Source code for storey.flow

# Copyright 2020 Iguazio
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import asyncio
import copy
import datetime
import inspect
import pickle
import time
import traceback
import uuid
from asyncio import Task
from collections import defaultdict
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor
from typing import Any, Callable, Collection, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Union

import aiohttp

from .dtypes import Event, FlowError, V3ioError, _termination_obj, known_driver_schemes
from .queue import AsyncQueue
from .table import Table
from .utils import _split_path, get_in, stringify_key, update_in

class Flow:
    _legal_first_step = False

    def __init__(
        termination_result_fn=lambda x, y: x if x is not None else y,
        self._outlets = []
        self._inlets = []

        self._recovery_step = recovery_step
        if recovery_step:
            if isinstance(recovery_step, dict):
                for step in recovery_step.values():

        self._termination_result_fn = termination_result_fn
        self.context = context
        self.verbose = context and getattr(context, "verbose", False)
        self.logger = getattr(self.context, "logger", None) if self.context else None

        self._kwargs = kwargs
        self._full_event = kwargs.get("full_event")
        self._input_path = kwargs.get("input_path")
        self._result_path = kwargs.get("result_path")
        self._runnable = False
        name = kwargs.get("name", None)
        if name:
   = name
   = type(self).__name__

        self._closeables = []

    def _init(self):
        self._termination_received = 0
        self._termination_result = None

    def to_dict(self, fields=None, exclude=None):
        """convert the step object to a python dictionary"""
        fields = fields or getattr(self, "_dict_fields", None)
        if not fields:
            fields = list(inspect.signature(self.__init__).parameters.keys())
        if exclude:
            fields = [field for field in fields if field not in exclude]

        meta_keys = [
        args = {
            key: getattr(self, key) for key in fields if getattr(self, key, None) is not None and key not in meta_keys
        # add storey kwargs or extra kwargs
        if "kwargs" in fields and (hasattr(self, "kwargs") or hasattr(self, "_kwargs")):
            kwargs = getattr(self, "kwargs", {}) or getattr(self, "_kwargs", {})
            for key, value in kwargs.items():
                if key not in meta_keys:
                    args[key] = value

        mod_name = self.__class__.__module__
        class_path = self.__class__.__qualname__
        if mod_name != "__main__":
            class_path = f"{mod_name}.{class_path}"
        struct = {
            "class_name": class_path,
            "name": or self.__class__.__name__,
            "class_args": args,

        for parameter_name in [
            ("kind", "_STEP_KIND"),
            if isinstance(parameter_name, tuple):
                parameter_name, field_name = parameter_name
                field_name = f"_{parameter_name}"
            if hasattr(self, field_name):
                field_value = getattr(self, field_name)
                if field_value is not None:
                    struct[parameter_name] = field_value
        return struct

    def _to_code(self, taken: Set[str]):
        class_name = type(self).__name__
        base_var_name = ""
        for c in class_name:
            if c.isupper() and base_var_name:
                base_var_name += "_"
            base_var_name += c.lower()
        i = 0
        while True:
            var_name = f"{base_var_name}{i}"
            if var_name not in taken:
            i += 1
        param_list = []
        for key, value in self._kwargs.items():
            if isinstance(value, str):
                value = f"'{value}'"
        param_str = ", ".join(param_list)
        step = f"{var_name} = {class_name}({param_str})"
        steps = [step]
        tos = []
        for outlet in self._outlets:
            outlet_var_name, outlet_steps, outlet_tos = outlet._to_code(taken)
        return var_name, steps, tos

    def to_code(self):
        _, steps, tos = self._to_code(set())
        result = "\n".join(steps)
        result += "\n\n"
        result += "\n".join(tos)
        result += "\n"
        return result

    def to(self, outlet):
        if outlet._legal_first_step:
            raise ValueError(f"{} can only appear as the first step of a flow")
        return outlet

    def set_recovery_step(self, outlet):
        self._recovery_step = outlet
        return self

    def _get_recovery_step(self, exception):
        if isinstance(self._recovery_step, dict):
            return self._recovery_step.get(type(exception), None)
            return self._recovery_step

    def run(self):
        if not self._legal_first_step and not self._runnable:
            raise ValueError("Flow must start with a source")
        outlets = []
        for outlet in outlets:
            outlet._runnable = True
        return self._closeables

    def _get_recovery_steps(self):
        if self._recovery_step:
            if isinstance(self._recovery_step, dict):
                return list(self._recovery_step.values())
                return [self._recovery_step]
        return []

    async def run_async(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    async def _do(self, event):
        raise NotImplementedError

    async def _do_and_recover(self, event):
            return await self._do(event)
        except BaseException as ex:
            if getattr(ex, "_raised_by_storey_step", None) is not None:
                raise ex
            ex._raised_by_storey_step = self
            recovery_step = self._get_recovery_step(ex)
            if recovery_step is None:
                if self.context and hasattr(self.context, "push_error"):
                    message = traceback.format_exc()
                    if event._awaitable_result:
                        none_or_coroutine = event._awaitable_result._set_error(ex)
                        if none_or_coroutine:
                            await none_or_coroutine
                    if self.logger:
                        self.logger.error(f"Pushing error to error stream: {ex}\n{message}")
                    self.context.push_error(event, f"{ex}\n{message}",
                    raise ex
            event.origin_state =
            event.error = ex
            return await recovery_step._do(event)

    def _event_string(event):
        result = "Event("
            result += f"id={}, "
        if getattr(event, "key", None):
            result += f"key={event.key}, "
        if getattr(event, "time", None):
            result += f"processing_time={event.processing_time}, "
        if getattr(event, "path", None):
            result += f"path={event.path}, "
        result += f"body={event.body})"
        return result

    def _should_terminate(self):
        return self._termination_received == len(self._inlets)

    async def _do_downstream(self, event, outlets=None):
        outlets = self._outlets if outlets is None else outlets
        if not outlets:
        if event is _termination_obj:
            # Only propagate the termination object once we received one per inlet
            outlets[0]._termination_received += 1
            if outlets[0]._should_terminate():
                self._termination_result = await outlets[0]._do(_termination_obj)
            for outlet in outlets[1:] + self._get_recovery_steps():
                outlet._termination_received += 1
                if outlet._should_terminate():
                    self._termination_result = self._termination_result_fn(
                        self._termination_result, await outlet._do(_termination_obj)
            return self._termination_result
        # If there is more than one outlet, allow concurrent execution.
        tasks = []
        if len(outlets) > 1:
            awaitable_result = event._awaitable_result
            event._awaitable_result = None
            original_events = getattr(event, "_original_events", None)
            # Temporarily delete self-reference to avoid deepcopy getting stuck in an infinite loop
            event._original_events = None
            for i in range(1, len(outlets)):
                event_copy = copy.deepcopy(event)
                event_copy._awaitable_result = awaitable_result
                event_copy._original_events = original_events
            # Set self-reference back after deepcopy
            event._original_events = original_events
            event._awaitable_result = awaitable_result
        if self.verbose and self.logger:
            step_name =
            event_string = self._event_string(event)
            self.logger.debug(f"{step_name} -> {outlets[0].name} | {event_string}")
        await outlets[0]._do_and_recover(event)  # Optimization - avoids creating a task for the first outlet.
        for i, task in enumerate(tasks, start=1):
            if self.verbose and self.logger:
                self.logger.debug(f"{step_name} -> {outlets[i].name} | {event_string}")
            await task

    def _get_event_or_body(self, event):
        if self._full_event:
            return event
        elif self._input_path:
            if not hasattr(event.body, "__getitem__"):
                raise TypeError("input_path parameter supports only dict-like event bodies")
            return get_in(event.body, self._input_path)
            return event.body

    def _user_fn_output_to_event(self, event, fn_result):
        if self._full_event:
            return fn_result
            mapped_event = copy.copy(event)
            if self._result_path:
                if not hasattr(event.body, "__getitem__"):
                    raise TypeError("result_path parameter supports only dict-like event bodies")
                update_in(mapped_event.body, self._result_path, fn_result)
                mapped_event.body = fn_result
            return mapped_event

    def _check_step_in_flow(self, type_to_check):
        if isinstance(self, type_to_check):
            return True
        for outlet in self._outlets:
            if outlet._check_step_in_flow(type_to_check):
                return True
        if isinstance(self._recovery_step, Flow):
            if self._recovery_step._check_step_in_flow(type_to_check):
                return True
        elif isinstance(self._recovery_step, dict):
            for step in self._recovery_step.values():
                if step._check_step_in_flow(type_to_check):
                    return True
        return False

class WithUUID:
    def __init__(self):
        self._current_uuid_base = None
        self._current_uuid_count = 0

    def _get_uuid(self):
        if not self._current_uuid_base or self._current_uuid_count == 1024:
            self._current_uuid_base = uuid.uuid4().hex
            self._current_uuid_count = 0
        result = f"{self._current_uuid_base}-{self._current_uuid_count:04}"
        self._current_uuid_count += 1
        return result

[docs]class Choice(Flow): """ Redirects each input element into any number of predetermined downstream steps. Override select_outlets() to route events to any number of downstream steps. """ def _init(self): super()._init() self._name_to_outlet = {} for outlet in self._outlets: if in self._name_to_outlet: raise ValueError(f"Ambiguous outlet name '{}' in Choice step") self._name_to_outlet[] = outlet # TODO: hacky way of supporting mlrun preview, which replaces targets with a DFTarget self._passthrough_for_preview = list(self._name_to_outlet) == ["dataframe"]
[docs] def select_outlets(self, event) -> Collection[str]: """ Override this method to route events based on a customer logic. The default implementation will route all events to all outlets. """ return self._name_to_outlet.keys()
async def _do(self, event): if event is _termination_obj: return await self._do_downstream(_termination_obj) else: event_body = event if self._full_event else event.body outlet_names = self.select_outlets(event_body) outlets = [] if self._passthrough_for_preview: outlet = self._name_to_outlet["dataframe"] outlets.append(outlet) else: if len(set(outlet_names)) != len(outlet_names): raise ValueError( "select_outlets() returned duplicate outlets among the defined outlets: " + ", ".join(outlet_names) ) for outlet_name in outlet_names: if outlet_name not in self._name_to_outlet: raise ValueError( f"select_outlets() returned outlet name '{outlet_name}', which is not one of the " f"defined outlets: " + ", ".join(self._name_to_outlet) ) outlet = self._name_to_outlet[outlet_name] outlets.append(outlet) return await self._do_downstream(event, outlets=outlets)
class Recover(Flow): def __init__(self, exception_to_downstream, **kwargs): Flow.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._exception_to_downstream = exception_to_downstream async def _do(self, event): if not self._outlets or event is _termination_obj: return await super()._do_downstream(event) else: try: await super()._do_downstream(event) except BaseException as ex: typ = type(ex) if typ in self._exception_to_downstream: await self._exception_to_downstream[typ]._do(event) else: raise ex class _UnaryFunctionFlow(Flow): def __init__(self, fn, long_running=None, pass_context=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if not callable(fn): raise TypeError(f"Expected a callable, got {type(fn)}") self._is_async = asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(fn) if self._is_async and long_running: raise ValueError("long_running=True cannot be used in conjunction with a coroutine") self._long_running = long_running self._fn = fn self._pass_context = pass_context async def _call(self, element): if self._long_running: res = await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, self._fn, element) else: kwargs = {} if self._pass_context: kwargs = {"context": self.context} res = self._fn(element, **kwargs) if self._is_async: res = await res return res async def _do_internal(self, element, fn_result): raise NotImplementedError() async def _do(self, event): if event is _termination_obj: return await self._do_downstream(_termination_obj) else: element = self._get_event_or_body(event) fn_result = await self._call(element) await self._do_internal(event, fn_result) class DropColumns(Flow): def __init__(self, columns, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if not isinstance(columns, list): columns = [columns] self._columns = columns async def _do(self, event): if event is not _termination_obj: new_body = copy.copy(event.body) for column in self._columns: new_body.pop(column, None) event.body = new_body return await self._do_downstream(event)
[docs]class Map(_UnaryFunctionFlow): """Maps, or transforms, incoming events using a user-provided function. :param fn: Function to apply to each event :type fn: Function (Event=>Event) :param long_running: Whether fn is a long-running function. Long-running functions are run in an executor to avoid blocking other concurrent processing. Default is False. :type long_running: boolean :param name: Name of this step, as it should appear in logs. Defaults to class name (Map). :type name: string :param full_event: Whether user functions should receive and return Event objects (when True), or only the payload (when False). Defaults to False. :type full_event: boolean """ async def _do_internal(self, event, fn_result): mapped_event = self._user_fn_output_to_event(event, fn_result) await self._do_downstream(mapped_event)
[docs]class Filter(_UnaryFunctionFlow): """Filters events based on a user-provided function. :param fn: Function to decide whether to keep each event. :type fn: Function (Event=>boolean) :param long_running: Whether fn is a long-running function. Long-running functions are run in an executor to avoid blocking other concurrent processing. Default is False. :type long_running: boolean :param name: Name of this step, as it should appear in logs. Defaults to class name (Filter). :type name: string :param full_event: Whether user functions should receive and return Event objects (when True), or only the payload (when False). Defaults to False. :type full_event: boolean """ async def _do_internal(self, event, keep): if keep: await self._do_downstream(event)
[docs]class FlatMap(_UnaryFunctionFlow): """Maps, or transforms, each incoming event into any number of events. :param fn: Function to transform each event to a list of events. :type fn: Function (Event=>list of Event) :param long_running: Whether fn is a long-running function. Long-running functions are run in an executor to avoid blocking other concurrent processing. Default is False. :type long_running: boolean :param name: Name of this step, as it should appear in logs. Defaults to class name (FlatMap). :type name: string :param full_event: Whether user functions should receive and return Event objects (when True), or only the payload (when False). Defaults to False. :type full_event: boolean """ async def _do_internal(self, event, fn_result): for fn_result_element in fn_result: mapped_event = self._user_fn_output_to_event(event, fn_result_element) await self._do_downstream(mapped_event)
[docs]class Extend(_UnaryFunctionFlow): """Adds fields to each incoming event. :param fn: Function to transform each event to a dictionary. The fields in the returned dictionary are then added to the original event. :type fn: Function (Event=>Dict) :param long_running: Whether fn is a long-running function. Long-running functions are run in an executor to avoid blocking other concurrent processing. Default is False. :type long_running: boolean :param name: Name of this step, as it should appear in logs. Defaults to class name (Extend). :type name: string :param full_event: Whether user functions should receive and return Event objects (when True), or only the payload (when False). Defaults to False. :type full_event: boolean """ async def _do_internal(self, event, fn_result): for key, value in fn_result.items(): event.body[key] = value await self._do_downstream(event)
class _FunctionWithStateFlow(Flow): def __init__(self, initial_state, fn, group_by_key=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if not callable(fn): raise TypeError(f"Expected a callable, got {type(fn)}") self._is_async = asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(fn) self._state = initial_state if isinstance(self._state, str): should_get_from_context = False for known_scheme in known_driver_schemes: if self._state.startswith(f"{known_scheme}://"): should_get_from_context = True break if should_get_from_context: if not self.context: raise TypeError("Table can not be string if no context was provided to the step") self._state = self.context.get_table(self._state) self._fn = fn self._group_by_key = group_by_key if hasattr(self._state, "close"): self._closeables = [self._state] async def _call(self, event): element = self._get_event_or_body(event) if self._group_by_key: safe_key = stringify_key(event.key) if isinstance(self._state, Table): key_data = await self._state._get_or_load_static_attributes_by_key(safe_key) else: key_data = self._state[event.key] res, new_state = self._fn(element, key_data) async with self._state._get_lock(safe_key): self._state._update_static_attrs(safe_key, new_state) self._state._pending_events.append(event) self._state._init_flush_task() else: res, self._state = self._fn(element, self._state) if self._is_async: res = await res return res async def _do_internal(self, element, fn_result): raise NotImplementedError() async def _do(self, event): if event is _termination_obj: return await self._do_downstream(_termination_obj) else: fn_result = await self._call(event) await self._do_internal(event, fn_result)
[docs]class MapWithState(_FunctionWithStateFlow): """Maps, or transforms, incoming events using a stateful user-provided function, and an initial state, which may be a database table. :param initial_state: Initial state for the computation. If group_by_key is True, this must be a dictionary or a Table object. :type initial_state: dictionary or Table if group_by_key is True. Any object otherwise. :param fn: A function to run on each event and the current state. Must yield an event and an updated state. :type fn: Function ((Event, state)=>(Event, state)) :param group_by_key: Whether the state is computed by key. Optional. Default to False. :type group_by_key: boolean :param full_event: Whether fn will receive and return an Event object or only the body (payload). Optional. Defaults to False (body only). :type full_event: boolean """ async def _do_internal(self, event, mapped_element): mapped_event = self._user_fn_output_to_event(event, mapped_element) await self._do_downstream(mapped_event)
[docs]class MapClass(Flow): """Similar to Map, but instead of a function argument, this class should be extended and its do() method overridden.""" def __init__(self, long_running=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._is_async = asyncio.iscoroutinefunction( if self._is_async and long_running: raise ValueError("long_running=True cannot be used in conjunction with a coroutine do()") self._long_running = long_running self._filter = False def filter(self): # used in the .do() code to signal filtering self._filter = True def do(self, event): raise NotImplementedError() async def _call(self, event): if self._long_running: res = await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None,, event) else: res = if self._is_async: res = await res return res async def _do(self, event): if event is _termination_obj: return await self._do_downstream(_termination_obj) else: element = self._get_event_or_body(event) fn_result = await self._call(element) if not self._filter: mapped_event = self._user_fn_output_to_event(event, fn_result) await self._do_downstream(mapped_event) else: self._filter = False # clear the flag for future runs
class Rename(Flow): """ Rename fields in event body. :param mapping: Dictionary from old name to new name. :param name: Name of this step, as it should appear in logs. Defaults to class name (Rename). :type name: string """ def __init__(self, mapping: Dict[str, str], **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.mapping = mapping async def _do(self, event): if event is not _termination_obj: for old_name, new_name in self.mapping.items(): if old_name in event.body: event.body[new_name] = event.body.get(old_name) del event.body[old_name] return await self._do_downstream(event)
[docs]class ReifyMetadata(Flow): """ Inserts event metadata into the event body. :param mapping: Dictionary from event attribute name to entry key in the event body (which must be a dictionary). Alternatively, an iterable of names may be provided, and these will be used as both attribute name and entry key. :param name: Name of this step, as it should appear in logs. Defaults to class name (ReifyMetadata). :type name: string """ def __init__(self, mapping: Iterable[str], **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.mapping = mapping async def _do(self, event): if event is not _termination_obj: if isinstance(self.mapping, dict): for attribute_name, entry_key in self.mapping.items(): event.body[entry_key] = getattr(event, attribute_name) else: for attribute_name in self.mapping: event.body[attribute_name] = getattr(event, attribute_name) return await self._do_downstream(event)
class Complete(Flow): """ Completes the AwaitableResult associated with incoming events. :param name: Name of this step, as it should appear in logs. Defaults to class name (Complete). :type name: string :param full_event: Whether to complete with an Event object (when True) or only the payload (when False). Default to False. :type full_event: boolean """ async def _do(self, event): termination_result = await self._do_downstream(event) if event is not _termination_obj: if event._awaitable_result: result = self._get_event_or_body(event) res = event._awaitable_result._set_result(result) if res: await res return termination_result class Reduce(Flow): """ Reduces incoming events into a single value which is returned upon the successful termination of the flow. :param initial_value: Starting value. When the first event is received, fn will be applied to the initial_value and that event. :type initial_value: object :param fn: Function to apply to the current value and each event. :type fn: Function ((object, Event) => object) :param name: Name of this step, as it should appear in logs. Defaults to class name (Reduce). :type name: string :param full_event: Whether user functions should receive and return Event objects (when True), or only the payload (when False). Defaults to False. :type full_event: boolean """ def __init__(self, initial_value, fn, **kwargs): kwargs["initial_value"] = initial_value super().__init__(**kwargs) if not callable(fn): raise TypeError(f"Expected a callable, got {type(fn)}") self._is_async = asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(fn) self._fn = fn self._initial_value = initial_value def _init(self): super()._init() self._result = self._initial_value def to(self, outlet): raise ValueError("Reduce is a terminal step. It cannot be piped further.") async def _do(self, event): if event is _termination_obj: return self._result else: if self._full_event: elem = event else: elem = event.body res = self._fn(self._result, elem) if self._is_async: res = await res self._result = res class HttpRequest: """A class representing an HTTP request, with method, url, body, and headers. :param method: HTTP method (e.g. GET). :type method: string :param url: Target URL (http and https schemes supported). :type url: string :param body: Request body. :type body: bytes or string :param headers: Request headers, in the form of a dictionary. Optional. Defaults to no headers. :type headers: dictionary, or None. """ def __init__(self, method, url, body, headers: Optional[dict] = None): self.method = method self.url = url self.body = body if headers is None: headers = {} self.headers = headers class HttpResponse: """A class representing an HTTP response, with a status code and body. :param body: Response body. :type body: bytes :param status: HTTP status code. :type status: int """ def __init__(self, status, body): self.status = status self.body = body class _ConcurrentJobExecution(Flow): _BACKOFF_MAX = 120 _DEFAULT_MAX_IN_FLIGHT = 8 def __init__(self, max_in_flight=None, retries=None, backoff_factor=None, **kwargs): Flow.__init__(self, **kwargs) if max_in_flight is not None and max_in_flight < 1: raise ValueError(f"max_in_flight may not be less than 1 (got {max_in_flight})") self.max_in_flight = max_in_flight self.retries = retries self.backoff_factor = backoff_factor self._queue_size = (max_in_flight or self._DEFAULT_MAX_IN_FLIGHT) - 1 def _init(self): super()._init() self._q = None self._lazy_init_complete = False async def _worker(self): event = None try: while True: try: # If we don't handle the event before we remove it from the queue, the effective max_in_flight will # be 1 higher than requested. Hence, we peek. job = await self._q.peek() if job is _termination_obj: await self._q.get() break event = job[0] completed = await job[1] await self._handle_completed(event, completed) await self._q.get() except BaseException as ex: await self._q.get() ex._raised_by_storey_step = self recovery_step = self._get_recovery_step(ex) try: if recovery_step is not None: event.origin_state = event.error = ex await recovery_step._do(event) else: if event._awaitable_result: none_or_coroutine = event._awaitable_result._set_error(ex) if none_or_coroutine: await none_or_coroutine if self.context and hasattr(self.context, "push_error"): message = traceback.format_exc() if self.logger: self.logger.error(f"Pushing error to error stream: {ex}\n{message}") self.context.push_error(event, f"{ex}\n{message}", else: raise ex except BaseException: if not self._q.empty(): await self._q.get() raise finally: await self._cleanup() async def _process_event(self, event): raise NotImplementedError() async def _handle_completed(self, event, response): raise NotImplementedError() async def _cleanup(self): pass async def _lazy_init(self): pass async def _process_event_with_retries(self, event): times_attempted = 0 max_attempts = (self.retries or 0) + 1 while True: try: return await self._process_event(event) except Exception as ex: times_attempted += 1 attempts_left = max_attempts - times_attempted if self.logger: self.logger.warn(f"{} failed to process event ({attempts_left} retries left): {ex}") if attempts_left <= 0: raise ex backoff_value = (self.backoff_factor or 1) * (2 ** (times_attempted - 1)) backoff_value = min(self._BACKOFF_MAX, backoff_value) if backoff_value >= 0: await asyncio.sleep(backoff_value) async def _do(self, event): if not self._lazy_init_complete: await self._lazy_init() self._lazy_init_complete = True if not self._q and self._queue_size > 0: self._q = AsyncQueue(self._queue_size) self._worker_awaitable = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_task(self._worker()) if self._queue_size > 0 and self._worker_awaitable.done(): await self._worker_awaitable raise FlowError("ConcurrentJobExecution worker has already terminated") if event is _termination_obj: if self._queue_size > 0: await self._q.put(_termination_obj) await self._worker_awaitable else: await self._cleanup() return await self._do_downstream(_termination_obj) else: coroutine = self._process_event_with_retries(event) if self._queue_size == 0: completed = await coroutine await self._handle_completed(event, completed) else: task = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_task(coroutine) await self._q.put((event, task)) if self._worker_awaitable.done(): await self._worker_awaitable class ConcurrentExecution(_ConcurrentJobExecution): """ Inherit this class and override `process_event()` to process events concurrently. :param process_event: Function that will be run on each event :param concurrency_mechanism: One of: * "asyncio" (default) – for I/O implemented using asyncio * "threading" – for blocking I/O * "multiprocessing" – for processing-intensive tasks :param max_in_flight: Maximum number of events to be processed at a time (default 8) :param retries: Maximum number of retries per event (default 0) :param backoff_factor: Wait time in seconds before the first retry (default 1). Subsequent retries will each wait twice as the previous retry, up to a maximum of two minutes. :param pass_context: If False, the process_event function will be called with just one parameter (event). If True, the process_event function will be called with two parameters (event, context). Defaults to False. :param full_event: Whether event processor should receive and return Event objects (when True), or only the payload (when False). Defaults to False. """ _supported_concurrency_mechanisms = ["asyncio", "threading", "multiprocessing"] def __init__( self, event_processor: Union[Callable[[Event], Any], Callable[[Event, Any], Any]], concurrency_mechanism=None, pass_context=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) if concurrency_mechanism == "multiprocessing" and kwargs.get("full_event"): raise ValueError( 'concurrency_mechanism="multiprocessing" may not be used in conjunction with full_event=True' ) self._event_processor = event_processor if concurrency_mechanism and concurrency_mechanism not in self._supported_concurrency_mechanisms: raise ValueError(f"Concurrency mechanism '{concurrency_mechanism}' is not supported") if concurrency_mechanism == "multiprocessing" and pass_context: try: pickle.dumps(self.context) except Exception as ex: raise ValueError( 'When concurrency_mechanism="multiprocessing" is used in conjunction with ' "pass_context=True, context must be serializable" ) from ex self._executor = None if concurrency_mechanism == "threading": self._executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.max_in_flight or self._DEFAULT_MAX_IN_FLIGHT) elif concurrency_mechanism == "multiprocessing": self._executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.max_in_flight or self._DEFAULT_MAX_IN_FLIGHT) self._pass_context = pass_context async def _process_event(self, event): args = [event if self._full_event else event.body] if self._pass_context: args.append(self.context) if self._executor: result = await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(self._executor, self._event_processor, *args) else: result = self._event_processor(*args) if asyncio.iscoroutine(result): result = await result if self._full_event: return result else: event.body = result return event async def _handle_completed(self, event, response): await self._do_downstream(response)
[docs]class SendToHttp(_ConcurrentJobExecution): """Joins each event with data from any HTTP source. Used for event augmentation. :param request_builder: Creates an HTTP request from the event. This request is then sent to its destination. :type request_builder: Function (Event=>HttpRequest) :param join_from_response: Joins the original event with the HTTP response into a new event. :type join_from_response: Function ((Event, HttpResponse)=>Event) :param name: Name of this step, as it should appear in logs. Defaults to class name (SendToHttp). :type name: string :param full_event: Whether user functions should receive and return Event objects (when True), or only the payload (when False). Defaults to False. :type full_event: boolean """ def __init__(self, request_builder, join_from_response, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._request_builder = request_builder self._join_from_response = join_from_response def _init(self): super()._init() self._client_session = None async def _lazy_init(self): connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector() self._client_session = aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector) async def _cleanup(self): await self._client_session.close() async def _process_event(self, event): req = self._request_builder(event) return await self._client_session.request(req.method, req.url, headers=req.headers, data=req.body, ssl=False) async def _handle_completed(self, event, response): response_body = await response.text() joined_element = self._join_from_response(event.body, HttpResponse(response.status, response_body)) if joined_element is not None: new_event = self._user_fn_output_to_event(event, joined_element) await self._do_downstream(new_event)
class _Batching(Flow): _do_downstream_per_event = True def __init__( self, max_events: Optional[int] = None, flush_after_seconds: Union[int, float, None] = None, key_field: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[Event], str]]] = None, drop_key_field=False, **kwargs, ): if max_events: kwargs["max_events"] = max_events if flush_after_seconds is not None: kwargs["flush_after_seconds"] = flush_after_seconds if isinstance(key_field, str): kwargs["key_field"] = key_field super().__init__(**kwargs) self._max_events = max_events self._flush_after_seconds = flush_after_seconds if self._flush_after_seconds is not None and self._flush_after_seconds < 0: raise ValueError("flush_after_seconds cannot be negative") self._extract_key: Optional[Callable[[Event], str]] = self._create_key_extractor(key_field, drop_key_field) def _init(self): super()._init() self._batch: Dict[Optional[str], List[Any]] = defaultdict(list) # Keep the original events that make up each batch self._batch_events: Dict[Optional[str], List[Any]] = defaultdict(list) self._batch_first_event_time: Dict[Optional[str], datetime.datetime] = {} self._batch_last_event_time: Dict[Optional[str], datetime.datetime] = {} self._batch_start_time: Dict[Optional[str], float] = {} self._timeout_task: Optional[Task] = None @staticmethod def _create_key_extractor(key_field, drop_key_field) -> Callable: if key_field is None: return lambda event: None elif callable(key_field): return key_field elif isinstance(key_field, str): if key_field.startswith("$"): attribute = key_field[1:] return lambda event: getattr(event, attribute) elif drop_key_field: return lambda event: event.body.pop(key_field) else: return lambda event: event.body[key_field] else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported key_field type {type(key_field)}") async def _emit(self, batch, batch_key, batch_time, batch_events, last_event_time=None): raise NotImplementedError async def _terminate(self): pass async def _do(self, event): if event is _termination_obj: await self._emit_all() await self._terminate() return await self._do_downstream(_termination_obj) key = self._extract_key(event) if hasattr(self, "_get_event_time"): event_time = self._get_event_time(event) else: event_time = event.processing_time if len(self._batch[key]) == 0: self._batch_first_event_time[key] = event_time self._batch_start_time[key] = time.monotonic() self._batch_last_event_time[key] = event_time elif self._batch_last_event_time[key] < event_time: self._batch_last_event_time[key] = event_time if self._flush_after_seconds is not None and self._timeout_task is None: self._timeout_task = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_task(self._sleep_and_emit()) self._batch[key].append(self._event_to_batch_entry(event)) self._batch_events[key].append(event) if len(self._batch[key]) == self._max_events: await self._emit_batch(key) if self._do_downstream_per_event: await self._do_downstream(event) async def _sleep_and_emit(self): try: while self._batch: key = next(iter(self._batch.keys())) delta_seconds = time.monotonic() - self._batch_start_time[key] if delta_seconds < self._flush_after_seconds: await asyncio.sleep(self._flush_after_seconds - delta_seconds) await self._emit_batch(key) except Exception: message = traceback.format_exc() if self.logger: self.logger.error(f"Failed to flush batch in step '{}':\n{message}") self._timeout_task = None def _event_to_batch_entry(self, event): return self._get_event_or_body(event) async def _emit_batch(self, batch_key: Optional[str] = None): batch_to_emit = self._batch.pop(batch_key, None) if batch_to_emit is None: return batch_time = self._batch_first_event_time.pop(batch_key) last_event_time = self._batch_last_event_time.pop(batch_key) del self._batch_start_time[batch_key] await self._emit(batch_to_emit, batch_key, batch_time, self._batch_events[batch_key], last_event_time) del self._batch_events[batch_key] async def _emit_all(self): for key in list(self._batch.keys()): await self._emit_batch(key)
[docs]class Batch(_Batching, WithUUID): """Batches events into lists of up to max_events events. Each emitted list contained max_events events, unless flush_after_seconds seconds have passed since the first event in the batch was received, at which the batch is emitted with potentially fewer than max_events event. :param max_events: Maximum number of events per emitted batch. Set to None to emit all events in one batch on flow termination. :param flush_after_seconds: Maximum number of seconds to wait before a batch is emitted. :param key: The key by which events are grouped. By default (None), events are not grouped. Other options may be: Set to '$x' to group events by the x attribute of the event. E.g. "$key" or "$path". set to other string 'str' to group events by Event.body[str]. set a Callable[Any, Any] to group events by a a custom key extractor. """ _do_downstream_per_event = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): _Batching.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) WithUUID.__init__(self) async def _emit(self, batch, batch_key, batch_time, batch_events, last_event_time=None): event = Event(batch, id=self._get_uuid()) if not self._full_event: # Preserve reference to the original events to avoid early commit of offsets event._original_events = batch_events return await self._do_downstream(event)
class JoinWithV3IOTable(_ConcurrentJobExecution): """Joins each event with a V3IO table. Used for event augmentation. :param storage: Database driver. :type storage: Driver :param key_extractor: Function for extracting the key for table access from an event. :type key_extractor: Function (Event=>string) :param join_function: Joins the original event with relevant data received from V3IO. :type join_function: Function ((Event, dict)=>Event) :param table_path: Path to the table in V3IO. :type table_path: string :param attributes: A comma-separated list of attributes to be requested from V3IO. Defaults to '*' (all user attributes). :type attributes: string :param name: Name of this step, as it should appear in logs. Defaults to class name (JoinWithV3IOTable). :type name: string :param full_event: Whether user functions should receive and return Event objects (when True), or only the payload (when False). Defaults to False. :type full_event: boolean """ def __init__( self, storage, key_extractor, join_function, table_path, attributes="*", **kwargs, ): kwargs["table_path"] = table_path kwargs["attributes"] = attributes super().__init__(**kwargs) self._storage = storage self._key_extractor = key_extractor self._join_function = join_function self._container, self._table_path = _split_path(table_path) self._attributes = attributes async def _process_event(self, event): key = str(self._key_extractor(self._get_event_or_body(event))) return await self._storage._get_item(self._container, self._table_path, key, self._attributes) async def _handle_completed(self, event, response): if response.status_code == 200: response_object = response.output.item joined = self._join_function(self._get_event_or_body(event), response_object) if joined is not None: new_event = self._user_fn_output_to_event(event, joined) await self._do_downstream(new_event) elif response.status_code == 404: return None else: raise V3ioError(f"Failed to get item. Response status code was {response.status_code}: {response.body}") async def _cleanup(self): await self._storage.close()
[docs]class JoinWithTable(_ConcurrentJobExecution): """Joins each event with data from the given table. :param table: A Table object or name to join with. If a table name is provided, it will be looked up in the context. :param key_extractor: Key's column name or a function for extracting the key, for table access from an event. :param attributes: A comma-separated list of attributes to be queried for. Defaults to all attributes. :param inner_join: Whether to drop events when the table does not have a matching entry (join_function won't be called in such a case). Defaults to False. :param join_function: Joins the original event with relevant data received from the storage. Event is dropped when this function returns None. Defaults to assume the event's body is a dict-like object and updating it. :param name: Name of this step, as it should appear in logs. Defaults to class name (JoinWithTable). :param full_event: Whether user functions should receive and return Event objects (when True), or only the payload (when False). Defaults to False. :param context: Context object that holds global configurations and secrets. """ def __init__( self, table: Union[Table, str], key_extractor: Union[str, Callable[[Event], str]], attributes: Optional[List[str]] = None, inner_join: bool = False, join_function: Optional[Callable[[Any, Dict[str, object]], Any]] = None, **kwargs, ): if isinstance(table, str): kwargs["table"] = table if isinstance(key_extractor, str): kwargs["key_extractor"] = key_extractor if attributes: kwargs["attributes"] = attributes kwargs["inner_join"] = inner_join super().__init__(**kwargs) self._table = table if isinstance(table, str): if not self.context: raise TypeError("Table can not be string if no context was provided to the step") self._table = self.context.get_table(table) if key_extractor: if callable(key_extractor): self._key_extractor = key_extractor elif isinstance(key_extractor, str): if self._full_event: self._key_extractor = lambda event: event.body[key_extractor] else: self._key_extractor = lambda element: element[key_extractor] else: raise TypeError(f"key is expected to be either a callable or string but got {type(key_extractor)}") def default_join_fn(event, join_res): event.update(join_res) return event def default_join_fn_full_event(event, join_res): event.body.update(join_res) return event self._inner_join = inner_join self._join_function = join_function or (default_join_fn_full_event if self._full_event else default_join_fn) self._attributes = attributes or "*" def _init(self): super()._init() self._closeables = [self._table] async def _process_event(self, event): key = self._key_extractor(self._get_event_or_body(event)) safe_key = stringify_key(key) return await self._table._get_or_load_static_attributes_by_key(safe_key, self._attributes) async def _handle_completed(self, event, response): if self._inner_join and not response: return joined = self._join_function(self._get_event_or_body(event), response) if joined is not None: new_event = self._user_fn_output_to_event(event, joined) await self._do_downstream(new_event)
def build_flow(steps): """Builds a flow from a list of steps, by chaining the steps according to their order in the list. Nested lists are used to represent branches in the flow. Examples: build_flow([step1, step2, step3]) is equivalent to build_flow([step1, [step2a, step2b], step3]) is equivalent to :param steps: a potentially nested list of steps :returns: the first step :rtype: Flow """ if len(steps) == 0: raise ValueError("Cannot build an empty flow") first_step = steps[0] if isinstance(first_step, list): first_step = build_flow(first_step) cur_step = first_step for next_step in steps[1:]: if isinstance(next_step, list): else: cur_step = next_step return first_step class Context: """ Context object that holds global secrets and configurations to be passed to relevant steps. :param initial_secrets: Initial dict of secrets. :param initial_parameters: Initial dict of parameters. :param initial_tables: Initial dict of tables. """ def __init__( self, initial_secrets: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, initial_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, object]] = None, initial_tables: Optional[Dict[str, Table]] = None, ): self._secrets = initial_secrets or {} self._parameters = initial_parameters or {} self._tables = initial_tables or {} def get_param(self, key, default): return self._parameters.get(key, default) def set_param(self, key, value): self._parameters[key] = value def get_secret(self, key): return self._secrets.get(key, None) def set_secret(self, key, secret): self._secrets[key] = secret def get_table(self, key): return self._tables[key] def set_table(self, key, table): self._tables[key] = table