# Copyright 2023 Iguazio
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import math
import re
from typing import Optional, Union
from .data_types import ValueType, python_type_to_value_type
from .errors import MLRunRuntimeError, err_to_str
from .model import ModelObj
def _limited_string(value: str, max_size: int = 40):
Provide limited string size, typically for reporting original value
in case of error (and for better identification of error location
based on presenting part of original value)
return (
if (value is None) or (len(value) <= max_size)
else value[:max_size] + "..."
[docs]class Entity(ModelObj):
"""data entity (index)"""
kind = "entity"
def __init__(
name: str = None,
value_type: Union[ValueType, str] = None,
description: str = None,
labels: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None,
"""data entity (index key)
:param name: entity name
:param value_type: type of the entity, e.g. ValueType.STRING, ValueType.INT (default ValueType.STRING)
:param description: test description of the entity
:param labels: a set of key/value labels (tags)
self.name = name
self.description = description
self.value_type = ValueType(value_type) if value_type else None
if name and not value_type:
self.value_type = ValueType.STRING
self.labels = labels or {}
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.name == other.name
[docs]class Feature(ModelObj):
_dict_fields = [
def __init__(
value_type: Union[ValueType, str] = None,
dims: list[int] = None,
description: str = None,
aggregate: bool = None,
name: str = None,
default: str = None,
labels: dict[str, str] = None,
"""data feature
Features can be specified manually or inferred automatically (during ingest/preview)
:param value_type: type of the feature. Use the ValueType constants library e.g. ValueType.STRING,
ValueType.INT (default ValueType.STRING)
:param dims: list of dimensions for vectors/tensors, e.g. [2, 2]
:param description: text description of the feature
:param aggregate: is it an aggregated value
:param name: name of the feature
:param validator: feature validation policy
:param default: default value
:param labels: a set of key/value labels (tags). Labels can be used to filter featues, for example,
in the UI Feature store page.
self.name = name or ""
if isinstance(value_type, ValueType):
self.value_type = value_type
elif value_type is not None:
self.value_type = python_type_to_value_type(value_type)
self.value_type = ValueType.STRING
self.dims = dims
self.description = description
self.default = default
self.labels = labels or {}
self.aggregate = aggregate
self.origin = None # used to link the feature to the feature set origin (inside vector.status)
self._validator = validator
def validator(self):
return self._validator
def validator(self, validator):
if isinstance(validator, dict):
kind = validator.get("kind")
validator = validator_kinds[kind].from_dict(validator)
self._validator = validator
class BasicTypeValidator:
def __init__(self):
def check(self, value_type, value):
return True, {}
class ConvertTypeValidator(BasicTypeValidator):
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
def check(self, value_type, value):
ok, args = super().check(value_type, value)
if ok:
except Exception as err:
return (
{"message": err_to_str(err), "type": value_type},
return ok, args
class RangeTypeValidator(BasicTypeValidator):
def __init__(self, min, max):
self.min = min
self.max = max
def check(self, value_type, value):
ok, args = super().check(value_type, value)
if ok:
if value < self.min:
return (
"message": "Value is smaller than min range",
"type": value_type,
"min range": self.min,
"value": _limited_string(value),
if value > self.max:
return (
"message": "Value is greater than max range",
"type": value_type,
"max range": self.max,
"value": _limited_string(value),
except Exception as err:
return (
{"message": err_to_str(err), "type": value_type},
return ok, args
# TODO: add addition validation for commented types
type_validator = {
# ValueType.BOOL: it does not make sense to do validation for BOOL (everything is True or False by default)
ValueType.INT8: RangeTypeValidator(-128, 127),
ValueType.INT16: RangeTypeValidator(-32768, 32767),
ValueType.INT32: RangeTypeValidator(-2147483648, 2147483647),
ValueType.INT64: RangeTypeValidator(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807),
ValueType.INT128: RangeTypeValidator(-math.pow(2, 127), math.pow(2, 127) - 1),
ValueType.UINT8: RangeTypeValidator(0, 255),
ValueType.UINT16: RangeTypeValidator(0, 65535),
ValueType.UINT32: RangeTypeValidator(0, 4294967295),
ValueType.UINT64: RangeTypeValidator(0, 18446744073709551615),
ValueType.UINT128: RangeTypeValidator(0, math.pow(2, 128)),
# ValueType.FLOAT16: None,
ValueType.FLOAT: ConvertTypeValidator(float),
ValueType.DOUBLE: ConvertTypeValidator(float),
# ValueType.BFLOAT16: None,
ValueType.BYTES: ConvertTypeValidator(bytes),
# ValueType.STRING: it does not make sense to do validation for STRING (everything is valid also '\x00', '\xff')
# ValueType.DATETIME: None,
# ValueType.BYTES_LIST: None,
# ValueType.STRING_LIST: None,
# ValueType.INT32_LIST: None,
# ValueType.INT64_LIST: None,
# ValueType.DOUBLE_LIST: None,
# ValueType.FLOAT_LIST: None,
# ValueType.BOOL_LIST: None,
class Validator(ModelObj):
"""Base validator"""
kind = ""
_dict_fields = ["kind", "check_type", "severity"]
def __init__(self, check_type: bool = None, severity: str = None):
"""Base validator
from mlrun.features import Validator
# Add validator to the feature 'bid' with check type
quotes_set["bid"].validator = Validator(check_type=True, severity="info")
:param check_type: check feature type e.g. True, False
:param severity: severity name e.g. info, warning, etc.
self._feature = None
self.check_type = check_type
self.severity = severity
def set_feature(self, feature: Feature):
self._feature = feature
def check(self, value):
if self.check_type:
if self._feature.value_type is not None:
if self._feature.value_type in type_validator:
return type_validator[self._feature.value_type].check(
self._feature.value_type, value
return True, {}
class MinMaxValidator(Validator):
"""Validate min/max value ranges"""
kind = "minmax"
_dict_fields = Validator._dict_fields + ["min", "max"]
def __init__(
self, check_type: bool = None, severity: str = None, min=None, max=None
"""Validate min/max value ranges
from mlrun.features import MinMaxValidator
# Add validator to the feature 'bid', where valid
# minimal value is 52
quotes_set["bid"].validator = MinMaxValidator(min=52, severity="info")
:param check_type: check feature type e.g. True, False
:param severity: severity name e.g. info, warning, etc.
:param min: minimal valid size
:param max: maximal valid size
super().__init__(check_type, severity)
self.min = min
self.max = max
def check(self, value):
ok, args = super().check(value)
if ok:
if self.min is not None:
if value < self.min:
return (
"message": "value is smaller than min",
"min": self.min,
"value": _limited_string(str(value)),
if self.max is not None:
if value > self.max:
return (
"message": "value is greater than max",
"max": self.max,
"value": _limited_string(str(value)),
except Exception as err:
return (
{"message": err_to_str(err), "type": self.kind},
return ok, args
class MinMaxLenValidator(Validator):
"""Validate min/max length value ranges"""
kind = "minmaxlen"
_dict_fields = Validator._dict_fields + ["min", "max"]
def __init__(
self, check_type: bool = None, severity: str = None, min=None, max=None
"""Validate min/max length value ranges
from mlrun.features import MinMaxLenValidator
# Add length validator to the feature 'ticker', where valid
# minimal length is 1 and maximal length is 10
quotes_set["ticker"].validator = MinMaxLenValidator(
min=1, max=10, severity="info"
:param check_type: check feature type e.g. True, False
:param severity: severity name e.g. info, warning, etc.
:param min: minimal valid length size
:param max: maximal valid length size
super().__init__(check_type, severity)
self.min = min
self.max = max
def check(self, value):
ok, args = super().check(value)
if ok:
if self.min is not None:
if len(value) < self.min:
return (
"message": "Length value is smaller than min",
"min": self.min,
"length value": len(value),
if self.max is not None:
if len(value) > self.max:
return (
"message": "Length value is greater than max",
"max": self.max,
"length value": len(value),
except Exception as err:
return (
{"message": err_to_str(err), "type": self.kind},
return ok, args
class RegexValidator(Validator):
"""Validate value based on regular expression"""
kind = "regex"
_dict_fields = Validator._dict_fields + ["regex"]
def __init__(self, check_type: bool = None, severity: str = None, regex=None):
"""Validate value based on regular expression
from mlrun.features import RegexValidator
# Add regular expression validator to the feature 'name' and
# expression '(\b[A-Za-z]{1}[0-9]{7}\b)' where valid values are
# e.g. A1234567, z9874563, etc.
quotes_set["name"].validator = RegexValidator(
regex=r"(\b[A-Za-z]{1}[0-9]{7}\b)", severity="info"
:param check_type: check feature type e.g. True, False
:param severity: severity name e.g. info, warning, etc.
:param regex: regular expression for validation
super().__init__(check_type, severity)
self.regex = regex
self.regex_compile = re.compile(self.regex) if self.regex else None
def check(self, value):
ok, args = super().check(value)
if ok:
if self.regex is not None:
if not re.fullmatch(self.regex_compile, value):
return (
"message": "Value is not valid with regular expression",
"regexp": self.regex,
"value": _limited_string(str(value)),
except Exception as err:
return (
{"message": err_to_str(err), "type": self.kind},
return ok, args
def from_dict(cls, struct=None, fields=None, deprecated_fields: dict = None):
new_obj = super().from_dict(
struct=struct, fields=fields, deprecated_fields=deprecated_fields
if hasattr(new_obj, "regex"):
new_obj.regex_compile = re.compile(new_obj.regex) if new_obj.regex else None
raise MLRunRuntimeError(
f"Object with type {type(new_obj)} "
f"have to contain `regex` attribute"
return new_obj
validator_kinds = {
"": Validator,
"minmax": MinMaxValidator,
"minmaxlen": MinMaxLenValidator,
"regex": RegexValidator,