Working with secrets#

When executing jobs through MLRun, the code might need access to specific secrets, for example to access data residing on a data-store that requires credentials (such as a private S3 bucket), or many other similar needs.

MLRun provides some facilities that allow handling secrets and passing those secrets to execution jobs. It's important to understand how these facilities work, as this has implications on the level of security they provide and how much exposure they create for your secrets.

In this section


There are two main use-cases for providing secrets to an MLRun job. These are:

  • Use MLRun-managed secrets. This is a flow that enables the MLRun user (for example a data scientist or engineer) to create and use secrets through interfaces that MLRun implements and manages.

  • Create secrets externally to MLRun using a Kubernetes secret or some other secret management framework (such as Azure vault), and utilize these secrets from within MLRun to enrich execution jobs. For example, the secrets are created and managed by an IT admin, and the data-scientist only accesses them.

The following sections cover the details of those two use-cases.

MLRun-managed secrets#

The easiest way to pass secrets to MLRun jobs is through the MLRun project secrets mechanism. MLRun jobs automatically gain access to all project secrets defined for the same project. More details are available later in this page.

The following is an example of using project secrets:

# Create project secrets for the myproj project
project = mlrun.get_or_create_project("myproj", "./")
secrets = {"AWS_KEY": "111222333"}
project.set_secrets(secrets=secrets, provider="kubernetes")

# Create and run the MLRun job
function = mlrun.code_to_function(

The handler defined in accesses the AWS_KEY secret by using the get_secret() API:

def test_function(context):"running function")
    aws_key = context.get_secret("AWS_KEY")
    # Use aws_key to perform processing.

To create GIT_TOKEN secrets, use this command:

project.set_secrets({"GIT_TOKEN":<git token>}

Using tasks with secrets#

MLRun uses the concept of tasks to encapsulate runtime parameters. Tasks are used to specify execution context such as hyper-parameters. They can also be used to pass details about secrets that are going to be used in the runtime. This allows for control over specific secrets passed to runtimes, and support for the various MLRun secret providers.

To pass secret parameters, use the Task's with_secrets() function. For example, the following command passes specific project-secrets to the execution context:

function = mlrun.code_to_function(
task = mlrun.new_task().with_secrets("kubernetes", ["AWS_KEY", "DB_PASSWORD"])
run =, ...)

The with_secrets() function tells MLRun what secrets the executed code needs to access. The MLRun framework prepares the needed infrastructure to make these secrets available to the runtime, and passes information about them to the execution framework by specifying those secrets in the spec of the runtime. For example, if running a kubernetes job, the secret keys are noted in the generated pod's spec.

The actual details of MLRun's handling of the secrets differ per the secret provider used. The following sections provide more details on these providers and how they handle secrets and their values.

Regardless of the type of secret provider used, the executed code uses the get_secret() API to gain access to the value of the secrets passed to it, as shown in the above example.

Secret providers#

MLRun provides several secret providers. Each of these providers functions differently and have different traits with respect to what secrets can be passed and how they're handled. It's important to understand these parameters to make sure secrets are not compromised and that their secrecy is maintained.


The Inline, environment and file providers do not guarantee confidentiality of the secret values handled by them, and should only be used for development and demo purposes. The Kubernetes and Azure Vault providers are secure and should be used for any other use-case.

Kubernetes project secrets#

MLRun can use Kubernetes (k8s) secrets to store and retrieve secret values on a per-project basis. This method is supported for all runtimes that generate k8s pods. MLRun creates a k8s secret per project, and stores multiple secret keys within this secret. Project secrets can be created through the MLRun SDK as well as through the MLRun UI.

By default, all jobs in a project automatically get access to all the associated project secrets. There is no need to use with_secrets to provide access to project secrets.

Creating project secrets#

To populate the MLRun k8s project secret with secret values, use the project object's set_secrets() function, which accepts a dictionary of secret values or a file containing a list of secrets. For example:

# Create project secrets for the myproj project.
project = mlrun.get_or_create_project("myproj", "./")
secrets = {"password": "myPassw0rd", "AWS_KEY": "111222333"}
project.set_secrets(secrets=secrets, provider="kubernetes")


This action should not be part of the code committed to git or part of ongoing execution - it is only a setup action, which normally should only be executed once. After the secrets are populated, this code should be removed to protect the confidentiality of the secret values.

The MLRun API does not allow the user to see project secrets values, but it does allow seeing the keys that belong to a given project, assuming the user has permissions on that specific project. See the HTTPRunDB class documentation for additional details.

When MLRun is executed in the Iguazio platform, the secret management APIs are protected by the platform such that only users with permissions to access and modify a specific project can alter its secrets.

Creating secrets in the Projects UI page#

The Settings dialog in the Projects page, accessed with the Settings icon, has a Secrets tab where you can add secrets as key-value pairs. The secrets are automatically available to all jobs belonging to this project. Users with the Editor or Admin role can add, modify, and delete secrets, and assign new secret values. Viewers can only view the secret keys. The values themselves are not visible to any users.

Accessing the secrets#

By default, any runtime not executed locally (local=False) automatically gains access to all the secrets of the project it belongs to, so no configuration is required to enable that. Jobs that are executed locally (local=True) do not have access to the project secrets. It is possible to limit access of an executing job to a subset of these secrets by calling the following function with a list of the secrets to be accessed:

task.with_secrets("kubernetes", ["password", "AWS_KEY"])

When the job is executed, the MLRun framework adds environment variables to the pod spec whose value is retrieved through the k8s valueFrom option, with secretKeyRef pointing at the secret maintained by MLRun. As a result, this method does not expose the secret values at all, except inside the pod executing the code where the secret value is exposed through an environment variable. This means that even a user with kubectl looking at the pod spec cannot see the secret values.

Users, however, can view the secrets using the following methods:

  • Run kubectl to view the actual contents of the k8s secret.

  • Perform kubectl exec into the running pod, and examine the environment variables.

To maintain the confidentiality of secret values, these operations must be strictly limited across the system by using k8s RBAC and ensuring that elevated permissions are granted to a very limited number of users (very few users have and use elevated permissions).

Accessing secrets in Nuclio functions#

Nuclio functions do not have the MLRun context available to retrieve secret values. Secret values need to be retrieved from the environment variable of the same name. For example, to access the AWS_KEY secret in a Nuclio function use:

aws_key = os.environ.get("AWS_KEY")

Azure Vault#

MLRun can serve secrets from an Azure key Vault.


Azure key Vaults support 3 types of entities - keys, secrets and certificates. MLRun only supports accessing secret entities.

Setting up access to Azure key vault#

To enable this functionality, a secret must first be created in the k8s cluster that contains the Azure key Vault credentials. This secret should include credentials providing access to your specific Azure key Vault. To configure this, the following steps are needed:

  1. Set up a key vault in your Azure subscription.

  2. Create a service principal in Azure that will be granted access to the key vault. For creating a service principal through the Azure portal follow the steps listed in this page.

  3. Assign a key vault access policy to the service principal, as described in this page.

  4. Create a secret access key for the service principal, following the steps listed in this page. Make sure you have access to the following three identifiers:

    • Directory (tenant) id

    • Application (client) id

    • Secret key

  5. Generate a k8s secret with those details. Use the following command:

    kubectl -n <namespace> create secret generic <azure_key_vault_k8s_secret> \
       --from-literal=secret=<secret key> \
       --from-literal=tenant_id=<tenant id> \
       --from-literal=client_id=<client id>


The names of the secret keys must be as shown in the above example, as MLRun queries them by these exact names.

Accessing Azure key vault secrets#

Once these steps are done, use with_secrets in the following manner:

        "name": "<azure_key_vault_name>",
        "k8s_secret": "<azure_key_vault_k8s_secret>",
        "secrets": [],

The name parameter should point at your Azure key Vault name. The secrets parameter is a list of the secret keys to be accessed from that specific vault. If it's empty (as in the example above) then all secrets in the vault can be accessed by their key name.

For example, if the Azure Vault has a secret whose name is MY_AZURE_SECRET and using the above example for with_secrets(), the executed code can use the following statement to access this secret:

azure_secret = context.get_secret("MY_AZURE_SECRET")

In terms of confidentiality, the executed pod has the Azure secret provided by the user mounted to it. This means that the access-keys to the vault are visible to a user that execs into the pod in question. The same security rules should be followed as described in the Kubernetes section above.

Demo/Development secret providers#

The rest of the MLRun secret providers are not secure by design, and should only be used for demonstration or development purposes.

Expand here for additional details.

The inline secrets provider is a very basic framework that should mostly be used for testing and demos. The secrets passed by this framework are exposed in the source code creating the MLRun function, as well as in the function spec, and in the generated pod specs. To add inline secrets to a job, perform the following:

task.with_secrets("inline", {"MY_SECRET": "12345"})

As can be seen, even the client code exposes the secret value. If this is used to pass secrets to a job running in a kubernetes pod, the secret is also visible in the pod spec. This means that any user that can run kubectl and is permitted to view pod specs can also see the secret keys and their values.


Environment variables are similar to the inline secrets, but their client-side value is not specified directly in code but rather is extracted from a client-side environment variable. For example, if running MLRun on a Jupyter notebook and there are environment variables named MY_SECRET and ANOTHER_SECRET on Jupyter, the following code
passes those secrets to the executed runtime:

task.with_secrets("env", "MY_SECRET, ANOTHER_SECRET")

When generating the runtime execution environment (for example, pod for the job runtime), MLRun retrieves the value of the environment variable and places it in the pod spec. This means that a user with kubectl capabilities who can see pod specs can still see the secret values passed in this manner.


The file provider is used to pass secret values that are stored in a local file. The file needs to be made of lines, each containing a secret and its value separated by =. For example:

# secrets.txt

Use the following command to add these secrets:

task.with_secrets("file", "/path/to/file/secrets.txt")

Externally managed secrets#

MLRun provides facilities to map k8s secrets that were created externally to jobs that are executed. To enable that, the spec of the runtime that is created should be modified by mounting secrets to it - either as files or as environment variables containing specific keys from the secret.

In the following examples, assume a k8s secret called my-secret was created in the same k8s namespace where MLRun is running, with two keys in it - secret1 and secret2.

Mapping secrets to environment#

The following example adds these two secret keys as environment variables to an MLRun job:

function = mlrun.code_to_function(

    "SECRET_ENV_VAR_1", secret="my-secret", secret_key="secret1"
    "SECRET_ENV_VAR_2", secret="my-secret", secret_key="secret2"

This only takes effect for functions executed remotely, as the secret value is injected to the function pod, which does not exist for functions executed locally. Within the function code, the secret values will be exposed as regular environment variables, for example:

# Function handler
def test_function(context):
    # Getting the value in the secret2 key.
    my_secret_value = os.environ.get("SECRET_ENV_VAR_2")

Mapping secrets as files#

A k8s secret can be mapped as a filesystem folder to the function pod using the mount_secret() function:

# Mount all keys in the secret as files under /mnt/secrets
function.apply(mlrun.platforms.mount_secret("my-secret", "/mnt/secrets/"))

In our example, the two keys in my-secret are created as two files in the function pod, called /mnt/secrets/secret1 and /mnt/secrets/secret2. Reading these files provide the values. It is possible to limit the keys mounted to the function - see the documentation of mount_secret() for more details.