# Copyright 2024 Iguazio
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import Union
import mlrun
import mlrun.common.schemas.alert as alert_objects
from mlrun.model import ModelObj
[docs]class AlertConfig(ModelObj):
_dict_fields = [
_fields_to_serialize = ModelObj._fields_to_serialize + [
def __init__(
project: str = None,
name: str = None,
template: Union[alert_objects.AlertTemplate, str] = None,
description: str = None,
summary: str = None,
severity: alert_objects.AlertSeverity = None,
trigger: alert_objects.AlertTrigger = None,
criteria: alert_objects.AlertCriteria = None,
reset_policy: alert_objects.ResetPolicy = None,
notifications: list[alert_objects.AlertNotification] = None,
entities: alert_objects.EventEntities = None,
id: int = None,
state: alert_objects.AlertActiveState = None,
created: str = None,
count: int = None,
"""Alert config object
# create an alert on endpoint_id, which will be triggered to slack if there is a "data_drift_detected" event
# 3 times in the next hour.
from mlrun.alerts import AlertConfig
import mlrun.common.schemas.alert as alert_objects
entity_kind = alert_objects.EventEntityKind.MODEL_ENDPOINT_RESULT
entity_id = get_default_result_instance_fqn(endpoint_id)
event_name = alert_objects.EventKind.DATA_DRIFT_DETECTED
notification = mlrun.model.Notification(
message="drift was detected",
"webhook": "https://hooks.slack.com/",
alert_data = AlertConfig(
summary="a drift was detected",
kind=entity_kind, project="my-project", ids=[entity_id]
criteria=alert_objects.AlertCriteria(count=3, period="1h"),
:param project: Name of the project to associate the alert with
:param name: Name of the alert
:param template: Optional parameter that allows creating an alert based on a predefined template.
You can pass either an AlertTemplate object or a string (the template name).
If a template is used, many fields of the alert will be auto-generated based on the
template.However, you still need to provide the following fields:
`name`, `project`, `entity`, `notifications`
:param description: Description of the alert
:param summary: Summary of the alert, will be sent in the generated notifications
:param severity: Severity of the alert
:param trigger: The events that will trigger this alert, may be a simple trigger based on events or
complex trigger which is based on a prometheus alert
:param criteria: When the alert will be triggered based on the specified number of events within the
defined time period.
:param reset_policy: When to clear the alert. May be "manual" for manual reset of the alert, or
"auto" if the criteria contains a time period
:param notifications: List of notifications to invoke once the alert is triggered
:param entities: Entities that the event relates to. The entity object will contain fields that
uniquely identify a given entity in the system
:param id: Internal id of the alert (user should not supply it)
:param state: State of the alert, may be active/inactive (user should not supply it)
:param created: When the alert is created (user should not supply it)
:param count: Internal counter of the alert (user should not supply it)
self.project = project
self.name = name
self.description = description
self.summary = summary
self.severity = severity
self.trigger = trigger
self.criteria = criteria
self.reset_policy = reset_policy
self.notifications = notifications or []
self.entities = entities
self.id = id
self.state = state
self.created = created
self.count = count
if template:
[docs] def validate_required_fields(self):
if not self.name:
raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError("Alert name must be provided")
def _serialize_field(
self, struct: dict, field_name: str = None, strip: bool = False
if field_name == "entities":
if self.entities:
return (
if not isinstance(self.entities, dict)
else self.entities
return None
if field_name == "notifications":
if self.notifications:
return [
if not isinstance(notification_data, dict)
else notification_data
for notification_data in self.notifications
return None
if field_name == "trigger":
if self.trigger:
return (
if not isinstance(self.trigger, dict)
else self.trigger
return None
if field_name == "criteria":
if self.criteria:
return (
if not isinstance(self.criteria, dict)
else self.criteria
return None
return super()._serialize_field(struct, field_name, strip)
[docs] def to_dict(self, fields: list = None, exclude: list = None, strip: bool = False):
if self.entities is None:
raise mlrun.errors.MLRunBadRequestError("Alert entity field is missing")
if not self.notifications:
raise mlrun.errors.MLRunBadRequestError(
"Alert must have at least one notification"
return super().to_dict(self._dict_fields)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dict(cls, struct=None, fields=None, deprecated_fields: dict = None):
new_obj = super().from_dict(struct, fields=fields)
entity_data = struct.get("entities")
if entity_data:
entity_obj = alert_objects.EventEntities.parse_obj(entity_data)
new_obj.entities = entity_obj
notifications_data = struct.get("notifications")
if notifications_data:
notifications_objs = [
for notification in notifications_data
new_obj.notifications = notifications_objs
trigger_data = struct.get("trigger")
if trigger_data:
trigger_obj = alert_objects.AlertTrigger.parse_obj(trigger_data)
new_obj.trigger = trigger_obj
criteria_data = struct.get("criteria")
if criteria_data:
criteria_obj = alert_objects.AlertCriteria.parse_obj(criteria_data)
new_obj.criteria = criteria_obj
return new_obj
[docs] def with_notifications(self, notifications: list[alert_objects.AlertNotification]):
if not isinstance(notifications, list) or not all(
isinstance(item, alert_objects.AlertNotification) for item in notifications
raise ValueError(
"Notifications parameter must be a list of AlertNotification"
for notification_data in notifications:
return self
[docs] def with_entities(self, entities: alert_objects.EventEntities):
if not isinstance(entities, alert_objects.EventEntities):
raise ValueError("Entities parameter must be of type: EventEntities")
self.entities = entities
return self
def _apply_template(self, template):
if isinstance(template, str):
db = mlrun.get_run_db()
template = db.get_alert_template(template)
# Apply parameters from the template to the AlertConfig object only if they are not already specified by the
# user in the current configuration.
# User-provided parameters will take precedence over corresponding template values
self.summary = self.summary or template.summary
self.severity = self.severity or template.severity
self.criteria = self.criteria or template.criteria
self.trigger = self.trigger or template.trigger
self.reset_policy = self.reset_policy or template.reset_policy