Source code for mlrun.frameworks.tf_keras

# Copyright 2023 Iguazio
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Any, Optional, Union

from tensorflow import keras

import mlrun
import mlrun.common.constants as mlrun_constants

from .callbacks import MLRunLoggingCallback, TensorboardLoggingCallback
from .mlrun_interface import TFKerasMLRunInterface
from .model_handler import TFKerasModelHandler
from .model_server import TFKerasModelServer
from .utils import TFKerasTypes, TFKerasUtils

[docs]def apply_mlrun( model: keras.Model = None, model_name: Optional[str] = None, tag: str = "", model_path: Optional[str] = None, model_format: str = TFKerasModelHandler.ModelFormats.SAVED_MODEL, save_traces: bool = False, modules_map: Optional[Union[dict[str, Union[None, str, list[str]]], str]] = None, custom_objects_map: Optional[Union[dict[str, Union[str, list[str]]], str]] = None, custom_objects_directory: Optional[str] = None, context: mlrun.MLClientCtx = None, auto_log: bool = True, tensorboard_directory: Optional[str] = None, mlrun_callback_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, tensorboard_callback_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, use_horovod: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> TFKerasModelHandler: """ Wrap the given model with MLRun's interface providing it with mlrun's additional features. :param model: The model to wrap. Can be loaded from the model path given as well. :param model_name: The model name to use for storing the model artifact. If not given, the will be used. :param tag: The model's tag to log with. :param model_path: The model's store object path. Mandatory for evaluation (to know which model to update). If model is not provided, it will be loaded from this path. :param model_format: The format to use for saving and loading the model. Should be passed as a member of the class 'ModelFormats'. Default: 'ModelFormats.SAVED_MODEL'. :param save_traces: Whether or not to use functions saving (only available for the 'SavedModel' format) for loading the model later without the custom objects dictionary. Only from tensorflow version >= 2.4.0. Using this setting will increase the model saving size. :param modules_map: A dictionary of all the modules required for loading the model. Each key is a path to a module and its value is the object name to import from it. All the modules will be imported globally. If multiple objects needed to be imported from the same module a list can be given. The map can be passed as a path to a json file as well. For example: .. code-block:: python { "module1": None, # import module1 "module2": ["func1", "func2"], # from module2 import func1, func2 "module3.sub_module": "func3", # from module3.sub_module import func3 } If the model path given is of a store object, the modules map will be read from the logged modules map artifact of the model. :param custom_objects_map: A dictionary of all the custom objects required for loading the model. Each key is a path to a python file and its value is the custom object name to import from it. If multiple objects needed to be imported from the same py file a list can be given. The map can be passed as a path to a json file as well. For example: .. code-block:: python { "/.../": "optimizer", "/.../": ["layer1", "layer2"], } All the paths will be accessed from the given 'custom_objects_directory', meaning each py file will be read from 'custom_objects_directory/<MAP VALUE>'. If the model path given is of a store object, the custom objects map will be read from the logged custom object map artifact of the model. Notice: The custom objects will be imported in the order they came in this dictionary (or json). If a custom object is depended on another, make sure to put it below the one it relies on. :param custom_objects_directory: Path to the directory with all the python files required for the custom objects. Can be passed as a zip file as well (will be extracted during the run before loading the model). If the model path given is of a store object, the custom objects files will be read from the logged custom object artifact of the model. :param context: MLRun context to work with. If no context is given it will be retrieved via 'mlrun.get_or_create_ctx(None)' :param auto_log: Whether or not to apply MLRun's auto logging on the model. Default: True. :param tensorboard_directory: If context is not given, or if wished to set the directory even with context, this will be the output for the event logs of tensorboard. If not given, the 'tensorboard_dir' parameter will be tried to be taken from the provided context. If not found in the context, the default tensorboard output directory will be: /User/.tensorboard/<PROJECT_NAME> or if working on local, the set artifacts path. :param mlrun_callback_kwargs: Key word arguments for the MLRun callback. For further information see the documentation of the class 'MLRunLoggingCallback'. Note that both 'context' and 'auto_log' parameters are already given here. :param tensorboard_callback_kwargs: Key word arguments for the tensorboard callback. For further information see the documentation of the class 'TensorboardLoggingCallback'. Note that both 'context' and 'auto_log' parameters are already given here. :param use_horovod: Whether or not to use horovod - a distributed training framework. Default: None, meaning it will be read from context if available and if not - False. :return: The model with MLRun's interface. """ # Get parameters defaults: # # Context: if context is None: context = mlrun.get_or_create_ctx(TFKerasMLRunInterface.DEFAULT_CONTEXT_NAME) # # Use horovod: if use_horovod is None: use_horovod = ( context.labels.get(mlrun_constants.MLRunInternalLabels.kind, "") == "mpijob" if context is not None else False ) # Create a model handler: model_handler_kwargs = ( kwargs.pop("model_handler_kwargs") if "model_handler_kwargs" in kwargs else {} ) handler = TFKerasModelHandler( model_name=model_name, model_path=model_path, model=model, model_format=model_format, save_traces=save_traces, context=context, modules_map=modules_map, custom_objects_map=custom_objects_map, custom_objects_directory=custom_objects_directory, **model_handler_kwargs, ) # Load the model if it was not provided: if model is None: handler.load() model = handler.model # Add MLRun's interface to the model: TFKerasMLRunInterface.add_interface(obj=model) # Initialize horovod if needed: if use_horovod is True: model.use_horovod() # Add auto-logging if needed: if auto_log: # Set the kwargs dictionaries defaults: mlrun_callback_kwargs = ( {} if mlrun_callback_kwargs is None else mlrun_callback_kwargs ) tensorboard_callback_kwargs = ( {} if tensorboard_callback_kwargs is None else tensorboard_callback_kwargs ) # Add the logging callbacks with the provided parameters: model.add_logging_callback( logging_callback=MLRunLoggingCallback( context=context, model_handler=handler, log_model_tag=tag, auto_log=auto_log, **mlrun_callback_kwargs, ) ) model.add_logging_callback( logging_callback=TensorboardLoggingCallback( context=context, tensorboard_directory=tensorboard_directory, auto_log=auto_log, **tensorboard_callback_kwargs, ) ) return handler