs = outputs @property def secret_sources(self): return self._secret_sources @secret_sources.setter def secret_sources(self, secret_sources): self._verify_list(secret_sources, "secret_sources") self._secret_sources = secret_sources @property def data_stores(self): return self._data_stores @data_stores.setter def data_stores(self, data_stores): self._verify_list(data_stores, "data_stores") self._data_stores = data_stores @property def handler_name(self): if self.handler: if inspect.isfunction(self.handler): return self.handler.__name__ else: return str(self.handler) return ""
[docs]class RunStatus(ModelObj): """Run status""" def __init__( self, state=None, error=None, host=None, commit=None, status_text=None, results=None, artifacts=None, start_time=None, last_update=None, iterations=None, ui_url=None, ): self.state = state or "created" self.status_text = status_text self.error = error = host self.commit = commit self.results = results self.artifacts = artifacts self.start_time = start_time self.last_update = last_update self.iterations = iterations self.ui_url = ui_url
[docs]class RunTemplate(ModelObj): """Run template""" def __init__(self, spec: RunSpec = None, metadata: RunMetadata = None): self._spec = None self._metadata = None self.spec = spec self.metadata = metadata @property def spec(self) -> RunSpec: return self._spec @spec.setter def spec(self, spec): self._spec = self._verify_dict(spec, "spec", RunSpec) @property def metadata(self) -> RunMetadata: return self._metadata @metadata.setter def metadata(self, metadata): self._metadata = self._verify_dict(metadata, "metadata", RunMetadata)
[docs] def with_params(self, **kwargs): """set task parameters using key=value, key2=value2, ..""" self.spec.parameters = kwargs return self
[docs] def with_input(self, key, path): """set task data input, path is an Mlrun global DataItem uri examples:: task.with_input("data", "/file-dir/path/to/file") task.with_input("data", "s3://<bucket>/path/to/file") task.with_input("data", "v3io://[<remote-host>]/<data-container>/path/to/file") """ if not self.spec.inputs: self.spec.inputs = {} self.spec.inputs[key] = path return self
[docs] def with_hyper_params( self, hyperparams, selector=None, strategy: HyperParamStrategies = None, **options, ): """set hyper param values and configurations, see parameters in: :py:class:`HyperParamOptions` example:: grid_params = {"p1": [2,4,1], "p2": [10,20]} task = mlrun.new_task("grid-search") task.with_hyper_params(grid_params, selector="max.accuracy") """ self.spec.hyperparams = hyperparams self.spec.hyper_param_options = options self.spec.hyper_param_options.selector = selector self.spec.hyper_param_options.strategy = strategy self.spec.hyper_param_options.validate() return self
[docs] def with_param_file( self, param_file, selector=None, strategy: HyperParamStrategies = None, **options, ): """set hyper param values (from a file url) and configurations, see parameters in: :py:class:`HyperParamOptions` example:: grid_params = "s3://<my-bucket>/path/to/params.json" task = mlrun.new_task("grid-search") task.with_param_file(grid_params, selector="max.accuracy") """ self.spec.hyper_param_options = options self.spec.hyper_param_options.param_file = param_file self.spec.hyper_param_options.selector = selector self.spec.hyper_param_options.strategy = strategy self.spec.hyper_param_options.validate() return self
[docs] def with_secrets(self, kind, source): """register a secrets source (file, env or dict) read secrets from a source provider to be used in workflows, example:: task.with_secrets('file', 'file.txt') task.with_secrets('inline', {'key': 'val'}) task.with_secrets('env', 'ENV1,ENV2') task.with_secrets('vault', ['secret1', 'secret2'...]) # If using with k8s secrets, the k8s secret is managed by MLRun, through the project-secrets # mechanism. The secrets will be attached to the running pod as environment variables. task.with_secrets('kubernetes', ['secret1', 'secret2']) # If using an empty secrets list [] then all accessible secrets will be available. task.with_secrets('vault', []) # To use with Azure key vault, a k8s secret must be created with the following keys: # kubectl -n <namespace> create secret generic azure-key-vault-secret \\ # --from-literal=tenant_id=<service principal tenant ID> \\ # --from-literal=client_id=<service principal client ID> \\ # --from-literal=secret=<service principal secret key> task.with_secrets('azure_vault', { 'name': 'my-vault-name', 'k8s_secret': 'azure-key-vault-secret', # An empty secrets list may be passed ('secrets': []) to access all vault secrets. 'secrets': ['secret1', 'secret2'...] }) :param kind: secret type (file, inline, env) :param source: secret data or link (see example) :returns: The RunTemplate object """ if kind == "vault" and isinstance(source, list): source = {"project": self.metadata.project, "secrets": source} self.spec.secret_sources.append({"kind": kind, "source": source}) return self
[docs] def set_label(self, key, value): """set a key/value label for the task""" self.metadata.labels[key] = str(value) return self
def to_env(self): environ["MLRUN_EXEC_CONFIG"] = self.to_json()
[docs]class RunObject(RunTemplate): """A run""" def __init__( self, spec: RunSpec = None, metadata: RunMetadata = None, status: RunStatus = None, ): super().__init__(spec, metadata) self._status = None self.status = status self.outputs_wait_for_completion = True @classmethod def from_template(cls, template: RunTemplate): return cls(template.spec, template.metadata) @property def status(self) -> RunStatus: return self._status @status.setter def status(self, status): self._status = self._verify_dict(status, "status", RunStatus)
[docs] def output(self, key): """return the value of a specific result or artifact by key""" if self.outputs_wait_for_completion: self.wait_for_completion() if self.status.results and key in self.status.results: return self.status.results.get(key) artifact = self._artifact(key) if artifact: return get_artifact_target(artifact, self.metadata.project) return None
@property def ui_url(self) -> str: """UI URL (for relevant runtimes)""" self.refresh() if not self._status.ui_url: print("UI currently not available (status={})".format(self._status.state)) return self._status.ui_url @property def outputs(self): """return a dict of outputs, result values and artifact uris""" outputs = {} if self.outputs_wait_for_completion: self.wait_for_completion() if self.status.results: outputs = {k: v for k, v in self.status.results.items()} if self.status.artifacts: for a in self.status.artifacts: outputs[a["key"]] = get_artifact_target(a, self.metadata.project) return outputs
[docs] def artifact(self, key) -> "mlrun.DataItem": """return artifact DataItem by key""" if self.outputs_wait_for_completion: self.wait_for_completion() artifact = self._artifact(key) if artifact: uri = get_artifact_target(artifact, self.metadata.project) if uri: return mlrun.get_dataitem(uri) return None
def _artifact(self, key): """return artifact DataItem by key""" if self.status.artifacts: for a in self.status.artifacts: if a["key"] == key: return a return None
[docs] def uid(self): """run unique id""" return self.metadata.uid
[docs] def state(self): """current run state""" if self.status.state in mlrun.runtimes.constants.RunStates.terminal_states(): return self.status.state self.refresh() return self.status.state or "unknown"
[docs] def refresh(self): """refresh run state from the db""" db = mlrun.get_run_db() run = db.read_run( uid=self.metadata.uid, project=self.metadata.project, iter=self.metadata.iteration, ) if run: self.status = RunStatus.from_dict(run.get("status", {})) self.status.from_dict(run.get("status", {})) return self
[docs] def show(self): """show the current status widget, in jupyter notebook""" db = mlrun.get_run_db() db.list_runs(uid=self.metadata.uid, project=self.metadata.project).show()
[docs] def logs(self, watch=True, db=None): """return or watch on the run logs""" if not db: db = mlrun.get_run_db() if not db: print("DB is not configured, cannot show logs") return None if db.kind == "http": state = db.watch_log(self.metadata.uid, self.metadata.project, watch=watch) else: state, text = db.get_log(self.metadata.uid, self.metadata.project) if text: print(text.decode()) if state: print(f"final state: {state}") return state
[docs] def wait_for_completion(self, sleep=3, timeout=0, raise_on_failure=True): """wait for async run to complete""" total_time = 0 while True: state = self.state() if state in mlrun.runtimes.constants.RunStates.terminal_states(): break time.sleep(sleep) total_time += sleep if timeout and total_time > timeout: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunTimeoutError( "Run did not reach terminal state on time" ) if raise_on_failure and state != mlrun.runtimes.constants.RunStates.completed: self.logs(watch=False) raise mlrun.errors.MLRunRuntimeError( f"task {} did not complete (state={state})" ) return state
@staticmethod def create_uri(project: str, uid: str, iteration: Union[int, str], tag: str = ""): if tag: tag = f":{tag}" iteration = str(iteration) return f"{project}@{uid}#{iteration}{tag}" @staticmethod def parse_uri(uri: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str, str]: uri_pattern = ( r"^(?P<project>.*)@(?P<uid>.*)\#(?P<iteration>.*?)(:(?P<tag>.*))?$" ) match = re.match(uri_pattern, uri) if not match: raise ValueError( "Uri not in supported format <project>@<uid>#<iteration>[:tag]" ) group_dict = match.groupdict() return ( group_dict["project"], group_dict["uid"], group_dict["iteration"], group_dict["tag"], )
class EntrypointParam(ModelObj): def __init__( self, name="", type=None, default=None, doc="", required=None, choices: list = None, ): = name self.type = type self.default = default self.doc = doc self.required = required self.choices = choices class FunctionEntrypoint(ModelObj): def __init__(self, name="", doc="", parameters=None, outputs=None, lineno=-1): = name self.doc = doc self.parameters = [] if parameters is None else parameters self.outputs = [] if outputs is None else outputs self.lineno = lineno # TODO: remove in 0.9.0
[docs]def NewTask( name=None, project=None, handler=None, params=None, hyper_params=None, param_file=None, selector=None, strategy=None, inputs=None, outputs=None, in_path=None, out_path=None, artifact_path=None, secrets=None, base=None, ): """Creates a new task - see new_task""" warnings.warn( "NewTask will be deprecated in 0.7.0, and will be removed in 0.9.0, use new_task instead", # TODO: In 0.7.0 and replace NewTask to new_task in examples & demos PendingDeprecationWarning, ) return new_task( name, project, handler, params, hyper_params, param_file, selector, strategy, inputs, outputs, in_path, out_path, artifact_path, secrets, base, )
[docs]def new_task( name=None, project=None, handler=None, params=None, hyper_params=None, param_file=None, selector=None, hyper_param_options=None, inputs=None, outputs=None, in_path=None, out_path=None, artifact_path=None, secrets=None, base=None, ) -> RunTemplate: """Creates a new task :param name: task name :param project: task project :param handler: code entry-point/handler name :param params: input parameters (dict) :param hyper_params: dictionary of hyper parameters and list values, each hyper param holds a list of values, the run will be executed for every parameter combination (GridSearch) :param param_file: a csv file with parameter combinations, first row hold the parameter names, following rows hold param values :param selector: selection criteria for hyper params e.g. "max.accuracy" :param hyper_param_options: hyper parameter options, see: :py:class:`HyperParamOptions` :param inputs: dictionary of input objects + optional paths (if path is omitted the path will be the in_path/key) :param outputs: dictionary of input objects + optional paths (if path is omitted the path will be the out_path/key) :param in_path: default input path/url (prefix) for inputs :param out_path: default output path/url (prefix) for artifacts :param artifact_path: default artifact output path :param secrets: extra secrets specs, will be injected into the runtime e.g. ['file=<filename>', 'env=ENV_KEY1,ENV_KEY2'] :param base: task instance to use as a base instead of a fresh new task instance """ if base: run = deepcopy(base) else: run = RunTemplate() = name or run.metadata.project = project or run.metadata.project run.spec.handler = handler or run.spec.handler run.spec.parameters = params or run.spec.parameters run.spec.inputs = inputs or run.spec.inputs run.spec.outputs = outputs or run.spec.outputs or [] run.spec.input_path = in_path or run.spec.input_path run.spec.output_path = artifact_path or out_path or run.spec.output_path run.spec.secret_sources = secrets or run.spec.secret_sources or [] run.spec.hyperparams = hyper_params or run.spec.hyperparams run.spec.hyper_param_options = hyper_param_options or run.spec.hyper_param_options run.spec.hyper_param_options.param_file = ( param_file or run.spec.hyper_param_options.param_file ) run.spec.hyper_param_options.selector = ( selector or run.spec.hyper_param_options.selector ) return run
[docs]class TargetPathObject: """Class configuring the target path This class will take consideration of a few parameters to create the correct end result path: * run_id - if run_id is provided target will be considered as run_id mode which require to contain a {run_id} place holder in the path. * is_single_file - if true then run_id must be the directory containing the output file or generated before the file name (run_id/output.file). * base_path - if contains the place holder for run_id, run_id must not be None. if run_id passed and place holder doesn't exist the place holder will be generated in the correct place. """ def __init__( self, base_path=None, run_id=None, is_single_file=False, ): self.run_id = run_id self.full_path_template = base_path if run_id is not None: if RUN_ID_PLACE_HOLDER not in self.full_path_template: if not is_single_file: if self.full_path_template[-1] != "/": self.full_path_template = self.full_path_template + "/" self.full_path_template = ( self.full_path_template + RUN_ID_PLACE_HOLDER + "/" ) else: dir_name_end = len(self.full_path_template) if self.full_path_template[-1] != "/": dir_name_end = self.full_path_template.rfind("/") + 1 updated_path = ( self.full_path_template[:dir_name_end] + RUN_ID_PLACE_HOLDER + "/" + self.full_path_template[dir_name_end:] ) self.full_path_template = updated_path else: if self.full_path_template[-1] != "/": if self.full_path_template.endswith(RUN_ID_PLACE_HOLDER): self.full_path_template = self.full_path_template + "/" else: if RUN_ID_PLACE_HOLDER in self.full_path_template: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "Error when trying to create TargetPathObject with place holder '{run_id}' but no value." ) def get_templated_path(self): return self.full_path_template def get_absolute_path(self): if self.run_id: return self.full_path_template.format(run_id=self.run_id) else: return self.full_path_template
[docs]class DataSource(ModelObj): """online or offline data source spec""" _dict_fields = [ "kind", "name", "path", "attributes", "key_field", "time_field", "schedule", "online", "workers", "max_age", "start_time", "end_time", ] kind = None def __init__( self, name: str = None, path: str = None, attributes: Dict[str, str] = None, key_field: str = None, time_field: str = None, schedule: str = None, start_time: Optional[Union[datetime, str]] = None, end_time: Optional[Union[datetime, str]] = None, ): = name self.path = str(path) if path is not None else None self.attributes = attributes or {} self.schedule = schedule self.key_field = key_field self.time_field = time_field self.start_time = start_time self.end_time = end_time = None self.max_age = None self.workers = None self._secrets = {} def set_secrets(self, secrets): self._secrets = secrets
[docs]class DataTargetBase(ModelObj): """data target spec, specify a destination for the feature set data""" _dict_fields = [ "name", "kind", "path", "after_step", "attributes", "partitioned", "key_bucketing_number", "partition_cols", "time_partitioning_granularity", "max_events", "flush_after_seconds", "storage_options", "run_id", ] # TODO - remove once "after_state" is fully deprecated
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, struct=None, fields=None): return super().from_dict( struct, fields=fields, deprecated_fields={"after_state": "after_step"} )
def get_path(self): if self.path: is_single_file = hasattr(self, "is_single_file") and self.is_single_file() return TargetPathObject(self.path, self.run_id, is_single_file) else: return None def __init__( self, kind: str = None, name: str = "", path=None, attributes: Dict[str, str] = None, after_step=None, partitioned: bool = False, key_bucketing_number: Optional[int] = None, partition_cols: Optional[List[str]] = None, time_partitioning_granularity: Optional[str] = None, max_events: Optional[int] = None, flush_after_seconds: Optional[int] = None, after_state=None, storage_options: Dict[str, str] = None, ): if after_state: warnings.warn( "The after_state parameter is deprecated. Use after_step instead", # TODO: In 0.7.0 do changes in examples & demos In 0.9.0 remove PendingDeprecationWarning, ) after_step = after_step or after_state = name self.kind: str = kind self.path = path self.after_step = after_step self.attributes = attributes or {} self.last_written = None self.partitioned = partitioned self.key_bucketing_number = key_bucketing_number self.partition_cols = partition_cols self.time_partitioning_granularity = time_partitioning_granularity self.max_events = max_events self.flush_after_seconds = flush_after_seconds self.storage_options = storage_options self.run_id = None
[docs]class FeatureSetProducer(ModelObj): """information about the task/job which produced the feature set data""" def __init__(self, kind=None, name=None, uri=None, owner=None, sources=None): self.kind = kind = name self.owner = owner self.uri = uri self.sources = sources or {}
[docs]class DataTarget(DataTargetBase): """data target with extra status information (used in the feature-set/vector status)""" _dict_fields = [ "name", "kind", "path", "start_time", "online", "status", "updated", "size", "last_written", "run_id", ] def __init__( self, kind: str = None, name: str = "", path=None, online=None, ): super().__init__(kind, name, path) self.status = "" self.updated = None self.size = None = online self.max_age = None self.start_time = None self.last_written = None self._producer = None self.producer = {} @property def producer(self) -> FeatureSetProducer: return self._producer @producer.setter def producer(self, producer): self._producer = self._verify_dict(producer, "producer", FeatureSetProducer)
class VersionedObjMetadata(ModelObj): def __init__( self, name: str = None, tag: str = None, uid: str = None, project: str = None, labels: Dict[str, str] = None, annotations: Dict[str, str] = None, updated=None, ): = name self.tag = tag self.uid = uid self.project = project self.labels = labels or {} self.annotations = annotations or {} self.updated = updated