Serving gen AI models#

Serving a gen AI model is, in essence, the same as serving any other model. The main differences are with the inputs and outputs, which are usually unstructured (text or images), and the model is usually a transformer model. With MLRun you can serve any model, including pretrained models from the Hugging Face model hub as well as models that are fine-tuned with MLRun.

Another common use case is to serve the model as part of an inference pipeline, where the model is used as part of a larger pipeline that includes data preprocessing, model execution, and post-processing. This is covered in the gen AI serving graph section.

Serving using the function hub#

The function hub has a serving class called hugging_face_serving to run Hugging Face models. The following code shows how to import the function to your project:

hugging_face_serving = project.set_function("hub://hugging_face_serving")

Next, you can add a model to the function using this code:

    model_path="123",  # This is not used, just for enabling the process.

And test the model:

hugging_face_mock_server = hugging_face_serving.to_mock_server()
result = hugging_face_mock_server.test(
    "/v2/models/mymodel", body={"inputs": ["write a short poem"]}
print(f"Output: {result['outputs']}")

Implementing your own model serving function#

The following code shows how to build a simple model serving function using MLRun. The function loads a pretrained model from the Hugging Face model hub and serves it using the MLRun model server.


This example uses the ONNX runtime but it's here for illustrative purposes. You can use any other runtime within your model serving class.

To run this code, make sure to run pip install huggingface_hub onnxruntime_genai in your python environment.

import os
from typing import Any, Dict

from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download
import onnxruntime_genai as og
import mlrun

class OnnxGenaiModelServer(mlrun.serving.v2_serving.V2ModelServer):
    def __init__(
        context: mlrun.MLClientCtx,
        name: str,
        model_path: str,
        model_name: str,
        search_options: Dict = {},
        chat_template: str = "<|user|>\n{prompt} <|end|>\n<|assistant|>",
        # Initialize the base server:
        super(OnnxGenaiModelServer, self).__init__(

        self.chat_template = chat_template
        self.search_options = search_options

        # Set the max length to something sensible by default, unless it is specified by the user,
        # since otherwise it will be set to the entire context length
        if "max_length" not in self.search_options:
            self.search_options["max_length"] = 2048

        # Save hub loading parameters:
        self.model_name = model_name

        # Prepare variables for future use:
        self.model_folder = None
        self.model = None
        self.tokenizer = None

    def load(self):
        # Download the model snapshot and save it to the model folder
        self.model_folder = snapshot_download(self.model_name)

        # Load the model from the model folder
        self.model = og.Model(os.path.join(self.model_folder, self.model_path))

        # Create a tokenizer using the loaded model
        self.tokenizer = og.Tokenizer(self.model)

    def predict(self, request: Dict[str, Any]) -> list:
        # Get prompts from inputs::
        prompts = [
            for input in request["inputs"]

        # Tokenize:
        input_tokens = self.tokenizer.encode_batch(prompts)

        # Create the parameters
        params = og.GeneratorParams(self.model)
        params.input_ids = input_tokens

        # Generate output tokens:
        output_tokens = self.model.generate(params)

        # Decode output tokens to text:
        response = [
            {"prediction": self.tokenizer.decode(output), "prompt": prompt}
            for (output, prompt) in zip(output_tokens, prompts)

        return response

During load, the code above downloads a model from the Hugging Face hub and creates a model object and a tokenizer.

During prediction, the code collects all prompts, tokenizes the prompts, generates the response tokens, and decodes the output tokens to text.

Save the code above to src/onnx_genai_serving.ay and then create a model serving functions with the following code:

import os
import mlrun

project = mlrun.get_or_create_project(
    "genai-deployment", context="./", user_project=True

genai_serving = project.set_function(
    requirements=["huggingface_hub", "onnxruntime_genai"],

    model_path=os.path.join("cpu_and_mobile", "cpu-int4-rtn-block-32-acc-level-4"),

The code loads a Phi-3 model. This example uses the CPU version so it's easy to test and run, but you can just as easily provide a GPU-based model.

Test the model with the following code:

mock_server = genai_serving.to_mock_server()

result = mock_server.test(
    "/v2/models/mymodel", body={"inputs": [{"prompt": "What is 1+1?"}]}
print(f"Output: {result['outputs']}")

A typical output would be:

Output: [{'prediction': '\nWhat is 1+1? \n1+1 equals 2. This is a basic arithmetic addition problem where you add one unit to another unit.', 'prompt': '<|user|>\nWhat is 1+1? <|end|>\n<|assistant|>'}]

To deploy the model. run:


This builds a docker images with the required dependencies and deploys a Nuclio function.

To test the model, use the HTTP trigger:

    "/v2/models/mymodel", body={"inputs": [{"prompt": "What is 1+1?"}]}