
class mlrun.db.httpdb.HTTPRunDB(url)[source]#

Bases: RunDBInterface

Interface for accessing and manipulating the mlrun persistent store, maintaining the full state and catalog of objects that MLRun uses. The HTTPRunDB class serves as a client-side proxy to the MLRun API service which maintains the actual data-store, accesses the server through REST APIs.

The class provides functions for accessing and modifying the various objects that are used by MLRun in its operation. The functions provided follow some standard guidelines, which are:

  • Every object in MLRun exists in the context of a project (except projects themselves). When referencing an object through any API, a project name must be provided. The default for most APIs is for an empty project name, which will be replaced by the name of the default project (usually default). Therefore, if performing an API to list functions, for example, and not providing a project name - the result will not be functions from all projects but rather from the default project.

  • Many objects can be assigned labels, and listed/queried by label. The label parameter for query APIs allows for listing objects that:

    • Have a specific label, by asking for label="<label_name>". In this case the actual value of the label doesn't matter and every object with that label will be returned

    • Have a label with a specific value. This is done by specifying label="<label_name>=<label_value>". In this case only objects whose label matches the value will be returned

  • Most objects have a create method as well as a store method. Create can only be called when such an does not exist yet, while store allows for either creating a new object or overwriting an existing object.

  • Some objects have a versioned option, in which case overwriting the same object with a different version of it does not delete the previous version, but rather creates a new version of the object and keeps both versions. Versioned objects usually have a uid property which is based on their content and allows to reference a specific version of an object (other than tagging objects, which also allows for easy referencing).

  • Many objects have both a store function and a patch function. These are used in the same way as the corresponding REST verbs - a store is passed a full object and will basically perform a PUT operation, replacing the full object (if it exists) while patch receives just a dictionary containing the differences to be applied to the object, and will merge those changes to the existing object. The patch operation also has a strategy assigned to it which determines how the merge logic should behave. The strategy can be either replace or additive. For further details on those strategies, refer to

RETRIABLE_POST_PATHS = ['\\/?projects\\/.+\\/artifacts\\/.+\\/.+', '\\/?run\\/.+\\/.+']#
abort_run(uid, project='', iter=0, timeout=45, status_text='')[source]#

Abort a running run - will remove the run's runtime resources and mark its state as aborted. :returns: BackgroundTask.

api_call(method, path, error=None, params=None, body=None, json=None, headers=None, timeout=45, version=None) Response[source]#

Perform a direct REST API call on the mlrun API server.


For advanced usage - prefer using the various APIs exposed through this class, rather than directly invoking REST calls.

  • method -- REST method (POST, GET, PUT...)

  • path -- Path to endpoint executed, for example "projects"

  • error -- Error to return if API invocation fails

  • params -- Rest parameters, passed as a dictionary: {"<param-name>": <"param-value">}

  • body -- Payload to be passed in the call. If using JSON objects, prefer using the json param

  • json -- JSON payload to be passed in the call

  • headers -- REST headers, passed as a dictionary: {"<header-name>": "<header-value>"}

  • timeout -- API call timeout

  • version -- API version to use, None (the default) will mean to use the default value from config, for un-versioned api set an empty string.


requests.Response HTTP response object


Connect to the MLRun API server. Must be called prior to executing any other method. The code utilizes the URL for the API server from the configuration - config.dbpath.

For example:

config.dbpath = config.dbpath or "http://mlrun-api:8080"
db = get_run_db().connect()
create_feature_set(feature_set: dict | FeatureSet | FeatureSet, project='', versioned=True) dict[source]#

Create a new FeatureSet and save in the mlrun DB. The feature-set must not previously exist in the DB.

  • feature_set -- The new FeatureSet to create.

  • project -- Name of project this feature-set belongs to.

  • versioned -- Whether to maintain versions for this feature-set. All versions of a versioned object will be kept in the DB and can be retrieved until explicitly deleted.


The FeatureSet object (as dict).

create_feature_vector(feature_vector: dict | FeatureVector | FeatureVector, project='', versioned=True) dict[source]#

Create a new FeatureVector and save in the mlrun DB.

  • feature_vector -- The new FeatureVector to create.

  • project -- Name of project this feature-vector belongs to.

  • versioned -- Whether to maintain versions for this feature-vector. All versions of a versioned object will be kept in the DB and can be retrieved until explicitly deleted.


The FeatureVector object (as dict).

create_hub_source(source: dict | IndexedHubSource)[source]#

Add a new hub source.

MLRun maintains an ordered list of hub sources (“sources”) Each source has its details registered and its order within the list. When creating a new source, the special order -1 can be used to mark this source as last in the list. However, once the source is in the MLRun list, its order will always be >0.

The global hub source always exists in the list, and is always the last source (order = -1). It cannot be modified nor can it be moved to another order in the list.

The source object may contain credentials which are needed to access the datastore where the source is stored. These credentials are not kept in the MLRun DB, but are stored inside a kubernetes secret object maintained by MLRun. They are not returned through any API from MLRun.


import mlrun.common.schemas

# Add a private source as the last one (will be #1 in the list)
private_source = mlrun.common.schemas.IndexedHubSource(
            name="priv", description="a private source"
            path="/local/path/to/source", channel="development"

# Add another source as 1st in the list - will push previous one to be #2
another_source = mlrun.common.schemas.IndexedHubSource(
            name="priv-2", description="another source"

source -- The source and its order, of type IndexedHubSource, or in dictionary form.


The source object as inserted into the database, with credentials stripped.

create_model_endpoint(model_endpoint: ModelEndpoint, creation_strategy: ModelEndpointCreationStrategy | None = ModelEndpointCreationStrategy.INPLACE) ModelEndpoint[source]#

Creates a DB record with the given model_endpoint record.

  • model_endpoint -- An object representing the model endpoint.

  • creation_strategy -- Strategy for creating or updating the model endpoint: * overwrite: 1. If model endpoints with the same name exist, delete the latest one. 2. Create a new model endpoint entry and set it as latest. * inplace (default): 1. If model endpoints with the same name exist, update the latest entry. 2. Otherwise, create a new entry. * archive: 1. If model endpoints with the same name exist, preserve them. 2. Create a new model endpoint with the same name and set it to latest.


The created model endpoint object.

create_project(project: dict | MlrunProject | Project) MlrunProject[source]#

Create a new project. A project with the same name must not exist prior to creation.

create_project_secrets(project: str, provider: str | SecretProviderName = SecretProviderName.kubernetes, secrets: dict | None = None)[source]#

Create project-context secrets using either vault or kubernetes provider. When using with Vault, this will create needed Vault structures for storing secrets in project-context, and store a set of secret values. The method generates Kubernetes service-account and the Vault authentication structures that are required for function Pods to authenticate with Vault and be able to extract secret values passed as part of their context.


This method used with Vault is currently in technical preview, and requires a HashiCorp Vault infrastructure properly set up and connected to the MLRun API server.

When used with Kubernetes, this will make sure that the project-specific k8s secret is created, and will populate it with the secrets provided, replacing their values if they exist.

  • project -- The project context for which to generate the infra and store secrets.

  • provider -- The name of the secrets-provider to work with. Accepts a SecretProviderName enum.

  • secrets --

    A set of secret values to store. Example:

    secrets = {"password": "myPassw0rd", "aws_key": "111222333"}

create_schedule(project: str, schedule: ScheduleInput)[source]#

The create_schedule functionality has been deprecated.

create_user_secrets(user: str, provider: str | SecretProviderName = SecretProviderName.vault, secrets: dict | None = None)[source]#

Create user-context secret in Vault. Please refer to create_project_secrets() for more details and status of this functionality.


This method is currently in technical preview, and requires a HashiCorp Vault infrastructure properly set up and connected to the MLRun API server.

  • user -- The user context for which to generate the infra and store secrets.

  • provider -- The name of the secrets-provider to work with. Currently only vault is supported.

  • secrets -- A set of secret values to store within the Vault.

del_artifact(key, tag=None, project='', tree=None, uid=None, deletion_strategy: ArtifactsDeletionStrategies = ArtifactsDeletionStrategies.metadata_only, secrets: dict | None = None, iter=None)[source]#

Delete an artifact.

  • key -- Identifying key of the artifact.

  • tag -- Tag of the artifact.

  • project -- Project that the artifact belongs to.

  • tree -- The tree which generated this artifact.

  • uid -- A unique ID for this specific version of the artifact (the uid that was generated in the backend)

  • deletion_strategy -- The artifact deletion strategy types.

  • secrets -- Credentials needed to access the artifact data.

del_artifacts(name: str | None = None, project: str | None = None, tag: str | None = None, labels: str | dict[str, Optional[str]] | list[str] | None = None, days_ago=0, tree: str | None = None)[source]#

Delete artifacts referenced by the parameters.

  • name -- Name of artifacts to delete. Note that this is a like query, and is case-insensitive. See list_artifacts() for more details.

  • project -- Project that artifacts belong to.

  • tag -- Choose artifacts who are assigned this tag.

  • labels -- Filter artifacts by label key-value pairs or key existence. This can be provided as: - A dictionary in the format {"label": "value"} to match specific label key-value pairs, or {"label": None} to check for key existence. - A list of strings formatted as "label=value" to match specific label key-value pairs, or just "label" for key existence. - A comma-separated string formatted as "label1=value1,label2" to match entities with the specified key-value pairs or key existence.

  • days_ago -- This parameter is deprecated and not used.

  • tree -- Delete artifacts filtered by tree.

del_run(uid, project='', iter=0)[source]#

Delete details of a specific run from DB.

  • uid -- Unique ID for the specific run to delete.

  • project -- Project that the run belongs to.

  • iter -- Iteration within a specific task.

del_runs(name: str | None = None, project: str | None = None, labels: str | dict[str, Optional[str]] | list[str] | None = None, state: RunStates | None = None, days_ago: int = 0)[source]#

Delete a group of runs identified by the parameters of the function.


  • name -- Name of the task which the runs belong to.

  • project -- Project to which the runs belong.

  • labels -- Filter runs by label key-value pairs or key existence. This can be provided as: - A dictionary in the format {"label": "value"} to match specific label key-value pairs, or {"label": None} to check for key existence. - A list of strings formatted as "label=value" to match specific label key-value pairs, or just "label" for key existence. - A comma-separated string formatted as "label1=value1,label2" to match entities with the specified key-value pairs or key existence.

  • state -- Filter only runs which are in this state.

  • days_ago -- Filter runs whose start time is newer than this parameter.

delete_alert_config(alert_name: str, project='')[source]#

Delete an alert. :param alert_name: The name of the alert to delete. :param project: The project that the alert belongs to.

delete_api_gateway(name, project=None)[source]#

Deletes an API gateway

  • name -- API gateway name

  • project -- Project name

delete_artifacts_tags(artifacts, project: str, tag_name: str)[source]#

Delete tag from a list of artifacts.

  • artifacts -- The artifacts to delete the tag from. Can be a list of Artifact objects or dictionaries, or a single object.

  • project -- Project which contains the artifacts.

  • tag_name -- The tag to set on the artifacts.

delete_datastore_profile(name: str, project: str)[source]#
delete_feature_set(name, project='', tag=None, uid=None)[source]#

Delete a FeatureSet object from the DB. If tag or uid are specified, then just the version referenced by them will be deleted. Using both is not allowed. If none are specified, then all instances of the object whose name is name will be deleted.

delete_feature_vector(name, project='', tag=None, uid=None)[source]#

Delete a FeatureVector object from the DB. If tag or uid are specified, then just the version referenced by them will be deleted. Using both is not allowed. If none are specified, then all instances of the object whose name is name will be deleted.

delete_function(name: str, project: str = '')[source]#

Delete a function belonging to a specific project.

delete_hub_source(source_name: str)[source]#

Delete a hub source from the DB. The source will be deleted from the list, and any following sources will be promoted - for example, if the 1st source is deleted, the 2nd source will become #1 in the list. The global hub source cannot be deleted.


source_name -- Name of the hub source to delete.

delete_model_endpoint(name: str, project: str, function_name: str | None = None, function_tag: str | None = None, endpoint_id: str | None = None)[source]#

Deletes the DB record of a given model endpoint, project and endpoint_id are used for lookup

  • name -- The name of the model endpoint

  • project -- The name of the project

  • function_name -- The name of the function

  • function_tag -- The tag of the function

  • endpoint_id -- The id of the endpoint

delete_model_monitoring_function(project: str, functions: list[str]) bool[source]#

Delete a model monitoring application.

  • functions -- List of the model monitoring function to delete.

  • project -- Project name.


True if the deletion was successful, False otherwise.

delete_objects_tag(project: str, tag_name: str, tag_objects: TagObjects | dict)[source]#

Delete a tag from a list of objects.

  • project -- Project which contains the objects.

  • tag_name -- The tag to delete from the objects.

  • tag_objects -- The objects to delete the tag from.

delete_project(name: str, deletion_strategy: str | DeletionStrategy = DeletionStrategy.restricted) None[source]#

Delete a project.

  • name -- Name of the project to delete.

  • deletion_strategy --

    How to treat resources related to the project. Possible values are:

    • restrict (default) - Project must not have any related resources when deleted. If using this mode while related resources exist, the operation will fail.

    • cascade - Automatically delete all related resources when deleting the project.

delete_project_secrets(project: str, provider: str | SecretProviderName = SecretProviderName.kubernetes, secrets: list[str] | None = None)[source]#

Delete project-context secrets from Kubernetes.

  • project -- The project name.

  • provider -- The name of the secrets-provider to work with. Currently only kubernetes is supported.

  • secrets -- A list of secret names to delete. An empty list will delete all secrets assigned to this specific project.

delete_runtime_resources(project: str | None = None, label_selector: str | None = None, kind: str | None = None, object_id: str | None = None, force: bool = False, grace_period: int | None = None) dict[str, dict[str, mlrun.common.schemas.runtime_resource.RuntimeResources]][source]#

Delete all runtime resources which are in terminal state.

  • project -- Delete only runtime resources of a specific project, by default None, which will delete only from the projects you're authorized to delete from.

  • label_selector -- Delete only runtime resources matching the label selector.

  • kind -- The kind of runtime to delete. May be one of ['dask', 'job', 'spark', 'remote-spark', 'mpijob']

  • object_id -- The identifier of the mlrun object to delete its runtime resources. for most function runtimes, runtime resources are per Run, for which the identifier is the Run's UID. For dask runtime, the runtime resources are per Function, for which the identifier is the Function's name.

  • force -- Force deletion - delete the runtime resource even if it's not in terminal state or if the grace period didn't pass.

  • grace_period -- Grace period given to the runtime resource before they are actually removed, counted from the moment they moved to terminal state (defaults to mlrun.mlconf.runtime_resources_deletion_grace_period).


GroupedByProjectRuntimeResourcesOutput listing the runtime resources that were removed.

delete_schedule(project: str, name: str)[source]#

Delete a specific schedule by name.

deploy_histogram_data_drift_app(project: str, image: str = 'mlrun/mlrun') None[source]#

Deploy the histogram data drift application.

  • project -- Project name.

  • image -- The image on which the application will run.

deploy_nuclio_function(func: RemoteRuntime, builder_env: dict | None = None)[source]#

Deploy a Nuclio function.

  • func -- Function to build.

  • builder_env -- Kaniko builder pod env vars dict (for config/credentials)

disable_model_monitoring(project: str, delete_resources: bool = True, delete_stream_function: bool = False, delete_histogram_data_drift_app: bool = True, delete_user_applications: bool = False, user_application_list: list[str] | None = None) bool[source]#

Disable model monitoring application controller, writer, stream, histogram data drift application and the user's applications functions, according to the given params.

  • project -- Project name.

  • delete_resources -- If True, it would delete the model monitoring controller & writer functions. Default True

  • delete_stream_function -- If True, it would delete model monitoring stream function, need to use wisely because if you're deleting this function this can cause data loss in case you will want to enable the model monitoring capability to the project. Default False.

  • delete_histogram_data_drift_app -- If True, it would delete the default histogram-based data drift application. Default False.

  • delete_user_applications -- If True, it would delete the user's model monitoring application according to user_application_list, Default False.

  • user_application_list -- List of the user's model monitoring application to disable. Default all the applications. Note: you have to set delete_user_applications to True in order to delete the desired application.


True if the deletion was successful, False otherwise.

enable_model_monitoring(project: str, base_period: int = 10, image: str = 'mlrun/mlrun', deploy_histogram_data_drift_app: bool = True, fetch_credentials_from_sys_config: bool = False) None[source]#

Deploy model monitoring application controller, writer and stream functions. While the main goal of the controller function is to handle the monitoring processing and triggering applications, the goal of the model monitoring writer function is to write all the monitoring application results to the databases. The stream function goal is to monitor the log of the data stream. It is triggered when a new log entry is detected. It processes the new events into statistics that are then written to statistics databases.

  • project -- Project name.

  • base_period -- The time period in minutes in which the model monitoring controller function triggers. By default, the base period is 10 minutes.

  • image -- The image of the model monitoring controller, writer & monitoring stream functions, which are real time nuclio functions. By default, the image is mlrun/mlrun.

  • deploy_histogram_data_drift_app -- If true, deploy the default histogram-based data drift application.

  • fetch_credentials_from_sys_config -- If true, fetch the credentials from the system configuration.

function_status(project, name, kind, selector)[source]#

Retrieve status of a function being executed remotely (relevant to dask functions).

  • project -- The project of the function

  • name -- The name of the function

  • kind -- The kind of the function, currently dask is supported.

  • selector -- Selector clause to be applied to the Kubernetes status query to filter the results.

generate_event(name: str, event_data: dict | Event, project='')[source]#

Generate an event.

  • name -- The name of the event.

  • event_data -- The data of the event.

  • project -- The project that the event belongs to.

get_alert_activation(project, activation_id) AlertActivation[source]#

Retrieve the alert activation by id

  • project -- Project name for which the summary belongs.

  • activation_id -- alert activation id.


alert activation object.

get_alert_config(alert_name: str, project='') AlertConfig[source]#

Retrieve an alert.

  • alert_name -- The name of the alert to retrieve.

  • project -- The project that the alert belongs to.


The alert object.

get_alert_template(template_name: str) AlertTemplate[source]#

Retrieve a specific alert template.


template_name -- The name of the template to retrieve.


The template object.

get_api_gateway(name, project=None) APIGateway[source]#

Returns an API gateway

  • name -- API gateway name

  • project -- optional str parameter to filter by project, if not passed, default project value is taken



static get_api_path_prefix(version: str | None = None) str[source]#

version -- API version to use, None (the default) will mean to use the default value from mlrun.config, for un-versioned api set an empty string.

get_background_task(name: str) BackgroundTask[source]#

Retrieve updated information on a background task being executed.

get_base_api_url(path: str, version: str | None = None) str[source]#
get_builder_status(func: BaseRuntime, offset: int = 0, logs: bool = True, last_log_timestamp: float = 0.0, verbose: bool = False, events_offset: int = 0)[source]#

Retrieve the status of a build operation currently in progress.

  • func -- Function object that is being built.

  • offset -- Offset into the build logs to retrieve logs from.

  • logs -- Should build logs be retrieved.

  • last_log_timestamp -- Last timestamp of logs that were already retrieved. Function will return only logs later than this parameter.

  • verbose -- Add verbose logs into the output.

  • events_offset -- Offset into the build events to retrieve events from.


The following parameters:

  • Text of builder logs.

  • Timestamp of last log retrieved, to be used in subsequent calls to this function.

The function also updates internal members of the func object to reflect build process info.

get_datastore_profile(name: str, project: str) DatastoreProfile | None[source]#
get_feature_set(name: str, project: str = '', tag: str | None = None, uid: str | None = None) FeatureSet[source]#

Retrieve a ~mlrun.feature_store.FeatureSet` object. If both tag and uid are not specified, then the object tagged latest will be retrieved.

  • name -- Name of object to retrieve.

  • project -- Project the FeatureSet belongs to.

  • tag -- Tag of the specific object version to retrieve.

  • uid -- uid of the object to retrieve (can only be used for versioned objects).

get_feature_vector(name: str, project: str = '', tag: str | None = None, uid: str | None = None) FeatureVector[source]#

Return a specific feature-vector referenced by its tag or uid. If none are provided, latest tag will be used.

get_function(name, project='', tag=None, hash_key='')[source]#

Retrieve details of a specific function, identified by its name and potentially a tag or function hash.

get_hub_asset(source_name: str, item_name: str, asset_name: str, version: str | None = None, tag: str = 'latest')[source]#

Get hub asset from item.

  • source_name -- Name of source.

  • item_name -- Name of the item which holds the asset.

  • asset_name -- Name of the asset to retrieve.

  • version -- Get a specific version of the item. Default is None.

  • tag -- Get a specific version of the item identified by tag. Default is latest.


http response with the asset in the content attribute

get_hub_catalog(source_name: str, version: str | None = None, tag: str | None = None, force_refresh: bool = False)[source]#

Retrieve the item catalog for a specified hub source. The list of items can be filtered according to various filters, using item's metadata to filter.

  • source_name -- Name of the source.

  • version -- Filter items according to their version.

  • tag -- Filter items based on tag.

  • force_refresh -- Make the server fetch the catalog from the actual hub source, rather than rely on cached information which may exist from previous get requests. For example, if the source was re-built, this will make the server get the updated information. Default is False.


HubCatalog object, which is essentially a list of HubItem entries.

get_hub_item(source_name: str, item_name: str, version: str | None = None, tag: str = 'latest', force_refresh: bool = False)[source]#

Retrieve a specific hub item.

  • source_name -- Name of source.

  • item_name -- Name of the item to retrieve, as it appears in the catalog.

  • version -- Get a specific version of the item. Default is None.

  • tag -- Get a specific version of the item identified by tag. Default is latest.

  • force_refresh -- Make the server fetch the information from the actual hub source, rather than rely on cached information. Default is False.



get_hub_source(source_name: str)[source]#

Retrieve a hub source from the DB.


source_name -- Name of the hub source to retrieve.

get_log(uid, project='', offset=0, size=None)[source]#

Retrieve 1 MB data of log.

  • uid -- Log unique ID

  • project -- Project name for which the log belongs

  • offset -- Retrieve partial log, get up to size bytes starting at offset offset from beginning of log (must be >= 0)

  • size -- If set to -1 will retrieve and print all data to end of the log by chunks of 1MB each.


The following objects:

  • state - The state of the runtime object which generates this log, if it exists. In case no known state exists, this will be unknown.

  • content - The actual log content.

  • in case size = -1, return the state and the final offset

get_log_size(uid, project='')[source]#

Retrieve log size in bytes.

  • uid -- Run UID

  • project -- Project name for which the log belongs


The log file size in bytes for the given run UID.

get_metrics_by_multiple_endpoints(project: str, endpoint_ids: str | list[str], type: Literal['results', 'metrics', 'all'] = 'all', events_format: GetEventsFormat = GetEventsFormat.SEPARATION) dict[str, list[mlrun.common.schemas.model_monitoring.model_endpoints.ModelEndpointMonitoringMetric]][source]#

Get application metrics/results by endpoint id and project.

  • project -- The name of the project.

  • endpoint_ids -- The unique id of the model endpoint. Can be a single id or a list of ids.

  • type -- The type of the metrics to return. "all" means "results" and "metrics".

  • events_format --

    response format:

    separation: {"mep_id1":[...], "mep_id2":[...]} intersection {"intersect_metrics":[], "intersect_results":[]}


A dictionary of application metrics and/or results for the model endpoints formatted by events_format.

get_model_endpoint(name: str, project: str, function_name: str | None = None, function_tag: str | None = None, endpoint_id: str | None = None, tsdb_metrics: bool = True, feature_analysis: bool = False) ModelEndpoint[source]#

Returns a single ModelEndpoint object with additional metrics and feature related data.

  • name -- The name of the model endpoint

  • project -- The name of the project

  • function_name -- The name of the function

  • function_tag -- The tag of the function

  • endpoint_id -- The id of the endpoint

  • tsdb_metrics -- Whether to include metrics from the time series DB.

  • feature_analysis -- Whether to include feature analysis data (feature_stats, current_stats & drift_measures).


A ModelEndpoint object.

get_model_endpoint_monitoring_metrics(project: str, endpoint_id: str, type: Literal['results', 'metrics', 'all'] = 'all') list[mlrun.common.schemas.model_monitoring.model_endpoints.ModelEndpointMonitoringMetric][source]#

Get application metrics/results by endpoint id and project.

  • project -- The name of the project.

  • endpoint_id -- The unique id of the model endpoint.

  • type -- The type of the metrics to return. "all" means "results" and "metrics".


A list of the application metrics or/and results for this model endpoint.

get_nuclio_deploy_status(func: RemoteRuntime, last_log_timestamp: float = 0.0, verbose: bool = False)[source]#

Retrieve the status of a deploy operation currently in progress.

  • func -- Function object that is being built.

  • last_log_timestamp -- Last timestamp of logs that were already retrieved. Function will return only logs later than this parameter.

  • verbose -- Add verbose logs into the output.


The following parameters:

  • Text of builder logs.

  • Timestamp of last log retrieved, to be used in subsequent calls to this function.

get_pipeline(run_id: str, namespace: str | None = None, timeout: int = 30, format_: str | PipelineFormat = PipelineFormat.summary, project: str | None = None)[source]#

Retrieve details of a specific pipeline using its run ID (as provided when the pipeline was executed).

get_project(name: str) MlrunProject[source]#

Get details for a specific project.

get_project_background_task(project: str, name: str) BackgroundTask[source]#

Retrieve updated information on a project background task being executed.

get_project_summary(project: str | None = None) ProjectSummary[source]#

Retrieve the summary of a project.


project -- Project name for which the summary belongs.


A summary of the project.

get_schedule(project: str, name: str, include_last_run: bool = False) ScheduleOutput[source]#

Retrieve details of the schedule in question. Besides returning the details of the schedule object itself, this function also returns the next scheduled run for this specific schedule, as well as potentially the results of the last run executed through this schedule.

  • project -- Project name.

  • name -- Name of the schedule object to query.

  • include_last_run -- Whether to include the results of the schedule's last run in the response.

get_workflow_id(project: str, name: str, run_id: str, engine: str = '')[source]#

Retrieve workflow id from the uid of the workflow runner.

  • project -- project name

  • name -- workflow name

  • run_id -- the id of the workflow runner - the job that runs the workflow

  • engine -- pipeline runner



invoke_schedule(project: str, name: str)[source]#

Execute the object referenced by the schedule immediately.

kind = 'http'#
list_alert_activations(project: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, since: datetime | None = None, until: datetime | None = None, entity: str | None = None, severity: list[Union[mlrun.common.schemas.alert.AlertSeverity, str]] | None = None, entity_kind: EventEntityKind | str | None = None, event_kind: EventKind | str | None = None) AlertActivations[source]#

Retrieve a list of all alert activations.

  • project -- The project name to filter by. If None, results are not filtered by project.

  • name -- The alert name to filter by. Supports exact matching or partial matching if prefixed with ~.

  • since -- Filters for alert activations occurring after this timestamp.

  • until -- Filters for alert activations occurring before this timestamp.

  • entity -- The entity ID to filter by. Supports wildcard matching if prefixed with ~.

  • severity -- A list of severity levels to filter by (e.g., ["high", "low"]).

  • entity_kind -- The kind of entity (e.g., "job", "endpoint") to filter by.

  • event_kind -- The kind of event (e.g., ""data-drift-detected"", "failed") to filter by.


A list of alert activations matching the provided filters.

list_alert_templates() list[mlrun.common.schemas.alert.AlertTemplate][source]#

Retrieve list of all alert templates.


All the alert template objects in the database.

list_alerts_configs(project='') list[mlrun.alerts.alert.AlertConfig][source]#

Retrieve list of alerts of a project.


project -- The project name.


All the alerts objects of the project.

list_api_gateways(project=None) APIGatewaysOutput[source]#

Returns a list of Nuclio api gateways


project -- optional str parameter to filter by project, if not passed, default project value is taken



list_artifact_tags(project=None, category: str | ArtifactCategories | None = None) list[str][source]#

Return a list of all the tags assigned to artifacts in the scope of the given project.

list_artifacts(name: str | None = None, project: str | None = None, tag: str | None = None, labels: str | dict[str, Optional[str]] | list[str] | None = None, since: datetime | None = None, until: datetime | None = None, iter: int | None = None, best_iteration: bool = False, kind: str | None = None, category: str | ArtifactCategories | None = None, tree: str | None = None, producer_uri: str | None = None, format_: ArtifactFormat | None = ArtifactFormat.full, limit: int | None = None, partition_by: ArtifactPartitionByField | str | None = None, rows_per_partition: int = 1, partition_sort_by: SortField | str | None = SortField.updated, partition_order: OrderType | str = OrderType.desc) ArtifactList[source]#

List artifacts filtered by various parameters.


# Show latest version of all artifacts in project
latest_artifacts = db.list_artifacts(tag="latest", project="iris")
# check different artifact versions for a specific artifact
result_versions = db.list_artifacts("results", tag="*", project="iris")
# Show artifacts with label filters - both uploaded and of binary type
result_labels = db.list_artifacts(
    "results", tag="*", project="iris", labels=["uploaded", "type=binary"]
  • name -- Name of artifacts to retrieve. Name with '~' prefix is used as a like query, and is not case-sensitive. This means that querying for ~name may return artifacts named my_Name_1 or surname.

  • project -- Project name.

  • tag -- Return artifacts assigned this tag.

  • labels -- Filter artifacts by label key-value pairs or key existence. This can be provided as: - A dictionary in the format {"label": "value"} to match specific label key-value pairs, or {"label": None} to check for key existence. - A list of strings formatted as "label=value" to match specific label key-value pairs, or just "label" for key existence. - A comma-separated string formatted as "label1=value1,label2" to match entities with the specified key-value pairs or key existence.

  • since -- Return artifacts updated after this date (as datetime object).

  • until -- Return artifacts updated before this date (as datetime object).

  • iter -- Return artifacts from a specific iteration (where iter=0 means the root iteration). If None (default) return artifacts from all iterations.

  • best_iteration -- Returns the artifact which belongs to the best iteration of a given run, in the case of artifacts generated from a hyper-param run. If only a single iteration exists, will return the artifact from that iteration. If using best_iter, the iter parameter must not be used.

  • kind -- Return artifacts of the requested kind.

  • category -- Return artifacts of the requested category.

  • tree -- Return artifacts of the requested tree.

  • producer_uri -- Return artifacts produced by the requested producer URI. Producer URI usually points to a run and is used to filter artifacts by the run that produced them when the artifact producer id is a workflow id (artifact was created as part of a workflow).

  • format -- The format in which to return the artifacts. Default is 'full'.

  • limit -- Maximum number of artifacts to return.

  • partition_by -- Field to group results by. When partition_by is specified, the partition_sort_by parameter must be provided as well.

  • rows_per_partition -- How many top rows (per sorting defined by partition_sort_by and partition_order) to return per group. Default value is 1.

  • partition_sort_by -- What field to sort the results by, within each partition defined by partition_by. Currently the only allowed values are created and updated.

  • partition_order -- Order of sorting within partitions - asc or desc. Default is desc.

list_datastore_profiles(project: str) list[mlrun.common.schemas.datastore_profile.DatastoreProfile][source]#
list_entities(project: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, tag: str | None = None, labels: str | dict[str, Optional[str]] | list[str] | None = None) list[dict][source]#

Retrieve a list of entities and their mapping to the containing feature-sets. This function is similar to the list_features() function, and uses the same logic. However, the entities are matched against the name rather than the features.

  • project -- The project containing the entities.

  • name -- The name of the entities to retrieve.

  • tag -- The tag of the specific entity version to retrieve.

  • labels -- Filter entities by label key-value pairs or key existence. This can be provided as: - A dictionary in the format {"label": "value"} to match specific label key-value pairs, or {"label": None} to check for key existence. - A list of strings formatted as "label=value" to match specific label key-value pairs, or just "label" for key existence. - A comma-separated string formatted as "label1=value1,label2" to match entities with the specified key-value pairs or key existence.


A list of entities.

list_entities_v2(project: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, tag: str | None = None, labels: str | dict[str, Optional[str]] | list[str] | None = None) dict[str, list[dict]][source]#

Retrieve a list of entities and their mapping to the containing feature-sets. This function is similar to the list_features_v2() function, and uses the same logic. However, the entities are matched against the name rather than the features.

  • project -- The project containing the entities.

  • name -- The name of the entities to retrieve.

  • tag -- The tag of the specific entity version to retrieve.

  • labels -- Filter entities by label key-value pairs or key existence. This can be provided as: - A dictionary in the format {"label": "value"} to match specific label key-value pairs, or {"label": None} to check for key existence. - A list of strings formatted as "label=value" to match specific label key-value pairs, or just "label" for key existence. - A comma-separated string formatted as "label1=value1,label2" to match entities with the specified key-value pairs or key existence.


A list of entities.

list_feature_sets(project: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, tag: str | None = None, state: str | None = None, entities: list[str] | None = None, features: list[str] | None = None, labels: str | dict[str, Optional[str]] | list[str] | None = None, partition_by: FeatureStorePartitionByField | str | None = None, rows_per_partition: int = 1, partition_sort_by: SortField | str | None = None, partition_order: OrderType | str = OrderType.desc, format_: str | FeatureSetFormat = FeatureSetFormat.full) list[mlrun.feature_store.feature_set.FeatureSet][source]#

Retrieve a list of feature-sets matching the criteria provided.

  • project -- Project name.

  • name -- Name of feature-set to match. This is a like query, and is case-insensitive.

  • tag -- Match feature-sets with specific tag.

  • state -- Match feature-sets with a specific state.

  • entities -- Match feature-sets which contain entities whose name is in this list.

  • features -- Match feature-sets which contain features whose name is in this list.

  • labels -- Filter feature-sets by label key-value pairs or key existence. This can be provided as: - A dictionary in the format {"label": "value"} to match specific label key-value pairs, or {"label": None} to check for key existence. - A list of strings formatted as "label=value" to match specific label key-value pairs, or just "label" for key existence. - A comma-separated string formatted as "label1=value1,label2" to match entities with the specified key-value pairs or key existence.

  • partition_by -- Field to group results by. Only allowed value is name. When partition_by is specified, the partition_sort_by parameter must be provided as well.

  • rows_per_partition -- How many top rows (per sorting defined by partition_sort_by and partition_order) to return per group. Default value is 1.

  • partition_sort_by -- What field to sort the results by, within each partition defined by partition_by. Currently the only allowed value are created and updated.

  • partition_order -- Order of sorting within partitions - asc or desc. Default is desc.

  • format -- Format of the results. Possible values are: - minimal - Return minimal feature set objects, not including stats and preview for each feature set. - full - Return full feature set objects.


List of matching FeatureSet objects.

list_feature_vectors(project: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, tag: str | None = None, state: str | None = None, labels: str | dict[str, Optional[str]] | list[str] | None = None, partition_by: FeatureStorePartitionByField | str | None = None, rows_per_partition: int = 1, partition_sort_by: SortField | str | None = None, partition_order: OrderType | str = OrderType.desc) list[mlrun.feature_store.feature_vector.FeatureVector][source]#

Retrieve a list of feature-vectors matching the criteria provided.

  • project -- Project name.

  • name -- Name of feature-vector to match. This is a like query, and is case-insensitive.

  • tag -- Match feature-vectors with specific tag.

  • state -- Match feature-vectors with a specific state.

  • labels -- Filter feature-vectors by label key-value pairs or key existence. This can be provided as: - A dictionary in the format {"label": "value"} to match specific label key-value pairs, or {"label": None} to check for key existence. - A list of strings formatted as "label=value" to match specific label key-value pairs, or just "label" for key existence. - A comma-separated string formatted as "label1=value1,label2" to match entities with the specified key-value pairs or key existence.

  • partition_by -- Field to group results by. Only allowed value is name. When partition_by is specified, the partition_sort_by parameter must be provided as well.

  • rows_per_partition -- How many top rows (per sorting defined by partition_sort_by and partition_order) to return per group. Default value is 1.

  • partition_sort_by -- What field to sort the results by, within each partition defined by partition_by. Currently the only allowed values are created and updated.

  • partition_order -- Order of sorting within partitions - asc or desc. Default is desc.


List of matching FeatureVector objects.

list_features(project: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, tag: str | None = None, entities: list[str] | None = None, labels: str | dict[str, Optional[str]] | list[str] | None = None) list[dict][source]#

List feature-sets which contain specific features. This function may return multiple versions of the same feature-set if a specific tag is not requested. Note that the various filters of this function actually refer to the feature-set object containing the features, not to the features themselves.

  • project -- Project which contains these features.

  • name -- Name of the feature to look for. The name is used in a like query, and is not case-sensitive. For example, looking for feat will return features which are named MyFeature as well as defeat.

  • tag -- Return feature-sets which contain the features looked for, and are tagged with the specific tag.

  • entities -- Return only feature-sets which contain an entity whose name is contained in this list.

  • labels -- Filter feature-sets by label key-value pairs or key existence. This can be provided as: - A dictionary in the format {"label": "value"} to match specific label key-value pairs, or {"label": None} to check for key existence. - A list of strings formatted as "label=value" to match specific label key-value pairs, or just "label" for key existence. - A comma-separated string formatted as "label1=value1,label2" to match entities with the specified key-value pairs or key existence.


A list of mapping from feature to a digest of the feature-set, which contains the feature-set meta-data. Multiple entries may be returned for any specific feature due to multiple tags or versions of the feature-set.

list_features_v2(project: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, tag: str | None = None, entities: list[str] | None = None, labels: str | dict[str, Optional[str]] | list[str] | None = None) dict[str, list[dict]][source]#

List feature-sets which contain specific features. This function may return multiple versions of the same feature-set if a specific tag is not requested. Note that the various filters of this function actually refer to the feature-set object containing the features, not to the features themselves.

  • project -- Project which contains these features.

  • name -- Name of the feature to look for. The name is used in a like query, and is not case-sensitive. For example, looking for feat will return features which are named MyFeature as well as defeat.

  • tag -- Return feature-sets which contain the features looked for, and are tagged with the specific tag.

  • entities -- Return only feature-sets which contain an entity whose name is contained in this list.

  • labels -- Filter feature-sets by label key-value pairs or key existence. This can be provided as: - A dictionary in the format {"label": "value"} to match specific label key-value pairs, or {"label": None} to check for key existence. - A list of strings formatted as "label=value" to match specific label key-value pairs, or just "label" for key existence. - A comma-separated string formatted as "label1=value1,label2" to match entities with the specified key-value pairs or key existence.


A list of features, and a list of their corresponding feature sets.

list_functions(name: str | None = None, project: str | None = None, tag: str | None = None, labels: str | dict[str, Optional[str]] | list[str] | None = None, since: datetime | None = None, until: datetime | None = None, kind: str | None = None, format_: FunctionFormat = FunctionFormat.full)[source]#

Retrieve a list of functions, filtered by specific criteria.

  • name -- Return only functions with a specific name.

  • project -- Return functions belonging to this project. If not specified, the default project is used.

  • tag -- Return function versions with specific tags. To return only tagged functions, set tag to "*".

  • labels -- Filter functions by label key-value pairs or key existence. This can be provided as: - A dictionary in the format {"label": "value"} to match specific label key-value pairs, or {"label": None} to check for key existence. - A list of strings formatted as "label=value" to match specific label key-value pairs, or just "label" for key existence. - A comma-separated string formatted as "label1=value1,label2" to match entities with the specified key-value pairs or key existence.

  • since -- Return functions updated after this date (as datetime object).

  • until -- Return functions updated before this date (as datetime object).

  • kind -- Return only functions of a specific kind.

  • format -- The format in which to return the functions. Default is 'full'.


List of function objects (as dictionary).

list_hub_sources(item_name: str | None = None, tag: str | None = None, version: str | None = None) list[mlrun.common.schemas.hub.IndexedHubSource][source]#

List hub sources in the MLRun DB.

  • item_name -- Sources contain this item will be returned, If not provided all sources will be returned.

  • tag -- Item tag to filter by, supported only if item name is provided.

  • version -- Item version to filter by, supported only if item name is provided and tag is not.


List of indexed hub sources.

list_model_endpoints(project: str, name: str | None = None, function_name: str | None = None, function_tag: str | None = None, model_name: str | None = None, model_tag: str | None = None, labels: str | dict[str, Optional[str]] | list[str] | None = None, start: datetime | None = None, end: datetime | None = None, tsdb_metrics: bool = True, top_level: bool = False, uids: list[str] | None = None, latest_only: bool = False) ModelEndpointList[source]#

List model endpoints with optional filtering by name, function name, model name, labels, and time range.

  • project -- The name of the project

  • name -- The name of the model endpoint

  • function_name -- The name of the function

  • function_tag -- The tag of the function

  • model_name -- The name of the model

  • model_tag -- The tag of the model

  • labels -- A list of labels to filter by. (see mlrun.common.schemas.LabelsModel)

  • start -- The start time to filter by.Corresponding to the created field.

  • end -- The end time to filter by. Corresponding to the created field.

  • tsdb_metrics -- Whether to include metrics from the time series DB.

  • top_level -- Whether to return only top level model endpoints.

  • uids -- A list of unique ids to filter by.

  • latest_only -- Whether to return only the latest model endpoint version.


A list of model endpoints.

list_pipelines(project: str, namespace: str | None = None, sort_by: str = '', page_token: str = '', filter_: str = '', format_: str | PipelineFormat = PipelineFormat.metadata_only, page_size: int | None = None) PipelinesOutput[source]#

Retrieve a list of KFP pipelines. This function can be invoked to get all pipelines from all projects, by specifying project=*, in which case pagination can be used and the various sorting and pagination properties can be applied. If a specific project is requested, then the pagination options cannot be used and pagination is not applied.

  • project -- Project name. Can be * for query across all projects.

  • namespace -- Kubernetes namespace in which the pipelines are executing.

  • sort_by -- Field to sort the results by.

  • page_token -- Use for pagination, to retrieve next page.

  • filter -- Kubernetes filter to apply to the query, can be used to filter on specific object fields.

  • format --

    Result format. Can be one of:

    • full - return the full objects.

    • metadata_only (default) - return just metadata of the pipelines objects.

    • name_only - return just the names of the pipeline objects.

  • page_size -- Size of a single page when applying pagination.

list_project_background_tasks(project: str | None = None, state: str | None = None, created_from: datetime | None = None, created_to: datetime | None = None, last_update_time_from: datetime | None = None, last_update_time_to: datetime | None = None) list[mlrun.common.schemas.background_task.BackgroundTask][source]#

Retrieve updated information on project background tasks being executed. If no filter is provided, will return background tasks from the last week.

  • project -- Project name (defaults to mlrun.mlconf.default_project).

  • state -- List only background tasks whose state is specified.

  • created_from -- Filter by background task created time in [created_from, created_to].

  • created_to -- Filter by background task created time in [created_from, created_to].

  • last_update_time_from -- Filter by background task last update time in (last_update_time_from, last_update_time_to).

  • last_update_time_to -- Filter by background task last update time in (last_update_time_from, last_update_time_to).

list_project_secret_keys(project: str, provider: str | SecretProviderName = SecretProviderName.kubernetes, token: str | None = None) SecretKeysData[source]#

Retrieve project-context secret keys from Vault or Kubernetes.


This method for Vault functionality is currently in technical preview, and requires a HashiCorp Vault infrastructure properly set up and connected to the MLRun API server.

  • project -- The project name.

  • provider -- The name of the secrets-provider to work with. Accepts a SecretProviderName enum.

  • token -- Vault token to use for retrieving secrets. Only in use if provider is vault. Must be a valid Vault token, with permissions to retrieve secrets of the project in question.

list_project_secrets(project: str, token: str | None = None, provider: str | SecretProviderName = SecretProviderName.kubernetes, secrets: list[str] | None = None) SecretsData[source]#

Retrieve project-context secrets from Vault.


This method for Vault functionality is currently in technical preview, and requires a HashiCorp Vault infrastructure properly set up and connected to the MLRun API server.

  • project -- The project name.

  • token -- Vault token to use for retrieving secrets. Must be a valid Vault token, with permissions to retrieve secrets of the project in question.

  • provider -- The name of the secrets-provider to work with. Currently only vault is accepted.

  • secrets -- A list of secret names to retrieve. An empty list [] will retrieve all secrets assigned to this specific project. kubernetes provider only supports an empty list.

list_projects(owner: str | None = None, format_: str | ProjectFormat = ProjectFormat.name_only, labels: str | dict[str, Optional[str]] | list[str] | None = None, state: str | ProjectState | None = None) list[Union[mlrun.projects.project.MlrunProject, str]][source]#

Return a list of the existing projects, potentially filtered by specific criteria.

  • owner -- List only projects belonging to this specific owner.

  • format --

    Format of the results. Possible values are:

    • name_only (default value) - Return just the names of the projects.

    • minimal - Return minimal project objects (minimization happens in the BE).

    • full - Return full project objects.

  • labels -- Filter projects by label key-value pairs or key existence. This can be provided as: - A dictionary in the format {"label": "value"} to match specific label key-value pairs, or {"label": None} to check for key existence. - A list of strings formatted as "label=value" to match specific label key-value pairs, or just "label" for key existence. - A comma-separated string formatted as "label1=value1,label2" to match entities with the specified key-value pairs or key existence.

  • state -- Filter by project's state. Can be either online or archived.

list_runs(name: str | None = None, uid: str | list[str] | None = None, project: str | None = None, labels: str | dict[str, Optional[str]] | list[str] | None = None, state: RunStates | None = None, states: list[mlrun.common.runtimes.constants.RunStates] | None = None, sort: bool = True, last: int = 0, iter: bool = False, start_time_from: datetime | None = None, start_time_to: datetime | None = None, last_update_time_from: datetime | None = None, last_update_time_to: datetime | None = None, end_time_from: datetime | None = None, end_time_to: datetime | None = None, partition_by: RunPartitionByField | str | None = None, rows_per_partition: int = 1, partition_sort_by: SortField | str | None = None, partition_order: OrderType | str = OrderType.desc, max_partitions: int = 0, with_notifications: bool = False) RunList[source]#

Retrieve a list of runs. The default returns the runs from the last week, partitioned by project/name. To override the default, specify any filter.


runs = db.list_runs(
    name="download", project="iris", labels=["owner=admin", "kind=job"]
# If running in Jupyter, can use the .show() function to display the results
db.list_runs(name="", project=project_name).show()
  • name -- Name of the run to retrieve.

  • uid -- Unique ID of the run, or a list of run UIDs.

  • project -- Project that the runs belongs to.

  • labels -- Filter runs by label key-value pairs or key existence. This can be provided as: - A dictionary in the format {"label": "value"} to match specific label key-value pairs, or {"label": None} to check for key existence. - A list of strings formatted as "label=value" to match specific label key-value pairs, or just "label" for key existence. - A comma-separated string formatted as "label1=value1,label2" to match entities with the specified key-value pairs or key existence.

  • state -- Deprecated - List only runs whose state is specified (will be removed in 1.9.0)

  • states -- List only runs whose state is one of the provided states.

  • sort -- Whether to sort the result according to their start time. Otherwise, results will be returned by their internal order in the DB (order will not be guaranteed).

  • last -- Deprecated - currently not used (will be removed in 1.8.0).

  • iter -- If True return runs from all iterations. Otherwise, return only runs whose iter is 0.

  • start_time_from -- Filter by run start time in [start_time_from, start_time_to].

  • start_time_to -- Filter by run start time in [start_time_from, start_time_to].

  • last_update_time_from -- Filter by run last update time in (last_update_time_from, last_update_time_to).

  • last_update_time_to -- Filter by run last update time in (last_update_time_from, last_update_time_to).

  • end_time_from -- Filter by run end time in [end_time_from, end_time_to].

  • end_time_to -- Filter by run end time in [end_time_from, end_time_to].

  • partition_by -- Field to group results by. When partition_by is specified, the partition_sort_by parameter must be provided as well.

  • rows_per_partition -- How many top rows (per sorting defined by partition_sort_by and partition_order) to return per group. Default value is 1.

  • partition_sort_by -- What field to sort the results by, within each partition defined by partition_by. Currently the only allowed values are created and updated.

  • partition_order -- Order of sorting within partitions - asc or desc. Default is desc.

  • max_partitions -- Maximal number of partitions to include in the result. Default is 0 which means no limit.

  • with_notifications -- Return runs with notifications, and join them to the response. Default is False.

list_runtime_resources(project: str | None = None, label_selector: str | None = None, kind: str | None = None, object_id: str | None = None, group_by: ListRuntimeResourcesGroupByField | None = None) list[mlrun.common.schemas.runtime_resource.KindRuntimeResources] | dict[str, dict[str, mlrun.common.schemas.runtime_resource.RuntimeResources]][source]#

List current runtime resources, which are usually (but not limited to) Kubernetes pods or CRDs. Function applies for runs of type ['dask', 'job', 'spark', 'remote-spark', 'mpijob'], and will return per runtime kind a list of the runtime resources (which may have already completed their execution).

  • project -- Get only runtime resources of a specific project, by default None, which will return only the projects you're authorized to see.

  • label_selector -- A label filter that will be passed to Kubernetes for filtering the results according to their labels.

  • kind -- The kind of runtime to query. May be one of ['dask', 'job', 'spark', 'remote-spark', 'mpijob']

  • object_id -- The identifier of the mlrun object to query its runtime resources. for most function runtimes, runtime resources are per Run, for which the identifier is the Run's UID. For dask runtime, the runtime resources are per Function, for which the identifier is the Function's name.

  • group_by -- Object to group results by. Allowed values are job and project.

list_schedules(project: str, name: str | None = None, kind: ScheduleKinds | None = None, include_last_run: bool = False, next_run_time_since: datetime | None = None, next_run_time_until: datetime | None = None) SchedulesOutput[source]#

Retrieve list of schedules of specific name or kind.

  • project -- Project name.

  • name -- Name of schedule to retrieve. Can be omitted to list all schedules.

  • kind -- Kind of schedule objects to retrieve, can be either job or pipeline.

  • include_last_run -- Whether to return for each schedule returned also the results of the last run of that schedule.

  • next_run_time_since -- Return only schedules with next run time after this date.

  • next_run_time_until -- Return only schedules with next run time before this date.

load_project(name: str, url: str, secrets: dict | None = None, save_secrets: bool = True) str[source]#

Loading a project remotely from the given source.

  • name -- project name

  • url -- git or tar.gz or .zip sources archive path e.g.: git:// http://mysite/ The git project should include the project yaml file.

  • secrets -- Secrets to store in project in order to load it from the provided url. For more information see mlrun.load_project() function.

  • save_secrets -- Whether to store secrets in the loaded project. Setting to False will cause waiting for the process completion.


The terminal state of load project process.

paginated_api_call(method, path, error=None, params=None, body=None, json=None, headers=None, timeout=45, version=None, return_all=False) Generator[Response, None, None][source]#

Calls the API with pagination and yields each page of the response.

Depending on the return_all parameter: - If return_all is True, fetches and yields all pages of results. - If return_all is False, only a single page of results is fetched and yielded.

  • method -- The HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.).

  • path -- The API endpoint path.

  • error -- Error message used for debugging if the request fails.

  • params -- The parameters to pass for the API request, including filters.

  • body -- The body of the request.

  • json -- The JSON payload for the request.

  • headers -- Custom headers for the request.

  • timeout -- Timeout for the request.

  • version -- API version, optional.

  • return_all -- If True, fetches all pages and returns them in one shot. If False, returns only the requested page or the next page.

paginated_list_alert_activations(*args, page: int | None = None, page_size: int | None = None, page_token: str | None = None, **kwargs) tuple[mlrun.common.schemas.alert.AlertActivations, Optional[str]][source]#

List alerts activations with support for pagination and various filtering options.

This method retrieves a paginated list of alert activations based on the specified filter parameters. Pagination is controlled using the page, page_size, and page_token parameters. The method will return a list of alert activations that match the filtering criteria provided.

For detailed information about the parameters, refer to the list_alert_activations method:

See list_alert_activations() for more details.


# Fetch first page of alert activations with page size of 5
alert_activations, token = db.paginated_list_alert_activations(
    project="my-project", page_size=5
# Fetch next page using the pagination token from the previous response
alert_activations, token = db.paginated_list_alert_activations(
    project="my-project", page_token=token
# Fetch alert activations for a specific page (e.g., page 3)
alert_activations, token = db.paginated_list_alert_activations(
    project="my-project", page=3, page_size=5

# Automatically iterate over all pages without explicitly specifying the page number
alert_activations = []
token = None
while True:
    page_alert_activations, token = db.paginated_list_alert_activations(
        project="my-project", page_token=token, page_size=5

    # If token is None and page_alert_activations is empty, we've reached the end (no more activations).
    # If token is None and page_alert_activations is not empty, we've fetched the last page of activations.
    if not token:
print(f"Total alert activations retrieved: {len(alert_activations)}")
  • page -- The page number to retrieve. If not provided, the next page will be retrieved.

  • page_size -- The number of items per page to retrieve. Up to page_size responses are expected.

  • page_token -- A pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results. Should not be provided for the first request.


A tuple containing the list of alert activations and an optional page_token for pagination.

paginated_list_artifacts(*args, page: int | None = None, page_size: int | None = None, page_token: str | None = None, **kwargs) tuple[mlrun.lists.ArtifactList, Optional[str]][source]#

List artifacts with support for pagination and various filtering options.

This method retrieves a paginated list of artifacts based on the specified filter parameters. Pagination is controlled using the page, page_size, and page_token parameters. The method will return a list of artifacts that match the filtering criteria provided.

For detailed information about the parameters, refer to the list_artifacts method:

See list_artifacts() for more details.


# Fetch first page of artifacts with page size of 5
artifacts, token = db.paginated_list_artifacts(
    project="my-project", page_size=5
# Fetch next page using the pagination token from the previous response
artifacts, token = db.paginated_list_artifacts(
    project="my-project", page_token=token
# Fetch artifacts for a specific page (e.g., page 3)
artifacts, token = db.paginated_list_artifacts(
    project="my-project", page=3, page_size=5

# Automatically iterate over all pages without explicitly specifying the page number
artifacts = []
token = None
while True:
    page_artifacts, token = db.paginated_list_artifacts(
        project="my-project", page_token=token, page_size=5

    # If token is None and page_artifacts is empty, we've reached the end (no more artifacts).
    # If token is None and page_artifacts is not empty, we've fetched the last page of artifacts.
    if not token:
print(f"Total artifacts retrieved: {len(artifacts)}")
  • page -- The page number to retrieve. If not provided, the next page will be retrieved.

  • page_size -- The number of items per page to retrieve. Up to page_size responses are expected.

  • page_token -- A pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results. Should not be provided for the first request.


A tuple containing the list of artifacts and an optional page_token for pagination.

paginated_list_functions(*args, page: int | None = None, page_size: int | None = None, page_token: str | None = None, **kwargs) tuple[list[dict], Optional[str]][source]#

List functions with support for pagination and various filtering options.

This method retrieves a paginated list of functions based on the specified filter parameters. Pagination is controlled using the page, page_size, and page_token parameters. The method will return a list of functions that match the filtering criteria provided.

For detailed information about the parameters, refer to the list_functions method:

See list_functions() for more details.


# Fetch first page of functions with page size of 5
functions, token = db.paginated_list_functions(
    project="my-project", page_size=5
# Fetch next page using the pagination token from the previous response
functions, token = db.paginated_list_functions(
    project="my-project", page_token=token
# Fetch functions for a specific page (e.g., page 3)
functions, token = db.paginated_list_functions(
    project="my-project", page=3, page_size=5

# Automatically iterate over all pages without explicitly specifying the page number
functions = []
token = None
while True:
    page_functions, token = db.paginated_list_functions(
        project="my-project", page_token=token, page_size=5

    # If token is None and page_functions is empty, we've reached the end (no more functions).
    # If token is None and page_functions is not empty, we've fetched the last page of functions.
    if not token:
print(f"Total functions retrieved: {len(functions)}")
  • page -- The page number to retrieve. If not provided, the next page will be retrieved.

  • page_size -- The number of items per page to retrieve. Up to page_size responses are expected.

  • page_token -- A pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results. Should not be provided for the first request.


A tuple containing the list of functions objects (as dictionary) and an optional page_token for pagination.

paginated_list_runs(*args, page: int | None = None, page_size: int | None = None, page_token: str | None = None, **kwargs) tuple[mlrun.lists.RunList, Optional[str]][source]#

List runs with support for pagination and various filtering options.

This method retrieves a paginated list of runs based on the specified filter parameters. Pagination is controlled using the page, page_size, and page_token parameters. The method will return a list of runs that match the filtering criteria provided.

For detailed information about the parameters, refer to the list_runs method:

See list_runs() for more details.


# Fetch first page of runs with page size of 5
runs, token = db.paginated_list_runs(project="my-project", page_size=5)
# Fetch next page using the pagination token from the previous response
runs, token = db.paginated_list_runs(project="my-project", page_token=token)
# Fetch runs for a specific page (e.g., page 3)
runs, token = db.paginated_list_runs(project="my-project", page=3, page_size=5)

# Automatically iterate over all pages without explicitly specifying the page number
runs = []
token = None
while True:
    page_runs, token = db.paginated_list_runs(
        project="my-project", page_token=token, page_size=5

    # If token is None and page_runs is empty, we've reached the end (no more runs).
    # If token is None and page_runs is not empty, we've fetched the last page of runs.
    if not token:
print(f"Total runs retrieved: {len(runs)}")
  • page -- The page number to retrieve. If not provided, the next page will be retrieved.

  • page_size -- The number of items per page to retrieve. Up to page_size responses are expected.

  • page_token -- A pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results. Should not be provided for the first request.


A tuple containing the list of runs and an optional page_token for pagination.

patch_feature_set(name, feature_set_update: dict, project='', tag=None, uid=None, patch_mode: str | PatchMode = PatchMode.replace)[source]#

Modify (patch) an existing FeatureSet object. The object is identified by its name (and project it belongs to), as well as optionally a tag or its uid (for versioned object). If both tag and uid are omitted then the object with tag latest is modified.

  • name -- Name of the object to patch.

  • feature_set_update --

    The modifications needed in the object. This parameter only has the changes in it, not a full object. Example:

    feature_set_update = {"status": {"processed": True}}

    Will apply the field status.processed to the existing object.

  • project -- Project which contains the modified object.

  • tag -- The tag of the object to modify.

  • uid -- uid of the object to modify.

  • patch_mode -- The strategy for merging the changes with the existing object. Can be either replace or additive.

patch_feature_vector(name, feature_vector_update: dict, project='', tag=None, uid=None, patch_mode: str | PatchMode = PatchMode.replace)[source]#

Modify (patch) an existing FeatureVector object. The object is identified by its name (and project it belongs to), as well as optionally a tag or its uid (for versioned object). If both tag and uid are omitted then the object with tag latest is modified.

  • name -- Name of the object to patch.

  • feature_vector_update -- The modifications needed in the object. This parameter only has the changes in it, not a full object.

  • project -- Project which contains the modified object.

  • tag -- The tag of the object to modify.

  • uid -- uid of the object to modify.

  • patch_mode -- The strategy for merging the changes with the existing object. Can be either replace or additive.

patch_model_endpoint(name: str, project: str, attributes: dict, function_name: str | None = None, function_tag: str | None = None, endpoint_id: str | None = None) None[source]#

Updates a model endpoint with the given attributes.

  • name -- The name of the model endpoint

  • project -- The name of the project

  • attributes -- The attributes to update

  • function_name -- The name of the function

  • function_tag -- The tag of the function

  • endpoint_id -- The id of the endpoint

patch_project(name: str, project: dict, patch_mode: str | PatchMode = PatchMode.replace) MlrunProject[source]#

Patch an existing project object.

  • name -- Name of project to patch.

  • project -- The actual changes to the project object.

  • patch_mode -- The strategy for merging the changes with the existing object. Can be either replace or additive.

static process_paginated_responses(responses: Generator[Response, None, None], key: str = 'data') tuple[list[Any], Optional[str]][source]#

Processes the paginated responses and returns the combined data

push_pipeline_notifications(pipeline_id, project='', notifications=None, timeout=45)[source]#

Push notifications for a pipeline.

  • pipeline_id -- Unique ID of the pipeline(KFP).

  • project -- Project that the run belongs to.

  • notifications -- List of notifications to push.



push_run_notifications(uid, project='', timeout=45)[source]#

Push notifications for a run.

  • uid -- Unique ID of the run.

  • project -- Project that the run belongs to.



read_artifact(key, tag=None, iter=None, project='', tree=None, uid=None, format_: ArtifactFormat = ArtifactFormat.full)[source]#

Read an artifact, identified by its key, tag, tree and iteration.

  • key -- Identifying key of the artifact.

  • tag -- Tag of the artifact.

  • iter -- The iteration which generated this artifact (where iter=0 means the root iteration).

  • project -- Project that the artifact belongs to.

  • tree -- The tree which generated this artifact.

  • uid -- A unique ID for this specific version of the artifact (the uid that was generated in the backend)

  • format -- The format in which to return the artifact. Default is 'full'.

read_run(uid, project='', iter=0, format_: RunFormat = RunFormat.full)[source]#

Read the details of a stored run from the DB.

  • uid -- The run's unique ID.

  • project -- Project name.

  • iter -- Iteration within a specific execution.

  • format -- The format in which to return the run details.

refresh_smtp_configuration() BackgroundTask | None[source]#

Refresh smtp configuration and wait for the task to finish



remote_builder(func: BaseRuntime, with_mlrun: bool, mlrun_version_specifier: str | None = None, skip_deployed: bool = False, builder_env: dict | None = None, force_build: bool = False)[source]#

Build the pod image for a function, for execution on a remote cluster. This is executed by the MLRun API server, and creates a Docker image out of the function provided and any specific build instructions provided within. This is a pre-requisite for remotely executing a function, unless using a pre-deployed image.

  • func -- Function to build.

  • with_mlrun -- Whether to add MLRun package to the built package. This is not required if using a base image that already has MLRun in it.

  • mlrun_version_specifier -- Version of MLRun to include in the built image.

  • skip_deployed -- Skip the build if we already have an image for the function.

  • builder_env -- Kaniko builder pod env vars dict (for config/credentials)

  • force_build -- Force building the image, even when no changes were made

reset_alert_config(alert_name: str, project='')[source]#

Reset an alert.

  • alert_name -- The name of the alert to reset.

  • project -- The project that the alert belongs to.

retry_pipeline(run_id: str, project: str, namespace: str | None = None, timeout: int = 30)[source]#

Retry a specific pipeline run using its run ID. This function sends an API request to retry a pipeline run. If a project is specified, the run must belong to that project; otherwise, all projects are queried.

  • run_id -- The unique ID of the pipeline run to retry.

  • namespace -- Kubernetes namespace where the pipeline is running. Optional.

  • timeout -- Timeout (in seconds) for the API call. Defaults to 30 seconds.

  • project -- Name of the MLRun project associated with the pipeline.


ValueError -- Raised if the API response is not successful or contains an error.


JSON response containing details of the retried pipeline run.

set_model_monitoring_credentials(project: str, credentials: dict[str, Optional[str]], replace_creds: bool) None[source]#

Set the credentials for the model monitoring application.

  • project -- Project name.

  • credentials -- Credentials to set.

  • replace_creds -- If True, will override the existing credentials.

set_run_notifications(project: str, run_uid: str, notifications: list[mlrun.model.Notification] | None = None)[source]#

Set notifications on a run. This will override any existing notifications on the run.

  • project -- Project containing the run.

  • run_uid -- UID of the run.

  • notifications -- List of notifications to set on the run. Default is an empty list.

set_schedule_notifications(project: str, schedule_name: str, notifications: list[mlrun.model.Notification] | None = None)[source]#

Set notifications on a schedule. This will override any existing notifications on the schedule.

  • project -- Project containing the schedule.

  • schedule_name -- Name of the schedule.

  • notifications -- List of notifications to set on the schedule. Default is an empty list.

start_function(func_url: str | None = None, function: BaseRuntime | None = None) BackgroundTask[source]#

Execute a function remotely, Used for dask functions.

  • func_url -- URL to the function to be executed.

  • function -- The function object to start, not needed here.


A BackgroundTask object, with details on execution process and its status.

store_alert_config(alert_name: str, alert_data: dict | AlertConfig, project='', force_reset: bool = False) AlertConfig[source]#

Create/modify an alert.

  • alert_name -- The name of the alert.

  • alert_data -- The data of the alert.

  • project -- The project that the alert belongs to.

  • force_reset -- If True and the alert already exists, the alert would be reset.


The created/modified alert.

store_alert_notifications(session, notification_objects: list[mlrun.model.Notification], alert_id: str, project: str, mask_params: bool = True)[source]#
store_api_gateway(api_gateway: APIGateway | APIGateway, project: str | None = None) APIGateway[source]#

Stores an API Gateway.

  • api_gateway -- APIGateway or APIGateway: API Gateway entity.

  • project -- project name. Mandatory if api_gateway is mlrun.common.schemas.APIGateway.



store_artifact(key, artifact, uid=None, iter=None, tag=None, project='', tree=None) dict[str, str][source]#

Store an artifact in the DB.

  • key -- Identifying key of the artifact.

  • artifact -- The Artifact to store.

  • uid -- A unique ID for this specific version of the artifact (deprecated, artifact uid is generated in the backend use tree instead)

  • iter -- The task iteration which generated this artifact. If iter is not None the iteration will be added to the key provided to generate a unique key for the artifact of the specific iteration.

  • tag -- Tag of the artifact.

  • project -- Project that the artifact belongs to.

  • tree -- The tree (producer id) which generated this artifact.


The stored artifact dictionary.

store_datastore_profile(profile: DatastoreProfile, project: str)[source]#

Create or replace a datastore profile. :returns: None

store_feature_set(feature_set: dict | FeatureSet | FeatureSet, name=None, project='', tag=None, uid=None, versioned=True) dict[source]#

Save a FeatureSet object in the mlrun DB. The feature-set can be either a new object or a modification to existing object referenced by the params of the function.

  • feature_set -- The FeatureSet to store.

  • name -- Name of feature set.

  • project -- Name of project this feature-set belongs to.

  • tag -- The tag of the object to replace in the DB, for example latest.

  • uid -- The uid of the object to replace in the DB. If using this parameter, the modified object must have the same uid of the previously-existing object. This cannot be used for non-versioned objects.

  • versioned -- Whether to maintain versions for this feature-set. All versions of a versioned object will be kept in the DB and can be retrieved until explicitly deleted.


The FeatureSet object (as dict).

store_feature_vector(feature_vector: dict | FeatureVector | FeatureVector, name=None, project='', tag=None, uid=None, versioned=True) dict[source]#

Store a FeatureVector object in the mlrun DB. The feature-vector can be either a new object or a modification to existing object referenced by the params of the function.

  • feature_vector -- The FeatureVector to store.

  • name -- Name of feature vector.

  • project -- Name of project this feature-vector belongs to.

  • tag -- The tag of the object to replace in the DB, for example latest.

  • uid -- The uid of the object to replace in the DB. If using this parameter, the modified object must have the same uid of the previously-existing object. This cannot be used for non-versioned objects.

  • versioned -- Whether to maintain versions for this feature-vector. All versions of a versioned object will be kept in the DB and can be retrieved until explicitly deleted.


The FeatureVector object (as dict).

store_function(function: BaseRuntime | dict, name, project='', tag=None, versioned=False)[source]#

Store a function object. Function is identified by its name and tag, and can be versioned.

store_hub_source(source_name: str, source: dict | IndexedHubSource)[source]#

Create or replace a hub source. For an example of the source format and explanation of the source order logic, please see create_hub_source(). This method can be used to modify the source itself or its order in the list of sources.

  • source_name -- Name of the source object to modify/create. It must match the parameter in the source itself.

  • source -- Source object to store in the database.


The source object as stored in the DB.

store_log(uid, project='', body=None, append=False)[source]#

Save a log persistently.

  • uid -- Log unique ID

  • project -- Project name for which this log belongs

  • body -- The actual log to store

  • append -- Whether to append the log provided in body to an existing log with the same uid or to create a new log. If set to False, an existing log with same uid will be overwritten

store_project(name: str, project: dict | MlrunProject | Project) MlrunProject[source]#

Store a project in the DB. This operation will overwrite existing project of the same name if exists.

store_run(struct, uid, project='', iter=0)[source]#

Store run details in the DB. This method is usually called from within other mlrun flows and not called directly by the user.

store_run_notifications(notification_objects: list[mlrun.model.Notification], run_uid: str, project: str | None = None, mask_params: bool = True)[source]#

For internal use. The notification mechanism may run "locally" for certain runtimes. However, the updates occur in the API so nothing to do here.

submit_job(runspec, schedule: str | ScheduleCronTrigger | None = None)[source]#

Submit a job for remote execution.

  • runspec -- The runtime object spec (Task) to execute.

  • schedule -- Whether to schedule this job using a Cron trigger. If not specified, the job will be submitted immediately.

submit_pipeline(project, pipeline, arguments=None, experiment=None, run=None, namespace=None, artifact_path=None, ops=None, cleanup_ttl=None, timeout=60)[source]#

Submit a KFP pipeline for execution.

  • project -- The project of the pipeline

  • pipeline -- Pipeline function or path to .yaml/.zip pipeline file.

  • arguments -- A dictionary of arguments to pass to the pipeline.

  • experiment -- A name to assign for the specific experiment.

  • run -- A name for this specific run.

  • namespace -- Kubernetes namespace to execute the pipeline in.

  • artifact_path -- A path to artifacts used by this pipeline.

  • ops -- Transformers to apply on all ops in the pipeline.

  • cleanup_ttl -- Pipeline cleanup ttl in secs (time to wait after workflow completion, at which point the workflow and all its resources are deleted)

  • timeout -- Timeout for the API call.

submit_workflow(project: str, name: str, workflow_spec: WorkflowSpec | WorkflowSpec | dict, arguments: dict | None = None, artifact_path: str | None = None, source: str | None = None, run_name: str | None = None, namespace: str | None = None, notifications: list[mlrun.model.Notification] | None = None) WorkflowResponse[source]#

Submitting workflow for a remote execution.

  • project -- project name

  • name -- workflow name

  • workflow_spec -- the workflow spec to execute

  • arguments -- arguments for the workflow

  • artifact_path -- artifact target path of the workflow

  • source -- source url of the project

  • run_name -- run name to override the default: 'workflow-runner-<workflow name>'

  • namespace -- kubernetes namespace if other than default

  • notifications -- list of notifications to send when workflow execution is completed



tag_artifacts(artifacts: list[mlrun.artifacts.base.Artifact] | list[dict] | Artifact | dict, project: str, tag_name: str, replace: bool = False)[source]#

Tag a list of artifacts.

  • artifacts -- The artifacts to tag. Can be a list of Artifact objects or dictionaries, or a single object.

  • project -- Project which contains the artifacts.

  • tag_name -- The tag to set on the artifacts.

  • replace -- If True, replace existing tags, otherwise append to existing tags.

tag_objects(project: str, tag_name: str, objects: TagObjects | dict, replace: bool = False)[source]#

Tag a list of objects.

  • project -- Project which contains the objects.

  • tag_name -- The tag to set on the objects.

  • objects -- The objects to tag.

  • replace -- Whether to replace the existing tags of the objects or to add the new tag to them.

trigger_migrations() BackgroundTask | None[source]#

Trigger migrations (will do nothing if no migrations are needed) and wait for them to finish if actually triggered



update_model_monitoring_controller(project: str, base_period: int = 10, image: str = 'mlrun/mlrun') None[source]#

Redeploy model monitoring application controller function.

  • project -- Project name.

  • base_period -- The time period in minutes in which the model monitoring controller function triggers. By default, the base period is 10 minutes.

  • image -- The image of the model monitoring controller function. By default, the image is mlrun/mlrun.

update_run(updates: dict, uid, project='', iter=0, timeout=45)[source]#

Update the details of a stored run in the DB.

update_schedule(project: str, name: str, schedule: ScheduleUpdate)[source]#

Update an existing schedule, replace it with the details contained in the schedule object.

verify_authorization(authorization_verification_input: AuthorizationVerificationInput)[source]#

Verifies authorization for the provided action on the provided resource.


authorization_verification_input -- Instance of AuthorizationVerificationInput that includes all the needed parameters for the auth verification

static warn_on_s3_and_ecr_permissions_conflict(func)[source]#
watch_log(uid, project='', watch=True, offset=0)[source]#

Retrieve logs of a running process by chunks of 1MB, and watch the progress of the execution until it completes. This method will print out the logs and continue to periodically poll for, and print, new logs as long as the state of the runtime which generates this log is either pending or running.

  • uid -- The uid of the log object to watch.

  • project -- Project that the log belongs to.

  • watch -- If set to True will continue tracking the log as described above. Otherwise this function is practically equivalent to the get_log() function.

  • offset -- Minimal offset in the log to watch.


The final state of the log being watched and the final offset.

class mlrun.common.schemas.secret.SecretProviderName(value)[source]#

Bases: StrEnum

Enum containing names of valid providers for secrets.

kubernetes = 'kubernetes'#
vault = 'vault'#