Writing a model monitoring application#

In this section


First, create a Python module and import the API objects:

from mlrun.model_monitoring.applications import (
from mlrun.common.schemas.model_monitoring import ResultKindApp, ResultStatusApp

Then, write the application itself by inheriting from the ModelMonitoringApplicationBase base class. You have to implement the do_tracking method. Here is a "dummy" app that returns a constant result for each monitoring window:

class ServingMonitoring(ModelMonitoringApplicationBase):
    def do_tracking(
        self, monitoring_context: MonitoringApplicationContext
    ) -> ModelMonitoringApplicationResult:
        return ModelMonitoringApplicationResult(

The do_tracking method of the application object is called for each "closed" monitoring time window of each monitored model-endpoint and returns a result. The result may be just one result, as in the example above, or a list of results ModelMonitoringApplicationResult and metrics ModelMonitoringApplicationMetric.

The application class may implement a custom __init__ constructor with arguments.

To register and deploy the application see Register and deploy the model monitoring app.

Using the application context#

The context argument is a MonitoringApplicationContext object. It includes the current window data as a pandas data-frame: context.sample_df. The reference and current data is also available in raw format as context.feature_stats and context.sample_df_stats, respectively.

The context provides also attributes and methods to log application messages or artifacts.

Logging a debug message:

    "Logging the current data of a specific endpoint",

Logging an artifact:

    body=f"Number of events in the window: {len(context.sample_df)}",


Since each new artifact is saved in the artifact-manager store (in memory), it is not recommended to store a new artifact on each application run. Instead you can:

  • Override artifacts by using the same key.

  • Save artifacts with a unique key in special occasions, e.g., when a drift is detected.

Evidently-based application#

To create an Evidently based model monitoring application, import the following class:

from mlrun.model_monitoring.applications import EvidentlyModelMonitoringApplicationBase

Inherit from it, implement the do_tracking method, and pass the evidently_workspace_path and evidently_project_id arguments upon construction.


Evidently has a memory accumulation issue as more and more snapshots are saved.

The method log_project_dashboard should be called on special occasions only, as well as saving Evidently project snapshots through project.add_snapshot.

To add the evidently package to the model monitoring application image:

    # Set the required arguments


It is recommended to specify the exact version of the evidently package for reproducibility with "evidently==<x.y.z>". Get the supported version through mlrun.model_monitoring.evidently_application.SUPPORTED_EVIDENTLY_VERSION.

See a full example in Realtime monitoring and drift detection.