# Copyright 2023 Iguazio
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import threading
import time
import traceback
from typing import Optional, Union
import mlrun.artifacts
import mlrun.common.model_monitoring.helpers
import mlrun.common.schemas.model_monitoring
import mlrun.model_monitoring
from mlrun.errors import err_to_str
from mlrun.utils import logger, now_date
from ..common.helpers import parse_versioned_object_uri
from .server import GraphServer
from .utils import StepToDict, _extract_input_data, _update_result_body
[docs]class V2ModelServer(StepToDict):
def __init__(
name: str = None,
model_path: str = None,
input_path: str = None,
result_path: str = None,
"""base model serving class (v2), using similar API to KFServing v2 and Triton
The class is initialized automatically by the model server and can run locally
as part of a nuclio serverless function, or as part of a real-time pipeline
default model url is: /v2/models/<model>[/versions/<ver>]/operation
You need to implement two mandatory methods:
load() - download the model file(s) and load the model into memory
predict() - accept request payload and return prediction/inference results
you can override additional methods : preprocess, validate, postprocess, explain
you can add custom api endpoint by adding method op_xx(event), will be invoked by
calling the <model-url>/xx (operation = xx)
model server classes are subclassed (subclass implements the `load()` and `predict()` methods)
the subclass can be added to a serving graph or to a model router
defining a sub class::
class MyClass(V2ModelServer):
def load(self):
# load and initialize the model and/or other elements
model_file, extra_data = self.get_model(suffix=".pkl")
self.model = load(open(model_file, "rb"))
def predict(self, request):
events = np.array(request["inputs"])
dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(events)
result: xgb.DMatrix = self.model.predict(dmatrix)
return {"outputs": result.tolist()}
usage example::
# adding a model to a serving graph using the subclass MyClass
# MyClass will be initialized with the name "my", the model_path, and an arg called my_param
graph = fn.set_topology("router")
fn.add_model("my", class_name="MyClass", model_path="<model-uri>>", my_param=5)
:param context: for internal use (passed in init)
:param name: step name
:param model_path: model file/dir or artifact path
:param model: model object (for local testing)
:param protocol: serving API protocol (default "v2")
:param input_path: when specified selects the key/path in the event to use as body
this require that the event body will behave like a dict, example:
event: {"data": {"a": 5, "b": 7}}, input_path="data.b" means request body will be 7
:param result_path: selects the key/path in the event to write the results to
this require that the event body will behave like a dict, example:
event: {"x": 5} , result_path="resp" means the returned response will be written
to event["y"] resulting in {"x": 5, "resp": <result>}
:param kwargs: extra arguments (can be accessed using self.get_param(key))
self.name = name
self.version = ""
if name and ":" in name:
self.name, self.version = name.split(":", 1)
self.context = context
self.ready = False
self.error = ""
self.protocol = protocol or "v2"
self.model_path = model_path
self.model_spec: Optional[mlrun.artifacts.ModelArtifact] = None
self._input_path = input_path
self._result_path = result_path
self._kwargs = kwargs # for to_dict()
self._params = kwargs
self._model_logger = (
_ModelLogPusher(self, context)
if context and context.stream.enabled
else None
self.metrics = {}
self.labels = {}
self.model = None
if model:
self.model = model
self.ready = True
self.model_endpoint_uid = None
def _load_and_update_state(self):
except Exception as exc:
self.error = exc
raise RuntimeError(f"failed to load model {self.name}") from exc
self.ready = True
self.context.logger.info(f"model {self.name} was loaded")
[docs] def post_init(self, mode="sync"):
"""sync/async model loading, for internal use"""
if not self.ready:
if mode == "async":
t = threading.Thread(target=self._load_and_update_state)
self.context.logger.info(f"started async model loading for {self.name}")
server = getattr(self.context, "_server", None) or getattr(
self.context, "server", None
if not server:
logger.warn("GraphServer not initialized for VotingEnsemble instance")
if not self.context.is_mock or self.context.monitoring_mock:
self.model_endpoint_uid = _init_endpoint_record(
graph_server=server, model=self
[docs] def get_param(self, key: str, default=None):
"""get param by key (specified in the model or the function)"""
if key in self._params:
return self._params.get(key)
return self.context.get_param(key, default=default)
[docs] def set_metric(self, name: str, value):
"""set real time metric (for model monitoring)"""
self.metrics[name] = value
[docs] def get_model(self, suffix=""):
"""get the model file(s) and metadata from model store
the method returns a path to the model file and the extra data (dict of dataitem objects)
it also loads the model metadata into the self.model_spec attribute, allowing direct access
to all the model metadata attributes.
get_model is usually used in the model .load() method to init the model
def load(self):
model_file, extra_data = self.get_model(suffix=".pkl")
self.model = load(open(model_file, "rb"))
categories = extra_data["categories"].as_df()
suffix : str
optional, model file suffix (when the model_path is a directory)
(local) model file
extra dataitems dictionary
model_file, self.model_spec, extra_dataitems = mlrun.artifacts.get_model(
self.model_path, suffix
if self.model_spec and self.model_spec.parameters:
for key, value in self.model_spec.parameters.items():
self._params[key] = value
return model_file, extra_dataitems
[docs] def load(self):
"""model loading function, see also .get_model() method"""
if not self.ready and not self.model:
raise ValueError("please specify a load method or a model object")
def _check_readiness(self, event):
if self.ready:
if not event.trigger or event.trigger.kind in ["http", ""]:
raise RuntimeError(f"model {self.name} is not ready yet")
self.context.logger.info(f"waiting for model {self.name} to load")
for i in range(50): # wait up to 4.5 minutes
if self.ready:
raise RuntimeError(f"model {self.name} is not ready {self.error}")
def _pre_event_processing_actions(self, event, event_body, op):
if "_dict" in op:
event_body = self._inputs_to_list(event_body)
request = self.preprocess(event_body, op)
return self.validate(request, op)
[docs] def do_event(self, event, *args, **kwargs):
"""main model event handler method"""
start = now_date()
original_body = event.body
event_body = _extract_input_data(self._input_path, event.body)
event_id = event.id
op = event.path.strip("/")
if event_body and isinstance(event_body, dict):
op = op or event_body.get("operation")
event_id = event_body.get("id", event_id)
if not op and event.method != "GET":
op = "infer"
if (
op == "predict"
or op == "infer"
or op == "infer_dict"
or op == "predict_dict"
# predict operation
request = self._pre_event_processing_actions(event, event_body, op)
outputs = self.predict(request)
except Exception as exc:
request["id"] = event_id
if self._model_logger:
self._model_logger.push(start, request, op=op, error=exc)
raise exc
response = {
"id": event_id,
"model_name": self.name,
"outputs": outputs,
"timestamp": start.isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="microseconds"),
if self.version:
response["model_version"] = self.version
elif op == "ready" and event.method == "GET":
# get model health operation
setattr(event, "terminated", True)
if self.ready:
# Generate a response, confirming that the model is ready
event.body = self.context.Response(
f"Model {self.name} is ready (event_id = {event_id})",
event.body = self.context.Response(
status_code=408, body=b"model not ready"
return event
elif op == "" and event.method == "GET":
# get model metadata operation
setattr(event, "terminated", True)
event_body = {
"name": self.name,
"version": self.version,
"inputs": [],
"outputs": [],
if self.model_spec:
event_body["inputs"] = self.model_spec.inputs.to_dict()
event_body["outputs"] = self.model_spec.outputs.to_dict()
event.body = _update_result_body(
self._result_path, original_body, event_body
return event
elif op == "explain":
# explain operation
request = self._pre_event_processing_actions(event, event_body, op)
outputs = self.explain(request)
except Exception as exc:
request["id"] = event_id
if self._model_logger:
self._model_logger.push(start, request, op=op, error=exc)
raise exc
response = {
"id": event_id,
"model_name": self.name,
"outputs": outputs,
if self.version:
response["model_version"] = self.version
elif hasattr(self, "op_" + op):
# custom operation (child methods starting with "op_")
response = getattr(self, "op_" + op)(event)
event.body = _update_result_body(self._result_path, original_body, response)
return event
raise ValueError(f"illegal model operation {op}, method={event.method}")
response = self.postprocess(response)
if self._model_logger:
inputs, outputs = self.logged_results(request, response, op)
if inputs is None and outputs is None:
self._model_logger.push(start, request, response, op)
track_request = {"id": event_id, "inputs": inputs or []}
track_response = {"outputs": outputs or []}
# TODO : check dict/list
self._model_logger.push(start, track_request, track_response, op)
event.body = _update_result_body(self._result_path, original_body, response)
return event
[docs] def logged_results(self, request: dict, response: dict, op: str):
"""hook for controlling which results are tracked by the model monitoring
this hook allows controlling which input/output data is logged by the model monitoring
allow filtering out columns or adding custom values, can also be used to monitor derived metrics
for example in image classification calculate and track the RGB values vs the image bitmap
the request["inputs"] holds a list of input values/arrays, the response["outputs"] holds a list of
corresponding output values/arrays (the schema of the input/output fields is stored in the model object),
this method should return lists of alternative inputs and outputs which will be monitored
:param request: predict/explain request, see model serving docs for details
:param response: result from the model predict/explain (after postprocess())
:param op: operation (predict/infer or explain)
:returns: the input and output lists to track
return None, None
[docs] def validate(self, request, operation):
"""validate the event body (after preprocess)"""
if self.protocol == "v2":
if "inputs" not in request:
raise Exception('Expected key "inputs" in request body')
if not isinstance(request["inputs"], list):
raise Exception('Expected "inputs" to be a list')
return request
[docs] def preprocess(self, request: dict, operation) -> dict:
"""preprocess the event body before validate and action"""
return request
[docs] def postprocess(self, request: dict) -> dict:
"""postprocess, before returning response"""
return request
[docs] def predict(self, request: dict) -> list:
"""model prediction operation
:return: list with the model prediction results (can be multi-port) or list of lists for multiple predictions
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def explain(self, request: dict) -> dict:
"""model explain operation"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def _inputs_to_list(self, request: dict) -> dict:
Convert the inputs from list of dictionary / dictionary to list of lists / list
where the internal list order is according to the ArtifactModel inputs.
:param request: event
:return: evnet body converting the inputs to be list of lists
if self.model_spec and self.model_spec.inputs:
input_order = [feature.name for feature in self.model_spec.inputs]
raise mlrun.MLRunInvalidArgumentError(
"In order to use predict_dict or infer_dict operation you have to provide `model_path` "
"to the model server and to load it by `load()` function"
inputs = request.get("inputs")
if isinstance(inputs, list) and all(
isinstance(item, dict) for item in inputs
new_inputs = [
[input_dict[key] for key in input_order] for input_dict in inputs
elif isinstance(inputs, dict):
new_inputs = [inputs[key] for key in input_order]
raise mlrun.MLRunInvalidArgumentError(
"When using predict_dict or infer_dict operation the inputs must be "
"of type `list[dict]` or `dict`"
except KeyError:
raise mlrun.MLRunInvalidArgumentError(
f"Input dictionary don't contain all the necessary input keys : {input_order}"
request["inputs"] = new_inputs
return request
class _ModelLogPusher:
def __init__(self, model, context, output_stream=None):
self.model = model
self.verbose = context.verbose
self.hostname = context.stream.hostname
self.function_uri = context.stream.function_uri
self.stream_path = context.stream.stream_uri
self.stream_batch = int(context.get_param("log_stream_batch", 1))
self.stream_sample = int(context.get_param("log_stream_sample", 1))
self.output_stream = output_stream or context.stream.output_stream
self._worker = context.worker_id
self._sample_iter = 0
self._batch_iter = 0
self._batch = []
def base_data(self):
base_data = {
"class": self.model.__class__.__name__,
"worker": self._worker,
"model": self.model.name,
"version": self.model.version,
"host": self.hostname,
"function_uri": self.function_uri,
if getattr(self.model, "labels", None):
base_data["labels"] = self.model.labels
return base_data
def push(self, start, request, resp=None, op=None, error=None):
start_str = start.isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="microseconds")
if error:
data = self.base_data()
data["request"] = request
data["op"] = op
data["when"] = start_str
message = str(error)
if self.verbose:
message = f"{message}\n{traceback.format_exc()}"
data["error"] = message
self._sample_iter = (self._sample_iter + 1) % self.stream_sample
if self.output_stream and self._sample_iter == 0:
microsec = (now_date() - start).microseconds
if self.stream_batch > 1:
if self._batch_iter == 0:
self._batch = []
[request, op, resp, str(start), microsec, self.model.metrics]
self._batch_iter = (self._batch_iter + 1) % self.stream_batch
if self._batch_iter == 0:
data = self.base_data()
data["headers"] = [
data["values"] = self._batch
data = self.base_data()
data["request"] = request
data["op"] = op
data["resp"] = resp
data["when"] = start_str
data["microsec"] = microsec
if getattr(self.model, "metrics", None):
data["metrics"] = self.model.metrics
def _init_endpoint_record(
graph_server: GraphServer, model: V2ModelServer
) -> Union[str, None]:
Initialize model endpoint record and write it into the DB. In general, this method retrieve the unique model
endpoint ID which is generated according to the function uri and the model version. If the model endpoint is
already exist in the DB, we skip the creation process. Otherwise, it writes the new model endpoint record to the DB.
:param graph_server: A GraphServer object which will be used for getting the function uri.
:param model: Base model serving class (v2). It contains important details for the model endpoint record
such as model name, model path, and model version.
:return: Model endpoint unique ID.
logger.info("Initializing endpoint records")
# Generate required values for the model endpoint record
# Getting project name from the function uri
project, uri, tag, hash_key = parse_versioned_object_uri(
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Failed to parse function URI", exc=err_to_str(e))
return None
# Generating version model value based on the model name and model version
if model.model_path and model.model_path.startswith("store://"):
# Enrich the model server with the model artifact metadata
if not model.version:
# Enrich the model version with the model artifact tag
model.version = model.model_spec.tag
model.labels = model.model_spec.labels
versioned_model_name = f"{model.name}:{model.version}"
versioned_model_name = f"{model.name}:latest"
# Generating model endpoint ID based on function uri and model version
uid = mlrun.common.model_monitoring.create_model_endpoint_uid(
function_uri=graph_server.function_uri, versioned_model=versioned_model_name
model_ep = mlrun.get_run_db().get_model_endpoint(
project=project, endpoint_id=uid
except mlrun.errors.MLRunNotFoundError:
model_ep = None
except mlrun.errors.MLRunBadRequestError as err:
"Cannot get the model endpoints store", err=mlrun.errors.err_to_str(err)
if model.context.server.track_models and not model_ep:
logger.info("Creating a new model endpoint record", endpoint_id=uid)
model_endpoint = mlrun.common.schemas.ModelEndpoint(
project=project, labels=model.labels, uid=uid
db = mlrun.get_run_db()
elif model_ep:
attributes = {}
old_model_uri = model_ep.spec.model_uri
if model_ep.spec.model_uri != old_model_uri:
attributes["model_uri"] = model_ep.spec.model_uri
if (
== mlrun.common.schemas.model_monitoring.ModelMonitoringMode.enabled
) != model.context.server.track_models:
attributes["monitoring_mode"] = (
if model.context.server.track_models
else mlrun.common.schemas.model_monitoring.ModelMonitoringMode.disabled
if attributes:
db = mlrun.get_run_db()
"Updating model endpoint attributes",
return uid