Source code for mlrun.projects.project

# Copyright 2023 Iguazio
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import datetime
import getpass
import glob
import http
import importlib.util as imputil
import json
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import tempfile
import typing
import uuid
import warnings
import zipfile
from copy import deepcopy
from os import environ, makedirs, path
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union

import dotenv
import git
import git.exc
import mlrun_pipelines.common.models
import mlrun_pipelines.mounts
import nuclio.utils
import requests
import yaml
from mlrun_pipelines.models import PipelineNodeWrapper

import mlrun.common.helpers
import mlrun.common.runtimes.constants
import mlrun.common.schemas.artifact
import mlrun.common.schemas.model_monitoring.constants as mm_constants
import mlrun.db
import mlrun.errors
import mlrun.k8s_utils
import mlrun.model_monitoring.applications as mm_app
import mlrun.runtimes
import mlrun.runtimes.nuclio.api_gateway
import mlrun.runtimes.pod
import mlrun.runtimes.utils
import mlrun.serving
import mlrun.utils
import mlrun.utils.regex
from mlrun.alerts.alert import AlertConfig
from mlrun.common.schemas.alert import AlertTemplate
from mlrun.datastore.datastore_profile import DatastoreProfile, DatastoreProfile2Json
from mlrun.runtimes.nuclio.function import RemoteRuntime

from ..artifacts import Artifact, ArtifactProducer, DatasetArtifact, ModelArtifact
from ..artifacts.manager import ArtifactManager, dict_to_artifact, extend_artifact_path
from ..datastore import store_manager
from ..features import Feature
from ..model import EntrypointParam, ImageBuilder, ModelObj
from import code_to_function, get_object, import_function, new_function
from ..secrets import SecretsStore
from ..utils import is_jupyter, is_relative_path, is_yaml_path, logger, update_in
from ..utils.clones import (
from ..utils.helpers import (
from ..utils.notifications import CustomNotificationPusher, NotificationTypes
from .operations import (
from .pipelines import (

class ProjectError(Exception):

def init_repo(context, url, init_git):
    repo = None
    context_path = pathlib.Path(context)
    if not context_path.exists():
        context_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    elif not context_path.is_dir():
        raise ValueError(f"Context {context} is not a dir path")
        repo = git.Repo(context)
        url = get_repo_url(repo)
    except Exception:
        if init_git:
            repo = git.Repo.init(context)
    return repo, url

[docs]def new_project( name, context: str = "./", init_git: bool = False, user_project: bool = False, remote: str = None, from_template: str = None, secrets: dict = None, description: str = None, subpath: str = None, save: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, parameters: dict = None, default_function_node_selector: dict = None, ) -> "MlrunProject": """Create a new MLRun project, optionally load it from a yaml/zip/git template A new project is created and returned, you can customize the project by placing a file in the project root dir, it will be executed upon project creation or loading. example:: # create a project with local and hub functions, a workflow, and an artifact project = mlrun.new_project( "myproj", "./", init_git=True, description="my new project" ) project.set_function( "", "prep-data", image="mlrun/mlrun", handler="prep_data" ) project.set_function("hub://auto-trainer", "train") project.set_artifact("data", Artifact(target_path=data_url)) project.set_workflow("main", "./") # run the "main" workflow (watch=True to wait for run completion)"main", watch=True) example (load from template):: # create a new project from a zip template (can also use yaml/git templates) # initialize a local git, and register the git remote path project = mlrun.new_project( "myproj", "./", init_git=True, remote="git://", from_template="http://mysite/", )"main", watch=True) example using to init the project objects:: def setup(project): project.set_function( "", "prep-data", image="mlrun/mlrun", handler="prep_data" ) project.set_function("hub://auto-trainer", "train") project.set_artifact("data", Artifact(target_path=data_url)) project.set_workflow("main", "./") return project :param name: project name :param context: project local directory path (default value = "./") :param init_git: if True, will git init the context dir :param user_project: add the current username to the provided project name (making it unique per user) :param remote: remote Git url :param from_template: path to project YAML/zip file that will be used as a template :param secrets: key:secret dict or SecretsStore used to download sources :param description: text describing the project :param subpath: project subpath (relative to the context dir) :param save: whether to save the created project in the DB :param overwrite: overwrite project using 'cascade' deletion strategy (deletes project resources) if project with name exists :param parameters: key/value pairs to add to the project.spec.params :param default_function_node_selector: defines the default node selector for scheduling functions within the project :returns: project object """ context = context or "./" name = _add_username_to_project_name_if_needed(name, user_project) if from_template: if subpath: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "Unsupported option, cannot use subpath argument with project templates" ) if from_template.endswith(".yaml"): project = _load_project_file( from_template, name, secrets, allow_cross_project=True ) elif from_template.startswith("git://"): clone_git(from_template, context, secrets, clone=True) shutil.rmtree(path.join(context, ".git")) project = _load_project_dir(context, name, allow_cross_project=True) elif from_template.endswith(".zip"): clone_zip(from_template, context, secrets) project = _load_project_dir(context, name, allow_cross_project=True) else: raise ValueError("template must be a path to .yaml or .zip file") = name # Remove original owner name for avoiding possible conflicts project.spec.owner = None else: project = MlrunProject.from_dict( { "metadata": { "name": name, } } ) project.spec.context = context project.spec.subpath = subpath or project.spec.subpath repo, url = init_repo(context, remote, init_git or remote) project.spec.repo = repo if remote and url != remote: project.create_remote(remote) elif url:"Identified pre-initialized git repo, using it", url=url) project.spec._source = url project.spec.origin_url = url if description: project.spec.description = description if default_function_node_selector: project.spec.default_function_node_selector = default_function_node_selector if parameters: # Enable setting project parameters at load time, can be used to customize the project_setup for key, val in parameters.items(): project.spec.params[key] = val _set_as_current_default_project(project) if save and mlrun.mlconf.dbpath: if overwrite: "Overwriting project (by deleting and then creating)", name=name ) _delete_project_from_db( name, secrets, mlrun.common.schemas.DeletionStrategy.cascade ) try: except mlrun.errors.MLRunConflictError as exc: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunConflictError( f"Project with name {name} already exists. " "Use overwrite=True to overwrite the existing project." ) from exc "Created and saved project", name=name, from_template=from_template, overwrite=overwrite, context=context, save=save, ) # Hook for initializing the project using a project_setup script project = project.setup(save and mlrun.mlconf.dbpath) return project
[docs]def load_project( context: str = "./", url: str = None, name: str = None, secrets: dict = None, init_git: bool = False, subpath: str = None, clone: bool = False, user_project: bool = False, save: bool = True, sync_functions: bool = False, parameters: dict = None, allow_cross_project: bool = None, ) -> "MlrunProject": """Load an MLRun project from git or tar or dir MLRun looks for a project.yaml file with project definition and objects in the project root path and use it to initialize the project, in addition it runs the file (if it exists) for further customization. Usage example:: # Load the project and run the 'main' workflow. # When using git as the url source the context directory must be an empty or # non-existent folder as the git repo will be cloned there project = load_project("./demo_proj", "git://")"main", arguments={"data": data_url}) example:: def setup(project): train_function = project.set_function( "src/", name="mpi-training", kind="mpijob", image="mlrun/mlrun", ) # Set the number of replicas for the training from the project parameter train_function.spec.replicas = project.spec.params.get("num_replicas", 1) return project :param context: project local directory path (default value = "./") :param url: name (in DB) or git or tar.gz or .zip sources archive path e.g.: git:// http://mysite/ <project-name> The git project should include the project yaml file. If the project yaml file is in a sub-directory, must specify the sub-directory. :param name: project name :param secrets: key:secret dict or SecretsStore used to download sources :param init_git: if True, will git init the context dir :param subpath: project subpath (within the archive) :param clone: if True, always clone (delete any existing content) :param user_project: add the current username to the project name (for db:// prefixes) :param save: whether to save the created project and artifact in the DB :param sync_functions: sync the project's functions into the project object (will be saved to the DB if save=True) :param parameters: key/value pairs to add to the project.spec.params :param allow_cross_project: if True, override the loaded project name. This flag ensures awareness of loading an existing project yaml as a baseline for a new project with a different name :returns: project object """ if not context: raise ValueError("valid context (local dir path) must be provided") secrets = secrets or {} repo = None project = None name = _add_username_to_project_name_if_needed(name, user_project) from_db = False if url: url = str(url) # to support path objects if is_yaml_path(url): project = _load_project_file(url, name, secrets, allow_cross_project) project.spec.context = context elif url.startswith("git://"): url, repo = clone_git(url, context, secrets, clone) # Validate that git source includes branch and refs url = ensure_git_branch(url=url, repo=repo) elif url.endswith(".tar.gz"): clone_tgz(url, context, secrets, clone) elif url.endswith(".zip"): clone_zip(url, context, secrets, clone) elif url.startswith("db://") or "://" not in url: project = _load_project_from_db(url, secrets, user_project) project.spec.context = context if not path.isdir(context): makedirs(context) project.spec.subpath = subpath or project.spec.subpath from_db = True else: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "Unsupported url scheme, supported schemes are: git://, db:// or " ".zip/.tar.gz/.yaml file path (could be local or remote) or project name which will be loaded from DB" ) if not repo: repo, url = init_repo(context, url, init_git) if not project: project = _load_project_dir(context, name, subpath, allow_cross_project) if not raise ValueError("Project name must be specified") if parameters: # Enable setting project parameters at load time, can be used to customize the project_setup for key, val in parameters.items(): project.spec.params[key] = val if not from_db: project.spec.source = url or project.spec.source project.spec.origin_url = url or project.spec.origin_url # Remove original owner name for avoiding possible conflicts when loading project from remote project.spec.owner = None project.spec.repo = repo if repo: try: # handle cases where active_branch is not set (e.g. in Gitlab CI) project.spec.branch = except Exception: pass to_save = bool(save and mlrun.mlconf.dbpath) if to_save: # Hook for initializing the project using a project_setup script project = project.setup(to_save) if to_save: project.register_artifacts() if sync_functions: project.sync_functions(save=to_save) _set_as_current_default_project(project) return project
[docs]def get_or_create_project( name: str, context: str = "./", url: str = None, secrets: dict = None, init_git=False, subpath: str = None, clone: bool = False, user_project: bool = False, from_template: str = None, save: bool = True, parameters: dict = None, allow_cross_project: bool = None, ) -> "MlrunProject": """Load a project from MLRun DB, or create/import if it does not exist MLRun looks for a project.yaml file with project definition and objects in the project root path and use it to initialize the project, in addition it runs the file (if it exists) for further customization. Usage example:: # load project from the DB (if exist) or the source repo project = get_or_create_project( "myproj", "./", "git://" ) project.pull("development") # pull the latest code from git"main", arguments={"data": data_url}) # run the workflow "main" example:: def setup(project): train_function = project.set_function( "src/", name="mpi-training", kind="mpijob", image="mlrun/mlrun", ) # Set the number of replicas for the training from the project parameter train_function.spec.replicas = project.spec.params.get("num_replicas", 1) return project :param name: project name :param context: project local directory path (default value = "./") :param url: name (in DB) or git or tar.gz or .zip sources archive path e.g.: git:// http://mysite/ :param secrets: key:secret dict or SecretsStore used to download sources :param init_git: if True, will execute `git init` on the context dir :param subpath: project subpath (within the archive/context) :param clone: if True, always clone (delete any existing content) :param user_project: add the current username to the project name (for db:// prefixes) :param from_template: path to project YAML file that will be used as from_template (for new projects) :param save: whether to save the created project in the DB :param parameters: key/value pairs to add to the project.spec.params :param allow_cross_project: if True, override the loaded project name. This flag ensures awareness of loading an existing project yaml as a baseline for a new project with a different name :returns: project object """ context = context or "./" try: # load project from the DB. # use `name` as `url` as we load the project from the DB project = load_project( context, name, name, secrets=secrets, init_git=init_git, subpath=subpath, clone=clone, user_project=user_project, # only loading project from db so no need to save it save=False, parameters=parameters, allow_cross_project=allow_cross_project, )"Project loaded successfully", return project except mlrun.errors.MLRunNotFoundError: logger.debug( "Project not found in db", project_name=name, user_project=user_project ) spec_path = path.join(context, subpath or "", "project.yaml") load_from_path = url or path.isfile(spec_path) # do not nest under "try" or else the exceptions raised below will be logged along with the "not found" message if load_from_path: # loads a project from archive or local project.yaml "Loading project from path", project_name=name, user_project=user_project, path=url or context, ) project = load_project( context, url, name, secrets=secrets, init_git=init_git, subpath=subpath, clone=clone, user_project=user_project, save=save, parameters=parameters, allow_cross_project=allow_cross_project, ) "Project loaded successfully",, path=url or context, stored_in_db=save, ) return project # create a new project project = new_project( name, context, init_git=init_git, user_project=user_project, from_template=from_template, secrets=secrets, subpath=subpath, save=save, parameters=parameters, ) "Project created successfully",, stored_in_db=save ) return project
def _run_project_setup( project: "MlrunProject", setup_file_path: str, save: bool = False ): """Run the project setup file if found When loading a project MLRun will look for a file, if it is found it will execute the setup(project) handler, which can enrich the project with additional objects, functions, artifacts, etc. Example:: def setup(project): train_function = project.set_function( "src/", name="mpi-training", kind="mpijob", image="mlrun/mlrun", ) # Set the number of replicas for the training from the project parameter train_function.spec.replicas = project.spec.params.get("num_replicas", 1) return project """ if not path.exists(setup_file_path): return project spec = imputil.spec_from_file_location("workflow", setup_file_path) if spec is None: raise ImportError(f"cannot import project setup file in {setup_file_path}") mod = imputil.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(mod) if hasattr(mod, "setup"): try: project = getattr(mod, "setup")(project) if not project or not isinstance(project, mlrun.projects.MlrunProject): raise ValueError( "MLRun project_setup:setup() must return a project object" ) except Exception as exc: logger.error( "Failed to run project_setup script", setup_file_path=setup_file_path, exc=mlrun.errors.err_to_str(exc), ) raise exc if save: else: logger.warn( f"skipping setup, setup() handler was not found in {path.basename(setup_file_path)}" ) return project def _load_project_dir(context, name="", subpath="", allow_cross_project=None): subpath_str = subpath or "" # support both .yaml and .yml file extensions project_file_path = path.join(context, subpath_str, "project.y*ml") function_file_path = path.join(context, subpath_str, "function.y*ml") setup_file_path = path.join(context, subpath_str, "") if project_files := glob.glob(project_file_path): # if there are multiple project files, use the first one project_file_path = project_files[0] with open(project_file_path) as fp: data = struct = yaml.load(data, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) project = _project_instance_from_struct(struct, name, allow_cross_project) project.spec.context = context elif function_files := glob.glob(function_file_path): function_path = function_files[0] func = import_function(function_path) function_file_name = path.basename(path.normpath(function_path)) project = MlrunProject.from_dict( { "metadata": { "name": func.metadata.project, }, "spec": { "functions": [ { "url": function_file_name, "name":, }, ], }, } ) elif path.exists(setup_file_path): # If there is a setup script do not force having project.yaml file project = MlrunProject() else: message = "Project or function YAML not found in path" logger.error( message, context=context, name=name, subpath=subpath, ) raise mlrun.errors.MLRunNotFoundError(message) project.spec.context = context = name or project.spec.subpath = subpath return project def _add_username_to_project_name_if_needed(name, user_project): if user_project: if not name: raise ValueError("user_project must be specified together with name") username = environ.get("V3IO_USERNAME") or getpass.getuser() normalized_username = mlrun.utils.normalize_project_username(username.lower()) if username != normalized_username: logger.debug( "Username was normalized to match the required pattern for project name", username=username, normalized_username=normalized_username, ) name = f"{name}-{normalized_username}" return name def _load_project_from_db(url, secrets, user_project=False): db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=secrets) project_name = _add_username_to_project_name_if_needed( url.replace("db://", ""), user_project ) project = db.get_project(project_name) if not project: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunNotFoundError(f"Project {project_name} not found") return project def _delete_project_from_db(project_name, secrets, deletion_strategy): db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=secrets) db.delete_project(project_name, deletion_strategy=deletion_strategy) def _load_project_file(url, name="", secrets=None, allow_cross_project=None): try: obj = get_object(url, secrets) except FileNotFoundError as exc: raise FileNotFoundError(f"cant find project file at {url}") from exc struct = yaml.load(obj, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) return _project_instance_from_struct(struct, name, allow_cross_project) def _project_instance_from_struct(struct, name, allow_cross_project): name_from_struct = struct.get("metadata", {}).get("name", "") if name and name_from_struct and name_from_struct != name: error_message = ( f"Project name mismatch, {name_from_struct} != {name}, project is loaded from {name_from_struct} " f"project yaml. To prevent/allow this, you can take one of the following actions:\n" "1. Set the `allow_cross_project=True` when loading the project.\n" f"2. Delete the existing project yaml, or ensure its name is equal to {name}.\n" "3. Use different project context dir." ) if allow_cross_project is None: # TODO: Remove this warning in version 1.9.0 and also fix cli to support allow_cross_project warnings.warn( f"Project {name=} is different than specified on the context's project yaml. " "This behavior is deprecated and will not be supported from version 1.9.0." ) logger.warn(error_message) elif allow_cross_project: logger.debug( "Project name is different than specified on the context's project yaml. Overriding.", existing_name=name_from_struct, overriding_name=name, ) else: raise ValueError(error_message) struct.setdefault("metadata", {})["name"] = name or name_from_struct return MlrunProject.from_dict(struct)
[docs]class ProjectMetadata(ModelObj): def __init__(self, name=None, created=None, labels=None, annotations=None): = name self.created = created self.labels = labels or {} self.annotations = annotations or {} @property def name(self) -> str: """Project name""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name): if name: self.validate_project_name(name) self._name = name
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_project_name(name: str, raise_on_failure: bool = True) -> bool: try: mlrun.utils.helpers.verify_field_regex( "", name, mlrun.utils.regex.project_name ) except mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError: if raise_on_failure: raise return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_project_labels(labels: dict, raise_on_failure: bool = True) -> bool: """ This """ # no labels is a valid case if not labels: return True if not isinstance(labels, dict): raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "Labels must be a dictionary of key-value pairs" ) try: for key, value in labels.items(): mlrun.k8s_utils.verify_label_key(key) mlrun.k8s_utils.verify_label_value(value, label_key=key) except mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError: if raise_on_failure: raise return False return True
[docs]class ProjectSpec(ModelObj): def __init__( self, description=None, params=None, functions=None, workflows=None, artifacts=None, artifact_path=None, conda=None, source=None, subpath=None, origin_url=None, goals=None, load_source_on_run=None, default_requirements: typing.Union[str, list[str]] = None,, owner=None, disable_auto_mount=None, workdir=None, default_image=None, build=None, custom_packagers: list[tuple[str, bool]] = None, default_function_node_selector=None, ): self.repo = None self.description = description self.context = "" self._mountdir = None self._source = None self.source = source or "" self.load_source_on_run = load_source_on_run self.subpath = subpath self.origin_url = origin_url self.goals = goals self.desired_state = desired_state self.owner = owner self.branch = None self.tag = "" self.params = params or {} self.conda = conda or "" self.artifact_path = artifact_path self._artifacts = {} self.artifacts = artifacts or [] self.default_requirements = default_requirements self.workdir = workdir self._workflows = {} self.workflows = workflows or [] self._function_objects = {} self._function_definitions = {} self.functions = functions or [] self.disable_auto_mount = disable_auto_mount self.default_image = default_image = build # A list of custom packagers to include when running the functions of the project. A custom packager is stored # in a tuple where the first index is the packager module's path (str) and the second is a flag (bool) for # whether it is mandatory for a run (raise exception on collection error) or not. self.custom_packagers = custom_packagers or [] self._default_function_node_selector = default_function_node_selector or None @property def source(self) -> str: """source url or git repo""" if not self._source: if self.repo: url = get_repo_url(self.repo) if url: self._source = url return self._source @source.setter def source(self, src): self._source = src @property def mountdir(self) -> str: """specify to mount the context dir inside the function container use '.' to use the same path as in the client e.g. Jupyter""" if self._mountdir and self._mountdir in [".", "./"]: return path.abspath(self.context) return self._mountdir @mountdir.setter def mountdir(self, mountdir): self._mountdir = mountdir @property def functions(self) -> list: """list of function object/specs used in this project""" functions = [] for name, function in self._function_definitions.items(): if hasattr(function, "to_dict"): spec = function.to_dict(strip=True) if and self._source_repo() ): update_in(spec, "", "./") functions.append({"name": name, "spec": spec}) else: functions.append(function) return functions @functions.setter def functions(self, functions): if not functions: functions = [] if not isinstance(functions, list): raise ValueError("functions must be a list") function_definitions = {} for function in functions: if not isinstance(function, dict) and not hasattr(function, "to_dict"): raise ValueError("function must be an object or dict") if isinstance(function, dict): name = function.get("name", "") if not name: raise ValueError("function name must be specified in dict") else: name = function_definitions[name] = function self._function_definitions = function_definitions
[docs] def set_function(self, name, function_object, function_dict): self._function_definitions[name] = function_dict self._function_objects[name] = function_object
[docs] def remove_function(self, name): if name in self._function_objects: del self._function_objects[name] if name in self._function_definitions: del self._function_definitions[name]
@property def workflows(self) -> list[dict]: """ :returns: list of workflows specs dicts used in this project """ return [workflow.to_dict() for workflow in self._workflows.values()] @workflows.setter def workflows(self, workflows: list[typing.Union[dict, WorkflowSpec]]): if not workflows: workflows = [] if not isinstance(workflows, list): raise ValueError("workflows must be a list") workflows_dict = {} for workflow in workflows: if not isinstance(workflow, dict) and not isinstance( workflow, WorkflowSpec ): raise ValueError( f"workflow must be a dict or `WorkflowSpec` type. Given: {type(workflow)}" ) if isinstance(workflow, dict): workflow = WorkflowSpec.from_dict(workflow) name = # todo: support steps dsl as code alternative if not name: raise ValueError('workflow "name" must be specified') if not workflow.path and not workflow.code: raise ValueError('workflow source "path" or "code" must be specified') workflows_dict[name] = workflow self._workflows = workflows_dict
[docs] def set_workflow(self, name, workflow): self._workflows[name] = ( workflow if isinstance(workflow, WorkflowSpec) else WorkflowSpec.from_dict(workflow) )
[docs] def remove_workflow(self, name): if name in self._workflows: del self._workflows[name]
@property def artifacts(self) -> list: """list of artifacts used in this project""" return [artifact for artifact in self._artifacts.values()] @artifacts.setter def artifacts(self, artifacts): if not artifacts: artifacts = [] if not isinstance(artifacts, list): raise ValueError("artifacts must be a list") artifacts_dict = {} for artifact in artifacts: invalid_object_type = not isinstance(artifact, dict) and not hasattr( artifact, "to_dict" ) is_artifact_model = not isinstance(artifact, dict) and hasattr( artifact, "to_dict" ) if invalid_object_type: raise ValueError("artifacts must be a dict or class") elif is_artifact_model: key = artifact.key artifact = artifact.to_dict() else: # artifact is a dict # imported/legacy artifacts don't have metadata,spec,status fields key_field = ( "key" if _is_imported_artifact(artifact) or mlrun.utils.is_legacy_artifact(artifact) else "metadata.key" ) key = mlrun.utils.get_in(artifact, key_field, "") if not key: raise ValueError(f'artifacts "{key_field}" must be specified') artifacts_dict[key] = artifact self._artifacts = artifacts_dict
[docs] def set_artifact(self, key, artifact): if hasattr(artifact, "base_dict"): artifact = artifact.base_dict() if not _is_imported_artifact(artifact): artifact["metadata"]["key"] = key self._artifacts[key] = artifact
[docs] def remove_artifact(self, key): if key in self._artifacts: del self._artifacts[key]
@property def default_function_node_selector(self): return self._default_function_node_selector @default_function_node_selector.setter def default_function_node_selector(self, node_selector: dict[str, str]): self._default_function_node_selector = deepcopy(node_selector) @property def build(self) -> ImageBuilder: return self._build @build.setter def build(self, build): self._build = self._verify_dict(build, "build", ImageBuilder)
[docs] def add_custom_packager(self, packager: str, is_mandatory: bool): """ Add a custom packager from the custom packagers list. :param packager: The packager module path to add. For example, if a packager `MyPackager` is in the project's source at, then the module path is: "my_module.MyPackager". :param is_mandatory: Whether this packager must be collected during a run. If False, failing to collect it won't raise an error during the packagers collection phase. """ # TODO: enable importing packagers from the hub. if packager in [ custom_packager[0] for custom_packager in self.custom_packagers ]: logger.warn( f"The packager's module path '{packager}' is already registered in the project." ) return self.custom_packagers.append((packager, is_mandatory))
[docs] def remove_custom_packager(self, packager: str): """ Remove a custom packager from the custom packagers list. :param packager: The packager module path to remove. :raise MLRunInvalidArgumentError: In case the packager was not in the list. """ # Look for the packager tuple in the list to remove it: packager_tuple: tuple[str, bool] = None for custom_packager in self.custom_packagers: if custom_packager[0] == packager: packager_tuple = custom_packager # If not found, raise an error, otherwise remove: if packager_tuple is None: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( f"The packager module path '{packager}' is not registered in the project, hence it cannot be removed." ) self.custom_packagers.remove(packager_tuple)
def _source_repo(self): src = self.source if src: return src.split("#")[0] return "" def _need_repo(self): for f in self._function_objects.values(): if in [".", "./"]: return True return False
[docs] def get_code_path(self): """Get the path to the code root/workdir""" return path.join(self.context, self.workdir or self.subpath or "")
def _replace_default_image_in_enriched_functions(self, previous_image, new_image): """ Set a new project-default-image in functions that were already enriched. """ if previous_image == new_image: return for key in self._function_objects: function = self._function_objects[key] if function._enriched_image: function.spec.image = new_image
[docs]class ProjectStatus(ModelObj): def __init__(self, state=None): self.state = state
[docs]class MlrunProject(ModelObj): kind = "project" _dict_fields = ["kind", "metadata", "spec", "status"] def __init__( self, metadata: Optional[Union[ProjectMetadata, dict]] = None, spec: Optional[Union[ProjectSpec, dict]] = None, ): self.metadata: ProjectMetadata = metadata self.spec: ProjectSpec = spec self.status = None self._initialized = False self._secrets = SecretsStore() self._artifact_manager = None self._notifiers = CustomNotificationPusher( [ NotificationTypes.slack, NotificationTypes.console, NotificationTypes.ipython, ] ) @property def metadata(self) -> ProjectMetadata: return self._metadata @metadata.setter def metadata(self, metadata): self._metadata = self._verify_dict(metadata, "metadata", ProjectMetadata) @property def spec(self) -> ProjectSpec: return self._spec @spec.setter def spec(self, spec): self._spec = self._verify_dict(spec, "spec", ProjectSpec) @property def status(self) -> ProjectStatus: return self._status @status.setter def status(self, status): self._status = self._verify_dict(status, "status", ProjectStatus) @property def notifiers(self): return self._notifiers @property def name(self) -> str: """Project name, this is a property of the project metadata""" return @name.setter def name(self, name): = name @property def artifact_path(self) -> str: return self.spec.artifact_path @artifact_path.setter def artifact_path(self, artifact_path): self.spec.artifact_path = artifact_path @property def source(self) -> str: return self.spec.source @source.setter def source(self, source): self.spec.source = source
[docs] def set_source( self, source: str = "", pull_at_runtime: bool = False, workdir: Optional[str] = None, ): """set the project source code path(can be git/tar/zip archive) :param source: valid absolute path or URL to git, zip, or tar file, (or None for current) e.g. git:// http://some/url/ note path source must exist on the image or exist locally when run is local (it is recommended to use 'workdir' when source is a filepath instead) :param pull_at_runtime: load the archive into the container at job runtime vs on build/deploy :param workdir: workdir path relative to the context dir or absolute """ mlrun.utils.helpers.validate_builder_source(source, pull_at_runtime, workdir) self.spec.load_source_on_run = pull_at_runtime self.spec.source = source or self.spec.source if self.spec.source.startswith("git://"): source, reference, branch = resolve_git_reference_from_source(source) if not branch and not reference: logger.warn( "Please add git branch or refs to the source e.g.: " "'git://<url>/org/repo.git#<branch-name or refs/heads/..>'" ) self.spec.workdir = workdir or self.spec.workdir try: # reset function objects (to recalculate build attributes) self.sync_functions() except mlrun.errors.MLRunMissingDependencyError as exc: logger.error( "Failed to resolve all function related dependencies " "while working with the new project source. Aborting" ) raise exc
[docs] def get_artifact_uri( self, key: str, category: str = "artifact", tag: str = None, iter: int = None ) -> str: """return the project artifact uri (store://..) from the artifact key example:: uri = project.get_artifact_uri("my_model", category="model", tag="prod", iter=0) :param key: artifact key/name :param category: artifact category (artifact, model, feature-vector, ..) :param tag: artifact version tag, default to latest version :param iter: iteration number, default to no iteration """ uri = f"store://{category}s/{}/{key}" if iter is not None: uri = f"{uri}#{iter}" if tag is not None: uri = f"{uri}:{tag}" return uri
[docs] def get_store_resource(self, uri): """get store resource object by uri""" return mlrun.datastore.get_store_resource( uri, secrets=self._secrets, )
@property def context(self) -> str: return self.spec.context @context.setter def context(self, context): self.spec.context = context @property def mountdir(self) -> str: return self.spec.mountdir @mountdir.setter def mountdir(self, mountdir): self.spec.mountdir = mountdir @property def params(self) -> dict: return self.spec.params @params.setter def params(self, params): self.spec.params = params @property def description(self) -> str: return self.spec.description @description.setter def description(self, description): self.spec.description = description @property def default_function_node_selector(self) -> dict: return self.spec.default_function_node_selector @default_function_node_selector.setter def default_function_node_selector(self, default_function_node_selector): self.spec.default_function_node_selector = default_function_node_selector @property def default_image(self) -> str: return self.spec.default_image
[docs] def set_default_image(self, default_image: str): """ Set the default image to be used for running runtimes (functions) in this project. This image will be used if an image was not provided for a runtime. In case the default image is replaced, functions already registered with the project that used the previous default image will have their image replaced on next execution. :param default_image: Default image to use """ current_default_image = self.spec.default_image if current_default_image: self.spec._replace_default_image_in_enriched_functions( current_default_image, default_image ) self.spec.default_image = default_image
@property def workflows(self) -> list: return self.spec.workflows @workflows.setter def workflows(self, workflows): self.spec.workflows = workflows
[docs] def set_workflow( self, name, workflow_path: str, embed: bool = False, engine: Optional[str] = None, args_schema: list[EntrypointParam] = None, handler: Optional[str] = None, schedule: typing.Union[str, mlrun.common.schemas.ScheduleCronTrigger] = None, ttl: Optional[int] = None, image: Optional[str] = None, **args, ): """Add or update a workflow, specify a name and the code path :param name: Name of the workflow :param workflow_path: URL (remote) / Path (absolute or relative to the project code path i.e. <project.spec.get_code_path()>/<workflow_path>) for the workflow file. :param embed: Add the workflow code into the project.yaml :param engine: Workflow processing engine ("kfp", "local", "remote" or "remote:local") :param args_schema: List of arg schema definitions (:py:class`~mlrun.model.EntrypointParam`) :param handler: Workflow function handler :param schedule: ScheduleCronTrigger class instance or a standard crontab expression string (which will be converted to the class using its `from_crontab` constructor), see this link for help: Note that "local" engine does not support this argument :param ttl: Pipeline ttl in secs (after that the pods will be removed) :param image: Image for workflow runner job, only for scheduled and remote workflows :param args: Argument values (key=value, ..) """ # validate the provided workflow_path self._validate_file_path(workflow_path, param_name="workflow_path") if engine and "local" in engine and schedule: raise ValueError("'schedule' argument is not supported for 'local' engine.") # engine could be "remote" or "remote:local" if image and ((engine and "remote" not in engine) and not schedule): logger.warning("Image is only relevant for 'remote' engine, ignoring it") if embed: if ( self.context and not workflow_path.startswith("/") # since the user may provide a path the includes the context, # we need to make sure we don't add it twice and not workflow_path.startswith(self.context) ): workflow_path = path.join(self.context, workflow_path) with open(workflow_path) as fp: txt = workflow = {"name": name, "code": txt} else: workflow = {"name": name, "path": workflow_path} if args: workflow["args"] = args if handler: workflow["handler"] = handler if args_schema: args_schema = [ schema.to_dict() if hasattr(schema, "to_dict") else schema for schema in args_schema ] workflow["args_schema"] = args_schema workflow["engine"] = engine workflow["schedule"] = schedule if ttl: workflow["ttl"] = ttl if image: workflow["image"] = image self.spec.set_workflow(name, workflow)
[docs] def set_artifact( self, key, artifact: typing.Union[str, dict, Artifact] = None, target_path: str = None, tag: str = None, ): """add/set an artifact in the project spec (will be registered on load) example:: # register a simple file artifact project.set_artifact("data", target_path=data_url) # register a model artifact project.set_artifact( "model", ModelArtifact(model_file="model.pkl"), target_path=model_dir_url ) # register a path to artifact package (will be imported on project load) # to generate such package use `artifact.export(target_path)` project.set_artifact("model", "") :param key: artifact key/name :param artifact: mlrun Artifact object/dict (or its subclasses) or path to artifact file to import (yaml/json/zip), relative paths are relative to the context path :param target_path: absolute target path url (point to the artifact content location) :param tag: artifact tag """ if artifact and isinstance(artifact, str): artifact_path, _ = self.get_item_absolute_path( artifact, check_path_in_context=True ) artifact = { "import_from": artifact_path, "key": key, } if tag: artifact["tag"] = tag else: if not artifact: artifact = Artifact() artifact.spec.target_path = target_path or artifact.spec.target_path if artifact.spec.target_path and "://" not in artifact.spec.target_path: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "target_path url must point to a shared/object storage path" ) artifact.metadata.tag = tag or artifact.metadata.tag self.spec.set_artifact(key, artifact)
[docs] def register_artifacts(self): """register the artifacts in the MLRun DB (under this project)""" artifact_manager = self._get_artifact_manager() artifact_path = mlrun.utils.helpers.template_artifact_path( self.spec.artifact_path or mlrun.mlconf.artifact_path, ) project_tag = self._get_project_tag() for artifact_dict in self.spec.artifacts: if _is_imported_artifact(artifact_dict): import_from = artifact_dict["import_from"] if is_relative_path(import_from): # source path should be relative to the project context import_from = path.join(self.spec.get_code_path(), import_from) self.import_artifact( import_from, artifact_dict["key"], tag=artifact_dict.get("tag"), ) else: artifact = dict_to_artifact(artifact_dict) if is_relative_path(artifact.src_path): # source path should be relative to the project context artifact.src_path = path.join( self.spec.get_code_path(), artifact.src_path ) producer, is_retained_producer = self._resolve_artifact_producer( artifact, project_tag ) # log the artifact only if it doesn't already exist if ( != and self._resolve_existing_artifact( artifact, ) ): continue artifact_manager.log_artifact( producer, artifact, artifact_path=artifact_path,, is_retained_producer=is_retained_producer, )
def _get_artifact_manager(self): if self._artifact_manager: return self._artifact_manager db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) store_manager.set(self._secrets, db) self._artifact_manager = ArtifactManager(db) return self._artifact_manager def _get_hexsha(self): try: if self.spec.repo: return self.spec.repo.head.commit.hexsha except Exception: pass return None
[docs] def get_item_absolute_path( self, url: str, check_path_in_context: bool = False, ) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Get the absolute path of the artifact or function file :param url: remote url, absolute path or relative path :param check_path_in_context: if True, will check if the path exists when in the context (temporary parameter to allow for backwards compatibility) :returns: absolute path / url, whether the path is in the project context """ # If the URL is for a remote location, we do not want to change it if not url or "://" in url: return url, False # We don't want to change the url if the project has no context or if it is already absolute in_context = self.spec.context and not url.startswith("/") if in_context: url = path.normpath(path.join(self.spec.get_code_path(), url)) if (not in_context or check_path_in_context) and not path.isfile(url): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{url} not found") return url, in_context
[docs] def log_artifact( self, item, body=None, tag: str = "", local_path: str = "", artifact_path: Optional[str] = None, format: Optional[str] = None, upload: Optional[bool] = None, labels: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, target_path: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Artifact: """Log an output artifact and optionally upload it to datastore If the artifact already exists with the same key and tag, it will be overwritten. example:: project.log_artifact( "some-data", body=b"abc is 123", local_path="model.txt", labels={"framework": "xgboost"}, ) :param item: artifact key or artifact object (can be any type, such as dataset, model, feature store) :param body: will use the body as the artifact content :param local_path: path to the local file we upload, will also be use as the destination subpath (under "artifact_path") :param artifact_path: target artifact path (when not using the default) to define a subpath under the default location use: `artifact_path=context.artifact_subpath('data')` :param format: artifact file format: csv, png, .. :param tag: version tag :param target_path: absolute target path (instead of using artifact_path + local_path) :param upload: Whether to upload the artifact to the datastore. If not provided, and the `local_path` is not a directory, upload occurs by default. Directories are uploaded only when this flag is explicitly set to `True`. :param labels: a set of key/value labels to tag the artifact with :returns: artifact object """ am = self._get_artifact_manager() artifact_path = extend_artifact_path( artifact_path, self.spec.artifact_path or mlrun.mlconf.artifact_path ) artifact_path = mlrun.utils.helpers.template_artifact_path( artifact_path, ) producer, is_retained_producer = self._resolve_artifact_producer(item) if != # the artifact producer is retained, log it only if it doesn't already exist if existing_artifact := self._resolve_existing_artifact( item, tag, ): artifact_key = item if isinstance(item, str) else item.key "Artifact already exists, skipping logging", key=artifact_key, tag=tag, ) return existing_artifact item = am.log_artifact( producer, item, body, tag=tag, local_path=local_path, artifact_path=artifact_path, format=format, upload=upload, labels=labels, target_path=target_path,, is_retained_producer=is_retained_producer, **kwargs, ) return item
[docs] def delete_artifact( self, item: Artifact, deletion_strategy: mlrun.common.schemas.artifact.ArtifactsDeletionStrategies = ( mlrun.common.schemas.artifact.ArtifactsDeletionStrategies.metadata_only ), secrets: dict = None, ): """Delete an artifact object in the DB and optionally delete the artifact data :param item: Artifact object (can be any type, such as dataset, model, feature store). :param deletion_strategy: The artifact deletion strategy types. :param secrets: Credentials needed to access the artifact data. """ am = self._get_artifact_manager() am.delete_artifact(item, deletion_strategy, secrets)
[docs] def log_dataset( self, key, df, tag="", local_path=None, artifact_path=None, upload=None, labels=None, format="", preview=None, stats=None, target_path="", extra_data=None, label_column: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> DatasetArtifact: """ Log a dataset artifact and optionally upload it to datastore. If the dataset already exists with the same key and tag, it will be overwritten. example:: raw_data = { "first_name": ["Jason", "Molly", "Tina", "Jake", "Amy"], "last_name": ["Miller", "Jacobson", "Ali", "Milner", "Cooze"], "age": [42, 52, 36, 24, 73], "testScore": [25, 94, 57, 62, 70], } df = pd.DataFrame( raw_data, columns=["first_name", "last_name", "age", "testScore"] ) project.log_dataset("mydf", df=df, stats=True) :param key: artifact key :param df: dataframe object :param label_column: name of the label column (the one holding the target (y) values) :param local_path: path to the local dataframe file that exists locally. The given file extension will be used to save the dataframe to a file If the file exists, it will be uploaded to the datastore instead of the given df. :param artifact_path: target artifact path (when not using the default). to define a subpath under the default location use: `artifact_path=context.artifact_subpath('data')` :param tag: version tag :param format: optional, format to use (`csv`, `parquet`, `pq`, `tsdb`, `kv`) :param target_path: absolute target path (instead of using artifact_path + local_path) :param preview: number of lines to store as preview in the artifact metadata :param stats: calculate and store dataset stats in the artifact metadata :param extra_data: key/value list of extra files/charts to link with this dataset :param upload: upload to datastore (default is True) :param labels: a set of key/value labels to tag the artifact with :returns: artifact object """ ds = DatasetArtifact( key, df, preview=preview, extra_data=extra_data, format=format, stats=stats, label_column=label_column, **kwargs, ) item = self.log_artifact( ds, local_path=local_path, artifact_path=artifact_path, target_path=target_path, tag=tag, upload=upload, labels=labels, ) return item
[docs] def log_model( self, key, body=None, framework="", tag="", model_dir=None, model_file=None, algorithm=None, metrics=None, parameters=None, artifact_path=None, upload=None, labels=None, inputs: Optional[list[Feature]] = None, outputs: Optional[list[Feature]] = None, feature_vector: Optional[str] = None, feature_weights: Optional[list] = None, training_set=None, label_column=None, extra_data=None, **kwargs, ) -> ModelArtifact: """Log a model artifact and optionally upload it to datastore If the model already exists with the same key and tag, it will be overwritten. example:: project.log_model( "model", body=dumps(model), model_file="model.pkl", metrics=context.results, training_set=training_df, label_column="label", feature_vector=feature_vector_uri, labels={"app": "fraud"}, ) :param key: artifact key or artifact class () :param body: will use the body as the artifact content :param model_file: path to the local model file we upload (see also model_dir) or to a model file data url (e.g. http://host/path/model.pkl) :param model_dir: path to the local dir holding the model file and extra files :param artifact_path: target artifact path (when not using the default) to define a subpath under the default location use: `artifact_path=context.artifact_subpath('data')` :param framework: name of the ML framework :param algorithm: training algorithm name :param tag: version tag :param metrics: key/value dict of model metrics :param parameters: key/value dict of model parameters :param inputs: ordered list of model input features (name, type, ..) :param outputs: ordered list of model output/result elements (name, type, ..) :param upload: upload to datastore (if not specified, defaults to True (uploads artifact)) :param labels: a set of key/value labels to tag the artifact with :param feature_vector: feature store feature vector uri (store://feature-vectors/<project>/<name>[:tag]) :param feature_weights: list of feature weights, one per input column :param training_set: training set dataframe, used to infer inputs & outputs :param label_column: which columns in the training set are the label (target) columns :param extra_data: key/value list of extra files/charts to link with this dataset value can be absolute path | relative path (to model dir) | bytes | artifact object :returns: artifact object """ if training_set is not None and inputs: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "cannot specify inputs and training set together" ) model = ModelArtifact( key, body, model_file=model_file, model_dir=model_dir, metrics=metrics, parameters=parameters, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, framework=framework, algorithm=algorithm, feature_vector=feature_vector, feature_weights=feature_weights, extra_data=extra_data, **kwargs, ) if training_set is not None: model.infer_from_df(training_set, label_column) item = self.log_artifact( model, artifact_path=artifact_path, tag=tag, upload=upload, labels=labels, ) return item
[docs] def import_artifact( self, item_path: str, new_key=None, artifact_path=None, tag=None ): """Import an artifact object/package from .yaml, .json, or .zip file :param item_path: dataitem url or file path to the file/package :param new_key: overwrite the artifact key/name :param artifact_path: target artifact path (when not using the default) :param tag: artifact tag to set :return: artifact object """ def get_artifact(spec): artifact = dict_to_artifact(spec) artifact.metadata.key = new_key or artifact.metadata.key artifact.metadata.project = artifact.metadata.updated = None artifact.metadata.tag = tag or artifact.metadata.tag if new_key: if artifact.spec.db_key: logger.warning( f"Overwriting artifact old db_key '{artifact.spec.db_key}' with new key '{new_key}' - " f"artifact can be fetched using the new key only" ) artifact.spec.db_key = new_key return artifact # Obtaining the item's absolute path from the project context, in case the user provided a relative path item_path, _ = self.get_item_absolute_path(item_path) dataitem = mlrun.get_dataitem(item_path) if is_yaml_path(item_path): artifact_dict = yaml.load(dataitem.get(), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) artifact = get_artifact(artifact_dict) elif item_path.endswith(".json"): artifact_dict = json.loads(dataitem.get()) artifact = get_artifact(artifact_dict) elif item_path.endswith(".zip"): item_file = dataitem.local() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: with zipfile.ZipFile(item_file, "r") as zf: zf.extractall(temp_dir) with open(f"{temp_dir}/_spec.yaml") as fp: data = spec = yaml.load(data, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) artifact = get_artifact(spec) with open(f"{temp_dir}/_body", "rb") as fp: artifact.spec._body = # if the dataitem is not a file, it means we downloaded it from a remote source to a temp file, # so we need to remove it after we're done with it dataitem.remove_local() return self.log_artifact( artifact, local_path=temp_dir, artifact_path=artifact_path, upload=True, ) else: raise ValueError("unsupported file suffix, use .yaml, .json, or .zip") return self.log_artifact(artifact, artifact_path=artifact_path, upload=False)
[docs] def reload(self, sync=False, context=None) -> "MlrunProject": """reload the project and function objects from the project yaml/specs :param sync: set to True to load functions objects :param context: context directory (where the yaml and code exist) :returns: project object """ context = context or self.spec.context if context: project = _load_project_dir( context,, self.spec.subpath, allow_cross_project=False, ) else: project = _load_project_file( self.spec.origin_url,, self._secrets, allow_cross_project=None, ) project.spec.source = self.spec.source project.spec.repo = self.spec.repo project.spec.branch = self.spec.branch project.spec.origin_url = self.spec.origin_url if sync: project.sync_functions() self.__dict__.update(project.__dict__) return project
[docs] def setup(self, save: bool = True) -> "MlrunProject": """Run the project setup file if found When loading a project MLRun will look for a file, if it is found it will execute the setup(project) handler, which can enrich the project with additional objects, functions, artifacts, etc. :param save: save the project after the setup """ # Hook for initializing the project using a project_setup script setup_file_path = path.join( self.context, self.spec.subpath or "", "" ) return _run_project_setup(self, setup_file_path, save)
[docs] def set_model_monitoring_function( self, func: typing.Union[str, mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime, None] = None, application_class: typing.Union[ str, mm_app.ModelMonitoringApplicationBase, ] = None, name: str = None, image: str = None, handler=None, with_repo: bool = None, tag: str = None, requirements: typing.Union[str, list[str]] = None, requirements_file: str = "", **application_kwargs, ) -> mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime: """ Update or add a monitoring function to the project. Note: to deploy the function after linking it to the project, call `fn.deploy()` where `fn` is the object returned by this method. examples:: project.set_model_monitoring_function( name="myApp", application_class="MyApp", image="mlrun/mlrun" ) :param func: Function object or spec/code url, None refers to current Notebook :param name: Name of the function (under the project), can be specified with a tag to support versions (e.g. myfunc:v1) Default: job :param image: Docker image to be used, can also be specified in the function object/yaml :param handler: Default function handler to invoke (can only be set with .py/.ipynb files) :param with_repo: Add (clone) the current repo to the build source :param tag: Function version tag (none for 'latest', can only be set with .py/.ipynb files) if tag is specified and name is empty, the function key (under the project) will be enriched with the tag value. (i.e. 'function-name:tag') :param requirements: A list of python packages :param requirements_file: Path to a python requirements file :param application_class: Name or an Instance of a class that implements the monitoring application. :param application_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the monitoring application's constructor. """ function_object: RemoteRuntime = None ( resolved_function_name, function_object, func, ) = self._instantiate_model_monitoring_function( func, application_class, name, image, handler, with_repo, tag, requirements, requirements_file, **application_kwargs, ) # save to project spec self.spec.set_function(resolved_function_name, function_object, func) return function_object
[docs] def create_model_monitoring_function( self, func: str = None, application_class: typing.Union[ str, mm_app.ModelMonitoringApplicationBase, ] = None, name: str = None, image: str = None, handler: str = None, with_repo: bool = None, tag: str = None, requirements: typing.Union[str, list[str]] = None, requirements_file: str = "", **application_kwargs, ) -> mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime: """ Create a monitoring function object without setting it to the project examples:: project.create_model_monitoring_function( application_class_name="MyApp", image="mlrun/mlrun", name="myApp" ) :param func: Code url, None refers to current Notebook :param name: Name of the function, can be specified with a tag to support versions (e.g. myfunc:v1) Default: job :param image: Docker image to be used, can also be specified in the function object/yaml :param handler: Default function handler to invoke (can only be set with .py/.ipynb files) :param with_repo: Add (clone) the current repo to the build source :param tag: Function version tag (none for 'latest', can only be set with .py/.ipynb files) if tag is specified and name is empty, the function key (under the project) will be enriched with the tag value. (i.e. 'function-name:tag') :param requirements: A list of python packages :param requirements_file: Path to a python requirements file :param application_class: Name or an Instance of a class that implementing the monitoring application. :param application_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the monitoring application's constructor. """ _, function_object, _ = self._instantiate_model_monitoring_function( func, application_class, name, image, handler, with_repo, tag, requirements, requirements_file, **application_kwargs, ) return function_object
def _instantiate_model_monitoring_function( self, func: typing.Union[str, mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime, None] = None, application_class: typing.Union[ str, mm_app.ModelMonitoringApplicationBase, None, ] = None, name: typing.Optional[str] = None, image: typing.Optional[str] = None, handler: typing.Optional[str] = None, with_repo: typing.Optional[bool] = None, tag: typing.Optional[str] = None, requirements: typing.Union[str, list[str], None] = None, requirements_file: str = "", **application_kwargs, ) -> tuple[str, mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime, dict]: import mlrun.model_monitoring.api function_object: RemoteRuntime = None kind = None if (isinstance(func, str) or func is None) and application_class is not None: kind = func = mlrun.model_monitoring.api._create_model_monitoring_function_base(, func=func, application_class=application_class, name=name, image=image, tag=tag, requirements=requirements, requirements_file=requirements_file, **application_kwargs, ) elif isinstance(func, str) and isinstance(handler, str): kind = ( resolved_function_name, tag, function_object, func, ) = self._instantiate_function( func, name, kind, image, handler, with_repo, tag, requirements, requirements_file, ) function_object.set_label( mm_constants.ModelMonitoringAppLabel.KEY, mm_constants.ModelMonitoringAppLabel.VAL, ) if not mlrun.mlconf.is_ce_mode(): function_object.apply(mlrun.mount_v3io()) return resolved_function_name, function_object, func def _wait_for_functions_deployment(self, function_names: list[str]) -> None: """ Wait for the deployment of functions on the backend. :param function_names: A list of function names. """ for fn_name in function_names: fn = typing.cast(RemoteRuntime, self.get_function(key=fn_name)) fn._wait_for_function_deployment(db=fn._get_db())
[docs] def enable_model_monitoring( self, default_controller_image: str = "mlrun/mlrun", base_period: int = 10, image: str = "mlrun/mlrun", *, deploy_histogram_data_drift_app: bool = True, wait_for_deployment: bool = False, rebuild_images: bool = False, fetch_credentials_from_sys_config: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Deploy model monitoring application controller, writer and stream functions. While the main goal of the controller function is to handle the monitoring processing and triggering applications, the goal of the model monitoring writer function is to write all the monitoring application results to the databases. The stream function goal is to monitor the log of the data stream. It is triggered when a new log entry is detected. It processes the new events into statistics that are then written to statistics databases. :param default_controller_image: Deprecated. :param base_period: The time period in minutes in which the model monitoring controller function is triggered. By default, the base period is 10 minutes (which is also the minimum value for production environments). :param image: The image of the model monitoring controller, writer, monitoring stream & histogram data drift functions, which are real time nuclio functions. By default, the image is mlrun/mlrun. :param deploy_histogram_data_drift_app: If true, deploy the default histogram-based data drift application. :param wait_for_deployment: If true, return only after the deployment is done on the backend. Otherwise, deploy the model monitoring infrastructure on the background, including the histogram data drift app if selected. :param rebuild_images: If true, force rebuild of model monitoring infrastructure images. :param fetch_credentials_from_sys_config: If true, fetch the credentials from the system configuration. """ if default_controller_image != "mlrun/mlrun": # TODO: Remove this in 1.9.0 warnings.warn( "'default_controller_image' is deprecated and will be removed in 1.9.0, " "use 'image' instead", FutureWarning, ) image = default_controller_image if base_period < 10: logger.warn( "enable_model_monitoring: 'base_period' < 10 minutes is not supported in production environments",, ) db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) db.enable_model_monitoring(, image=image, base_period=base_period, deploy_histogram_data_drift_app=deploy_histogram_data_drift_app, rebuild_images=rebuild_images, fetch_credentials_from_sys_config=fetch_credentials_from_sys_config, ) if wait_for_deployment: deployment_functions = mm_constants.MonitoringFunctionNames.list() if deploy_histogram_data_drift_app: deployment_functions.append( mm_constants.HistogramDataDriftApplicationConstants.NAME ) self._wait_for_functions_deployment(deployment_functions)
[docs] def deploy_histogram_data_drift_app( self, *, image: str = "mlrun/mlrun", db: Optional[mlrun.db.RunDBInterface] = None, wait_for_deployment: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Deploy the histogram data drift application. :param image: The image on which the application will run. :param db: An optional DB object. :param wait_for_deployment: If true, return only after the deployment is done on the backend. Otherwise, deploy the application on the background. """ if db is None: db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) db.deploy_histogram_data_drift_app(, image=image) if wait_for_deployment: self._wait_for_functions_deployment( [mm_constants.HistogramDataDriftApplicationConstants.NAME] )
[docs] def update_model_monitoring_controller( self, base_period: int = 10, image: str = "mlrun/mlrun", *, wait_for_deployment: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Redeploy model monitoring application controller functions. :param base_period: The time period in minutes in which the model monitoring controller function is triggered. By default, the base period is 10 minutes. :param image: The image of the model monitoring controller, writer & monitoring stream functions, which are real time nuclio functions. By default, the image is mlrun/mlrun. :param wait_for_deployment: If true, return only after the deployment is done on the backend. Otherwise, deploy the controller on the background. """ db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) db.update_model_monitoring_controller(, base_period=base_period, image=image, ) if wait_for_deployment: self._wait_for_functions_deployment( [mm_constants.MonitoringFunctionNames.APPLICATION_CONTROLLER] )
[docs] def disable_model_monitoring( self, *, delete_resources: bool = True, delete_stream_function: bool = False, delete_histogram_data_drift_app: bool = True, delete_user_applications: bool = False, user_application_list: list[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Disable model monitoring application controller, writer, stream, histogram data drift application and the user's applications functions, according to the given params. :param delete_resources: If True, it would delete the model monitoring controller & writer functions. Default True :param delete_stream_function: If True, it would delete model monitoring stream function, need to use wisely because if you're deleting this function this can cause data loss in case you will want to enable the model monitoring capability to the project. Default False. :param delete_histogram_data_drift_app: If True, it would delete the default histogram-based data drift application. Default False. :param delete_user_applications: If True, it would delete the user's model monitoring application according to user_application_list, Default False. :param user_application_list: List of the user's model monitoring application to disable. Default all the applications. Note: you have to set delete_user_applications to True in order to delete the desired application. """ if not delete_user_applications and user_application_list: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "user_application_list can be specified only if delete_user_applications is set to True" ) db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) succeed = db.disable_model_monitoring(, delete_resources=delete_resources, delete_stream_function=delete_stream_function, delete_histogram_data_drift_app=delete_histogram_data_drift_app, delete_user_applications=delete_user_applications, user_application_list=user_application_list, ) if succeed and delete_resources: if delete_resources:"Model Monitoring disabled", if delete_user_applications: "All the desired monitoring application were deleted",, ) else: if delete_resources: "Model Monitoring was not disabled properly", ) if delete_user_applications: "Some of the desired monitoring application were not deleted",, )
[docs] def set_function( self, func: typing.Union[str, mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime] = None, name: str = "", kind: str = "job", image: str = None, handler: str = None, with_repo: bool = None, tag: str = None, requirements: typing.Union[str, list[str]] = None, requirements_file: str = "", ) -> mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime: """ | Update or add a function object to the project. | Function can be provided as an object (func) or a .py/.ipynb/.yaml URL. | Creating a function from a single file is done by specifying ``func`` and disabling ``with_repo``. | Creating a function with project source (specify ``with_repo=True``): | 1. Specify a relative ``func`` path. | 2. Specify a module ``handler`` (e.g. ``handler=package.package.func``) without ``func``. | Creating a function with non project source is done by specifying a module ``handler`` and on the returned function set the source with ``function.with_source_archive(<source>)``. Support URL prefixes: | Object (s3://, v3io://, ..) | MLRun DB e.g. db://project/func:ver | Functions hub/market: e.g. hub://auto-trainer:master Examples:: proj.set_function(func_object) proj.set_function("http://.../mynb.ipynb", "train") proj.set_function("./func.yaml") proj.set_function("hub://get_toy_data", "getdata") # Create a function from a single file proj.set_function("./src/", "ingest") # Creating a function with project source proj.set_function( "./src/", "ingest", image="myrepo/ing:latest", with_repo=True ) proj.set_function("ingest", handler="package.package.func", with_repo=True) # Creating a function with non project source func = proj.set_function( "ingest", handler="package.package.func", with_repo=False ) func.with_source_archive("git://") # Set function requirements # By providing a list of packages proj.set_function("", requirements=["requests", "pandas"]) # By providing a path to a pip requirements file proj.set_function("", requirements="requirements.txt") :param func: Function object or spec/code url, None refers to current Notebook :param name: Name of the function (under the project), can be specified with a tag to support Versions (e.g. myfunc:v1). If the `tag` parameter is provided, the tag in the name must match the tag parameter. Specifying a tag in the name will update the project's tagged function (myfunc:v1) :param kind: Runtime kind e.g. job, nuclio, spark, dask, mpijob Default: job :param image: Docker image to be used, can also be specified in the function object/yaml :param handler: Default function handler to invoke (can only be set with .py/.ipynb files) :param with_repo: Add (clone) the current repo to the build source - use when the function code is in the project repo (project.spec.source). :param tag: Function version tag to set (none for current or 'latest') Specifying a tag as a parameter will update the project's tagged function (myfunc:v1) and the untagged function (myfunc) :param requirements: A list of python packages :param requirements_file: Path to a python requirements file :returns: :py:class:`~mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime` """ ( resolved_function_name, tag, function_object, func, ) = self._instantiate_function( func, name, kind, image, handler, with_repo, tag, requirements, requirements_file, ) self._set_function(resolved_function_name, tag, function_object, func) return function_object
def _instantiate_function( self, func: typing.Union[str, mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime] = None, name: str = "", kind: str = "", image: str = None, handler: str = None, with_repo: bool = None, tag: str = None, requirements: typing.Union[str, list[str]] = None, requirements_file: str = "", ) -> tuple[str, str, mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime, dict]: if ( func is None and not _has_module(handler, kind) and mlrun.runtimes.RuntimeKinds.supports_from_notebook(kind) ): # if function path is not provided and it is not a module (no ".") # use the current notebook as default if is_jupyter: from IPython import get_ipython kernel = get_ipython() func = nuclio.utils.notebook_file_name(kernel) if func.startswith(path.abspath(self.spec.context)): func = path.relpath(func, self.spec.context) func = func or "" name = mlrun.utils.normalize_name(name) if name else name untagged_name = name # validate tag in name if specified if len(split_name := name.split(":")) == 2: untagged_name, name_tag = split_name if tag and name_tag and tag != name_tag: raise ValueError( f"Tag parameter ({tag}) and tag in function name ({name}) must match" ) tag = tag or name_tag elif len(split_name) > 2: raise ValueError( f"Function name ({name}) must be in the format <name>:<tag> or <name>" ) if isinstance(func, str): # in hub or db functions name defaults to the function name if not name and not (func.startswith("db://") or func.startswith("hub://")): raise ValueError("Function name must be specified") function_dict = { "url": func, "name": untagged_name, "kind": kind, "image": image, "handler": handler, "with_repo": with_repo, "tag": tag, "requirements": requirements, "requirements_file": requirements_file, } func = {k: v for k, v in function_dict.items() if v} resolved_function_name, function_object = _init_function_from_dict( func, self ) func["name"] = resolved_function_name elif hasattr(func, "to_dict"): resolved_function_name, function_object = _init_function_from_obj( func, self, name=untagged_name ) if handler: raise ValueError( "Default handler cannot be set for existing function object" ) if image: function_object.spec.image = image if with_repo: # mark source to be enriched before run with project source (enrich_function_object) = "./" if requirements or requirements_file: function_object.with_requirements( requirements, requirements_file=requirements_file, overwrite=True ) if not resolved_function_name: raise ValueError("Function name must be specified") else: raise ValueError("'func' parameter must be a function url or object") function_object.metadata.tag = tag or function_object.metadata.tag or "latest" # resolved_function_name is the name without the tag or the actual function name if it was not specified name = name or resolved_function_name return ( name, tag, function_object, func, ) def _set_function( self, name: str, tag: str, function_object: mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime, func: dict, ): # if the name contains the tag we only update the tagged entry # if the name doesn't contain the tag (or was not specified) we update both the tagged and untagged entries # for consistency if tag and not name.endswith(f":{tag}"): self.spec.set_function(f"{name}:{tag}", function_object, func) self.spec.set_function(name, function_object, func)
[docs] def remove_function(self, name): """remove the specified function from the project :param name: name of the function (under the project) """ self.spec.remove_function(name)
[docs] def remove_model_monitoring_function(self, name: Union[str, list[str]]): """delete the specified model-monitoring-app function/s :param name: name of the model-monitoring-function/s (under the project) """ # TODO: Remove this in 1.9.0 warnings.warn( "'remove_model_monitoring_function' is deprecated and will be removed in 1.9.0. " "Please use `delete_model_monitoring_function` instead.", FutureWarning, ) self.delete_model_monitoring_function(name)
[docs] def delete_model_monitoring_function(self, name: Union[str, list[str]]): """delete the specified model-monitoring-app function/s :param name: name of the model-monitoring-function/s (under the project) """ db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) succeed = db.delete_model_monitoring_function(, functions=name if isinstance(name, list) else [name], ) if succeed: "All the desired monitoring functions were deleted",, functions=name, ) else: "Some of the desired monitoring functions were not deleted",, )
[docs] def get_function( self, key, sync=False, enrich=False, ignore_cache=False, copy_function=True, tag: str = "", ) -> mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime: """get function object by name :param key: name of key for search :param sync: will reload/reinit the function from the project spec :param enrich: add project info/config/source info to the function object :param ignore_cache: read the function object from the DB (ignore the local cache) :param copy_function: return a copy of the function object :param tag: provide if the function key is tagged under the project (function was set with a tag) :returns: function object """ if tag and ":" not in key: key = f"{key}:{tag}" function, err = self._get_function( mlrun.utils.normalize_name(key), sync, ignore_cache ) if not function and "_" in key: function, err = self._get_function(key, sync, ignore_cache) if not function: raise err if enrich: function = enrich_function_object( self, function, copy_function=copy_function ) self.spec._function_objects[key] = function return function
def _get_function(self, key, sync, ignore_cache): """ Function can be retrieved from the project spec (cache) or from the database. In sync mode, we first perform a sync of the function_objects from the function_definitions, and then returning it from the function_objects (if exists). When not in sync mode, we verify and return from the function objects directly. In ignore_cache mode, we query the function from the database rather than from the project spec. """ if key in self.spec._function_objects and not sync and not ignore_cache: function = self.spec._function_objects[key] elif key in self.spec._function_definitions and not ignore_cache: self.sync_functions([key]) function = self.spec._function_objects[key] else: try: function = get_db_function(self, key) self.spec._function_objects[key] = function except requests.HTTPError as exc: if exc.response.status_code != http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND.value: raise exc return None, exc return function, None
[docs] def get_function_objects(self) -> FunctionsDict: """ "get a virtual dict with all the project functions ready for use in a pipeline""" self.sync_functions() return FunctionsDict(self)
[docs] def get_function_names(self) -> list[str]: """get a list of all the project function names""" return [func["name"] for func in self.spec.functions]
[docs] def pull( self, branch: str = None, remote: str = None, secrets: Union[SecretsStore, dict] = None, ): """pull/update sources from git or tar into the context dir :param branch: git branch, if not the current one :param remote: git remote, if other than origin :param secrets: dict or SecretsStore with Git credentials e.g. secrets={"GIT_TOKEN": token} """ url = self.spec.origin_url if url and url.startswith("git://"): if not self.spec.repo: raise ValueError("repo was not initialized, use load_project()") remote = remote or "origin" self._run_authenticated_git_action( action=self.spec.repo.git.pull, remote=remote, args=[remote, branch or], secrets=secrets or {}, ) elif url and url.endswith(".tar.gz"): clone_tgz(url, self.spec.context, self._secrets) elif url and url.endswith(".zip"): clone_zip(url, self.spec.context, self._secrets)
[docs] def create_remote(self, url, name="origin", branch=None): """Create remote for the project git This method creates a new remote repository associated with the project's Git repository. If a remote with the specified name already exists, it will not be overwritten. If you wish to update the URL of an existing remote, use the `set_remote` method instead. :param url: remote git url :param name: name for the remote (default is 'origin') :param branch: Git branch to use as source """ self.set_remote(url, name=name, branch=branch, overwrite=False)
[docs] def set_remote(self, url, name="origin", branch=None, overwrite=True): """Create or update a remote for the project git repository. This method allows you to manage remote repositories associated with the project. It checks if a remote with the specified name already exists. If a remote with the same name does not exist, it will be created. If a remote with the same name already exists, the behavior depends on the value of the 'overwrite' flag. :param url: remote git url :param name: name for the remote (default is 'origin') :param branch: Git branch to use as source :param overwrite: if True (default), updates the existing remote with the given URL if it already exists. if False, raises an error when attempting to create a remote with a name that already exists. :raises MLRunConflictError: If a remote with the same name already exists and overwrite is set to False. """ self._ensure_git_repo() if self._remote_exists(name): if overwrite: self.spec.repo.delete_remote(name) else: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunConflictError( f"Remote '{name}' already exists in the project, " f"each remote in the project must have a unique name." "Use 'set_remote' with 'override=True' inorder to update the remote, or choose a different name." ) self.spec.repo.create_remote(name, url=url) url = url.replace("https://", "git://") if not branch: try: branch = except Exception: pass if branch: url = f"{url}#{branch}" self.spec._source = self.spec.source or url self.spec.origin_url = self.spec.origin_url or url
[docs] def remove_remote(self, name): """Remove a remote from the project's Git repository. This method removes the remote repository associated with the specified name from the project's Git repository. :param name: Name of the remote to remove. """ if self._remote_exists(name): self.spec.repo.delete_remote(name) else: logger.warning(f"The remote '{name}' does not exist. Nothing to remove.")
def _remote_exists(self, name): """Check if a remote with the given name already exists""" return any( == name for remote in self.spec.repo.remotes) def _ensure_git_repo(self): if self.spec.repo: return context = self.context git_dir_path = path.join(context, ".git") if not path.exists(git_dir_path): logger.warning("Git repository not initialized. initializing now") self.spec.repo = git.Repo.init(context) else: # git already initialized self.spec.repo = git.Repo(context)
[docs] def push( self, branch, message=None, update=True, remote: str = None, add: list = None, author_name: str = None, author_email: str = None, secrets: Union[SecretsStore, dict] = None, ): """update spec and push updates to remote git repo :param branch: target git branch :param message: git commit message :param update: update files (git add update=True) :param remote: git remote, default to origin :param add: list of files to add :param author_name: author's git user name to be used on this commit :param author_email: author's git user email to be used on this commit :param secrets: dict or SecretsStore with Git credentials e.g. secrets={"GIT_TOKEN": token} """ repo = self.spec.repo if not repo: raise ValueError("git repo is not set/defined") with repo.config_writer() as config: if author_name: config.set_value("user", "name", author_name) if author_email: config.set_value("user", "email", author_email) add = add or [] add.append("project.yaml") repo.index.add(add) if update: repo.git.add(update=True) if repo.is_dirty(): if not message: raise ValueError("please specify the commit message") try: repo.git.commit(m=message) except git.exc.GitCommandError as exc: if "Please tell me who you are" in str(exc): warning_message = ( 'Git is not configured. Either use "author_name", "author_email" and "secrets" parameters or ' "run the following commands from the terminal and run git push once to store " "your credentials:\n" '\tgit config --global "<>"\n' '\tgit config --global "<name>"\n' "\tgit config --global credential.helper store\n" ) raise mlrun.errors.MLRunPreconditionFailedError( warning_message ) from exc raise exc if not branch: raise ValueError("please specify the remote branch") remote = remote or "origin" self._run_authenticated_git_action( action=repo.git.push, remote=remote, args=[remote, branch], secrets=secrets or {}, )
[docs] def sync_functions( self, names: list = None, always: bool = True, save: bool = False, silent: bool = False, ): """ Reload function objects from specs and files. The function objects are synced against the definitions spec in `self.spec._function_definitions`. Referenced files/URLs in the function spec will be reloaded. Function definitions are parsed by the following precedence: 1. Contains runtime spec. 2. Contains module in the project's context. 3. Contains path to function definition (yaml, DB, Hub). 4. Contains path to .ipynb or .py files. 5. Contains a Nuclio/Serving function image / an 'Application' kind definition. If function definition is already an object, some project metadata updates will apply however, it will not be reloaded. :param names: Names of functions to reload, defaults to `self.spec._function_definitions.keys()`. :param always: Force reloading the functions. :param save: Whether to save the loaded functions or not. :param silent: Whether to raise an exception when a function fails to load. :returns: Dictionary of function objects """ if self._initialized and not always: return self.spec._function_objects functions = self.spec._function_objects if not names: names = self.spec._function_definitions.keys() functions = {} origin = mlrun.runtimes.utils.add_code_metadata(self.spec.context) for name in names: function_definition = self.spec._function_definitions.get(name) if not function_definition: if silent: logger.warn( "Function definition was not found, skipping reload", name=name ) continue raise ValueError(f"Function named {name} not found") function_object = self.spec._function_objects.get(name, None) is_base_runtime = isinstance( function_object, mlrun.runtimes.base.BaseRuntime ) # If this function is already available locally, don't recreate it unless always=True if is_base_runtime and not always: functions[name] = function_object continue # Reload the function if hasattr(function_definition, "to_dict"): name, func = _init_function_from_obj(function_definition, self, name) elif isinstance(function_definition, dict): try: name, func = _init_function_from_dict( function_definition, self, name ) except FileNotFoundError as exc: message = f"File {exc.filename} not found while syncing project functions." if silent: message += " Skipping function reload" logger.warn(message, name=name) continue raise mlrun.errors.MLRunMissingDependencyError(message) from exc except Exception as exc: if silent: logger.warn( "Failed to instantiate function", name=name, error=mlrun.utils.err_to_str(exc), ) continue raise exc else: message = f"Function {name} must be an object or dict." if silent: message += " Skipping function reload" logger.warn(message, name=name) continue raise ValueError(message) = origin functions[name] = func if save: self.spec._function_objects = functions self._initialized = True return self.spec._function_objects
[docs] def with_secrets(self, kind, source, prefix=""): """register a secrets source (file, env or dict) read secrets from a source provider to be used in workflows, example:: proj.with_secrets("file", "file.txt") proj.with_secrets("inline", {"key": "val"}) proj.with_secrets("env", "ENV1,ENV2", prefix="PFX_") Vault secret source has several options:: proj.with_secrets('vault', {'user': <user name>, 'secrets': ['secret1', 'secret2' ...]}) proj.with_secrets('vault', {'project': <>, 'secrets': ['secret1', 'secret2' ...]}) proj.with_secrets('vault', ['secret1', 'secret2' ...]) The 2nd option uses the current project name as context. Can also use empty secret list:: proj.with_secrets("vault", []) This will enable access to all secrets in vault registered to the current project. :param kind: secret type (file, inline, env, vault) :param source: secret data or link (see example) :param prefix: add a prefix to the keys in this source :returns: project object """ if kind == "vault" and isinstance(source, list): source = {"project":, "secrets": source} self._secrets.add_source(kind, source, prefix) return self
[docs] def get_secret(self, key: str): """get a key based secret e.g. DB password from the context secrets can be specified when invoking a run through files, env, .. """ if self._secrets: return self._secrets.get(key) return None
[docs] def set_secrets( self, secrets: dict = None, file_path: str = None, provider: typing.Union[str, mlrun.common.schemas.SecretProviderName] = None, ): """ Set project secrets from dict or secrets env file when using a secrets file it should have lines in the form KEY=VALUE, comment line start with "#" V3IO paths/credentials and MLrun service API address are dropped from the secrets example secrets file: .. code-block:: shell # this is an env file AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=XXXX AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=YYYY usage: # read env vars from dict or file and set as project secrets project.set_secrets({"SECRET1": "value"}) project.set_secrets(file_path="secrets.env") :param secrets: dict with secrets key/value :param file_path: path to secrets file :param provider: MLRun secrets provider """ if (not secrets and not file_path) or (secrets and file_path): raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "must specify secrets OR file_path" ) if file_path: if path.isfile(file_path): secrets = dotenv.dotenv_values(file_path) if None in secrets.values(): raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "env file lines must be in the form key=value" ) else: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunNotFoundError(f"{file_path} does not exist") # drop V3IO paths/credentials and MLrun service API address env_vars = { key: val for key, val in secrets.items() if key != "MLRUN_DBPATH" and not key.startswith("V3IO_") } provider = provider or mlrun.common.schemas.SecretProviderName.kubernetes mlrun.db.get_run_db().create_project_secrets(, provider=provider, secrets=env_vars )
[docs] def get_param(self, key: str, default=None): """get project param by key""" if self.spec.params: return self.spec.params.get(key, default) return default
def _enrich_artifact_path_with_workflow_uid(self): artifact_path = self.spec.artifact_path or mlrun.mlconf.artifact_path workflow_uid_string = "{{workflow.uid}}" if ( not mlrun.mlconf.enrich_artifact_path_with_workflow_id # no need to add workflow.uid to the artifact path for uniqueness, # this is already being handled by generating # the artifact target path from the artifact content hash ( body / file etc...) or mlrun.mlconf.artifacts.generate_target_path_from_artifact_hash # if the artifact path already contains workflow.uid, no need to add it again or workflow_uid_string in artifact_path ): return artifact_path # join paths and replace "\" with "/" (in case of windows clients) artifact_path = path.join(artifact_path, workflow_uid_string).replace("\\", "/") return artifact_path
[docs] def run( self, name: str = None, workflow_path: str = None, arguments: dict[str, typing.Any] = None, artifact_path: str = None, workflow_handler: typing.Union[str, typing.Callable] = None, namespace: str = None, sync: bool = False, watch: bool = False, dirty: bool = False, engine: str = None, local: bool = None, schedule: typing.Union[ str, mlrun.common.schemas.ScheduleCronTrigger, bool ] = None, timeout: int = None, source: str = None, cleanup_ttl: int = None, notifications: list[mlrun.model.Notification] = None, workflow_runner_node_selector: typing.Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> _PipelineRunStatus: """Run a workflow using kubeflow pipelines :param name: Name of the workflow :param workflow_path: URL to a workflow file, if not a project workflow :param arguments: Kubeflow pipelines arguments (parameters) :param artifact_path: Target path/URL for workflow artifacts, the string '{{workflow.uid}}' will be replaced by workflow id. :param workflow_handler: Workflow function handler (for running workflow function directly) :param namespace: Kubernetes namespace if other than default :param sync: Force functions sync before run :param watch: Wait for pipeline completion :param dirty: Allow running the workflow when the git repo is dirty :param engine: Workflow engine running the workflow. Supported values are 'kfp' (default), 'local' or 'remote'. For setting engine for remote running use 'remote:local' or 'remote:kfp'. :param local: Run local pipeline with local functions (set local=True in :param schedule: ScheduleCronTrigger class instance or a standard crontab expression string (which will be converted to the class using its `from_crontab` constructor), see this link for help: For using the pre-defined workflow's schedule, set `schedule=True` :param timeout: Timeout in seconds to wait for pipeline completion (watch will be activated) :param source: Source to use instead of the actual `project.spec.source` (used when engine is remote). Can be one of: * Remote URL which is loaded dynamically to the workflow runner. * A path to the project's context on the workflow runner's image. Path can be absolute or relative to `` if defined (enriched when building a project image with source, see `MlrunProject.build_image`). For other engines the source is used to validate that the code is up-to-date. :param cleanup_ttl: Pipeline cleanup ttl in secs (time to wait after workflow completion, at which point the workflow and all its resources are deleted) :param notifications: List of notifications to send for workflow completion :param workflow_runner_node_selector: Defines the node selector for the workflow runner pod when using a remote engine. This allows you to control and specify where the workflow runner pod will be scheduled. This setting is only relevant when the engine is set to 'remote' or for scheduled workflows, and it will be ignored if the workflow is not run on a remote engine. :returns: ~py:class:`~mlrun.projects.pipelines._PipelineRunStatus` instance """ arguments = arguments or {} need_repo = self.spec._need_repo() if self.spec.repo and self.spec.repo.is_dirty(): msg = "You seem to have uncommitted git changes, use .push()" if dirty or not need_repo: logger.warning("WARNING!, " + msg) else: raise ProjectError(msg + " or dirty=True") if need_repo and self.spec.repo and not self.spec.source: raise ProjectError( "Remote repo is not defined, use .create_remote() + push()" ) if engine not in ["remote"] and not schedule: # For remote/scheduled runs there is no need to sync functions as they can be loaded dynamically during run self.sync_functions(always=sync, silent=True) if not self.spec._function_objects: logger.warn( "There are no functions in the project." " Make sure you've set your functions with project.set_function()." ) if not name and not workflow_path and not workflow_handler: raise ValueError("Workflow name, path, or handler must be specified") if workflow_path or (workflow_handler and callable(workflow_handler)): workflow_spec = WorkflowSpec(path=workflow_path, args=arguments) else: if name not in self.spec._workflows.keys(): raise mlrun.errors.MLRunNotFoundError(f"Workflow {name} does not exist") workflow_spec = self.spec._workflows[name].copy() workflow_spec.merge_args(arguments) workflow_spec.cleanup_ttl = cleanup_ttl or workflow_spec.cleanup_ttl workflow_spec.run_local = local name = f"{}-{name}" if name else artifact_path = artifact_path or self._enrich_artifact_path_with_workflow_uid() if not schedule: workflow_spec.schedule = None elif not isinstance(schedule, bool): # Schedule = True -> use workflow_spec.schedule workflow_spec.schedule = schedule inner_engine = None if engine and engine.startswith("remote"): if ":" in engine: # inner could be either kfp or local engine, inner_engine = engine.split(":") elif workflow_spec.schedule: inner_engine = engine engine = "remote" # The default engine is kfp if not given: workflow_engine = get_workflow_engine(engine or workflow_spec.engine, local) if not inner_engine and workflow_engine.engine == "remote": # if inner engine is set to remote, assume kfp as the default inner engine with remote as the runner engine_kind = ( workflow_spec.engine if workflow_spec.engine != "remote" else "kfp" ) inner_engine = get_workflow_engine(engine_kind, local).engine workflow_spec.engine = inner_engine or workflow_engine.engine if workflow_runner_node_selector: if workflow_engine.engine == "remote": workflow_spec.workflow_runner_node_selector = ( workflow_runner_node_selector ) else: logger.warn( "'workflow_runner_node_selector' applies only to remote engines" " and is ignored for non-remote runs." ) run = self, workflow_spec, name, workflow_handler=workflow_handler, secrets=self._secrets, artifact_path=artifact_path, namespace=namespace, source=source, notifications=notifications, ) # run is None when scheduling if run and run.state == mlrun_pipelines.common.models.RunStatuses.failed: return run if not workflow_spec.schedule: # Failure and schedule messages already logged f"Started run workflow {name} with run id = '{run.run_id}' by {workflow_engine.engine} engine" ) workflow_spec.clear_tmp() if (timeout or watch) and not workflow_spec.schedule: run_status_kwargs = {} status_engine = run._engine # run's engine gets replaced with inner engine if engine is remote, # so in that case we need to get the status from the remote engine manually if workflow_engine.engine == "remote": status_engine = _RemoteRunner run_status_kwargs["inner_engine"] = run._engine status_engine.get_run_status( project=self, run=run, timeout=timeout, **run_status_kwargs ) return run
[docs] def save_workflow(self, name, target, artifact_path=None, ttl=None): """create and save a workflow as a yaml or archive file :param name: workflow name :param target: target file path (can end with .yaml or .zip) :param artifact_path: target path/url for workflow artifacts, the string '{{workflow.uid}}' will be replaced by workflow id :param ttl: pipeline ttl (time to live) in secs (after that the pods will be removed) """ if not name or name not in self.spec._workflows: raise ValueError(f"workflow {name} not found") workflow_spec = self.spec._workflows[name] self.sync_functions() workflow_engine = get_workflow_engine(workflow_spec.engine), workflow_spec, target, artifact_path=artifact_path)
[docs] def get_run_status( self, run, timeout=None, expected_statuses=None, notifiers: CustomNotificationPusher = None, ): return run._engine.get_run_status( project=self, run=run, timeout=timeout, expected_statuses=expected_statuses, notifiers=notifiers, )
[docs] def save(self, filepath=None, store=True): """export project to yaml file and save project in database :store: if True, allow updating in case project already exists """ self.export(filepath) self.save_to_db(store) return self
[docs] def save_to_db(self, store=True): """save project to database :store: if True, allow updating in case project already exists """ db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) if store: return db.store_project(, self.to_dict()) return db.create_project(self.to_dict())
[docs] def export(self, filepath=None, include_files: str = None): """save the project object into a yaml file or zip archive (default to project.yaml) By default, the project object is exported to a yaml file, when the filepath suffix is '.zip' the project context dir (code files) are also copied into the zip, the archive path can include DataItem urls (for remote object storage, e.g. s3://<bucket>/<path>). :param filepath: path to store project .yaml or .zip (with the project dir content) :param include_files: glob filter string for selecting files to include in the zip archive """ project_file_path = filepath archive_code = filepath and str(filepath).endswith(".zip") if not filepath or archive_code: project_file_path = path.join( self.spec.context, self.spec.subpath or "", "project.yaml" ) if filepath and "://" in str(filepath) and not archive_code: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "URLs are only applicable to archives" ) project_dir = pathlib.Path(project_file_path).parent project_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(project_file_path, "w") as fp: fp.write(self.to_yaml()) if archive_code: files_filter = include_files or "**" with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".zip") as f: remote_file = "://" in filepath fpath = if remote_file else filepath with zipfile.ZipFile(fpath, "w") as zipf: for file_path in glob.iglob( f"{project_dir}/{files_filter}", recursive=True ): write_path = pathlib.Path(file_path) zipf.write( write_path, arcname=write_path.relative_to(project_dir) ) if remote_file: mlrun.get_dataitem(filepath).upload(zipf.filename)
[docs] def set_model_monitoring_credentials( self, access_key: Optional[str] = None, endpoint_store_connection: Optional[str] = None, stream_path: Optional[str] = None, tsdb_connection: Optional[str] = None, replace_creds: bool = False, ): """ Set the credentials that will be used by the project's model monitoring infrastructure functions. Important to note that you have to set the credentials before deploying any model monitoring or serving function. :param access_key: Model monitoring access key for managing user permissions. :param endpoint_store_connection: Endpoint store connection string. By default, None. Options: * None - will be set from the system configuration. * v3io - for v3io endpoint store, pass `v3io` and the system will generate the exact path. * MySQL/SQLite - for SQL endpoint store, provide the full connection string, for example: mysql+pymysql://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<db_name> :param stream_path: Path to the model monitoring stream. By default, None. Options: * None - will be set from the system configuration. * v3io - for v3io stream, pass `v3io` and the system will generate the exact path. * Kafka - for Kafka stream, provide the full connection string without custom topic, for example kafka://<some_kafka_broker>:<port>. :param tsdb_connection: Connection string to the time series database. By default, None. Options: * None - will be set from the system configuration. * v3io - for v3io stream, pass `v3io` and the system will generate the exact path. * TDEngine - for TDEngine tsdb, provide the full websocket connection URL, for example taosws://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>. :param replace_creds: If True, will override the existing credentials. Please keep in mind that if you already enabled model monitoring on your project this action can cause data loose and will require redeploying all model monitoring functions & model monitoring infra & tracked model server. """ db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) db.set_model_monitoring_credentials(, credentials={ "access_key": access_key, "endpoint_store_connection": endpoint_store_connection, "stream_path": stream_path, "tsdb_connection": tsdb_connection, }, replace_creds=replace_creds, ) if replace_creds: "Model monitoring credentials were set successfully. " "Please keep in mind that if you already had model monitoring functions " "/ model monitoring infra / tracked model server " "deployed on your project, you will need to redeploy them." "For redeploying the model monitoring infra, please use `enable_model_monitoring` API " "and set `rebuild_images=True`" )
[docs] def run_function( self, function: typing.Union[str, mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime], handler: str = None, name: str = "", params: dict = None, hyperparams: dict = None, hyper_param_options: mlrun.model.HyperParamOptions = None, inputs: dict = None, outputs: list[str] = None, workdir: str = "", labels: dict = None, base_task: mlrun.model.RunTemplate = None, watch: bool = True, local: bool = None, verbose: bool = None, selector: str = None, auto_build: bool = None, schedule: typing.Union[str, mlrun.common.schemas.ScheduleCronTrigger] = None, artifact_path: str = None, notifications: list[mlrun.model.Notification] = None, returns: Optional[list[Union[str, dict[str, str]]]] = None, builder_env: Optional[dict] = None, reset_on_run: bool = None, ) -> typing.Union[mlrun.model.RunObject, PipelineNodeWrapper]: """Run a local or remote task as part of a local/kubeflow pipeline example (use with project):: # create a project with two functions (local and from hub) project = mlrun.new_project(project_name, "./proj") project.set_function("", "myfunc", image="mlrun/mlrun") project.set_function("hub://auto-trainer", "train") # run functions (refer to them by name) run1 = project.run_function("myfunc", params={"x": 7}) run2 = project.run_function( "train", params={"label_columns": LABELS}, inputs={"dataset": run1.outputs["data"]}, ) :param function: name of the function (in the project) or function object :param handler: name of the function handler :param name: execution name :param params: input parameters (dict) :param hyperparams: hyper parameters :param selector: selection criteria for hyper params e.g. "max.accuracy" :param hyper_param_options: hyper param options (selector, early stop, strategy, ..) see: :py:class:`~mlrun.model.HyperParamOptions` :param inputs: Input objects to pass to the handler. Type hints can be given so the input will be parsed during runtime from `mlrun.DataItem` to the given type hint. The type hint can be given in the key field of the dictionary after a colon, e.g: "<key> : <type_hint>". :param outputs: list of outputs which can pass in the workflow :param workdir: default input artifacts path :param labels: labels to tag the job/run with ({key:val, ..}) :param base_task: task object to use as base :param watch: watch/follow run log, True by default :param local: run the function locally vs on the runtime/cluster :param verbose: add verbose prints/logs :param auto_build: when set to True and the function require build it will be built on the first function run, use only if you dont plan on changing the build config between runs :param schedule: ScheduleCronTrigger class instance or a standard crontab expression string (which will be converted to the class using its `from_crontab` constructor), see this link for help: :param artifact_path: path to store artifacts, when running in a workflow this will be set automatically :param notifications: list of notifications to push when the run is completed :param returns: List of log hints - configurations for how to log the returning values from the handler's run (as artifacts or results). The list's length must be equal to the amount of returning objects. A log hint may be given as: * A string of the key to use to log the returning value as result or as an artifact. To specify The artifact type, it is possible to pass a string in the following structure: "<key> : <type>". Available artifact types can be seen in `mlrun.ArtifactType`. If no artifact type is specified, the object's default artifact type will be used. * A dictionary of configurations to use when logging. Further info per object type and artifact type can be given there. The artifact key must appear in the dictionary as "key": "the_key". :param builder_env: env vars dict for source archive config/credentials e.g. builder_env={"GIT_TOKEN": token} :param reset_on_run: When True, function python modules would reload prior to code execution. This ensures latest code changes are executed. This argument must be used in conjunction with the local=True argument. :return: MLRun RunObject or PipelineNodeWrapper """ return run_function( function, handler=handler, name=name, params=params, hyperparams=hyperparams, hyper_param_options=hyper_param_options, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, workdir=workdir, labels=labels, base_task=base_task, watch=watch, local=local, verbose=verbose, selector=selector, project_object=self, auto_build=auto_build, schedule=schedule, artifact_path=artifact_path, notifications=notifications, returns=returns, builder_env=builder_env, reset_on_run=reset_on_run, )
[docs] def build_function( self, function: typing.Union[str, mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime], with_mlrun: bool = None, skip_deployed: bool = False, image: str = None, base_image: str = None, commands: list = None, secret_name: str = None, requirements: typing.Union[str, list[str]] = None, mlrun_version_specifier: str = None, builder_env: dict = None, overwrite_build_params: bool = False, requirements_file: str = None, extra_args: str = None, force_build: bool = False, ) -> typing.Union[BuildStatus, PipelineNodeWrapper]: """deploy ML function, build container with its dependencies :param function: name of the function (in the project) or function object :param with_mlrun: add the current mlrun package to the container build :param skip_deployed: skip the build if we already have an image for the function :param image: target image name/path :param base_image: base image name/path (commands and source code will be added to it) :param commands: list of docker build (RUN) commands e.g. ['pip install pandas'] :param secret_name: k8s secret for accessing the docker registry :param requirements: list of python packages, defaults to None :param requirements_file: pip requirements file path, defaults to None :param mlrun_version_specifier: which mlrun package version to include (if not current) :param builder_env: Kaniko builder pod env vars dict (for config/credentials) e.g. builder_env={"GIT_TOKEN": token}, does not work yet in KFP :param overwrite_build_params: Overwrite existing build configuration (currently applies to requirements and commands) * False: The new params are merged with the existing * True: The existing params are replaced by the new ones :param extra_args: A string containing additional builder arguments in the format of command-line options, e.g. extra_args="--skip-tls-verify --build-arg A=val" :param force_build: force building the image, even when no changes were made """ return build_function( function, with_mlrun=with_mlrun, skip_deployed=skip_deployed, image=image, base_image=base_image, commands=commands, secret_name=secret_name, requirements=requirements, requirements_file=requirements_file, mlrun_version_specifier=mlrun_version_specifier, builder_env=builder_env, project_object=self, overwrite_build_params=overwrite_build_params, extra_args=extra_args, force_build=force_build, )
[docs] def build_config( self, image: str = None, set_as_default: bool = False, with_mlrun: bool = None, base_image: str = None, commands: list = None, secret_name: str = None, requirements: typing.Union[str, list[str]] = None, overwrite_build_params: bool = False, requirements_file: str = None, builder_env: dict = None, extra_args: str = None, source_code_target_dir: str = None, ): """specify builder configuration for the project :param image: target image name/path. If not specified the project's existing `default_image` name will be used. If not set, the `mlconf.default_project_image_name` value will be used :param set_as_default: set `image` to be the project's default image (default False) :param with_mlrun: add the current mlrun package to the container build :param base_image: base image name/path :param commands: list of docker build (RUN) commands e.g. ['pip install pandas'] :param secret_name: k8s secret for accessing the docker registry :param requirements: a list of packages to install on the built image :param requirements_file: requirements file to install on the built image :param overwrite_build_params: Overwrite existing build configuration (currently applies to requirements and commands) * False: The new params are merged with the existing * True: The existing params are replaced by the new ones :param builder_env: Kaniko builder pod env vars dict (for config/credentials) e.g. builder_env={"GIT_TOKEN": token}, does not work yet in KFP :param extra_args: A string containing additional builder arguments in the format of command-line options, e.g. extra_args="--skip-tls-verify --build-arg A=val" :param source_code_target_dir: Path on the image where source code would be extracted (by default `/home/mlrun_code`) """ if not overwrite_build_params: # TODO: change overwrite_build_params default to True in 1.8.0 warnings.warn( "The `overwrite_build_params` parameter default will change from 'False' to 'True' in 1.8.0.", mlrun.utils.OverwriteBuildParamsWarning, ) default_image_name = mlrun.mlconf.default_project_image_name.format( ) image = image or self.default_image or default_image_name image=image, base_image=base_image, commands=commands, secret=secret_name, with_mlrun=with_mlrun, requirements=requirements, requirements_file=requirements_file, overwrite=overwrite_build_params, builder_env=builder_env, extra_args=extra_args, source_code_target_dir=source_code_target_dir, ) if set_as_default and image != self.default_image: self.set_default_image(image)
[docs] def build_image( self, image: str = None, set_as_default: bool = True, with_mlrun: bool = None, base_image: str = None, commands: list = None, secret_name: str = None, requirements: typing.Union[str, list[str]] = None, mlrun_version_specifier: str = None, builder_env: dict = None, overwrite_build_params: bool = False, requirements_file: str = None, extra_args: str = None, target_dir: str = None, ) -> typing.Union[BuildStatus, PipelineNodeWrapper]: """Builder docker image for the project, based on the project's build config. Parameters allow to override the build config. If the project has a source configured and pull_at_runtime is not configured, this source will be cloned to the image built. The `target_dir` parameter allows specifying the target path where the code will be extracted. :param image: target image name/path. If not specified the project's existing `default_image` name will be used. If not set, the `mlconf.default_project_image_name` value will be used :param set_as_default: set `image` to be the project's default image (default False) :param with_mlrun: add the current mlrun package to the container build :param base_image: base image name/path (commands and source code will be added to it) defaults to mlrun.mlconf.default_base_image :param commands: list of docker build (RUN) commands e.g. ['pip install pandas'] :param secret_name: k8s secret for accessing the docker registry :param requirements: list of python packages, defaults to None :param requirements_file: pip requirements file path, defaults to None :param mlrun_version_specifier: which mlrun package version to include (if not current) :param builder_env: Kaniko builder pod env vars dict (for config/credentials) e.g. builder_env={"GIT_TOKEN": token}, does not work yet in KFP :param overwrite_build_params: Overwrite existing build configuration (currently applies to requirements and commands) * False: The new params are merged with the existing * True: The existing params are replaced by the new ones :param extra_args: A string containing additional builder arguments in the format of command-line options, e.g. extra_args="--skip-tls-verify --build-arg A=val" :param target_dir: Path on the image where source code would be extracted (by default `/home/mlrun_code`) """ if not base_image: base_image = mlrun.mlconf.default_base_image "Base image not specified, using default base image", base_image=base_image, ) if not overwrite_build_params: # TODO: change overwrite_build_params default to True in 1.8.0 warnings.warn( "The `overwrite_build_params` parameter default will change from 'False' to 'True' in 1.8.0.", mlrun.utils.OverwriteBuildParamsWarning, ) # TODO: remove filter once overwrite_build_params default is changed to True in 1.8.0 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter( "ignore", category=mlrun.utils.OverwriteBuildParamsWarning ) self.build_config( image=image, set_as_default=set_as_default, base_image=base_image, commands=commands, secret_name=secret_name, with_mlrun=with_mlrun, requirements=requirements, requirements_file=requirements_file, overwrite_build_params=overwrite_build_params, ) function = mlrun.new_function("mlrun--project--image--builder", kind="job") if self.spec.source and not self.spec.load_source_on_run: function.with_source_archive( source=self.spec.source, target_dir=target_dir, pull_at_runtime=False, ) build = result = self.build_function( function=function, with_mlrun=build.with_mlrun, image=build.image, base_image=build.base_image, commands=build.commands, secret_name=build.secret, requirements=build.requirements, overwrite_build_params=overwrite_build_params, mlrun_version_specifier=mlrun_version_specifier, builder_env=builder_env, extra_args=extra_args, force_build=True, ) # Get the enriched target dir from the function = ( ) try: mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets).delete_function( ) except Exception as exc: logger.warning( f"Image was successfully built, but failed to delete temporary function {}." " To remove the function, attempt to manually delete it.", exc=mlrun.errors.err_to_str(exc), ) return result
[docs] def deploy_function( self, function: typing.Union[str, mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime], models: list = None, env: dict = None, tag: str = None, verbose: bool = None, builder_env: dict = None, mock: bool = None, ) -> typing.Union[DeployStatus, PipelineNodeWrapper]: """deploy real-time (nuclio based) functions :param function: name of the function (in the project) or function object :param models: list of model items :param env: dict of extra environment variables :param tag: extra version tag :param verbose: add verbose prints/logs :param builder_env: env vars dict for source archive config/credentials e.g. `builder_env={"GIT_TOKEN": token}` :param mock: deploy mock server vs a real Nuclio function (for local simulations) """ return deploy_function( function, models=models, env=env, tag=tag, verbose=verbose, builder_env=builder_env, project_object=self, mock=mock, )
[docs] def get_artifact(self, key, tag=None, iter=None, tree=None): """Return an artifact object :param key: artifact key :param tag: version tag :param iter: iteration number (for hyper-param tasks) :param tree: the producer id (tree) :return: Artifact object """ db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) artifact = db.read_artifact( key, tag, iter=iter,, tree=tree ) # in tests, if an artifact is not found, the db returns None # in real usage, the db should raise an exception if artifact: return dict_to_artifact(artifact) return None
[docs] def list_artifacts( self, name=None, tag=None, labels: Optional[Union[dict[str, str], list[str]]] = None, since=None, until=None, iter: int = None, best_iteration: bool = False, kind: str = None, category: typing.Union[str, mlrun.common.schemas.ArtifactCategories] = None, tree: str = None, limit: int = None, ) -> mlrun.lists.ArtifactList: """List artifacts filtered by various parameters. The returned result is an `ArtifactList` (list of dict), use `.to_objects()` to convert it to a list of RunObjects, `.show()` to view graphically in Jupyter, and `.to_df()` to convert to a DataFrame. Examples:: # Get latest version of all artifacts in project latest_artifacts = project.list_artifacts("", tag="latest") # check different artifact versions for a specific artifact, return as objects list result_versions = project.list_artifacts("results", tag="*").to_objects() :param name: Name of artifacts to retrieve. Name with '~' prefix is used as a like query, and is not case-sensitive. This means that querying for ``~name`` may return artifacts named ``my_Name_1`` or ``surname``. :param tag: Return artifacts assigned this tag. :param labels: Return artifacts that have these labels. Labels can either be a dictionary {"label": "value"} or a list of "label=value" (match label key and value) or "label" (match just label key) strings. :param since: Not in use in :py:class:`HTTPRunDB`. :param until: Not in use in :py:class:`HTTPRunDB`. :param iter: Return artifacts from a specific iteration (where ``iter=0`` means the root iteration). If ``None`` (default) return artifacts from all iterations. :param best_iteration: Returns the artifact which belongs to the best iteration of a given run, in the case of artifacts generated from a hyper-param run. If only a single iteration exists, will return the artifact from that iteration. If using ``best_iter``, the ``iter`` parameter must not be used. :param kind: Return artifacts of the requested kind. :param category: Return artifacts of the requested category. :param tree: Return artifacts of the requested tree. :param limit: Maximum number of artifacts to return. """ db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) return db.list_artifacts( name,, tag, labels=labels, since=since, until=until, iter=iter, best_iteration=best_iteration, kind=kind, category=category, tree=tree, limit=limit, )
[docs] def list_models( self, name=None, tag=None, labels: Optional[Union[dict[str, str], list[str]]] = None, since=None, until=None, iter: int = None, best_iteration: bool = False, tree: str = None, ): """List models in project, filtered by various parameters. Examples:: # Get latest version of all models in project latest_models = project.list_models("", tag="latest") :param name: Name of artifacts to retrieve. Name with '~' prefix is used as a like query, and is not case-sensitive. This means that querying for ``~name`` may return artifacts named ``my_Name_1`` or ``surname``. :param tag: Return artifacts assigned this tag. :param labels: Return artifacts that have these labels. Labels can either be a dictionary {"label": "value"} or a list of "label=value" (match label key and value) or "label" (match just label key) strings. :param since: Not in use in :py:class:`HTTPRunDB`. :param until: Not in use in :py:class:`HTTPRunDB`. :param iter: Return artifacts from a specific iteration (where ``iter=0`` means the root iteration). If ``None`` (default) return artifacts from all iterations. :param best_iteration: Returns the artifact which belongs to the best iteration of a given run, in the case of artifacts generated from a hyper-param run. If only a single iteration exists, will return the artifact from that iteration. If using ``best_iter``, the ``iter`` parameter must not be used. :param tree: Return artifacts of the requested tree. """ db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) return db.list_artifacts( name,, tag, labels=labels, since=since, until=until, iter=iter, best_iteration=best_iteration, kind="model", tree=tree, ).to_objects()
[docs] def list_functions(self, name=None, tag=None, labels=None): """Retrieve a list of functions, filtered by specific criteria. example:: functions = project.list_functions(tag="latest") :param name: Return only functions with a specific name. :param tag: Return function versions with specific tags. To return only tagged functions, set tag to ``"*"``. :param labels: Return functions that have specific labels assigned to them. :returns: List of function objects. """ db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) functions = db.list_functions(name,, tag=tag, labels=labels) if functions: # convert dict to function objects return [mlrun.new_function(runtime=func) for func in functions]
[docs] def list_model_monitoring_functions( self, name: Optional[str] = None, tag: Optional[str] = None, labels: Optional[list[str]] = None, ) -> Optional[list]: """ Retrieve a list of all the model monitoring functions. Example:: functions = project.list_model_monitoring_functions() :param name: Return only functions with a specific name. :param tag: Return function versions with specific tags. :param labels: Return functions that have specific labels assigned to them. :returns: List of function objects. """ model_monitoring_labels_list = [str(mm_constants.ModelMonitoringAppLabel())] if labels: model_monitoring_labels_list += labels return self.list_functions( name=name, tag=tag, labels=model_monitoring_labels_list, )
[docs] def list_runs( self, name: Optional[str] = None, uid: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = None, labels: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = None, state: Optional[ mlrun.common.runtimes.constants.RunStates ] = None, # Backward compatibility states: typing.Optional[list[mlrun.common.runtimes.constants.RunStates]] = None, sort: bool = True, last: int = 0, iter: bool = False, start_time_from: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, start_time_to: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, last_update_time_from: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, last_update_time_to: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, **kwargs, ) -> mlrun.lists.RunList: """Retrieve a list of runs, filtered by various options. The returned result is a `` (list of dict), use `.to_objects()` to convert it to a list of RunObjects, `.show()` to view graphically in Jupyter, `.to_df()` to convert to a DataFrame, and `compare()` to generate comparison table and PCP plot. Example:: # return a list of runs matching the name and label and compare runs = project.list_runs(name="download", labels="owner=admin") # multi-label filter can also be provided runs = project.list_runs(name="download", labels=["kind=job", "owner=admin"]) # If running in Jupyter, can use the .show() function to display the results project.list_runs(name="").show() :param name: Name of the run to retrieve. :param uid: Unique ID of the run. :param labels: A list of labels to filter by. Label filters work by either filtering a specific value of a label (i.e. list("key=value")) or by looking for the existence of a given key (i.e. "key"). :param state: Deprecated - List only runs whose state is specified. :param states: List only runs whose state is one of the provided states. :param sort: Whether to sort the result according to their start time. Otherwise, results will be returned by their internal order in the DB (order will not be guaranteed). :param last: Deprecated - currently not used (will be removed in 1.9.0). :param iter: If ``True`` return runs from all iterations. Otherwise, return only runs whose ``iter`` is 0. :param start_time_from: Filter by run start time in ``[start_time_from, start_time_to]``. :param start_time_to: Filter by run start time in ``[start_time_from, start_time_to]``. :param last_update_time_from: Filter by run last update time in ``(last_update_time_from, last_update_time_to)``. :param last_update_time_to: Filter by run last update time in ``(last_update_time_from, last_update_time_to)``. """ if state: # TODO: Remove this in 1.9.0 warnings.warn( "'state' is deprecated and will be removed in 1.9.0. Use 'states' instead.", FutureWarning, ) db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) return db.list_runs( name, uid,, labels=labels, states=mlrun.utils.helpers.as_list(state) if state is not None else states or None, sort=sort, last=last, iter=iter, start_time_from=start_time_from, start_time_to=start_time_to, last_update_time_from=last_update_time_from, last_update_time_to=last_update_time_to, **kwargs, )
[docs] def register_datastore_profile(self, profile: DatastoreProfile): private_body = DatastoreProfile2Json.get_json_private(profile) public_body = DatastoreProfile2Json.get_json_public(profile) # send project data to DB profile = mlrun.common.schemas.DatastoreProfile(, type=profile.type, object=public_body, private=private_body,, ) mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets).store_datastore_profile( profile, )
[docs] def delete_datastore_profile(self, profile: str): mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets).delete_datastore_profile( profile, )
[docs] def get_datastore_profile(self, profile: str) -> DatastoreProfile: return mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets).get_datastore_profile( profile, )
[docs] def list_datastore_profiles(self) -> list[DatastoreProfile]: """ Returns a list of datastore profiles associated with the project. The information excludes private details, showcasing only public data. """ return mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets).list_datastore_profiles( )
[docs] def get_custom_packagers(self) -> list[tuple[str, bool]]: """ Get the custom packagers registered in the project. :return: A list of the custom packagers module paths. """ # Return a copy so the user won't be able to edit the list by the reference returned (no need for deep copy as # tuples do not support item assignment): return self.spec.custom_packagers.copy()
[docs] def add_custom_packager(self, packager: str, is_mandatory: bool): """ Add a custom packager from the custom packagers list. All project's custom packagers are added to each project function. **Notice** that in order to run a function with the custom packagers included, you must set a source for the project (using the `project.set_source` method) with the parameter `pull_at_runtime=True` so the source code of the packagers will be able to be imported. :param packager: The packager module path to add. For example, if a packager `MyPackager` is in the project's source at, then the module path is: "my_module.MyPackager". :param is_mandatory: Whether this packager must be collected during a run. If False, failing to collect it won't raise an error during the packagers collection phase. """ self.spec.add_custom_packager(packager=packager, is_mandatory=is_mandatory)
[docs] def remove_custom_packager(self, packager: str): """ Remove a custom packager from the custom packagers list. :param packager: The packager module path to remove. :raise MLRunInvalidArgumentError: In case the packager was not in the list. """ self.spec.remove_custom_packager(packager=packager)
[docs] def store_api_gateway( self, api_gateway: mlrun.runtimes.nuclio.api_gateway.APIGateway, wait_for_readiness=True, max_wait_time=90, ) -> mlrun.runtimes.nuclio.api_gateway.APIGateway: """ Creates or updates a Nuclio API Gateway using the provided APIGateway object. This method interacts with the MLRun service to create/update a Nuclio API Gateway based on the provided APIGateway object. Once done, it returns the updated APIGateway object containing all fields propagated on MLRun and Nuclio sides, such as the 'host' attribute. Nuclio docs here: :param api_gateway: An instance of :py:class:`~mlrun.runtimes.nuclio.APIGateway` representing the configuration of the API Gateway to be created or updated. :param wait_for_readiness: (Optional) A boolean indicating whether to wait for the API Gateway to become ready after creation or update (default is True). :param max_wait_time: (Optional) Maximum time to wait for API Gateway readiness in seconds (default is 90s) :returns: An instance of :py:class:`~mlrun.runtimes.nuclio.APIGateway` with all fields populated based on the information retrieved from the Nuclio API """ api_gateway_json = mlrun.db.get_run_db().store_api_gateway( api_gateway=api_gateway,, ) if api_gateway_json: # fill in all the fields in the user's api_gateway object api_gateway = mlrun.runtimes.nuclio.api_gateway.APIGateway.from_scheme( api_gateway_json ) if wait_for_readiness: api_gateway.wait_for_readiness(max_wait_time=max_wait_time) return api_gateway
[docs] def list_api_gateways(self) -> list[mlrun.runtimes.nuclio.api_gateway.APIGateway]: """ Retrieves a list of Nuclio API gateways associated with the project. :returns: List of :py:class:`~mlrun.runtimes.nuclio.api_gateway.APIGateway` objects representing the Nuclio API gateways associated with the project. """ gateways_list = mlrun.db.get_run_db().list_api_gateways( return [ mlrun.runtimes.nuclio.api_gateway.APIGateway.from_scheme(gateway_dict) for gateway_dict in gateways_list.api_gateways.values() ]
[docs] def get_api_gateway( self, name: str, ) -> mlrun.runtimes.nuclio.api_gateway.APIGateway: """ Retrieves an API gateway by name instance. :param name: The name of the API gateway to retrieve. Returns: mlrun.runtimes.nuclio.APIGateway: An instance of APIGateway. """ gateway = mlrun.db.get_run_db().get_api_gateway(name=name, return mlrun.runtimes.nuclio.api_gateway.APIGateway.from_scheme(gateway)
[docs] def delete_api_gateway( self, name: str, ): """ Deletes an API gateway by name. :param name: The name of the API gateway to delete. """ mlrun.db.get_run_db().delete_api_gateway(name=name,
[docs] def store_alert_config( self, alert_data: AlertConfig, alert_name: typing.Optional[str] = None ) -> AlertConfig: """ Create/modify an alert. :param alert_data: The data of the alert. :param alert_name: The name of the alert. :return: the created/modified alert. """ if not alert_data: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError("Alert data must be provided") db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) alert_name = alert_name or if alert_data.project is not None and alert_data.project != logger.warn( "Project in alert does not match project in operation", project=alert_data.project, ) alert_data.project = return db.store_alert_config(alert_name, alert_data,
[docs] def get_alert_config(self, alert_name: str) -> AlertConfig: """ Retrieve an alert. :param alert_name: The name of the alert to retrieve. :return: The alert object. """ db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) return db.get_alert_config(alert_name,
[docs] def list_alerts_configs(self) -> list[AlertConfig]: """ Retrieve list of alerts of a project. :return: All the alerts objects of the project. """ db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) return db.list_alerts_configs(
[docs] def delete_alert_config( self, alert_data: AlertConfig = None, alert_name: str = None ): """ Delete an alert. :param alert_data: The data of the alert. :param alert_name: The name of the alert to delete. """ if alert_data is None and alert_name is None: raise ValueError( "At least one of alert_data or alert_name must be provided" ) if alert_data and alert_name and != alert_name: raise ValueError("Alert_data name does not match the provided alert_name") db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) if alert_data: alert_name = db.delete_alert_config(alert_name,
[docs] def reset_alert_config( self, alert_data: AlertConfig = None, alert_name: str = None ): """ Reset an alert. :param alert_data: The data of the alert. :param alert_name: The name of the alert to reset. """ if alert_data is None and alert_name is None: raise ValueError( "At least one of alert_data or alert_name must be provided" ) if alert_data and alert_name and != alert_name: raise ValueError("Alert_data name does not match the provided alert_name") db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) if alert_data: alert_name = db.reset_alert_config(alert_name,
[docs] def get_alert_template(self, template_name: str) -> AlertTemplate: """ Retrieve a specific alert template. :param template_name: The name of the template to retrieve. :return: The template object. """ db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) return db.get_alert_template(template_name)
[docs] def list_alert_templates(self) -> list[AlertTemplate]: """ Retrieve list of all alert templates. :return: All the alert template objects in the database. """ db = mlrun.db.get_run_db(secrets=self._secrets) return db.list_alert_templates()
def _run_authenticated_git_action( self, action: Callable, remote: str, args: list = None, kwargs: dict = None, secrets: Union[SecretsStore, dict] = None, ): """Run an arbitrary Git routine while the remote is enriched with secrets Enrichment of the remote URL is undone before this method returns If no secrets are provided, remote remains untouched :param action: git callback that may require authentication :param remote: git remote to be temporarily enriched with secrets :param args: positional arguments to be passed along to action :param kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed along to action :param secrets: dict or SecretsStore with Git credentials e.g. secrets={"GIT_TOKEN": token} """ clean_remote = self.spec.repo.remotes[remote].url enriched_remote, is_remote_enriched = add_credentials_git_remote_url( clean_remote, secrets=secrets or {} ) try: if is_remote_enriched: self.spec.repo.remotes[remote].set_url(enriched_remote, clean_remote) args = args or [] kwargs = kwargs or {} action(*args, **kwargs) except RuntimeError as e: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunRuntimeError( f"Failed to run Git action: {action}" ) from e finally: if is_remote_enriched: self.spec.repo.remotes[remote].set_url(clean_remote, enriched_remote) def _validate_file_path(self, file_path: str, param_name: str): """ The function checks if the given file_path is a valid path. If the file_path is a relative path, it is completed by joining it with the self.spec.get_code_path() Otherwise, the file_path is used as is. Additionally, it checks if the resulting path exists as a file, unless the file_path is a remote URL. If the file_path has no suffix, it is considered invalid. :param file_path: The file path to be validated :param param_name: The name of the parameter that holds the file path """ if not file_path: raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( f"{param_name} must be provided." ) # If file path is remote, verify it is a file URL if "://" in file_path: if pathlib.Path(file_path).suffix: return raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( f"Invalid '{param_name}': '{file_path}'. Got a remote URL without a file suffix." ) code_path = self.spec.get_code_path() # If the file path is a relative path, it is completed by joining it with the code_path. code_path_relative = not path.isabs(file_path) and not file_path.startswith( code_path ) if code_path_relative: abs_path = path.join(code_path, file_path.lstrip("./")) else: abs_path = file_path if not path.isfile(abs_path): raise mlrun.errors.MLRunInvalidArgumentError( f"Invalid '{param_name}': '{file_path}'. Got a path to a non-existing file. " f"Path must be absolute or relative to the project code path i.e. " f"<project.spec.get_code_path()>/<{param_name}>)." ) def _resolve_artifact_producer( self, artifact: typing.Union[str, Artifact], project_producer_tag: str = None, ) -> tuple[ArtifactProducer, bool]: """ Resolve the artifact producer of the given artifact. If the artifact's producer is a run, the artifact is registered with the original producer. Otherwise, the artifact is registered with the current project as the producer. :param artifact: The artifact to resolve its producer. :param project_producer_tag: The tag to use for the project as the producer. If not provided, a tag will be generated for the project. :return: A tuple of the resolved producer and whether it is retained or not. """ if not isinstance(artifact, str) and artifact.spec.producer: # if the artifact was imported from a yaml file, the producer can be a dict if isinstance(artifact.spec.producer, ArtifactProducer): producer_dict = artifact.spec.producer.get_meta() else: producer_dict = artifact.spec.producer producer_tag = producer_dict.get("tag", None) producer_project = producer_dict.get("project", None) if not producer_tag or not producer_project: # try resolving the producer tag from the uri producer_uri = artifact.spec.producer.get("uri", "") producer_project, producer_tag, _ = ArtifactProducer.parse_uri( producer_uri ) if producer_dict.get("kind", "") == "run": return ArtifactProducer( name=producer_dict.get("name", ""), kind=producer_dict.get("kind", ""), project=producer_project, tag=producer_tag, owner=producer_dict.get("owner", ""), ), True # do not retain the artifact's producer, replace it with the project as the producer project_producer_tag = project_producer_tag or self._get_project_tag() return ArtifactProducer( kind="project",,, tag=project_producer_tag, owner=self._resolve_artifact_owner(), ), False def _resolve_existing_artifact( self, item: typing.Union[str, Artifact], tag: str = None, ) -> typing.Optional[Artifact]: """ Check if there is and existing artifact with the given item and tag. If there is, return the existing artifact. Otherwise, return None. :param item: The item (or key) to check if there is an existing artifact for. :param tag: The tag to check if there is an existing artifact for. :return: The existing artifact if there is one, otherwise None. """ try: if isinstance(item, str): existing_artifact = self.get_artifact(key=item, tag=tag) else: existing_artifact = self.get_artifact( key=item.key, tag=item.tag, iter=item.iter, tree=item.tree, ) if existing_artifact is not None: return existing_artifact.from_dict(existing_artifact) except mlrun.errors.MLRunNotFoundError: logger.debug( "No existing artifact was found", key=item if isinstance(item, str) else item.key, tag=tag if isinstance(item, str) else item.tag, tree=None if isinstance(item, str) else item.tree, ) return None def _get_project_tag(self): return self._get_hexsha() or str(uuid.uuid4()) def _resolve_artifact_owner(self): return os.getenv("V3IO_USERNAME") or self.spec.owner
def _set_as_current_default_project(project: MlrunProject): mlrun.mlconf.default_project = pipeline_context.set(project) def _init_function_from_dict( f: dict, project: MlrunProject, name: typing.Optional[str] = None, ) -> tuple[str, mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime]: name = name or f.get("name", "") url = f.get("url", "") kind = f.get("kind", "") image = f.get("image", None) handler = f.get("handler", None) with_repo = f.get("with_repo", False) requirements = f.get("requirements", None) requirements_file = f.get("requirements_file", None) tag = f.get("tag", None) has_module = _has_module(handler, kind) relative_url = url url, in_context = project.get_item_absolute_path(url) if "spec" in f: if "spec" in f["spec"]: # Functions are stored in the project yaml as a dict with a spec key where the spec is the function func = new_function(name, runtime=f["spec"]) else: func = new_function(name, runtime=f, tag=tag) elif not url and has_module: func = new_function( name, image=image, kind=kind or "job", handler=handler, tag=tag ) elif is_yaml_path(url) or url.startswith("db://") or url.startswith("hub://"): func = import_function(url, new_name=name) if image: func.spec.image = image if tag: func.spec.tag = tag elif url.endswith(".ipynb"): # not defaulting kind to job here cause kind might come from magic annotations in the notebook func = code_to_function( name, filename=url, image=image, kind=kind, handler=handler, tag=tag ) elif url.endswith(".py"): if in_context and with_repo: # when load_source_on_run is used we allow not providing image as code will be loaded pre-run. ML-4994 if ( not image and not project.default_image and kind != "local" and not project.spec.load_source_on_run ): raise ValueError( "image must be provided with py code files which do not run on 'local' engine kind" ) func = new_function( name, command=relative_url, image=image, kind=kind or "job", handler=handler, tag=tag, ) else: func = code_to_function( name, filename=url, image=image, kind=kind or "job", handler=handler, tag=tag, ) elif kind in mlrun.runtimes.RuntimeKinds.nuclio_runtimes(): func = new_function( name, image=image, kind=kind, handler=handler, tag=tag, ) if image and kind != mlrun.runtimes.RuntimeKinds.application:"Function code not specified, setting entry point to image") func.from_image(image) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported function url:handler {url}:{handler} or no spec") if with_repo: # mark source to be enriched before run with project source (enrich_function_object) = "./" if requirements or requirements_file: func.with_requirements( requirements=requirements, requirements_file=requirements_file, overwrite=True, ) return _init_function_from_obj(func, project) def _init_function_from_obj( func: mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime, project: MlrunProject, name: typing.Optional[str] = None, ) -> tuple[str, mlrun.runtimes.BaseRuntime]: build = if project.spec.origin_url: origin = project.spec.origin_url try: if project.spec.repo: origin += "#" + project.spec.repo.head.commit.hexsha except Exception: pass build.code_origin = origin if func.metadata.project = # TODO: deprecate project tag if project.spec.tag: func.metadata.tag = project.spec.tag if name: = name return, func def _has_module(handler, kind): if not handler: return False if ( kind in mlrun.runtimes.RuntimeKinds.pure_nuclio_deployed_runtimes() and ":" in handler ): return True if "." in handler: return True return False def _is_imported_artifact(artifact): return artifact and isinstance(artifact, dict) and "import_from" in artifact