Source code for mlrun.serving.states

# Copyright 2018 Iguazio
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

__all__ = ["TaskStep", "RouterStep", "RootFlowStep"]

import os
import pathlib
import traceback
import warnings
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from inspect import getfullargspec, signature
from typing import Union

from ..config import config
from ..datastore import get_stream_pusher
from ..errors import MLRunInvalidArgumentError
from ..model import ModelObj, ObjectDict
from ..platforms.iguazio import parse_v3io_path
from ..utils import get_class, get_function
from .utils import _extract_input_data, _update_result_body

callable_prefix = "_"
path_splitter = "/"
previous_step = "$prev"

class GraphError(Exception):
    """error in graph topology or configuration"""


class StepKinds:
    router = "router"
    task = "task"
    flow = "flow"
    queue = "queue"
    choice = "choice"
    root = "root"

_task_step_fields = [

def new_model_endpoint(class_name, model_path, handler=None, **class_args):
    class_args = deepcopy(class_args)
    class_args["model_path"] = model_path
    return TaskStep(class_name, class_args, handler=handler)

def new_remote_endpoint(url, **class_args):
    class_args = deepcopy(class_args)
    class_args["url"] = url
    return TaskStep("$remote", class_args)

class BaseStep(ModelObj):
    kind = "BaseStep"
    default_shape = "ellipse"
    _dict_fields = ["kind", "comment", "after", "on_error"]

    def __init__(self, name: str = None, after: list = None, shape: str = None): = name
        self._parent = None
        self.comment = None
        self.context = None
        self.after = after
        self._next = None
        self.shape = shape
        self.on_error = None
        self._on_error_handler = None

    def get_shape(self):
        """graphviz shape"""
        return self.shape or self.default_shape

    def set_parent(self, parent):
        """set/link the step parent (flow/router)"""
        self._parent = parent

    def next(self):
        return self._next

    def parent(self):
        """step parent (flow/router)"""
        return self._parent

    def set_next(self, key: str):
        """set/insert the key as next after this step, optionally remove other keys"""
        if not
            self._next = [key]
        elif key not in
        return self

    def after_step(self, after):
        """specify the previous step name"""
        # most steps only accept one source
        self.after = [after] if after else []
        return self

    def after_state(self, after):
            "This method is deprecated. Use after_step instead",
            # TODO: In 0.7.0 do changes in examples & demos In 0.9.0 remove
        return self.after_step(after)

    def error_handler(self, step_name: str = None, state_name=None):
        """set error handler step (on failure/raise of this step)"""
        if state_name:
                "The state_name parameter is deprecated. Use step_name instead",
                # TODO: In 0.7.0 do changes in examples & demos In 0.9.0 remove
            step_name = step_name or state_name
        if not step_name:
            raise MLRunInvalidArgumentError("Must specify step_name")
        self.on_error = step_name
        return self

    def init_object(self, context, namespace, mode="sync", reset=False, **extra_kwargs):
        """init the step class"""
        self.context = context

    def _is_local_function(self, context):
        return True

    def get_children(self):
        """get child steps (for router/flow)"""
        return []

    def __iter__(self):
        yield from []

    def fullname(self):
        """full path/name (include parents)"""
        name = or ""
        if self._parent and self._parent.fullname:
            name = path_splitter.join([self._parent.fullname, name])
        return name.replace(":", "_")  # replace for graphviz escaping

    def _post_init(self, mode="sync"):

    def _set_error_handler(self):
        """init/link the error handler for this step"""
        if self.on_error:
            error_step = self.context.root.path_to_step(self.on_error)
            self._on_error_handler =

    def _log_error(self, event, err, **kwargs):
        """on failure log (for sync mode)"""
            f"step {} got error {err} when processing an event:\n {event.body}"
        message = traceback.format_exc()
            event, f"{err}\n{message}", source=self.fullname, **kwargs

    def _call_error_handler(self, event, err, **kwargs):
        """call the error handler if exist"""
        if self._on_error_handler:
            event.error = str(err)
            event.origin_state = self.fullname
            return self._on_error_handler(event)

    def path_to_step(self, path: str):
        """return step object from step relative/fullname"""
        path = path or ""
        tree = path.split(path_splitter)
        next_level = self
        for step in tree:
            if step not in next_level:
                raise GraphError(
                    f"step {step} doesnt exist in the graph under {next_level.fullname}"
            next_level = next_level[step]
        return next_level

    def path_to_state(self, path: str):
            "This method is deprecated. Use path_to_step instead",
            # TODO: In 0.7.0 do changes in examples & demos In 0.9.0 remove
        return self.path_to_step(path)

    def to(
        class_name: Union[str, type] = None,
        name: str = None,
        handler: str = None,
        graph_shape: str = None,
        function: str = None,
        full_event: bool = None,
        input_path: str = None,
        result_path: str = None,
        """add a step right after this step and return the new step

        example, a 4 step pipeline ending with a stream:'URLDownloader')\
             .to(name='to_json', handler='json.dumps')\
             .to('>>', 'to_v3io', path=stream_path)\

        :param class_name:  class name or step object to build the step from
                            for router steps the class name should start with '*'
                            for queue/stream step the class should be '>>' or '$queue'
        :param name:        unique name (and path) for the child step, default is class name
        :param handler:     class/function handler to invoke on run/event
        :param graph_shape: graphviz shape name
        :param function:    function this step should run in
        :param full_event:  this step accepts the full event (not just body)
        :param input_path:  selects the key/path in the event to use as input to the step
                            this require that the event body will behave like a dict, example:
                            event: {"data": {"a": 5, "b": 7}}, input_path="data.b" means the step will
                            receive 7 as input
        :param result_path: selects the key/path in the event to write the results to
                            this require that the event body will behave like a dict, example:
                            event: {"x": 5} , result_path="y" means the output of the step will be written
                            to event["y"] resulting in {"x": 5, "y": <result>}
        :param class_args:  class init arguments
        if hasattr(self, "steps"):
            parent = self
        elif self._parent:
            parent = self._parent
            raise GraphError(
                f"step {} parent is not set or its not part of a graph"

        name, step = params_to_step(
        step = parent._steps.update(name, step)
        if not hasattr(self, "steps"):
            # check that its not the root, todo: in future may gave nested flows
        parent._last_added = step
        return step

[docs]class TaskStep(BaseStep): """task execution step, runs a class or handler""" kind = "task" _dict_fields = _task_step_fields _default_class = "" def __init__( self, class_name: Union[str, type] = None, class_args: dict = None, handler: str = None, name: str = None, after: list = None, full_event: bool = None, function: str = None, responder: bool = None, input_path: str = None, result_path: str = None, ): super().__init__(name, after) self.class_name = class_name self.class_args = class_args or {} self.handler = handler self.function = function self._handler = None self._object = None self._async_object = None self.skip_context = None self.context = None self._class_object = None self.responder = responder self.full_event = full_event self.input_path = input_path self.result_path = result_path self.on_error = None self._inject_context = False self._call_with_event = False
[docs] def init_object(self, context, namespace, mode="sync", reset=False, **extra_kwargs): self.context = context self._async_object = None if not self._is_local_function(context): # skip init of non local functions return if self.handler and not self.class_name: # link to function if callable(self.handler): self._handler = self.handler self.handler = self.handler.__name__ else: self._handler = get_function(self.handler, namespace) args = signature(self._handler).parameters if args and "context" in list(args.keys()): self._inject_context = True return if isinstance(self.class_name, type): self._class_object = self.class_name self.class_name = self.class_name.__name__ if not self._class_object: if self.class_name == "$remote": from mlrun.serving.remote import RemoteStep self._class_object = RemoteStep else: self._class_object = get_class( self.class_name or self._default_class, namespace ) if not self._object or reset: # init the step class + args class_args = {} for key, arg in self.class_args.items(): if key.startswith(callable_prefix): class_args[key[1:]] = get_function(arg, namespace) else: class_args[key] = arg class_args.update(extra_kwargs) # add common args (name, context, ..) only if target class can accept them argspec = getfullargspec(self._class_object) for key in ["name", "context", "input_path", "result_path", "full_event"]: if argspec.varkw or key in argspec.args: class_args[key] = getattr(self, key) try: self._object = self._class_object(**class_args) except TypeError as exc: raise TypeError( f"failed to init step {}, {exc}\n args={self.class_args}" ) # determine the right class handler to use handler = self.handler if handler: if not hasattr(self._object, handler): raise GraphError( f"handler ({handler}) specified but doesnt exist in class {self.class_name}" ) else: if hasattr(self._object, "do_event"): handler = "do_event" self._call_with_event = True elif hasattr(self._object, "do"): handler = "do" if handler: self._handler = getattr(self._object, handler, None) self._set_error_handler() if mode != "skip": self._post_init(mode)
def _is_local_function(self, context): # detect if the class is local (and should be initialized) current_function = get_current_function(context) if current_function == "*": return True if not self.function and not current_function: return True if ( self.function and self.function == "*" ) or self.function == current_function: return True return False @property def async_object(self): """return the sync or async (storey) class instance""" return self._async_object or self._object
[docs] def clear_object(self): self._object = None
def _post_init(self, mode="sync"): if self._object and hasattr(self._object, "post_init"): self._object.post_init(mode) if hasattr(self._object, "model_endpoint_uid"): self.endpoint_uid = self._object.model_endpoint_uid
[docs] def respond(self): """mark this step as the responder. step output will be returned as the flow result, no other step can follow """ self.responder = True return self
[docs] def run(self, event, *args, **kwargs): """run this step, in async flows the run is done through storey""" if not self._is_local_function(self.context): # todo invoke remote via REST call return event if self.context.verbose:"step {} got event {event.body}") # inject context parameter if it is expected by the handler if self._inject_context: kwargs["context"] = self.context elif kwargs and "context" in kwargs: del kwargs["context"] try: if self.full_event or self._call_with_event: return self._handler(event, *args, **kwargs) if self._handler is None: raise MLRunInvalidArgumentError( f"step {} does not have a handler" ) result = self._handler( _extract_input_data(self.input_path, event.body), *args, **kwargs ) event.body = _update_result_body(self.result_path, event.body, result) except Exception as exc: self._log_error(event, exc) handled = self._call_error_handler(event, exc) if not handled: raise exc event.terminated = True return event
[docs]class RouterStep(TaskStep): """router step, implement routing logic for running child routes""" kind = "router" default_shape = "doubleoctagon" _dict_fields = _task_step_fields + ["routes"] _default_class = "mlrun.serving.ModelRouter" def __init__( self, class_name: Union[str, type] = None, class_args: dict = None, handler: str = None, routes: list = None, name: str = None, function: str = None, input_path: str = None, result_path: str = None, ): super().__init__( class_name, class_args, handler, name=name, function=function, input_path=input_path, result_path=result_path, ) self._routes: ObjectDict = None self.routes = routes
[docs] def get_children(self): """get child steps (routes)""" return self._routes.values()
@property def routes(self): """child routes/steps, traffic is routed to routes based on router logic""" return self._routes @routes.setter def routes(self, routes: dict): self._routes = ObjectDict.from_dict(classes_map, routes, "task")
[docs] def add_route( self, key, route=None, class_name=None, handler=None, function=None, **class_args, ): """add child route step or class to the router :param key: unique name (and route path) for the child step :param route: child step object (Task, ..) :param class_name: class name to build the route step from (when route is not provided) :param class_args: class init arguments :param handler: class handler to invoke on run/event :param function: function this step should run in """ if not route and not class_name: raise MLRunInvalidArgumentError("route or class_name must be specified") if not route: route = TaskStep(class_name, class_args, handler=handler) route.function = function or route.function route = self._routes.update(key, route) route.set_parent(self) return route
[docs] def clear_children(self, routes: list): """clear child steps (routes)""" if not routes: routes = self._routes.keys() for key in routes: del self._routes[key]
[docs] def init_object(self, context, namespace, mode="sync", reset=False, **extra_kwargs): if not self._is_local_function(context): return self.class_args = self.class_args or {} super().init_object( context, namespace, "skip", reset=reset, routes=self._routes, **extra_kwargs ) for route in self._routes.values(): if self.function and not route.function: # if the router runs on a child function and the # model function is not specified use the router function route.function = self.function route.set_parent(self) route.init_object(context, namespace, mode, reset=reset) self._set_error_handler() self._post_init(mode)
def __getitem__(self, name): return self._routes[name] def __setitem__(self, name, route): self.add_route(name, route) def __delitem__(self, key): del self._routes[key] def __iter__(self): yield from self._routes.keys()
[docs] def plot(self, filename=None, format=None, source=None, **kw): """plot/save a graphviz plot""" return _generate_graphviz( self, _add_graphviz_router, filename, format, source=source, **kw )
[docs]class QueueStep(BaseStep): """queue step, implement an async queue or represent a stream""" kind = "queue" default_shape = "cds" _dict_fields = BaseStep._dict_fields + [ "path", "shards", "retention_in_hours", "trigger_args", "options", ] def __init__( self, name: str = None, path: str = None, after: list = None, shards: int = None, retention_in_hours: int = None, trigger_args: dict = None, **options, ): super().__init__(name, after) self.path = path self.shards = shards self.retention_in_hours = retention_in_hours self.options = options self.trigger_args = trigger_args self._stream = None self._async_object = None
[docs] def init_object(self, context, namespace, mode="sync", reset=False, **extra_kwargs): self.context = context if self.path: self._stream = get_stream_pusher( self.path, shards=self.shards, retention_in_hours=self.retention_in_hours, ) self._set_error_handler()
@property def async_object(self): return self._async_object
[docs] def after_step(self, after): # queue steps accept multiple sources if self.after: if after: self.after.append(after) else: self.after = [after] if after else [] return self
[docs] def after_state(self, after): warnings.warn( "This method is deprecated. Use after_step instead", # TODO: In 0.7.0 do changes in examples & demos In 0.9.0 remove PendingDeprecationWarning, ) return self.after_step(after)
[docs] def run(self, event, *args, **kwargs): data = event.body if not data: return event if self._stream: self._stream.push({"id":, "body": data, "path": event.path}) event.terminated = True event.body = None return event
class FlowStep(BaseStep): """flow step, represent a workflow or DAG""" kind = "flow" _dict_fields = BaseStep._dict_fields + [ "steps", "engine", "default_final_step", ] # TODO - remove once "states" is fully deprecated @classmethod def from_dict(cls, struct=None, fields=None, deprecated_fields: dict = None): deprecated_fields = deprecated_fields or {} deprecated_fields.update( {"states": "steps", "default_final_state": "default_final_step"} ) return super().from_dict( struct, fields=fields, deprecated_fields=deprecated_fields ) def __init__( self, name=None, steps=None, after: list = None, engine=None, final_step=None, # TODO - remove once usage of "state" is fully deprecated states=None, final_state=None, ): super().__init__(name, after) if states: warnings.warn( "The states parameter is deprecated. Use steps instead", # TODO: In 0.7.0 do changes in examples & demos In 0.9.0 remove PendingDeprecationWarning, ) steps = steps or states if final_state: warnings.warn( "The final_state parameter is deprecated. Use final_step instead", # TODO: In 0.7.0 do changes in examples & demos In 0.9.0 remove PendingDeprecationWarning, ) final_step = final_step or final_state self._steps = None self.steps = steps self.engine = engine # TODO - remove use of START_FROM_STATE once it's fully deprecated. self.from_step = os.environ.get("START_FROM_STEP", None) or os.environ.get( "START_FROM_STATE", None ) self.final_step = final_step self._last_added = None self._controller = None self._wait_for_result = False self._source = None self._start_steps = [] def get_children(self): return self._steps.values() @property def steps(self): """child (workflow) steps""" return self._steps @property def states(self): warnings.warn( "This property is deprecated. Use steps instead", # TODO: In 0.7.0 do changes in examples & demos In 0.9.0 remove PendingDeprecationWarning, ) return self._steps @property def controller(self): """async (storey) flow controller""" return self._controller @steps.setter def steps(self, steps): self._steps = ObjectDict.from_dict(classes_map, steps, "task") @states.setter def states(self, states): warnings.warn( "This property is deprecated. Use steps instead", # TODO: In 0.7.0 do changes in examples & demos In 0.9.0 remove PendingDeprecationWarning, ) self._steps = ObjectDict.from_dict(classes_map, states, "task") def add_step( self, class_name=None, name=None, handler=None, after=None, before=None, graph_shape=None, function=None, full_event: bool = None, input_path: str = None, result_path: str = None, **class_args, ): """add task, queue or router step/class to the flow use after/before to insert into a specific location example: graph = fn.set_topology("flow", exist_ok=True) graph.add_step(class_name="Chain", name="s1") graph.add_step(class_name="Chain", name="s3", after="$prev") graph.add_step(class_name="Chain", name="s2", after="s1", before="s3") :param class_name: class name or step object to build the step from for router steps the class name should start with '*' for queue/stream step the class should be '>>' or '$queue' :param name: unique name (and path) for the child step, default is class name :param handler: class/function handler to invoke on run/event :param after: the step name this step comes after can use $prev to indicate the last added step :param before: string or list of next step names that will run after this step :param graph_shape: graphviz shape name :param function: function this step should run in :param full_event: this step accepts the full event (not just body) :param input_path: selects the key/path in the event to use as input to the step this require that the event body will behave like a dict, example: event: {"data": {"a": 5, "b": 7}}, input_path="data.b" means the step will receive 7 as input :param result_path: selects the key/path in the event to write the results to this require that the event body will behave like a dict, example: event: {"x": 5} , result_path="y" means the output of the step will be written to event["y"] resulting in {"x": 5, "y": <result>} :param class_args: class init arguments """ name, step = params_to_step( class_name, name, handler, graph_shape=graph_shape, function=function, full_event=full_event, input_path=input_path, result_path=result_path, class_args=class_args, ) self.insert_step(name, step, after, before) return step def insert_state(self, key, state, after, before=None): warnings.warn( "This method is deprecated. Use insert_step instead", # TODO: In 0.7.0 do changes in examples & demos In 0.9.0 remove PendingDeprecationWarning, ) return self.insert_step(key, state, after, before) def insert_step(self, key, step, after, before=None): """insert step object into the flow, specify before and after""" step = self._steps.update(key, step) step.set_parent(self) if after == "$prev" and len(self._steps) == 1: after = None previous = "" if after: if after == "$prev" and self._last_added: previous = else: if after not in self._steps.keys(): raise MLRunInvalidArgumentError( f"cant set after, there is no step named {after}" ) previous = after step.after_step(previous) if before: if before not in self._steps.keys(): raise MLRunInvalidArgumentError( f"cant set before, there is no step named {before}" ) if before == or before == previous: raise GraphError( f"graph loop, step {before} is specified in before and/or after {key}" ) self[before].after_step( self._last_added = step return step def clear_children(self, steps: list = None, states: list = None): """remove some or all of the states, empty/None for all""" if states: warnings.warn( "This states parameter is deprecated. Use steps instead", # TODO: In 0.7.0 do changes in examples & demos In 0.9.0 remove PendingDeprecationWarning, ) steps = steps or states if not steps: steps = self._steps.keys() for key in steps: del self._steps[key] def __getitem__(self, name): return self._steps[name] def __setitem__(self, name, step): self.add_step(name, step) def __delitem__(self, key): del self._steps[key] def __iter__(self): yield from self._steps.keys() def init_object(self, context, namespace, mode="sync", reset=False, **extra_kwargs): self.context = context self.check_and_process_graph() for step in self._steps.values(): step.set_parent(self) step.init_object(context, namespace, mode, reset=reset) self._set_error_handler() self._post_init(mode) if self.engine != "sync": self._build_async_flow() def check_and_process_graph(self, allow_empty=False): """validate correct graph layout and initialize the .next links""" if self.is_empty() and allow_empty: self._start_steps = [] return [], None, [] def has_loop(step, previous): for next_step in step.after or []: if next_step in previous: return downstream = has_loop(self[next_step], previous + [next_step]) if downstream: return downstream return None start_steps = [] for step in self._steps.values(): step._next = None if step.after: loop_step = has_loop(step, []) if loop_step: raise GraphError( f"Error, loop detected in step {loop_step}, graph must be acyclic (DAG)" ) else: start_steps.append( responders = [] for step in self._steps.values(): if hasattr(step, "responder") and step.responder: responders.append( if step.on_error and step.on_error in start_steps: start_steps.remove(step.on_error) if step.after: prev_step = step.after[0] self[prev_step].set_next( if self.on_error and self.on_error in start_steps: start_steps.remove(self.on_error) if ( len(responders) > 1 ): # should not have multiple steps which respond to request raise GraphError( f'there are more than one responder steps in the graph ({",".join(responders)})' ) if self.from_step: if self.from_step not in self.steps: raise GraphError( f"from_step ({self.from_step}) specified and not found in graph steps" ) start_steps = [self.from_step] self._start_steps = [self[name] for name in start_steps] def get_first_function_step(step, current_function): # find the first step which belongs to the function if ( hasattr(step, "function") and step.function and step.function == current_function ): return step for item in or []: next_step = self[item] returned_step = get_first_function_step(next_step, current_function) if returned_step: return returned_step current_function = get_current_function(self.context) if current_function and current_function != "*": new_start_steps = [] for from_step in self._start_steps: step = get_first_function_step(from_step, current_function) if step: new_start_steps.append(step) if not new_start_steps: raise GraphError( f"did not find steps pointing to current function ({current_function})" ) self._start_steps = new_start_steps if self.engine == "sync" and len(self._start_steps) > 1: raise GraphError( "sync engine can only have one starting step (without .after)" ) default_final_step = None if self.final_step: if self.final_step not in self.steps: raise GraphError( f"final_step ({self.final_step}) specified and not found in graph steps" ) default_final_step = self.final_step elif len(self._start_steps) == 1: # find the final step in case if a simple sequence of steps next_obj = self._start_steps[0] while next_obj: next = if not next: default_final_step = break next_obj = self[next[0]] if len(next) == 1 else None return self._start_steps, default_final_step, responders def set_flow_source(self, source): """set the async flow (storey) source""" self._source = source def _build_async_flow(self): """initialize and build the async/storey DAG""" def process_step(state, step, root): if not state._is_local_function(self.context): return for item in or []: next_state = root[item] if next_state.async_object: next_step = process_step(next_state, next_step, root) default_source, self._wait_for_result = _init_async_objects( self.context, self._steps.values() ) source = self._source or default_source for next_state in self._start_steps: next_step = process_step(next_state, next_step, self) for step in self._steps.values(): # add error handler hooks if (step.on_error or self.on_error) and step.async_object: error_step = self._steps[step.on_error or self.on_error] # never set a step as its own error handler if step != error_step: step.async_object.set_recovery_step(error_step.async_object) self._controller = def get_queue_links(self): """return dict of function and queue its listening on, for building stream triggers""" links = {} for step in self.get_children(): if step.kind == StepKinds.queue: for item in or []: next_step = self[item] if not next_step.function: raise GraphError( f"child function name must be specified in steps ({}) which follow a queue" ) if next_step.function in links: raise GraphError( f"function ({next_step.function}) cannot read from multiple queues" ) links[next_step.function] = step return links def init_queues(self): """init/create the streams used in this flow""" for step in self.get_children(): if step.kind == StepKinds.queue: step.init_object(self.context, None) def list_child_functions(self): """return a list of child function names referred to in the steps""" functions = [] for step in self.get_children(): if ( hasattr(step, "function") and step.function and step.function not in functions ): functions.append(step.function) return functions def is_empty(self): """is the graph empty (no child steps)""" return len(self.steps) == 0 @staticmethod async def _await_and_return_id(awaitable, event): await awaitable event = copy(event) event.body = {"id":} return event def run(self, event, *args, **kwargs): if self._controller: # async flow (using storey) event._awaitable_result = None if config.datastore.async_source_mode == "enabled": resp_awaitable = self._controller.emit( event, await_result=self._wait_for_result ) if self._wait_for_result: return resp_awaitable return self._await_and_return_id(resp_awaitable, event) else: resp = self._controller.emit( event, return_awaitable_result=self._wait_for_result ) if self._wait_for_result and resp: return resp.await_result() event = copy(event) event.body = {"id":} return event if len(self._start_steps) == 0: return event next_obj = self._start_steps[0] while next_obj: try: event =, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: self._log_error(event, exc, handled = self._call_error_handler(event, exc) if not handled: raise exc event.terminated = True return event if hasattr(event, "terminated") and event.terminated: return event next = if next and len(next) > 1: raise GraphError( f"synchronous flow engine doesnt support branches use async, step={}" ) next_obj = self[next[0]] if next else None return event def wait_for_completion(self): """wait for completion of run in async flows""" if self._controller: if hasattr(self._controller, "terminate"): self._controller.terminate() return self._controller.await_termination() def plot(self, filename=None, format=None, source=None, targets=None, **kw): """plot/save graph using graphviz""" return _generate_graphviz( self, _add_graphviz_flow, filename, format, source=source, targets=targets, **kw, ) class RootFlowStep(FlowStep): """root flow step""" kind = "root" _dict_fields = ["steps", "engine", "final_step", "on_error"] # TODO - remove once "final_state" is fully deprecated @classmethod def from_dict(cls, struct=None, fields=None): return super().from_dict( struct, fields=fields, deprecated_fields={"final_state": "final_step"} ) classes_map = { "task": TaskStep, "router": RouterStep, "flow": FlowStep, "queue": QueueStep, } def get_current_function(context): if context and hasattr(context, "current_function"): return context.current_function or "" return "" def _add_graphviz_router(graph, step, source=None, **kwargs): if source: graph.node("_start",, shape=source.shape, style="filled") graph.edge("_start", step.fullname) graph.node(step.fullname,, shape=step.get_shape()) for route in step.get_children(): graph.node(route.fullname,, shape=route.get_shape()) graph.edge(step.fullname, route.fullname) def _add_graphviz_flow( graph, step, source=None, targets=None, ): start_steps, default_final_step, responders = step.check_and_process_graph( allow_empty=True ) graph.node("_start",, shape=source.shape, style="filled") for start_step in start_steps: graph.edge("_start", start_step.fullname) for child in step.get_children(): kind = child.kind if kind == StepKinds.router: with graph.subgraph(name="cluster_" + child.fullname) as sg: _add_graphviz_router(sg, child) else: graph.node(child.fullname,, shape=child.get_shape()) after = child.after or [] for item in after: previous_object = step[item] kw = ( {"ltail": "cluster_" + previous_object.fullname} if previous_object.kind == StepKinds.router else {} ) graph.edge(previous_object.fullname, child.fullname, **kw) if child.on_error: graph.edge(child.fullname, child.on_error, style="dashed") # draw targets after the last step (if specified) if targets: for target in targets or []: graph.node(target.fullname,, shape=target.get_shape()) last_step = target.after or default_final_step if last_step: graph.edge(last_step, target.fullname) def _generate_graphviz( step, renderer, filename=None, format=None, source=None, targets=None, **kw, ): try: from graphviz import Digraph except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'graphviz is not installed, run "pip install graphviz" first!' ) graph = Digraph("mlrun-flow", format="jpg") graph.attr(compound="true", **kw) source = source or BaseStep("start", shape="egg") renderer(graph, step, source=source, targets=targets) if filename: suffix = pathlib.Path(filename).suffix if suffix: filename = filename[: -len(suffix)] format = format or suffix[1:] format = format or "png" graph.render(filename, format=format) return graph def graph_root_setter(server, graph): """set graph root object from class or dict""" if graph: if isinstance(graph, dict): kind = graph.get("kind") elif hasattr(graph, "kind"): kind = graph.kind else: raise MLRunInvalidArgumentError("graph must be a dict or a valid object") if kind == StepKinds.router: server._graph = server._verify_dict(graph, "graph", RouterStep) elif not kind or kind == StepKinds.root: server._graph = server._verify_dict(graph, "graph", RootFlowStep) else: raise GraphError(f"illegal root step {kind}") def get_name(name, class_name): """get task name from provided name or class""" if name: return name if not class_name: raise MLRunInvalidArgumentError("name or class_name must be provided") if isinstance(class_name, type): return class_name.__name__ return class_name def params_to_state( class_name, name, handler=None, graph_shape=None, function=None, full_event=None, class_args=None, ): warnings.warn( "This method is deprecated. Use param_to_step instead", # TODO: In 0.7.0 do changes in examples & demos In 0.9.0 remove PendingDeprecationWarning, ) return params_to_step( class_name, name, handler, graph_shape, function, full_event, class_args ) def params_to_step( class_name, name, handler=None, graph_shape=None, function=None, full_event=None, input_path: str = None, result_path: str = None, class_args=None, ): """return step object from provided params or classes/objects""" if class_name and hasattr(class_name, "to_dict"): struct = class_name.to_dict() kind = struct.get("kind", StepKinds.task) name = name or struct.get("name", struct.get("class_name")) cls = classes_map.get(kind, RootFlowStep) step = cls.from_dict(struct) step.function = function step.full_event = full_event or step.full_event step.input_path = input_path or step.input_path step.result_path = result_path or step.result_path elif class_name and class_name in [">>", "$queue"]: if "path" not in class_args: raise MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "path=<stream path or None> must be specified for queues" ) if not name: raise MLRunInvalidArgumentError("queue name must be specified") step = QueueStep(name, **class_args) elif class_name and class_name.startswith("*"): routes = class_args.get("routes", None) class_name = class_name[1:] name = get_name(name, class_name or "router") step = RouterStep( class_name, class_args, handler, name=name, function=function, routes=routes, input_path=input_path, result_path=result_path, ) elif class_name or handler: name = get_name(name, class_name) step = TaskStep( class_name, class_args, handler, name=name, function=function, full_event=full_event, input_path=input_path, result_path=result_path, ) else: raise MLRunInvalidArgumentError("class_name or handler must be provided") if graph_shape: step.shape = graph_shape return name, step def _init_async_objects(context, steps): try: import storey except ImportError: raise GraphError("storey package is not installed, use pip install storey") wait_for_result = False for step in steps: if hasattr(step, "async_object") and step._is_local_function(context): if step.kind == StepKinds.queue: skip_stream = context.is_mock and if step.path and not skip_stream: stream_path = step.path endpoint = None if "://" in stream_path: endpoint, stream_path = parse_v3io_path(step.path) stream_path = stream_path.strip("/") step._async_object = storey.StreamTarget( storey.V3ioDriver(endpoint), stream_path, context=context, ) else: step._async_object = storey.Map(lambda x: x) elif not step.async_object or not hasattr(step.async_object, "_outlets"): # if regular class, wrap with storey Map step._async_object = storey.Map( step._handler, full_event=step.full_event or step._call_with_event, input_path=step.input_path, result_path=step.result_path,, context=context, ) if not and hasattr(step, "responder") and step.responder: # if responder step (return result), add Complete() wait_for_result = True source_args = context.get_param("source_args", {}) default_source = storey.SyncEmitSource(context=context, **source_args) return default_source, wait_for_result